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White US officer charged with murder for shooting black man


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I see the left wing bigots are out in force here. I wonder how long it will take George Soros to get his troops to SC? Based on the video evidence the main thing clear is a possible offender running away from a police officer, then being shot. If you can come up with anything else, seeing the video, it will be opinion and speculation. Seems remarkable how many here want police officers to fail.

Your own words, the offender was running away. Which meant the police officer's life was not in danger and deadly force was not necessary. Certainly not eight shots in the back.

So tell me, since this police officer has been fired, arrested, and charged with murder, does that mean the SC police department and mayor are a bunch of "left wing bigots?"

Spare your righteous indignation for the Orpah watchers.

Oh dear, is that your best response to your own flawed logic?

Some farangs can never admit that they're wrong. It's a "face" thing.

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Watch the Video

YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE THE GUY GRAB AND DROP THE POLICE OFFICERS TAZER its right at the start of the video and you can see the Tazer fall to the ground THAT GIVES the officer the right to shoot since he may not of seen the tazer fall and may of thought the guy still had it.

This cop will be the scape goat and will be sacraficed to appease the blacks and left wing nutters

I am betting this guy may just get off when all the evidence is presented again.

Yes you can see him grab it drop it and run. You can also see the cop pick it back up and drop it beside the guy.

There are scumbags in every walk of life....

Why did the guy run away from the cop?

Im just getting sick of the media inflaming and calling it everything a black and white issue....

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Last year in South Carolina a 68-year-old black great-grandfather was shot to death in his car in his driveway by a police officer who followed him home 9 miles outside of the officer's legal jurisdiction. The police officer called the drive-along a "chase."

The reason was that the black guy failed to pull over when the cop wanted to stop him for what turned out to be no cause. The guy, Ernest Satterwhite, was described afterward by people who knew him as tired of being pulled over by police for no reason then allowed to proceed, and as a "laid back" person who was unarmed and had no record of any violence.

The county prosecutor charged the 25 year old Police Officer Justin Craven with voluntary manslaughter, a felony punishable for up to 30 years, but lost his grand jury when the grand jurors instead charged the cop with a misdemeanor. The prosecutor has since organized a new grand jury to hear the charges, which he can do, because the SC state investigators said the cop had broken several laws, laws that match with a serious indictment in each instance.

Officer Craven alleged the mortally wounded Satterwhite reached for the officer's weapon but the state police investigating authorities have declined to release the dashcam footage recorded from the officers' cars.

According to the Associated Press

The few details released raised concerns among law enforcement experts. In the likely 10 to 15 minutes he trailed Satterwhite, Craven should have had time to learn he was headed home and had no violent incidents on his criminal record, said University of South Carolina criminology professor Geoffrey Alpert.

County deputies who joined in the chase reported that Craven ran up to Satterwhite's parked car and fired several shots into the driver's side door, telling the other officers that Satterwhite tried to grab his gun. The other officers couldn't get Satterwhite's door open, so they broke the passenger side window, unlocked that door and dragged him out.

"Why would he run up to the car like that?" asked Alpert. "Why would he put himself in a situation to use deadly force? Why would he put his gun close enough for him to grab it?"

The family says the officers yanked the mortally wounded man out of the car, restrained him and left him on the ground unattended until paramedics arrived.


Residents of North Charlotte knew of the Satterwhite case and Officer Craven's suit against the state, county and municipal authorities investigating and charging him. It could well be the case for the late Walter Scott that he was damned if he did and damned if he didn't. After all, Scott had been stopped for a rear brake light that was not functioning.

You forgot to mention that Craven has been charged with a felony and will probably spend 10 years in prison. I don't think that's the end of the charges because he broke several laws. It's noteworthy that charges are brought by ordinary citizens of the community in what's called a grand jury. Multiple grand juries may convene over multiple charges in the future.

It's not like Carven's case is a done deal. LINK

The additional elucidations are well taken, still it's not only about officer Craven in the voluntary manslaughter by him of another innocent and unarmed citizen as it is to discuss the realities of why the late Walter Scott ran from the homicide cop that killed him.

Also the SC child support payments law that puts a person in jail for being in arrears might make someone avoid the police.

