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Al-Shabab militants kill 147 at university in Kenya


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Only 65%? Here's a quick impartial survey of a room full of "British" Muslims who say that they are moderate:


Totally brilliant post; thank you. Of course, this is the observation many on TV share- that the elusive "moderate" muslim is a pie-in-the-sky fantasy based more on Western imaginings than actual data. The absurdity that because only 10 or 12 jihadists do something awful, for example, and cite koranic scripture to do so, and 1.3 million muslims in the same country at the same time did not, must mean that the 1.3 million others are pacifist, westernized, and integrated. This is sheer nonsense. Wrong formula?

Show us the mechanics that are used to surmise that the world majority of muslims do not support jihad.

Show us the formula for inferring that islam is a religion of peace.

"But they are our neighbors and they are so nice" and "I would never imagine the boy up the street would..." But do you know what they are reading? Do you realize what they say and read and pray for regarding you- every day!

Would you actually allow the same sort of material to be read to your children. If ever there was a standard for Hate on earth, in all of history, the scriptural imperatives from the koran and sunnah should be the standard. Find this uncomfortable? It is a fact! Read them.

Are we numb yet? Are we paralyzed by the decreasing options available? Have you read the projected global demographics by the year 2050? Do others out there really believe current events will somehow putter out, decrease, find equilibrium? Hardly, Civilization is in free fall and in that vacuum islam expands.

Alas, as with Iran's protestations they don't seek nuclear weapons it is more comforting to believe in a far fetched myth when the reality is too horrible to contemplate. Better to post pictures of cute cats on Facebook or exchange recipes and gardening tips than bring governments to task for their complicity in the destruction of civilization.
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Islam thrives where education fails.

Same with all religions, they go for the poor and uneducated and tell them the reason for their woes are god is not happy blah blah blah.

All religions are Parasites on humanity and a method of control.

a pox on all of them... RIP the 147

Amen, brother. wink.png

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This is a very rough situation.

If the Kenyan government goes down too hard on Muslims there, they might radicalize them and aggravate them to identify with the terrorists.

In any case, what a nightmare.

To think in "modern" times, this kind of thing is going on, is spreading, and is getting worse.

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This is a very rough situation.

If the Kenyan government goes down too hard on Muslims there, they might radicalize them and aggravate them to identify with the terrorists.

In any case, what a nightmare.

To think in "modern" times, this kind of thing is going on, is spreading, and is getting worse.

There have been a number of reports during the past years alledging significant human rights abuse by Keyan security forces within Kenya and in their invasion and occupation of some areas of Somalia. Why governments have not learnt from the repetitious negative outcomes of abuse I do not know.

it's just been reported that one of the killers had graduated from a Law School in Kenya, even with that level of education still became a fully committed Islamic extremist.

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This is a very rough situation.

If the Kenyan government goes down too hard on Muslims there, they might radicalize them and aggravate them to identify with the terrorists.

In any case, what a nightmare.

To think in "modern" times, this kind of thing is going on, is spreading, and is getting worse.

It is indeed a very rough situation.

Too many people focus on the actual terrorists. What they do not focus on is the vast amount of people who are both active and passive supporters. These are the people that assist the terrorists to carry out their atrocities. Here is the kicker, these people far outnumber the actual terrorists and will, at some stage, turn to getting their hands bloody.

A nightmare in more ways than you can imagine. The following quote, borrowed from a post above sums up that nightmare quite well.

Alas, as with Iran's protestations they don't seek nuclear weapons it is more comforting to believe in a far fetched myth when the reality is too horrible to contemplate

That is the reality. The reality is too horrible to contemplate. This has been exacerbated by Governments that refuse to listen, try to ram multiculturalism down the throats of Nations, all the while ignoring and indeed, castigating anyone who dares to speak out.

Remember the old adage.

You can take ******* out of *******, you cannot take ******* out of ******* ( insert your own words )

Your last sentence is the most telling.

is spreading, and is getting worse.

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There have been a number of reports during the past years alledging significant human rights abuse by Keyan security forces within Kenya and in their invasion and occupation of some areas of Somalia. Why governments have not learnt from the repetitious negative outcomes of abuse I do not know.

Lets get this into perspective.

Alleged Human Rights abuses.

What is not alleged is the Human Rights abuses carried out by Muslim Extremists.

1. Parades in Orange Boiler suits.

2. Beheadings posted on the internet.

3. Crucifixions.

4. Sex Slaves.

5. In this case. The segregation of Christians who are then summarily executed. ( There are others, but that would be off topic )

So what are the Governments of mainly Christian Countries to do Simple 1 ? Give in to the minorities who are trying to change the respective Countries.

Are you suggesting that the Government of Kenya simply gives into the demands of approx. 11% of the population ?

Where Governments have failed, is that they did not stamp on this from a great height when it started rearing its ugly head. We are now in the situation that it is now too late to take action.

Governments now, have denied the truth for so long that they can now no longer take action. As pointed out above, the reality is too horrible to be contemplated for spineless Governments that all they can do is bury their collective heads in the sand and hope it goes away.

