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Sorry to say this, but not a lot, why would anyone spend their life supporting a hooker and her lazy money grabbing family anywhere in the world.

The illusion ?

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Being serious I can see a few illusions. Misplaced feelings based on misdirected charity is one. I'm better than others because I want to take care of the downtrodden. I'm so superior I can spend my money on the undeserving and they will love me. Or maybe the most likely, I pay and they must love me for it, especially if I can sleep with the daughter who has only slept with 350 guys before and it's ok if her brother (husband) stays in the same house as the gardener.


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I am 60 yrs old, certainly not a "hansum man" with the many telltale lines, ditches and troughs on my face. I'm not into plastic surgery, so I accept I'm stuck with that. However, I go to gym 3 or 4 times a week, swimming twice a week and am extremely fit and healthy. I eat healthy, but have an addiction to Thai bakery cakes and pastries. I enjoy going to discos and can dance with the best of them.

So, as to what could I give a 24-30 yr old. Firstly, I can perform well sexually and never had any complaints. Secondly, I can provide financial and emotional security for her for life, without adversely affecting my bank balance. Thirdly, we would be able to travel regularly, and be close companions and communicate well, since I have learned to speak Thai.

Yes, i have had younger girlfriends and enjoyed their company, as they have enjoyed mine. I don't see age difference as a barrier to a successful relationship. There are much more serious barriers such as mistrust, cultural differences, personality, etc. to consider. Right now, I am happy to be single and do what I want to do, when I want to do it. This may change in the future and, if I find a lovely, petite, gorgeous 25 yr old, please forgive me.

Sorry but what 25 year old Thai woman is going to want to walk into a club with a Western bloke in his 60s? She'd die of embarrassment especially when he starts doing the bloody Charleston to a deep house track

That was funny and well worth a "cyber like".


Being serious I can see a few illusions. Misplaced feelings based on misdirected charity is one. I'm better than others because I want to take care of the downtrodden. I'm so superior I can spend my money on the undeserving and they will love me. Or maybe the most likely, I pay and they must love me for it, especially if I can sleep with the daughter who has only slept with 350 guys before and it's ok if her brother (husband) stays in the same house as the gardener.

Then the girl comes along who, seemingly, works a normal job, an honest lowlevel job, and hasnt slept with your 350 guys......thats the true illusion......until....

It is the mindset....


Don't have this kind of problem. My wife never ask for money since I handed over my ATM card. It's really so easy


I don't quite understand the reason for the topic here really.... Considering the selection of a mate for you is based on lies then you can take all the negatives that come with that.

However... If you lay out the truths pre meeting lets say online is some manner. IE: not a wealthy man but can provide food and housing and transportation for US.

I met my wife online Thai site chatted for close to a year with the intention of marrying and moving here permanently. I told her my finances, my work, my plan, my living situation,. A year later we met married and began the PR process to Canada for her. 9 months later she is a landed immigrant and 3 years after that she is a citizen with a 10 year passport. During all this time she has had a JOINT ACCOUNTS WITH ME; bank chequing saving visa RRSPs.

Ready for the good part now fellow TVF people. She just turned 30 and a total doll and I am 67. She has never asked for a thing and the only money that goes out that is solely for her is for the payment of her annual student loan in July. I even offered that WE should pay it off but she refused. During the 3 years in Canada awaiting time in to get citizenship this lady with a bachelor degree earned her own money as a cleaning lady/porter in a shopping mall cleaning bathrooms and what have you. What did she do with the money she earned you wonder???? She put it into our joint account savings.

I find this hard to believe. What about money back to her Thai family ? Who is paying the bills? She has access to your bank account. Are you not worried she might take advantage of it sooner or later?


Whoever believes that a 42 yo woman stays with a 68 yo man for love needs serious help.

S$it, thats the age of my wife and mine.facepalm.gif

Why do you guys always have to mention the exact age difference? This thread isn't even about age gaps, but you will always manage to fit it in somewhere, cos you're just so proud of yourself, aren't you? sick.gif


Whoever believes that a 42 yo woman stays with a 68 yo man for love needs serious help.

S$it, thats the age of my wife and mine.facepalm.gif


But when you are dead in the next few years

She can go get a younger man

So every thing is fantastic


Don't have this kind of problem. My wife never ask for money since I handed over my ATM card. It's really so easy


I don't quite understand the reason for the topic here really.... Considering the selection of a mate for you is based on lies then you can take all the negatives that come with that.

However... If you lay out the truths pre meeting lets say online is some manner. IE: not a wealthy man but can provide food and housing and transportation for US.

I met my wife online Thai site chatted for close to a year with the intention of marrying and moving here permanently. I told her my finances, my work, my plan, my living situation,. A year later we met married and began the PR process to Canada for her. 9 months later she is a landed immigrant and 3 years after that she is a citizen with a 10 year passport. During all this time she has had a JOINT ACCOUNTS WITH ME; bank chequing saving visa RRSPs.