Mr. Scott very probably knew there are police anywhere that kill certain unarmed citizens at will and without actual legal consequence in law, as has been in the news nationally and globally. Scott's fatal mistake may have been that he did not consider a lawman would not hesitate to shoot an unarmed fleeing citizen in the back.

It's problematic this new instance will change that either much or for long, if at all.

Edited by Publicus
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What are you seeing at exactly 33 seconds? I only see a tree.

Look at the pole at the top of the fence. Do they normally pass through trees like that?

Not unusual at all.

22 Trees Growing Around Objects

When a tree is growing, and it encounters something that gets in the way of it's growth, it can do three things: stop growing, grow away from it, or grow around it.


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Based from the video it is very convincing the the cop over reacted.. I hope they fry him.. but we know he will walk..

This is only the begining.. the brothers are going to rise up..

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Watch the Video

YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE THE GUY GRAB AND DROP THE POLICE OFFICERS TAZER its right at the start of the video and you can see the Tazer fall to the ground THAT GIVES the officer the right to shoot since he may not of seen the tazer fall and may of thought the guy still had it.

This cop will be the scape goat and will be sacraficed to appease the blacks and left wing nutters

I am betting this guy may just get off when all the evidence is presented again.

Yes you can see him grab it drop it and run. You can also see the cop pick it back up and drop it beside the guy.

There are scumbags in every walk of life....

Why did the guy run away from the cop?

Im just getting sick of the media inflaming and calling it everything a black and white issue....

Without question this cop is guilty of murder!

Proximity, capability, and intent.

In the seconds prior to the suspect turning and fleeing he evidenced proximity, intent, and if he secured the weapon, capability.

However, with or without the taser in the suspect's hand before the cop reached for the gun proximity was removed from the escalation of force model.

As the cop raised his gun to the back of the fleeing suspect capability was removed from the equation.

When the suspect spun and fled intent was removed from the escalation of force.

Furthermore, muscle memorization training for law enforcement drills repeatedly into the head techniques and actions that take place in the span of milliseconds so we know how to respond under duress. There was no such infinitesimal period of time here. Seconds were passing as the copy drew, raised, acquired the target, fired, noted the suspect did not go down, and continued emptying into him until felled. This was not impulsive training reaction. Another similarly situated professional would not have shot a fleeing suspect in the back. Cops are not supposed to murder fleeing suspects like this.

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Without question this cop is guilty of murder!

Proximity, capability, and intent.

In the seconds prior to the suspect turning and fleeing he evidenced proximity, intent, and if he secured the weapon, capability.

However, with or without the taser in the suspect's hand before the cop reached for the gun proximity was removed from the escalation of force model.

As the cop raised his gun to the back of the fleeing suspect capability was removed from the equation.

When the suspect spun and fled intent was removed from the escalation of force.

Furthermore, muscle memorization training for law enforcement drills repeatedly into the head techniques and actions that take place in the span of milliseconds so we know how to respond under duress. There was no such infinitesimal period of time here. Seconds were passing as the copy drew, raised, acquired the target, fired, noted the suspect did not go down, and continued emptying into him until felled. This was not impulsive training reaction. Another similarly situated professional would not have shot a fleeing suspect in the back. Cops are not supposed to murder fleeing suspects like this.

I usually really like your well thought out and articulated posts, but I'm not sure of your first sentence here. With the information at hand it appears that you are correct. It's just that I've seen so many times where first information doesn't have all of the facts.

Again, it appears you are right but only the jury, called "the finder of fact" can weigh all of the evidence, some of which might come to light later, and state what the truth is (facts are).


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I can not understand how anyone can possibly try to justify this murder. It is clear the cop shot the VICTIM as he was fleeing. The cop clearly picks the taser and lays it by the VICTIM. The cop clearly falsifies the the police report by claiming he shot the VICTIM once. If this video did not exist the cop would have walked.

I am so sick and tired people justifying the murder of citizens of any color by cops. There are serious problems with the justice system here in the United States.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Just about everything we've experienced since mid last year is evidence that too many police in too many departments throughout the country seem to have a script.