Deflection at its finest.

it's just been reported that one of the killers had graduated from a Law School in Kenya, even with that level of education still became a fully committed Islamic extremist

Now why would that be I wonder ? Lets keep it simple. The educated terrorists are the most dangerous terrorists.

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Financing methods for Al Shabab are reviewed at the URL below. As we know from arrests in Thailand of security forces members, corruption is a contributing factor for cash flow. In this case an example is sugar smuggling from Somalia into Kenya.


Al Shabab's goal is to establish an Islamic State in Somalia. Kenyan forces have had successes in Somalia taking on Al Shabab. However. there have been many accusations against the Kenyan military of significant human rights abuses that would just aggravate the situtation.

As ever if you look hard enough there is always an explanation which excuses the Islamic terrorists. Of course such arguments are for the consumption of western liberals and don't make on iota of difference to the ideology or behavior of said terrorists.

If the last 1400 years have shown us anything it's that the ultimate goal is the same in every country where there are Muslims; to establish Shariah Law and eradicate non-Muslims either by conversion, death or by enslaving them. Any excuses and talk of Islam being a peaceful and merciful religion is a big lie just to further the cause.

The below is a quote from an article about a survey made among muslims living in western europe I read earlier today:

"According to the study (German and English), which was funded by the German government, two thirds (65%) of the Muslims interviewed say Islamic Sharia law is more important to them than the laws of the country in which they live."


I'm sure if they poll Christians they will say that God's law is more important than anything else. The poll is meaningless.
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I can see in time that other groups will emerge to do the same to the Muslims, it will happen its just a matter of when, then this world will start to get all <deleted> up. people only see the religion, and not the person

This world IS *up since God invented religion coffee1.gif

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Are you suggesting that the Government of Kenya simply gives into the demands of approx. 11% of the population ?

Al Shabab membership is mainly comprised from a clan located within Somalia. Don't know how you have concluded the local Kenyan Muslim population support Al Shabab objectives. BTW what are the demands of the local Kenyan Muslim population, got a link?

In Kenya Imams and other local Muslims condemning the violence committed by Al Shabab against the Christian population have already been broadcast by the media.

When government forces indulge in abuse of the civilian population, torture, extrajudicial killings, detention without trial etc the level of overall violence & suffering just increases, as has been proven by Rand Corp studies. Below is a quote that I agree with in principle & is taken from an article from the following URL.

"If they can see the investigation and operations are being conducted within the bounds of some civil order then there is going to be quite a lot of collaboration and co-operation."


Edited by simple1
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Are you suggesting that the Government of Kenya simply gives into the demands of approx. 11% of the population ?

Al Shabab membership is mainly comprised from a clan located within Somalia. Don't know how you have concluded the local Kenyan Muslim population support Al Shabab objectives. BTW what are the demands of the local Kenyan Muslim population, got a link?

In Kenya Imams and other local Muslims condemning the violence committed by Al Shabab against the Christian population have already been broadcast by the media.

When government forces indulge in abuse of the civilian population, torture, extrajudicial killings, detention without trial etc the level of overall violence & suffering just increases, as has been proven by Rand Corp studies. Below is a quote that I agree with in principle & is taken from an article from the following URL.

"If they can see the investigation and operations are being conducted within the bounds of some civil order then there is going to be quite a lot of collaboration and co-operation."


Simple 1.

Try answering a direct question. The question that you took out of my post but refused to answer.

These are the stated aims of al - Kebab

The ultimate goals of al-Shabaab are the establishment of Islamic state, implementation of the Shari‘a laws and driving foreigners out of Somali. Majority of the Somali people have no problem with these measures but they do have problems with the way it is done, the wisdom employed and the approach or the methods used.

So to answer your diatribe.

What are Al-Kebab doing in Kenya.

Your knowledge of terrorist organisations is extremely lacking. However, your lack of condemnation is conspicuous by its absence.

Your attempt at blaming ALLEGED Human Rights abuses, and your total disregard for documented, proven, Human Rights abuses is absolutely shocking.

I have said it before and I will say it again. I do not give a flying what some unnamed Imam, Muslim lover, cleric or whatever has to say. Words mean nothing.

The local Muslim population demands. I have to provide a link ? They are the same as they are anywhere that is not a Muslim Country. Sharia Law and a worldwide Caliphate.

YOU, provide a link that proves me wrong !!

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NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - Kenya says it launched air strikes against Islamic extremists in Somalia after college attack.

So it's war then. Can't blame them.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - Kenya says it launched air strikes against Islamic extremists in Somalia after college attack.

So it's war then. Can't blame them.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

After the cross border attacks by Al Shabab, Kenya have been at war with Al Shabab from at least 2011 with invasion and contributing to pushing them out from the major urban areas in Somalia. Interesting to see Keynan sources claiming the air strikes are not a retalitory attack for the University massacre, but a component of the ongoing military strategy.


if you're interested a fairly lengthy article from Council of Foreign Affairs on why Kenya invaded Somalia.


