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You guys who come here and attack the man for being on the water without proper safety equipment are just plain stupid and ignorant, A man dies and you degrade his actions before he died not his act of courage and devotion.

I sailed for many years . Raced and cruised. I have committeed for World Cup quaifiers with the same people that committee the olympics. I did the committee for CISM one year.I have seen men with years of being on the water in severe weather and sea conditions racing under extreme dangerous conditions. Many of these men couldnot swim and wore no lifejackets even though it was required. As soon as they left the docks off came the safety gear.I myself sailed singlehanded for years without a life jacket,I can swim 8 to 10 strokes and then stop. These guys arenot ignorant either many are leaders in their field or extremely rich business men not simple labourers.Get a grip guys the issue here is the man gave his life to save his family.To stray from that is to take away from how great a deed he did.

One of the points is YOU took yours off, but I bet you still HAD it on the boat!

Most All comments about lifejackets were at the owner of the vessel.

Also when did money buy common sense... Never!!


Well bitching aside, for the kids sake I think its better to remember their father as a hero for trying to save them than something else as described by a few on here. Can we leave it at that?

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Four people on a boat in the dark without life-jackets. Hero does not come to mind, but rest in peace. Your family is alive at least.

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For all those having a go at the father for not having a life jacket on board, keep that in mind the next time you fly down the expressway at 140 plus with your kids sitting in the back of your fortuner.

Do as I say not as I do is it?


For all those having a go at the father for not having a life jacket on board, keep that in mind the next time you fly down the expressway at 140 plus with your kids sitting in the back of your fortuner.

Do as I say not as I do is it?

have you lost ALL cognizant ability?

the speculation:

the father was a hero and saved his kids (we don't know he just did not slip) and it was his fault anyway

the facts:

the father was reckless with his family's life and put his kids in GRAVE danger

stop the sentimentality and wake up to the facts

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For all those having a go at the father for not having a life jacket on board, keep that in mind the next time you fly down the expressway at 140 plus with your kids sitting in the back of your fortuner.

Do as I say not as I do is it?

You mean the kids that are strapped into their child seats or if old enough wearing a seatbelt!



Rest in peace to a man who loved his family and was devoted enough to sacrifice his life for them. So by all means, lets criticize his poor education and economic conditions which lead the the tragic circumstances...thats the right thing to do at this point in time...

I got it, Strad, even if no one else did. What a terrible blow to this family. As for they on this site on whom your point will almost certainly be lost? Some people will never be able cope with, or accept reality on its own terms; and will feel compelled at almost anyone's expense to find, even in the absence of evidence, a cause and effect that permits them to perceive the universe as being within their capability to control. A phenomenon almost as tragic as the aforementioned event, but not quite.

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Rest in peace to a man who loved his family and was devoted enough to sacrifice his life for them. So by all means, lets criticize his poor education and economic conditions which lead the the tragic circumstances...thats the right thing to do at this point in time...

I got it, Strad, even if no one else did. What a terrible blow to this family. As for they on this site on whom your point will almost certainly be lost?Some people will never be able cope with or accept reality on its own terms, and will be compelled at almost anyone's expense to find, even in the absence of evidence, a cause and effect that permits them to feel as if the universe is within their capability to control. A phenomenon almost as tragic as the aforementioned event, but not quite.

yea I got it too Strad. Let's forget personal responsibility, health and safety and looking after our kids. Let's forget seat belts and Life Vests and all that jazz coz who cares?

Mai Pen Rai


For all those having a go at the father for not having a life jacket on board, keep that in mind the next time you fly down the expressway at 140 plus with your kids sitting in the back of your fortuner.

Do as I say not as I do is it?

You mean the kids that are strapped into their child seats or if old enough wearing a seatbelt!


haha yea, something like that.


You have to wonder if it is the mans nationality that counts against him with so many here calling him irresponsible etc. I wonder if it was a man of western origin would there be so much bile? rolleyes.gif

I have a feeling if this were in my country, the comments would be far less restrained, especially from those who make their living on the water.

I wouldn't be surprised if the surviving family member was up in court for negligence..

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They could have just as easily all slipped under the water and then would he still be a hero?. Sure he will be remembered for a final selfless act. But how does that help the next family whose dad puts them out to sea in the same manner.

The important thing to be taken from this tragedy is that you never know when you will end up in the water, so learn to swim and make sure your boat has some flotation devices. Basic

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You guys who come here and attack the man for being on the water without proper safety equipment are just plain stupid and ignorant, A man dies and you degrade his actions before he died not his act of courage and devotion.