From jaywalking to a kid playing in a park with a toy gun to a guy in arrears for child support, certain police are ready, if not prepared or preparing to shoot you. No matter if you are unarmed. Too often, a routine stop has become a routine kill.

The police script continues by always saying the guy reached for the officer's weapon, reached for the teaser, or simply was less than compliant in one or more ways. So I had to shoot him, and I of course had to shoot him several times because I feared for my own life. Yeah, the guy was unarmed but I'm telling you he was a threat to my life.

It is almost a pattern and practice among certain police, a script.

It seems to be a commonly but confidentially discussed and agreed manner of policing among certain police, ascertained and decided by and among themselves. Routine and ordinary every day police situations and circumstances make shooting people routine and ordinary, acceptable among certain police.

As far as we know, it's not taught. Nor do police or public officials in government discuss it publicly. Nor will any of 'em discuss it publicly.

This case brings strongly into focus the question of an unwritten script among certain police, of a pattern or practice within certain police departments of making routine police matters into matters of routine kills. It's certainly not happening in every instance, but it is happening in too many of a certain kind of instance involving a certain category of citizen.

So this needs some airing out.

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I see the left wing bigots are out in force here. I wonder how long it will take George Soros to get his troops to SC? Based on the video evidence the main thing clear is a possible offender running away from a police officer, then being shot. If you can come up with anything else, seeing the video, it will be opinion and speculation. Seems remarkable how many here want police officers to fail.

He wasn't a "possible" offender. He had a broken tail light and was behind on his child support. Obviously a violent thug worthy of eight shots in the back.


If he had done as he was told HE WOULD BE ALIVE TODAY another Black man that thinks he can run from the Police without consequences the Officer had already tazed him with no effect the guy again tried to run and paid the price with his life.

Sorry but if he had sat in his Car as we was ordered to do he would still be alive wouldnt he

Cop may of made a mistake but utimately the guy bought his death upon himself.

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I see the left wing bigots are out in force here. I wonder how long it will take George Soros to get his troops to SC? Based on the video evidence the main thing clear is a possible offender running away from a police officer, then being shot. If you can come up with anything else, seeing the video, it will be opinion and speculation. Seems remarkable how many here want police officers to fail.

He wasn't a "possible" offender. He had a broken tail light and was behind on his child support. Obviously a violent thug worthy of eight shots in the back.


If he had done as he was told HE WOULD BE ALIVE TODAY another Black man that thinks he can run from the Police without consequences the Officer had already tazed him with no effect the guy again tried to run and paid the price with his life.

Sorry but if he had sat in his Car as we was ordered to do he would still be alive wouldnt he

Cop may of made a mistake but utimately the guy bought his death upon himself.

Funny, but there was a guy on the Anderson Cooper show (CNN) this morning who argued the same thing. The response to this line of reasoning was that the victim would still be alive today if he hadn't been SHOT EIGHT TIMES IN THE BACK.

Typical of the left to try and deflect the blame the point is and is IRREFUTABLE IS



He disobeyed the officers instructions and fled at that point HE PUT HIS LIFE AT RISK and he paid for it

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I see the left wing bigots are out in force here. I wonder how long it will take George Soros to get his troops to SC? Based on the video evidence the main thing clear is a possible offender running away from a police officer, then being shot. If you can come up with anything else, seeing the video, it will be opinion and speculation. Seems remarkable how many here want police officers to fail.

He wasn't a "possible" offender. He had a broken tail light and was behind on his child support. Obviously a violent thug worthy of eight shots in the back.


If he had done as he was told HE WOULD BE ALIVE TODAY another Black man that thinks he can run from the Police without consequences the Officer had already tazed him with no effect the guy again tried to run and paid the price with his life.

Sorry but if he had sat in his Car as we was ordered to do he would still be alive wouldnt he

Cop may of made a mistake but utimately the guy bought his death upon himself.

If he had done as he was told HE WOULD BE ALIVE TODAY

You wish.

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I see the left wing bigots are out in force here. I wonder how long it will take George Soros to get his troops to SC? Based on the video evidence the main thing clear is a possible offender running away from a police officer, then being shot. If you can come up with anything else, seeing the video, it will be opinion and speculation. Seems remarkable how many here want police officers to fail.