Ready for the good part now fellow TVF people. She just turned 30 and a total doll and I am 67. She has never asked for a thing and the only money that goes out that is solely for her is for the payment of her annual student loan in July. I even offered that WE should pay it off but she refused. During the 3 years in Canada awaiting time in to get citizenship this lady with a bachelor degree earned her own money as a cleaning lady/porter in a shopping mall cleaning bathrooms and what have you. What did she do with the money she earned you wonder???? She put it into our joint account savings.

Which bar did she work in before you met her?

There is no sense here. A 65 year old get to meet a 24-30 year old beautiful Thai girl. She say I love you and he already is in love with this beautiful lady. Get married and in this process he pay lots of money to her family, build a house etc etc. Then he say oh these Thai girls are only after money.

Well my question is what the hell do you have that she should be interested in?????

What can you give her at the age of 65??? You may not even be able to perform sexually as she need. You will not be or have not interest to go to disco and dance with her. You may not want a child at this age. In couple of years she even may have to clean your ass as you can not walk to the toilet either.

Well if she doesn't come to you for money and the security then she is one of the most stupid person.

Grow up and if you really want to find love in this LOS then find someone in your own age.


Im almost in tears from laughter!

After being pointed out deluded behaviour by many. you come on to boast about sexually amazing you are on an internet forum and how you go to the gym 14 times per week and pick up 25 yr old hookers..........


Thank you for my morning laugh


if your "girlfriend" is 20 - 30 - 40 years younger than you and you have one of those nice beer bellies, sure you are handsome and your bankcard even more handsome

if the lattest run out, you run out of luck, time to go home


they not only rip off falangs but their own,my wife when younger had an engineering company with her then husband and was making good money,she paid for her older sister to go to uni to become a teacher nothing was ever repaid.her mother died and left land to both her and sister,sister went to lands office and put the land in her name,wife got nothing,lately sister talked their father into signing over farmland to her and promptly mortaged it,so its not only falangs that are victims maybe we are walking atm"s but thais are also mercenary to their own,a sad but true fact for some.


Whoever believes that a 42 yo woman stays with a 68 yo man for love needs serious help.

S$it, thats the age of my wife and mine.facepalm.gif

Why do you guys always have to mention the exact age difference? This thread isn't even about age gaps, but you will always manage to fit it in somewhere, cos you're just so proud of yourself, aren't you? sick.gif

I see many falangs obviously older than their Thai wives/girlfriends who are soaked in attention - cook, clean, make special treats, take shoes and socks off, lay out clothes etc. etc.

Then I go back to Australia, and see friends with shrivelled-up or obese wives. These guys are terrified the loveless relationship will end by being dragged off to a divorce court, where the lawyers will take exactly half of their assets and award them to the wife. Doesn't matter if the wife has been sitting on her arse for the last 30 years while hubby has been working. And then the legal profession in Australia wonders why there is so much domestic violence.

Maybe falangs are ATM's; however, it seems to be a much better deal than the West, irrespective of age differences.

Given a choice between a younger Thai woman and an elderly Thai dragon, who do you think most falangs will pick?

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Forgot what the thread was about but,

Thai girls 25 to 30 years younger than we,

Is better than anything I have going in the states at the moment.

The females here (USA) just cannot compete w Thai girls.....

Its hard to imagine they would choose to be with an older westerner or flang, they were repulsed by....

I think they genuinely like the men they are with....

But most females are hit on every day, even the ugly ones so, it's as natural for them to want to trade up, as it is for us to want some strange

I side w the girls, most if not many, who grow up with one pair of shoes and no toilets and hot water


I guess that I am one of the very lucky ones. Me 66, fiancé 43. She loves lobster but won't let me buy it for her. I tell her "don't worry, it's my money". She says "I don't care, it's too expensive of a meal". We selected an engagement ring, she wanted to find one for less (it really wasn't all that expensive to start with). I hand her my money when we travel. I never have to think about disbursements or dishonesty. I want to tip for wonderful Thai service. She says "that is too much" and gives her country people less of my money (I don't approve). I offer to buy her clothes when we are shopping for me in Thailand. She won't let me. But I did buy her a tankless hot water heater (big deal, $250 of my money). I smile every time I shower in her little home and read the felt pen writing on the heater "Gift from Ray". But this Thai lady makes me smile a lot. I am the lucky one.


Whoever believes that a 42 yo woman stays with a 68 yo man for love needs serious help.

S$it, thats the age of my wife and mine.facepalm.gif

Costa's wife probably does not know he is there as he is always busy opining on Thai Visa.

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Whoever believes that a 42 yo woman stays with a 68 yo man for love needs serious help.

S$it, thats the age of my wife and mine.facepalm.gif

Why would a 68 year old choose to stay with such an old woman?

Cos she's a nurse and takes good care of him and respects him so much she goes out to work and leaves him alone to whinge, nag and have a good old moan

on TV? 555!


I am a lucky man... I get pocket money from my wife...10 days ago she went to her village and she left me 4 K....lucky man I am....

