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Thai Tourist Police crack down on 'the colored'

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Maybe some of the Brits could explain to the many non Bits in this forum,

why is "Colored People" offensive in the UK whilst "People of Colour" is not? coffee1.gif

After they finished, they can try to explain the same to the Thai people please cheesy.gif

Who said the second term you mention isn't offensive?

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How do they go about dealing with borderline cases........slightly black, medium black, lightly black, etc.?

In my country, their are all sorts of shades.... some have skin similar to a field worker here.


How can someone be clearly guilty of having black skin. I didn't know being a black person was a crime.

Who writes for you since you clearly can't read or comprehend? being black or coloured was not a crime, and they all weren't arrested or charged. Simply a lot of blacks,and coloured people, in certain areas have been selling drugs and there were complaints. It's not a lynching. No different from profiling certain middle eastern persons at airports, or Australian immigration profiling young Thai and Chinese women, etc etc. If a particular group in a particular area is more involved in criminal activity you expect they will receive more attention.


More good news. You guys can play the racism card all you want, fortunately Thais and Thailand could not care less about such matters. Fact is the vast majority of drug dealers etc. in the mentioned area are black, hence it makes lots of sense to go after black people.

As a sidenote, most of the mentioned black people in that area are here illegally as well, which I am sure the police will find out once they check their passports and missing workpermits.

I think you'll find the majority of drug dealers here in Thailand are Thai.

You should join that other apologist, Suffinator. You could be Hallucinator. It is in keeping with the subject matter after all.
You really think arresting people based on their colour is right?

You think that saying this is wrong and pointing out the truth makes me an apologist?


"First things first, remember that we don't know if they're guilty, so address them politely and treat them with respect." Those testing positive for drugs will face charges while those lacking proper legal status will be deported

According to the article no one was arrested based on their color.


For some time now, I have had feeling that there is an invisible hand, working tirelessly, to systematically destroy this country economically, morally and in terms of reputation.

This story if true, would seem to confirm my speculation.


How is it wrong to say colored? Should we say black? Oh... Africans? No no no... Let's call them Farangs. Is

Is "Afro Farangs" OK??????????" African Farangs (as in African American - which is definitely kosher (to coin a phrase) seemed a bit cumbersome...555


Racial profiling and racism is for the ignorant. This clearly shows just how racist Thai society is. How and why they ever signed the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights is beyond me.

Considering my work which is internet based there is without question a problem with Nigerians but certainly not every Nigerian on the planet and therefore to target these people is again a pure act of racism.

Funny how the Thai women complain of being scammed. They should consider that it takes a special type of person to be scammed ... A) the very stupid and; B) the very greedy.

Racist..? Does 419 mean anything to you...?

Have you been to these areas and seen it for yourself? Obviously not...

So arresting a black man for selling class A drugs is a racist offence now?

Hmmm? That's not right is it.


Hilarious comments on this thread.

I recognise a few names who were screaming "racism" and calling the Thais bigots when ever-so-squeaky-clean, couldn't-possibly-do-anything-illegal white people were being stopped, searched and urine-tested in the street a little while back.

Now it's being done to blacks, those same names are denying that the indiscriminate rounding up of ANYONE with black skin in the operation was racist.

Frankly, I think the best way to run the dealers out is to put the fear of God into the users.

Basically piss-test all white people in all bars/clubs within that catchment area - after all, they're the African delaers' NUMBER ONE clientele.



You wrote

"First things first, remember that we don't know if they're guilty, so address them politely and treat them with respect." Those testing positive for drugs will face charges while those lacking proper legal status will be deported

According to the article no one was arrested based on their color.


So all the people in the picture just dropped into the station for a cup of tea? How sweet.

They were hunted (the articles words) on the basis of their colour and nothing else.


Maybe some of the Brits could explain to the many non Bits in this forum,

why is "Colored People" offensive in the UK whilst "People of Colour" is not? coffee1.gif

After they finished, they can try to explain the same to the Thai people please cheesy.gif

Who said the second term you mention isn't offensive?


For the same reason that "Disabled people" is not cool, but "person with a disability" is OK in the UK


How is it wrong to say colored? Should be say black? Oh... Africans? No no no... Let's call them Farangs.

It's not that it's wrong, it's the connotations the word has. Historically it comes from a time where being white was considered normal- and people who weren't white were viewed as lesser human beings- lumping all non-white ethnicities into one . (Which is why there's the contradiction in the term itself- that white isn't somehow a colour).

It's not about political correctness either, before somebody drags out that lazy phrase. It's just about not being a dick.

I seem to recall a few weeks ago that some celebrity was hauled over the coals for using the word "coloured'.

Something like at the Oscars, but for the life of me I can't remember where and who.

Anyway, I learned from this that the p.c. word is 'black'.


I've live in places where Thais would be considered 'the colored'. Maybe this new BKK BIB dragnet explains khon Thais peroccupation with skin whitening. whistling.gif


Maybe some of the Brits could explain to the many non Bits in this forum,

why is "Colored People" offensive in the UK whilst "People of Colour" is not? coffee1.gif

After they finished, they can try to explain the same to the Thai people please cheesy.gif

Who said the second term you mention isn't offensive?


