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Obama says climate change is harming Americans' health


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Obama says climate change is harming Americans' health
JOSH LEDERMAN, Associated Press
NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Global warming isn't just affecting the weather, it's harming Americans' health, President Barack Obama said Tuesday as he announced steps government and businesses will take to better understand and deal with the problem.

Obama said hazards of the changing climate include wildfires sending more pollution into the air, allergy seasons growing longer and rising cases of insect-borne diseases. Speaking at Howard University Medical School, he announced commitments from Google, Microsoft and others to help the U.S. health system prepare for a warmer, more erratic climate.

"We've got to do better in protecting our vulnerable families," Obama said, adding that, ultimately, all families are affected.

"You can't cordon yourself off from air," Obama said.

Warning of the perils to the planet has gotten the president only so far; polls consistently show the public is skeptical that the steps Obama has taken to curb pollution are worth the cost to the economy. So Obama is aiming to put a spotlight on ways that climate change will have real impacts on the body, like more asthma attacks, allergic reactions, heat-related deaths and injuries from extreme weather.

Obama said spending on health — such as preventing asthma — can save more money than it costs, as well as alleviate pain and suffering.

The too U.S. health official, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, noted that people suffering from an increase in asthma-attack triggers lose time at work and school. Murthy, a doctor, said the problem was especially personal for him because he's seen so many patients struggle to breathe and his own uncle died of a severe asthma attack.

Microsoft's research arm will develop a prototype for drones that can collect large quantities of mosquitoes, then digitally analyze their genes and pathogens. The goal is to create a system that could provide early warnings about infectious diseases that could break out if climate change worsens.

Google has promised to donate 10 million hours of advanced computing time on new tools, including risk maps and early warnings for things like wildfires and oil flares using the Google Earth Engine platform, the White House said. Google's camera cars that gather photos for its "Street View" function will start measuring methane emissions and natural gas leaks in some cities this year.

The Obama administration also announced a series of modest steps it will take to boost preparedness, such as expanding access to data to predict and minimize the health effects from climate change.

Obama's effort to link climate change to health comes as he works to build support for steps he's taken to curb U.S. emissions, including strict limits on vehicles and power plants. The president is relying on those emissions cuts to make up the U.S. contribution to a global climate treaty that he and other world leaders expect to finalize in December.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-04-08

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...so funny.

...sad thing is, that most Americans do believe in myth that global warming is caused entirely by human caused Co2 emissions.

Wait when he finds out that after the "warming", there will be a cooling. Hes's probably going to blame Russian climate for the coming ice age....muahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah..............



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"...Global warming isn't just affecting the weather, it's harming Americans' health, President Barack Obama said Tuesday..."

A day late and a dollar short Obama...old news. More like Obama is harming Americans health plans.

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I think the first 20 year of my life I heard Global Cooling then they changed it to Global Warming now Climate Change. They need to come up with a spookier name for it so we will all be scared and go back to living like cave men.

But wait this is only for the poor and middle class. Al Gore or E GORE The winner of the Nobel Piece price live in a home 4 times the size of mine back in the USA and probably 20 times bigger than my condo. OH yes that's right he get those Carbon credits to use for being such a stand up guy. Who really believesthis shit ?

How much of the tax payers money did Solindri make off with ? Was it 98 million or 98 billion ?

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Irrespective of what the climate data shows (and it does not support global warming), the sheer fact that every think tank, political party, politician or organization that sets as its primary focus the "fundamental transformation of America" and/or the world, and who's values supports global warming legislation, is cause enough to convince me "Climate Change" is a stalking horse!

Did you catch that? Its rarely called Global Warming any longer. This change was a concerted effort to repackage the elusive "global warming" into "climate change" so it then covered everything from sunrise to C02, exhalation to backyard bbq. Global Warming by any name is a testimony to the arrogance of Man. It is nefarious and lurking in the shadows are the eugenics crowd.

IMO, the timing and coincidence of "Global Warming" fantasy in relation to JFKs Freedom from War study is alarming. Its been many years since I read this but among the most significant foundational conclusions reached by those who prepared this document revolve around the glue that binds nations to war and nationality. It was apparent that this glue most be replaced with another binding glue of such proportions as to make borders irrelevant and collective cooperation a must. The document and/or accompanying study suggested various ways this could be achieved and climate change threat was chief among these fantasies of social engineering.

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keep your head in the sand. Anyone that does not believe global warming is real is just too lazy or too ignorant to see the facts. I was at Lake Louise last year, the glacier there has receded back to a level never seen before.