I sailed for many years . Raced and cruised. I have committeed for World Cup quaifiers with the same people that committee the olympics. I did the committee for CISM one year.I have seen men with years of being on the water in severe weather and sea conditions racing under extreme dangerous conditions. Many of these men couldnot swim and wore no lifejackets even though it was required. As soon as they left the docks off came the safety gear.I myself sailed singlehanded for years without a life jacket,I can swim 8 to 10 strokes and then stop. These guys arenot ignorant either many are leaders in their field or extremely rich business men not simple labourers.Get a grip guys the issue here is the man gave his life to save his family.To stray from that is to take away from how great a deed he did.

Thanks for pointing out that recklessness can by found in all strata of society.


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Rest in peace to a man who loved his family and was devoted enough to sacrifice his life for them. So by all means, lets criticize his poor education and economic conditions which lead the the tragic circumstances...thats the right thing to do at this point in time...

I got it, Strad, even if no one else did. What a terrible blow to this family. As for they on this site on whom your point will almost certainly be lost?Some people will never be able cope with or accept reality on its own terms, and will be compelled at almost anyone's expense to find, even in the absence of evidence, a cause and effect that permits them to feel as if the universe is within their capability to control. A phenomenon almost as tragic as the aforementioned event, but not quite.

yea I got it too Strad. Let's forget personal responsibility, health and safety and looking after our kids. Let's forget seat belts and Life Vests and all that jazz coz who cares?

Mai Pen Rai

Personal responsibility presupposes a knowledge of what that means. If you don't have it, because you were never taught it, and don't have money for anything more than a subsistence income, than the responsibility goes to those who enforce (or do not enforce) the maritime laws. As for you - using this thread as a tool for your own mockery of the man's income forced situation is reprehensible. But then again, you are what God made you...

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Rest in peace to a man who loved his family and was devoted enough to sacrifice his life for them. So by all means, lets criticize his poor education and economic conditions which lead the the tragic circumstances...thats the right thing to do at this point in time...

I got it, Strad, even if no one else did. What a terrible blow to this family. As for they on this site on whom your point will almost certainly be lost?Some people will never be able cope with or accept reality on its own terms, and will be compelled at almost anyone's expense to find, even in the absence of evidence, a cause and effect that permits them to feel as if the universe is within their capability to control. A phenomenon almost as tragic as the aforementioned event, but not quite.

yea I got it too Strad. Let's forget personal responsibility, health and safety and looking after our kids. Let's forget seat belts and Life Vests and all that jazz coz who cares?

Mai Pen Rai

Personal responsibility presupposes a knowledge of what that means. If you don't have it, because you were never taught it, and don't have money for anything more than a subsistence income, than the responsibility goes to those who enforce (or do not enforce) the maritime laws. As for you - using this thread as a tool for your own mockery of the man's income forced situation is reprehensible. But then again, you are what God made you...

Ouch,,,,but we'll said.

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May he rest in peace. He was a great man to give his life for his family.

Touching story, but a great man would have taught his family to swim before taking them out for a boat ride.. I've never understood the phrase "I cant swim", anyone can swim or at least keep themselves a float.

Still its a sad story, RIP.

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Rest in peace to a man who loved his family and was devoted enough to sacrifice his life for them. So by all means, lets criticize his poor education and economic conditions which lead the the tragic circumstances...thats the right thing to do at this point in time...

I got it, Strad, even if no one else did. What a terrible blow to this family. As for they on this site on whom your point will almost certainly be lost?Some people will never be able cope with or accept reality on its own terms, and will be compelled at almost anyone's expense to find, even in the absence of evidence, a cause and effect that permits them to feel as if the universe is within their capability to control. A phenomenon almost as tragic as the aforementioned event, but not quite.

yea I got it too Strad. Let's forget personal responsibility, health and safety and looking after our kids. Let's forget seat belts and Life Vests and all that jazz coz who cares?

Mai Pen Rai

Personal responsibility presupposes a knowledge of what that means. If you don't have it, because you were never taught it, and don't have money for anything more than a subsistence income, than the responsibility goes to those who enforce (or do not enforce) the maritime laws. As for you - using this thread as a tool for your own mockery of the man's income forced situation is reprehensible. But then again, you are what God made you...

- deleted -

nvm pointless arguing with you and pointing out the obvious. To you he was a hero, to me and others irresponsible, but neither makes a difference


Rest in peace to a man who loved his family and was devoted enough to sacrifice his life for them. So by all means, lets criticize his poor education and economic conditions which lead the the tragic circumstances...thats the right thing to do at this point in time...

