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Oklahoma could execute death row inmates with nitrogen gas


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Nitrogen gas execution bill heading to Oklahoma governor
SEAN MURPHY, Associated Press

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Oklahoma is poised to become the first U.S. state to allow the use of nitrogen gas to execute inmates under a plan given final legislative approval Thursday and now headed to the governor's desk.

Without a single dissenting vote, the Oklahoma Senate approved legislation that would allow the new method to be used if lethal injection is ruled unconstitutional or if the deadly drugs become unavailable. Republican Gov. Mary Fallin is a staunch supporter of the death penalty, but her spokesman declined to comment on the measure Thursday.

Executions are on hold in Oklahoma while the U.S. Supreme Court considers whether the state's current three-drug method of lethal injection is constitutional. Oklahoma and other states have scrambled to find new drugs after manufacturers of more effective drugs stopped selling them to states for executions.

There are no reports of nitrogen gas ever being used to execute humans. But supporters of Oklahoma's plan argue that nitrogen-induced hypoxia — or a lack of oxygen in the blood — is a humane and painless method of execution that requires no medical expertise to perform.

"The process is fast and painless," said Oklahoma City Republican Rep. Mike Christian, a former Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper who wrote the bill. "It's foolproof."

Opponents are concerned there isn't enough evidence to ensure the new method is painless and effective.

"It just hasn't been tried, so we don't know," said Rep. Emily Virgin, a Democrat from Norman who is opposed to the death penalty.

The changes come in the wake of a botched execution in Oklahoma last year. The state was using a new sedative as the first in a three-drug combination to execute an inmate when state officials tried to halt the lethal injection after the inmate writhed on the gurney and moaned. He died 43 minutes after the process began.

The problematic execution was blamed on a poorly placed intravenous line and prompted a lawsuit from Oklahoma death row inmates, who argue that the state's new drug combination presents a serious risk of pain and suffering. The U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments in that case later this month.

Lethal injection would remain the state's primary execution method, but nitrogen gas would be the state's first backup method ahead of the electric chair, which the state hasn't used since 1966, and a firing squad, which has never been used in an Oklahoma execution.

Other death penalty states also are looking at alternatives to lethal injection. Tennessee passed a law last year to reinstate the electric chair if it can't get lethal drugs, and Utah has reinstated the firing squad as a backup method.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-04-10

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The IDIOT who designed the lethal injection cocktail put a paralytic in the mix -- so the victim was rigidly awake as they expired. When asked why he added that, the idiot doctor said "I don't know.."

Frakking brilliant liar there. He added it to "punish" those being executed.

The nitrogen idea works, but it is not painless -- all they need to do is mix it with nitrous oxide and Poof! Induced sleep.

The whole controversy is bizarre. The shot they give dogs to put them to sleep is also effective on humans. We are more humane to animals than we are to human beings.

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Organisms do not die easily or quietly. The paralytic is to prevent seizure type activity. The people involved are not usually trained/licensed medical practitioners, since their oath says they will 'do no harm'.

The people that are administering the drugs are amateurs. Personally, just going in there knowing they don't really know what there doing would be pretty frightening.

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That Hangman at Nuremberg, I think he was Jewish, he made them Suffer, especially the Streicher Hanging, bcuz he was a Jew Hater, didn't put the rope in the right location on neck, Some of these Scum need to Suffer...

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Organisms do not die easily or quietly. The paralytic is to prevent seizure type activity. The people involved are not usually trained/licensed medical practitioners, since their oath says they will 'do no harm'.

The people that are administering the drugs are amateurs. Personally, just going in there knowing they don't really know what there doing would be pretty frightening.

An amateur would not know the first thing about placing a line in a vein. So your assumption is wrong.

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That Hangman at Nuremberg, I think he was Jewish, he made them Suffer, especially the Streicher Hanging, bcuz he was a Jew Hater, didn't put the rope in the right location on neck, Some of these Scum need to Suffer...

Who, U.S. Army Master Sergeant John C. Woods?

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According to Dr's Nitschke & Stewart of Exit International breathing in a gas with no oxygen content should render unconsciousness in a matter of seconds. Estimates for time to death with this method were not easy to find, although it would seem less than 10 minutes. 20 minutes of gas is said by Nitschke & Stewart to be more than enough to ensure death. Death should be relatively painless, although before being rendered unconscious there will be brief panic knowing that the body is not breathing in air. On discovery, the body will look like death was peaceful.