So, we are riding somewhere and pass a man in his shop welding, his wife is nearby with the money apron. My wife explains to me that is traditional that the wife takes care of the money. I laugh and say I am sorry for her as she does not have a traditional Thai man for a husband!


This was true in the Thai girls mothers case too..

Her husband worked and gave over his pay to her mother

But they still asked her to buy them everything they wanted and pay for their entire family vacation

Truly this was hard to watch

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It is astonishing how often men here seem surprised when they realise that prostitutes are only interested in their money.

Where were prostitutes mentioned on the thread?????


It is astonishing how often men here seem surprised when they realise that prostitutes are only interested in their money.

Where were prostitutes mentioned on the thread?????

We're talking about women who expect payment in return for sleeping with you, right?

Maybe they call them something else where you're from.


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Forgot what the thread was about but,

Thai girls 25 to 30 years younger than we,
Is better than anything I have going in the states at the moment.

The females here (USA) just cannot compete w Thai girls.....

Its hard to imagine they would choose to be with an older westerner or flang, they were repulsed by....

I think they genuinely like the men they are with....

But most females are hit on every day, even the ugly ones so, it's as natural for them to want to trade up, as it is for us to want some strange

I side w the girls, most if not many, who grow up with one pair of shoes and no toilets and hot water

What do you mean Western females can't compete with Thai girls? Of course they can.

It's just you can't compete with the guys Western women want.

You should grow up instead of doing the tired old sour grapes routine.

You say it's hard to imagine they would choose to be with an older Westerner they were repulsed by . . . you really ARE that naive aren't you?

Cash is a great incentive.

Besides, when you talk/brag about going with 25-30 year younger women you're relying on the reader's imagination to conjure up the image of a smooth-skinned, svelte mesomorph with great aesthetics but 99% of the time, you're just banging a short, dumpy, snaggle-toothed endomorph who can only get her feet into a pair of high-heeled shoes by strapping her toes together.

  • Like 1

It is astonishing how often men here seem surprised when they realise that prostitutes are only interested in their money.

Where were prostitutes mentioned on the thread?????

We're talking about women who expect payment in return for sleeping with you, right?

Maybe they call them something else where you're from.

In England I generally called such a woman a 'wife' or 'girlfriend'.

And what they did was sleep with me, little or no sex, but plenty of sleep.

The name for women who expect payment in return for sex had an entirely different name and were generally a lot cheaper than a wife.

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Forgot what the thread was about but,

Thai girls 25 to 30 years younger than we,

Is better than anything I have going in the states at the moment.

The females here (USA) just cannot compete w Thai girls.....

Its hard to imagine they would choose to be with an older westerner or flang, they were repulsed by....

I think they genuinely like the men they are with....

But most females are hit on every day, even the ugly ones so, it's as natural for them to want to trade up, as it is for us to want some strange

I side w the girls, most if not many, who grow up with one pair of shoes and no toilets and hot water

What do you mean Western females can't compete with Thai girls? Of course they can.

It's just you can't compete with the guys Western women want.

You should grow up instead of doing the tired old sour grapes routine.

You say it's hard to imagine they would choose to be with an older Westerner they were repulsed by . . . you really ARE that naive aren't you?

Cash is a great incentive.

Besides, when you talk/brag about going with 25-30 year younger women you're relying on the reader's imagination to conjure up the image of a smooth-skinned, svelte mesomorph with great aesthetics but 99% of the time, you're just banging a short, dumpy, snaggle-toothed endomorph who can only get her feet into a pair of high-heeled shoes by strapping her toes together.

Sweet Jesus...

I had more than my share of girls in their mid 20'S WHEN I was in my 40's,

And plenty of the guys I know in their 40's still are,

But at 55, it takes a lot more than I'm willing to do, and won't blow that kind of cash now especially since it's practically free in LOS

No sour grapes here,

The girls in their late 20's dont want us here and the ones that do,

Are pigs


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It is astonishing how often men here seem surprised when they realise that prostitutes are only interested in their money.

Where were prostitutes mentioned on the thread?????

We're talking about women who expect payment in return for sleeping with you, right?

Maybe they call them something else where you're from.

In England I generally called such a woman a 'wife' or 'girlfriend'.

And what they did was sleep with me, little or no sex, but plenty of sleep.

The name for women who expect payment in return for sex had an entirely different name and were generally a lot cheaper than a wife.

Lots of married men have regular, highly-enjoyable sex with their wives for decades. You just don't hear about those cases because they're far less dramatic than tales of woe like yours.

You're forever bitching about the lack of sex in your previous marriage.

More fool you for hanging around as long as you did when, clearly, she'd simply lost interest in you.

It happens so let let the baggage go


Yes the walking ATM whining is dumb but you are wrong about what to expect. Initial attraction anywhere is practically always for "wrong reasons" (looks, money, etc). But one has every right to expect the relationship to become something more if they are going to make a longer term commitment to another person.

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