He wasn't a "possible" offender. He had a broken tail light and was behind on his child support. Obviously a violent thug worthy of eight shots in the back.


If he had done as he was told HE WOULD BE ALIVE TODAY another Black man that thinks he can run from the Police without consequences the Officer had already tazed him with no effect the guy again tried to run and paid the price with his life.

Sorry but if he had sat in his Car as we was ordered to do he would still be alive wouldnt he

Cop may of made a mistake but utimately the guy bought his death upon himself.

If he had done as he was told HE WOULD BE ALIVE TODAY

You wish.

What is wrong with people like you CANNOT you comprehend that when a Police officer pulls you over you DO EXACTLY AS HE SAYS What dont you get about that

I dont wish anything but any SANE NORMAL PERSON would agree with me that if he followed the officers instructions remained in the car while his details were checked and did not run he would be alive today

If you cant see that then you are too far gone to the left that you cannot be helped.

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What is wrong with people that they cannot understand simple things.

It is not normal police procedure to shoot someone running away. If the police followed that procedure the victim would be alive.

The officer is obviously in the wrong as his peers have thought it that bad that they charged him with murder.

It really is that simple, follow your procedural duty and one man would still be alive and one officer would not be facing trial for murder.

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That cop was in great shape and 20 years younger but could not catch and tackle this guy?

They are going to make an example out of him and the victims family is going to have a HUGE payday.

The cops life is over. Atleast the city agreed to keep paying health insurance for his 8 month pregnant wife.

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The state and local authorities have responded well thus far to the cell phone videotape and are saying they had certain suspicions before seeing the tape.

We recall however the Feds are also investigating, the Justice Department, to include the FBI and the Civil Rights Division. CRD enforces Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. The facts of this case seem to match the provisions of Title VI that present an "under color of law" conviction.

Under color of law refers to police or other law enforcement personnel who commit a violation of the Civil Rights Act and the Constitution, such as singling a person out because of his race. Which is why DoJ enforces Title VI.

I've edited Title VI due to the legal language so the link is provided for anyone who might want to read it all. I edited several phrases or clauses of legal language, such as "any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District" and similar stuff.

18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law
Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State....to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties .... by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both;
and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon.... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both;
and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include.....an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.


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I see the left wing bigots are out in force here. I wonder how long it will take George Soros to get his troops to SC? Based on the video evidence the main thing clear is a possible offender running away from a police officer, then being shot. If you can come up with anything else, seeing the video, it will be opinion and speculation. Seems remarkable how many here want police officers to fail.

He wasn't a "possible" offender. He had a broken tail light and was behind on his child support. Obviously a violent thug worthy of eight shots in the back.


If he had done as he was told HE WOULD BE ALIVE TODAY another Black man that thinks he can run from the Police without consequences the Officer had already tazed him with no effect the guy again tried to run and paid the price with his life.

Sorry but if he had sat in his Car as we was ordered to do he would still be alive wouldnt he

Cop may of made a mistake but utimately the guy bought his death upon himself.

If he had done as he was told HE WOULD BE ALIVE TODAY

You wish.

What is wrong with people like you CANNOT you comprehend that when a Police officer pulls you over you DO EXACTLY AS HE SAYS What dont you get about that

I dont wish anything but any SANE NORMAL PERSON would agree with me that if he followed the officers instructions remained in the car while his details were checked and did not run he would be alive today

If you cant see that then you are too far gone to the left that you cannot be helped.

Yes, so? Both men made a mistake, and both pay with their lives, albeit in different ways. The officer deserves this, the victim did not.
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The state and local authorities have responded well thus far to the cell phone videotape and are saying they had certain suspicions before seeing the tape.

We recall however the Feds are also investigating, the Justice Department, to include the FBI and the Civil Rights Division. CRD enforces Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. The facts of this case seem to match the provisions of Title VI that present an "under color of law" conviction.

Under color of law refers to police or other law enforcement personnel who commit a violation of the Civil Rights Act and the Constitution, such as singling a person out because of his race. Which is why DoJ enforces Title VI.