For the same reason that "Disabled people" is not cool, but "person with a disability" is OK in the UK

Not even close to being the same thing.


For some time now, I have had feeling that there is an invisible hand, working tirelessly, to systematically destroy this country economically, morally and in terms of reputation.

This story if true, would seem to confirm my speculation.

You are right. The journalists do report somethings very badly. As for the police, good on them. About time for the regular round up & deport of the overstayers, tourist pimps, drug dealers & con artists. The other posters are right. If you haven't seen these guys in operation & been approached by them then you should keep your mouth shut and your hands away from the respond button. Tell us where you live & I will send them all over to your area if you like them that much. I don't want them loitering in my holiday area selling drugs & engaged in other crime. You just have to see them to know they are up to no good. No, that is not a racist comment. Go, have a look.


How can someone be clearly guilty of having black skin. I didn't know being a black person was a crime.

Tongue firmly planted in cheek, my old Periwinkle.


Why do so many people feel guilty of saying a Black African? If you can convince me they are really white please do so. Otherwise why dont we call a spade a spade


"The foreign criminals come in many forms, and the target for us tonight is colored people,"

I can't wait when police decide to target brown-skinned people. They'll need buses to take them to police stations.

But wait. If the police are also brown-skinned, do they also arrest themselves as well?

Do the police have a skin color chart for each race? You know so there's no confusion about how to recognize targets.


How is it wrong to say colored? Should be say black? Oh... Africans? No no no... Let's call them Farangs.

It's not that it's wrong, it's the connotations the word has. Historically it comes from a time where being white was considered normal- and people who weren't white were viewed as lesser human beings- lumping all non-white ethnicities into one . (Which is why there's the contradiction in the term itself- that white isn't somehow a colour).

It's not about political correctness either, before somebody drags out that lazy phrase. It's just about not being a dick.

I seem to recall a few weeks ago that some celebrity was hauled over the coals for using the word "coloured'.

Something like at the Oscars, but for the life of me I can't remember where and who.

Anyway, I learned from this that the p.c. word is 'black'.

One of the reasons I moved away from the West was to get away from lunacy of political correctness. The various 'nanny-states' just get more nutso every year. Things I learned in kindergarten: "Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me."

Shrug it off and get over it.


Maybe this article is not politicaly correct, but people who see any kind of racism don't know the profile of the drug dealers in this area.

When you know, you wonder why this kind of crack down doen't happen more often.



You wrote

"First things first, remember that we don't know if they're guilty, so address them politely and treat them with respect." Those testing positive for drugs will face charges while those lacking proper legal status will be deported

According to the article no one was arrested based on their color.


So all the people in the picture just dropped into the station for a cup of tea? How sweet.

They were hunted (the articles words) on the basis of their colour and nothing else.

This could go on indefinitely so let's just agree to disagree as you are stating they were arrested because they were black and I say no one was arrested unless they had broken the law.


For some time now, I have had feeling that there is an invisible hand, working tirelessly, to systematically destroy this country economically, morally and in terms of reputation.

This story if true, would seem to confirm my speculation.

You are right. The journalists do report somethings very badly. As for the police, good on them. About time for the regular round up & deport of the overstayers, tourist pimps, drug dealers & con artists. The other posters are right. If you haven't seen these guys in operation & been approached by them then you should keep your mouth shut and your hands away from the respond button. Tell us where you live & I will send them all over to your area if you like them that much. I don't want them loitering in my holiday area selling drugs & engaged in other crime. You just have to see them to know they are up to no good. No, that is not a racist comment. Go, have a look.

Spot on.

This crackdown is good news and long overdue.

Keep up the pressure until they find another country where they can do their dirty business in.



You wrote

"First things first, remember that we don't know if they're guilty, so address them politely and treat them with respect." Those testing positive for drugs will face charges while those lacking proper legal status will be deported

According to the article no one was arrested based on their color.


So all the people in the picture just dropped into the station for a cup of tea? How sweet.

They were hunted (the articles words) on the basis of their colour and nothing else.

This could go on indefinitely so let's just agree to disagree as you are stating they were arrested because they were black and I say no one was arrested unless they had broken the law.

Fine by me. I say they were hunted because of their colour, as the OP states, you say that no was arrested because of their colour.


They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

Clearly they have experience with Nigeria etc


the police had complaints about drugs being sold by chocolate people(that's what Thais call them)so they went and arrested all of them. I do not call that racist I call that overkillWPFflags.gif


They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

Wake up folks as most Thais are predujice not only to blacks but all NON- THAIS Come to the country, leave your wallet and credit cards and get on the next plane back home. You are all idiots if you do not realise that to most Thais you are an A.T.M. on legs


I just came back home and I read this message. This must be an April 1st joke. I just returned from a meeting in Soi 11. On my way back to the Sukhumvit MRT station I was asked 4 times if I wanted to buy something by some Africans and I was asked twice by some African bitches if I wanted to have a short time. One of them was saying: "Short time, only 2000 THB. No rubber needed, I don't have AIDS"!

It's or an April 1st joke or they have been replaced already with a fresh load of Africans.

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