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If I had a revelation that if read as a menu, would look like this:

Starter: Forced indoctrination with menaces.

Main Course: A killing of non-believers and subjugation of females served with a rule of fear.

Dessert: Enforced praying that things will stay this way.

Warning: No alcoholic drinks, intoxicating substances or music to be consumed/played on or off the premises. No dancing.

I'd describe it as a nightmare.

And I would say that it sounds like a misinterpretation of a revelation that could be attributed to any god.

Turns out that Shariah Law which might be more accurately described as Shariah Fear is a set of rules & punishments made up by various scholars of the Quran i.e. their interpretation of the Quran regarding exact laws & punishments which might be extracted from it. Ironically, the trouble arises from the Quran's rather liberal proclamations encouraging a personal interpretation whilst giving guidelines for living the Islamic way.

Perhaps we should look to history to see the future - possible glimmers of hope are offered by a comparison with Christianity. It seems to me that the Muslim way is twin-fuelled, firstly by indoctrination and secondly by fear. The social media as did the printing press of 1452 threatens to publicise the negative side to what many see as an out of date, unfair, unjust, barbarous and unsustainable belief system. In this climate indoctrination might start to break down so time to maximise the fear aspect hence the killing. Historically, fifty years after the invention of the printing press by a German goldsmith, Johannes Gutenberg, it was clear that the method of spreading news had acted as a catylist for the decline of the Catholic church in North Western Europe.

Protestantism (a more moderate and less dogmatic form of Christianity) had emerged to seriously challenge popery. Eventually the Catholics had to recognise the Protestants and become, themselves, less dogmatic - a very long haul admittedly and things happen a great deal faster now. IMHO it must be that things are going to get messier because non-believers can only take so much and it seems that believers are not rushing to deny Shariah Fear.

We have the makings of a very problematic and insecure immediate world future here but ultimately I think that sanity and reason will prevail against a list of laws & punishments not actually 'written' in a 'written' revelation.

Edited by piersbeckett
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Allah must be well chuffed, another 147 to add to the 250 million already killed in his name, er despite a few speaking out against Islamic slaughter down the ages

Why would Allah be chuffed. You do realise that Allah means God, the same God nearly all religions follow.

You really should not post on subjects you know nothing about.

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Allah must be well chuffed, another 147 to add to the 250 million already killed in his name, er despite a few speaking out against Islamic slaughter down the ages

Why would Allah be chuffed. You do realise that Allah means God, the same God nearly all religions follow.

You really should not post on subjects you know nothing about.


Tell that to Christians in Malaysia who are forbidden from publishing the word Allah to refer to their God. coffee1.gif

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Allah must be well chuffed, another 147 to add to the 250 million already killed in his name, er despite a few speaking out against Islamic slaughter down the ages

Why would Allah be chuffed. You do realise that Allah means God, the same God nearly all religions follow.

You really should not post on subjects you know nothing about.


Tell that to Christians in Malaysia who are forbidden from publishing the word Allah to refer to their God. coffee1.gif

Why should Christians refer to their God as Allah? Christians simply refer to God when I attend a Christian church in a Muslim country.

If you care to study the ban you will note Non Muslims do refer tonAllah, the ban is in place to stop Christian publications referring to Allah when using the term to teach about God to Muslims.

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Classic case of Active and passive sympathisers.

The second is a guard at the facility who actually facilitated the attackers, he was in possession of jihadist materials. His name is Osman Ali Dagane, a Kenyan of Somali origin."


From Sky

The five suspects have been named as Mohammed Adan Surow, Osman Abdi Dakane, Mohammed Abdi Abikar, Hassan Aden Hassan and Sahal Diriye Hussien.

They allegedly supplied weapons to the four al Shabaab militants who carried out the attack at Garissa University College last week.


(DELETED) regarding what Kenyan Muslims had to do with an attack by Al Kebab ?

Edited by seedy
troll / flaming
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Allah must be well chuffed, another 147 to add to the 250 million already killed in his name, er despite a few speaking out against Islamic slaughter down the ages

Why would Allah be chuffed. You do realise that Allah means God, the same God nearly all religions follow.

You really should not post on subjects you know nothing about.


Tell that to Christians in Malaysia who are forbidden from publishing the word Allah to refer to their God. coffee1.gif

Splitting hairs about what to call god, there is no god, no Jehovah, no Allah no pie in the sky it's all made up BS to control people. But is is true that 250 million have been killed in the name of the god Muslims refer to as Allah, more than Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot put together.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Al - Kebab recruiting heavily in Kenya.


From the article

But one of the most powerful Muslim leaders in the country, Sheikh Abdullahi Salat, warned that widespread mistrust of the security services in Kenya threatens to frustrate investigations.

It is always the fault of the Governments, the security services, the Police or anyone else that the finger can get pointed at.

It is never anything to do with Muslims and Islam.

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  • 6 months later...

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