I've edited Title VI due to the legal language so the link is provided for anyone who might want to read it all. I edited several phrases or clauses of legal language, such as "any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District" and similar stuff.

18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law

Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State....to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties .... by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both;

and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon.... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both;

and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include.....an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.


Title VI is 42 USC 2000.

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The state and local authorities have responded well thus far to the cell phone videotape and are saying they had certain suspicions before seeing the tape.

We recall however the Feds are also investigating, the Justice Department, to include the FBI and the Civil Rights Division. CRD enforces Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. The facts of this case seem to match the provisions of Title VI that present an "under color of law" conviction.

Under color of law refers to police or other law enforcement personnel who commit a violation of the Civil Rights Act and the Constitution, such as singling a person out because of his race. Which is why DoJ enforces Title VI.

I've edited Title VI due to the legal language so the link is provided for anyone who might want to read it all. I edited several phrases or clauses of legal language, such as "any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District" and similar stuff.

18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law

Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State....to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties .... by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both;

and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon.... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both;

and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include.....an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.


Title VI is 42 USC 2000.

Yes it is and Title VI of CRA applied to Ferguson but it probably would not apply to North Charolette.

18 USC Sec. 242 - Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law does of course apply in this case, as I stated in my post.

From the FBI discussion of color of law, a discussion which I think clarifies to most of us that the officer in this case himself turned another routine police action into another routine homicide of an unarmed citizen, which is also and yet another national disaster, and yet another international embarrassment of the United States.

The Fourteenth Amendment secures the right to due process; the Eighth Amendment prohibits the use of cruel and unusual punishment. During an arrest or detention, these rights can be violated by the use of force amounting to punishment (summary judgment)

That’s why it’s a federal crime for anyone acting under “color of law” willfully to deprive or conspire to deprive a person of a right protected by the Constitution or U.S. law. “Color of law” simply means that the person is using authority given to him or her by a local, state, or federal government agency.


At least the authorities in this case have been responsive, whether state or local. The Feds do have their role however.

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Once again we see a Black person making poor choices followed by white police officer making even poorer choices. There are clearly issues within the Black community as well as systemic issues within the law enforcement community.

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The man is down, expired...and the cop, clearly looks about...yells, stop resisting arrest on the video... hmm if....only he would have paid attention, followed directions, he would not be dead... yeah, right.


The family needs support...both sidessad.png

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While it's generally well known SC is a right wing state dominated by tea party and other righteous types, Charlotte county in which North Charlotte municipality is located gets a strong Democratic party vote that pretty much holds off the local Republican vote.

Half the local population is black, so that would increase the strength of the jury.

When the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division of the state government, SLED, saw the video, it immediately asked the county prosecutor to file the murder charges.

The county solicitor, Scarlett O'Hara A. Wilson, didn't herself hesitate to write a murder charge after seeing the video so now the homicide cop is being held without bond. The elected Wilson had already been a favorite target of the conservative right as a "felon's friend," so it looks like she might well show the corrupt Ferguson 'prosecutor' and others on the far right how these things need to be done.

In SC, police departments are investigated by the state rather than by the police department's own internal investigations or review. Prosecution is at the county level by the elected county solicitor, in this instance Ms Wilson.

The white guy long time Mayor Keith Summy had already received the AME Black History Humanitarian Award and the Police Chief Eddie Driggers, appointed by the mayor, has spent his three years to date as chief revising police relations with the black community to generally strong reviews. The SC junior US Senator, Republican Tim Scott, said from Washington the shooting was "unnecessary" and a "tragedy."

The homicide cop and the second cop that arrived moments later at the scene of the homicide had told their make-believe story to the authorities, which was the only story until the young black guy who recorded the homicide decided it was personally safe for him to release it. Looks like obstruction of justice might be added to a rapidly lengthening list of very serious charges.

South Carolina....who wouldda thunk the authorities there woulda come down on a killer cop in this immediate and severe way. Even this cop's lawyer quit yesterday after he saw the video.

You have much to thank the VDO for. I doubt anyone on here is going to say the cop is innocent of murder, so you won't get the same derision as on the Fergusson shooting.

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