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According to Dr's Nitschke & Stewart of Exit International breathing in a gas with no oxygen content should render unconsciousness in a matter of seconds. Estimates for time to death with this method were not easy to find, although it would seem less than 10 minutes. 20 minutes of gas is said by Nitschke & Stewart to be more than enough to ensure death. Death should be relatively painless, although before being rendered unconscious there will be brief panic knowing that the body is not breathing in air. On discovery, the body will look like death was peaceful.

I have difficulty accepting this. Decreased or no O2 does not kill in seconds. Even if you replaced O2 with Carbon Monoxide, which hemoglobin loves 400x more than O2, the death is still not seconds. Clinical death is when they stop breathing and biological death is when the heart stops- 3-5 minutes. The cessation of O2 alone does not immediately kill. Replacing the gas with another can have a different outcome though. Removal of O2 from air effectively creates Nitrogen gas.

I have spent many years breathing gas mixtures at surface, subsurface, and O2 at altitude from 12,500 - 24,000ft. When a person is breathing above 12.5 they breathe as normally, without asphyxiation or effort, and they are hardly aware that they are actually narrowing the field of vision, and color is departing their visual field. Only when someone gives them a shot of pure O2 and they inhale do they note the peripheral fields and color returning in the chamber or at altitude. Someone will die unless they are given O2. I believe it would be painless. I was never even aware I was dying until we passed the O2 bottle around like junkies. I am curious that if the majority of atmospheric "air" is nitrogen anyway, and we then remove what is present of O2 (maybe 20%), then we effectively have "nitrogen gas."

We also noted this repeatedly on the ground in "chambers" where we hang out with our buddies while the "shirts" watch us behind the thick glass. We swear we are on the top of our game. The PA system: "Now look in front of you and place the round, square, cylindrical, etc., wooden block in the corresponding hole in the board," they told us. No problem we all laughed but immediately and consistently we were dumb and dumber, drooling, laughing, zoning, trying to repeatedly stick square pegs in round holes. But never any panic of fear. I could have died there just fine.

I recall two different incidents where we were intentionally put to sleep on an airplane because the hull was compromised. We were told they would hop and pop above and below altitude to keep us alive but that we would fall asleep for the remainder of the flight. It was necessary to continue flying. We fell asleep one by one, peacefully.

In all cases related to decreased O2 intake I have never seen the body go compensatory and evidence "brief panic." Never! I can only conclude from this piece that the doctors actually had no idea what they were doing or an inability to communicate effectively. When O2 is removed air remains- you still breathe! Its just not perfusing tissues with the required O2. If I could choose a way to die this would be it. We should all be so lucky!

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That Hangman at Nuremberg, I think he was Jewish, he made them Suffer, especially the Streicher Hanging, bcuz he was a Jew Hater, didn't put the rope in the right location on neck, Some of these Scum need to Suffer...

Who, U.S. Army Master Sergeant John C. Woods?

Thanks for your input.

Urban legends and incorrect assumptions do not need to be encouraged.

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According to Dr's Nitschke & Stewart of Exit International breathing in a gas with no oxygen content should render unconsciousness in a matter of seconds. Estimates for time to death with this method were not easy to find, although it would seem less than 10 minutes. 20 minutes of gas is said by Nitschke & Stewart to be more than enough to ensure death. Death should be relatively painless, although before being rendered unconscious there will be brief panic knowing that the body is not breathing in air. On discovery, the body will look like death was peaceful.

I have difficulty accepting this. Decreased or no O2 does not kill in seconds. Even if you replaced O2 with Carbon Monoxide, which hemoglobin loves 400x more than O2, the death is still not seconds. Clinical death is when they stop breathing and biological death is when the heart stops- 3-5 minutes. The cessation of O2 alone does not immediately kill. Replacing the gas with another can have a different outcome though. Removal of O2 from air effectively creates Nitrogen gas.

I have spent many years breathing gas mixtures at surface, subsurface, and O2 at altitude from 12,500 - 24,000ft. When a person is breathing above 12.5 they breathe as normally, without asphyxiation or effort, and they are hardly aware that they are actually narrowing the field of vision, and color is departing their visual field. Only when someone gives them a shot of pure O2 and they inhale do they note the peripheral fields and color returning in the chamber or at altitude. Someone will die unless they are given O2. I believe it would be painless. I was never even aware I was dying until we passed the O2 bottle around like junkies. I am curious that if the majority of atmospheric "air" is nitrogen anyway, and we then remove what is present of O2 (maybe 20%), then we effectively have "nitrogen gas."