In the middle of the province or British Columbia where forestry is the main industry, the forest have been wiped out by the pine and spruce beetles. They have been able to destroy the forests because the winters do not get cold enough anymore to kill them off so they have in turn killed all the trees. This is not a cycle this is something that has never happened before.

When I lived there 25 years ago the winters were cold and we would get 10 feet of snow or more per year. They rarely get more than a few feet now and the temp are much warmer.

All the people denying global warming can spout off all they want for now but it won't be much longer before there is no doubt in anyone's mind that it is real!!

Problem is by then it will be too late. It may already be.

Probably the same lot that think the world is 6000 years old and man walked with dinosaurs, pathetic and dangerously scary for people to be that stupid.

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keep your head in the sand. Anyone that does not believe global warming is real is just too lazy or too ignorant to see the facts. I was at Lake Louise last year, the glacier there has receded back to a level never seen before.

In the middle of the province or British Columbia where forestry is the main industry, the forest have been wiped out by the pine and spruce beetles. They have been able to destroy the forests because the winters do not get cold enough anymore to kill them off so they have in turn killed all the trees. This is not a cycle this is something that has never happened before.

When I lived there 25 years ago the winters were cold and we would get 10 feet of snow or more per year. They rarely get more than a few feet now and the temp are much warmer.

All the people denying global warming can spout off all they want for now but it won't be much longer before there is no doubt in anyone's mind that it is real!!

Problem is by then it will be too late. It may already be.

Probably the same lot that think the world is 6000 years old and man walked with dinosaurs, pathetic and dangerously scary for people to be that stupid.

You don't have to come up with personal observations to prove the planet has warmed slightly in the last century. There is a temperature record that shows it.

The warming however, does not show cause. If you can figure out what caused the previous warm periods Then Occam's razor would suggest the same cause today. Unfortunately that eliminates humans as the cause.

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This from the President that promised..."If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."


Obama: Global Warming Gave My Daughter Asthma
12:14 PM 04/08/2015
Doubling-down on his campaign to tie global warming to respiratory illness, President Obama told ABC’s “Good Morning America” that global warming gave his daughter, Malia, asthma when she was a toddler.
Scary stuff, but there’s just one problem for Obama: comments a couple years ago made by his wife Michelle suggest that being in a crowded circus with lots of dust and particles in the air triggered their daughter’s asthma, not global warming. Their daughter also has a peanut allergy, and circuses are usually teaming with peanuts.
Despite that glaring fact, Obama continued to use his daughter’s asthma to further political ends.
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Could it possibly be that Obama is looking at a future career following Al Gore into the billionaire club.

Never believed in mans influence on climate change no matter what you want to call it.

The planet has gone through several cooling and warming periods with huge sea level fluctuations. Such things a fossil trees in both the Arctic and Antarctic and sea shell fossils high on mountains (which I have seen myself) attest to this.

I cant see that man, while certainly a gross polluter, is going to make any appreciable difference to this.

You can't see because you're not an expert. And they all agree: manmade.
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...so funny.

...sad thing is, that most Americans do believe in myth that global warming is caused entirely by human caused Co2 emissions.

Wait when he finds out that after the "warming", there will be a cooling. Hes's probably going to blame Russian climate for the coming ice age....muahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah..............



What ever Global warming is caused by, I would hope you would agree that it is detrimental to humans and as such could not be very good for their health

But I am glad to see that you are so easily entertained.

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The issue is not pollution. It is whether pollution changes the climate.

Next time you doubt pollution changes the climate,

Conduct the following experiment

instead of pooping in the bathroom and flushing it down the toilet bowl, poop in your kitchen, and see if it changes the climate there.

I await eagerly for the results.

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Not surprisingly the TV teapublicans all poo poo climate change. 97% of climate scientists agree that climate change is real and man made, but if all you ever watch is Fox News...you know the truth. whistling.gif

"Most people don't want the truth. They just want the constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth."

Thus Fox News 24/7.

Denying climate change at this point is just pathetic.

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Yeah, guys: 98% of the scientific community say, that climate change is real and a significant portion of those say, it is mainly man made...but YOU know better!

You and Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Glen Beck., Denesh De Sousa and Bill O'Reilly, that is!

And the 2% of scientists that don't agree and have a significant income from Exxon Mobile or Koch Industries!

"Behold...the snowball I just made outside! And you speak of global warming!"


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