I got it, Strad, even if no one else did. What a terrible blow to this family. As for they on this site on whom your point will almost certainly be lost?Some people will never be able cope with or accept reality on its own terms, and will be compelled at almost anyone's expense to find, even in the absence of evidence, a cause and effect that permits them to feel as if the universe is within their capability to control. A phenomenon almost as tragic as the aforementioned event, but not quite.

yea I got it too Strad. Let's forget personal responsibility, health and safety and looking after our kids. Let's forget seat belts and Life Vests and all that jazz coz who cares?

Mai Pen Rai

Case in point...


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Rest in peace to a man who loved his family and was devoted enough to sacrifice his life for them. So by all means, lets criticize his poor education and economic conditions which lead the the tragic circumstances...thats the right thing to do at this point in time...

I got it, Strad, even if no one else did. What a terrible blow to this family. As for they on this site on whom your point will almost certainly be lost?Some people will never be able cope with or accept reality on its own terms, and will be compelled at almost anyone's expense to find, even in the absence of evidence, a cause and effect that permits them to feel as if the universe is within their capability to control. A phenomenon almost as tragic as the aforementioned event, but not quite.

yea I got it too Strad. Let's forget personal responsibility, health and safety and looking after our kids. Let's forget seat belts and Life Vests and all that jazz coz who cares?

Mai Pen Rai

Personal responsibility presupposes a knowledge of what that means. If you don't have it, because you were never taught it, and don't have money for anything more than a subsistence income, than the responsibility goes to those who enforce (or do not enforce) the maritime laws. As for you - using this thread as a tool for your own mockery of the man's income forced situation is reprehensible. But then again, you are what God made you...

I would like to add something further. Given the variables likely present in the circumstances leading up to the reality with which this individual was faced at the time of his demise, he demonstrated a more than adequate awareness of, and willingness to exercise, personal responsibility. I really wonder what a tragedy has to look like, before it will be recognized for what it is. There may be a time and place to showcase our incredible gifts of hindsight, but as you intimated in your original response, Strad, this certainly wasn't it.


I would like to add something further. Given the variables likely present in the circumstances leading up to the reality with which this individual was faced at the time of his demise, he demonstrated a more than adequate awareness of, and willingness to exercise, personal responsibility. I really wonder what a tragedy has to look like, before it will be recognized for what it is. There may be a time and place to showcase our incredible gifts of hindsight, but as you intimated in your original response, Strad, this certainly wasn't it.

guy died, tragically, through absolute neglect luckily his family were saved RiP


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Rest in peace to a man who loved his family and was devoted enough to sacrifice his life for them. So by all means, lets criticize his poor education and economic conditions which lead the the tragic circumstances...thats the right thing to do at this point in time...

I think most honour his final devotion.. But stress that it shouldn't have happened in the first place. The guys employers should have ensured life jackets as standard.. 500b each!


No. Not sigh... If just one person LEARNS from his sacrifice then it's a better world. Just last week the Thai newspapers and news was talking about child deaths in water!

No one is arguing that spanky - but is this the time to argue it? Especially since we are not talking about people who even have a concept of safety? People who live a subsistence level are not worried about those things - which is why the government has to do more to require and enforce it. But this story, of a man making the ultimate sacrifice for his children, is being used by you as a "teachable moment" - can't it wait a few days? Take your "Great White Hope" and go do something to actually help, instead of posting on here with all the other "Great White Hopes" who either A) already know or B) don't give a sh%t.


No one is arguing that spanky - but is this the time to argue it? Especially since we are not talking about people who even have a concept of safety? People who live a subsistence level are not worried about those things - which is why the government has to do more to require and enforce it. But this story, of a man making the ultimate sacrifice for his children, is being used by you as a "teachable moment" - can't it wait a few days? Take your "Great White Hope" and go do something to actually help, instead of posting on here with all the other "Great White Hopes" who either A) already know or cool.png don't give a sh%t.

It's a tragedy but you have made tons of assumptions. You assume he actually did do this and did not slip, you assume that he had no money (yet he had a tugboat business), you assume he had no education nor understanding of 'responsibility' because he was poor. Where did you get all this information?

You just 'romanticize' this 'hero' who, in all probability, did not think to buy his family life-vests and when you add up all the known evidence was a tugboat owner who had enough means to purchase life-vests should he have thought about it.

Let's hope some good comes of his untimely death and others who wish to take to the rivers buy vests IMMEDIATELY. RiP.

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