We also noted this repeatedly on the ground in "chambers" where we hang out with our buddies while the "shirts" watch us behind the thick glass. We swear we are on the top of our game. The PA system: "Now look in front of you and place the round, square, cylindrical, etc., wooden block in the corresponding hole in the board," they told us. No problem we all laughed but immediately and consistently we were dumb and dumber, drooling, laughing, zoning, trying to repeatedly stick square pegs in round holes. But never any panic of fear. I could have died there just fine.

I recall two different incidents where we were intentionally put to sleep on an airplane because the hull was compromised. We were told they would hop and pop above and below altitude to keep us alive but that we would fall asleep for the remainder of the flight. It was necessary to continue flying. We fell asleep one by one, peacefully.

In all cases related to decreased O2 intake I have never seen the body go compensatory and evidence "brief panic." Never! I can only conclude from this piece that the doctors actually had no idea what they were doing or an inability to communicate effectively. When O2 is removed air remains- you still breathe! Its just not perfusing tissues with the required O2. If I could choose a way to die this would be it. We should all be so lucky!

No one said it kills in seconds.

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I assume the majority of the contributors are American if not all?

How barbaric you are!

Did you not read the thread pointing out that the death penalty just does not work?

I for one am quite terrified of America being the world's policeman, when their own police force is so inadequate and so many Americans seem to be psychopathic? Christians? My arse!

I think your assertion that "the death penalty just does not work" requires a little clarification.

It certainly has been shown that the death penalty does not act as any kind of deterrent, however, it is the only penalty that is 100% effective at preventing repeat offending....................

Oh well, that's OK then! Sorry I did not realise that reducing recidivism was the main point! I apologise without reservation....?

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According to Dr's Nitschke & Stewart of Exit International breathing in a gas with no oxygen content should render unconsciousness in a matter of seconds. Estimates for time to death with this method were not easy to find, although it would seem less than 10 minutes. 20 minutes of gas is said by Nitschke & Stewart to be more than enough to ensure death. Death should be relatively painless, although before being rendered unconscious there will be brief panic knowing that the body is not breathing in air. On discovery, the body will look like death was peaceful.

I have difficulty accepting this. Decreased or no O2 does not kill in seconds. Even if you replaced O2 with Carbon Monoxide, which hemoglobin loves 400x more than O2, the death is still not seconds. Clinical death is when they stop breathing and biological death is when the heart stops- 3-5 minutes. The cessation of O2 alone does not immediately kill. Replacing the gas with another can have a different outcome though. Removal of O2 from air effectively creates Nitrogen gas.

I have spent many years breathing gas mixtures at surface, subsurface, and O2 at altitude from 12,500 - 24,000ft. When a person is breathing above 12.5 they breathe as normally, without asphyxiation or effort, and they are hardly aware that they are actually narrowing the field of vision, and color is departing their visual field. Only when someone gives them a shot of pure O2 and they inhale do they note the peripheral fields and color returning in the chamber or at altitude. Someone will die unless they are given O2. I believe it would be painless. I was never even aware I was dying until we passed the O2 bottle around like junkies. I am curious that if the majority of atmospheric "air" is nitrogen anyway, and we then remove what is present of O2 (maybe 20%), then we effectively have "nitrogen gas."

We also noted this repeatedly on the ground in "chambers" where we hang out with our buddies while the "shirts" watch us behind the thick glass. We swear we are on the top of our game. The PA system: "Now look in front of you and place the round, square, cylindrical, etc., wooden block in the corresponding hole in the board," they told us. No problem we all laughed but immediately and consistently we were dumb and dumber, drooling, laughing, zoning, trying to repeatedly stick square pegs in round holes. But never any panic of fear. I could have died there just fine.

I recall two different incidents where we were intentionally put to sleep on an airplane because the hull was compromised. We were told they would hop and pop above and below altitude to keep us alive but that we would fall asleep for the remainder of the flight. It was necessary to continue flying. We fell asleep one by one, peacefully.

In all cases related to decreased O2 intake I have never seen the body go compensatory and evidence "brief panic." Never! I can only conclude from this piece that the doctors actually had no idea what they were doing or an inability to communicate effectively. When O2 is removed air remains- you still breathe! Its just not perfusing tissues with the required O2. If I could choose a way to die this would be it. We should all be so lucky!

No one said it kills in seconds.

Yes, you are correct. I have no idea why I processed that differently. Thanks. Still, it would be the way to check out.

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