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Chinese. So bad ?


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If he could speak reasonable English, was willing to go into a farang bar (Robin Hood) alone, and initiated a chat with a foreigner....... well, he's not the more typical Chinese traveller that many people complain about. Probably well-educated. Probably internationally-minded. Probably has experience interacting with foreigners.

The Chinese that people complain about generally speak little if any English, travel on group tours, and have little overseas experience. Oftentimes they come from outside of the big cities so lack the refinement that people may develop living in a cosmopolitan environment. My Chinese ex-gf would often complain about them, especially how loudly they would talk and rude they could be (queue cutting etc). It's definitely not all Chinese, but it is a large proportion of the ones who travel within Asia.

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It's the arrogance of the western mind. Met a lot of Chinese back in Houston. Average people. Are people pushy, tired and worn out at tourist area? Yep. Ever go to Disneyland?

That's right it's the western mind that refuses to see their own failings and just focus on the failings of others.

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One isolated incident does not mean anything. As whole Chinese do not mix with non Chinese. Most of my non Chinese Asian friends do not speak highly of Chinese on social matters. I tend to agree. Generally they lack the social skills and tend to stick to their own making them arrogant and disrespectful of the host. They do not generally assimilate well. The fact that they are fast becoming a superpower makes them worse. They make a lot of sound when eating especially watery food. Very annoying.

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One isolated incident does not mean anything. As whole Chinese do not mix with non Chinese. Most of my non Chinese Asian friends do not speak highly of Chinese on social matters. I tend to agree. Generally they lack the social skills and tend to stick to their own making them arrogant and disrespectful of the host. They do not generally assimilate well. The fact that they are fast becoming a superpower makes them worse. They make a lot of sound when eating especially watery food. Very annoying.

Japanese people make that sound too. It's a east asian thing and the sound means the food tastes good. See now you start to show your double standards. I can easily bet were some japanese people to make that sound and they do when they eat noodles you would say it's fine and totally cool but when chinese people do it it's disgusting.

Btw lacking social skills shouldn't be condemned. Unless they purposefully refuse to interact or integrate then you could chide them but not because they lack the skills.

I also find this truly bias. I don't know what type of social setting are you talking about but the majority of people from every race,creed will tend to interact with another person of the same race and culture as them.

That is to say let's assume there are a group of western people say in china they are strangers and mingle with each other and start to get warm to each other. There isn't a single chinese person in that group now would you say these western people don't assimilate?

Let's be freaking honest. It's a global society now. You can find africans in europe/asia/south africa and any person of any nationality in any major city in any part of the world. So there will be european/asian/american people say in an african city let's just say lagos for example. Now if you were a foreigner in this strange city what would you attempt to do? Associate with people from your nationality and your race. If you aren't american say maybe english then the chances of you meeting another english person that isn't you know a farang would be smaller. It's even smaller if you come from say an asian nation. Let's assume a korean person in an african city. He's probably going to try to make friends with another korean person. it's human nature.

Yet here's the worst thing. Only chinese people get singled out for somehow wanting to associate with their own while others do the same things but get a pass. If you are a backpacker say in thailand you notice white/farang backpackers tend to mix only with other white/farang backpackers when backpackers come from all over the world. Yet somehow they don't get condemned for "poor social skills" etc.

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I spent a year in China sometime back. I found them to be the most friendly and helpful people I have ever encountered. And I've been around some!

Thailand calls its self the 'Land of Smiles'. Well sorry to say, I found the Chinese far more engaging. And the food is just brilliant! Best cuisine in the world by far. The beer's not bad either.

I have spent some time in Shanghai and Weifang and found the people that I worked with to be pleasant. I surely wouldn't go as far to say that the Chinese are more engaging. They certainly don't go out of there way to meet new people out and about. I noticed that they walk mostly looking down and avoid eye contact.

Chinese food is the worst food I have experienced. You are the first person I have ever heard (including Chinese people) to claim it is the best cuisine in the world.

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Good and bad in all races. The young Chinese girls in 3 rooms who were next to me in Asia Hotel were loud until 2am. They also did not mind spitting in the foyer of the hotel. Not quality tourists, but nor are the arrogant loud and drunken, drug fuelled bogans from Australia. Each airport for overseas tourists needs to issue a pamphlet to ask each tourist to be an ambassador for their country.

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I spent a year in China sometime back. I found them to be the most friendly and helpful people I have ever encountered. And I've been around some!

Thailand calls its self the 'Land of Smiles'. Well sorry to say, I found the Chinese far more engaging. And the food is just brilliant! Best cuisine in the world by far. The beer's not bad either.

I have spent some time in Shanghai and Weifang and found the people that I worked with to be pleasant. I surely wouldn't go as far to say that the Chinese are more engaging. They certainly don't go out of there way to meet new people out and about. I noticed that they walk mostly looking down and avoid eye contact.

Chinese food is the worst food I have experienced. You are the first person I have ever heard (including Chinese people) to claim it is the best cuisine in the world.

chinese cuisine is the best in the world.

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I spent a year in China sometime back. I found them to be the most friendly and helpful people I have ever encountered. And I've been around some!

Thailand calls its self the 'Land of Smiles'. Well sorry to say, I found the Chinese far more engaging. And the food is just brilliant! Best cuisine in the world by far. The beer's not bad either.

I have spent some time in Shanghai and Weifang and found the people that I worked with to be pleasant. I surely wouldn't go as far to say that the Chinese are more engaging. They certainly don't go out of there way to meet new people out and about. I noticed that they walk mostly looking down and avoid eye contact.

Chinese food is the worst food I have experienced. You are the first person I have ever heard (including Chinese people) to claim it is the best cuisine in the world.

chinese cuisine is the best in the world.

Two people on this thread have that opinion so far and every other person (non chinese) I have met who has been to China or lived there has the exact opposite opinion. I find it funny no one else has spoken up to agree or disagree.
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Your taste buds must be dead to imply that Chinese food is the best in the world ! Tasteless, salty , MSG, rubbish ! What's your favourite dish ? Orange chicken or general toas ? ?

That's american chinese junk food. That's like eating at a macdonalds and saying western cuisine is absolute rubbish. You would be offended if someone equated fastfood to western cuisine or western food.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont have a dislike for Chinese just because there Chinese, though i was reminded only a few days ago that i had a low opinion of them in general as i was passing through immigration at swampy when at fever pitch voice some Chinese guy was disputing some ruling the officer had just told him...to cap it off his "family" who had passed through were almost in fits of despair....expect for the youngest member ummmm maybe 20 female who seemed to be bewildered by it all....

These people will be ruling the world in the near future, get use to it.

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I dont have a dislike for Chinese just because there Chinese, though i was reminded only a few days ago that i had a low opinion of them in general as i was passing through immigration at swampy when at fever pitch voice some Chinese guy was disputing some ruling the officer had just told him...to cap it off his "family" who had passed through were almost in fits of despair....expect for the youngest member ummmm maybe 20 female who seemed to be bewildered by it all....

These people will be ruling the world in the near future, get use to it.

These people will rule and destroy the world. They certainly aren't looking to make it a better place for all. Just look how they treat their own people.

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