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Seven Dangerous Days: 25 dead in day one of Songkran road chaos


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I had some bizarre Thai road rage today. Upon doing a U turn i came out in front of a motorbike who took umbridge at the fact I had slowed their path down. Rather than simply slow down a little until i picked up speed, the motorcyclist overtook me before cutting across me with an inch to spare as a gesture, flicking me the bird as he went.

I was driving he Toyota Hilux, he was driving a scooter. He was seemingly oblivious to the fact any collision would kill him and barely dent my car. I suspect it was a face thing.

So you just pulled out in front of a motorcyclist, forcing him to slow down because you couldn't be bothered to wait for a proper gap? And you're surprised he's upset?

And your justification is that you drive a Hilux? You will have no objections then when a 12 wheel articulated truck pulls a U-turn in front of your Hilux so if you don't jam on your brakes your Hilux under the trailer?

Sauce for the goose....

I can't understand the mentality of someone, who comes out in front of a motorbike, causing him to brake, and he thinks the M/C rider is bizarre.

I think the Hilux driver has got his nationality mixed up, was he not the Thai?

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to all you morons who like thai bashing you are a guest in their country try to understand the thai mentality and live by the rules and last but not least do not try and impose your self on them.

A "guest" in their country?????????????????

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to all you morons who like thai bashing you are a guest in their country try to understand the thai mentality and live by the rules and last but not least do not try and impose your self on them.

A "guest" in their country?????????????????

Erm, correct!

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So here's my take on the ''7 dangerous days''. I think a lot of people feel it's so dangerous out there purely due to this label. I am not omnipresent so can only speak from personal experience: If we look at the travel situation during Songkran on a macro level(inter-provincial highways) there are undoubtedly a sh#t load of cars, but I travel the Asia highway often and it's a dangerous road at the best of times....during Songkran it becomes a bumper to bumper snail. Now let's look at travel on a micro level: The road from my house to the beach is extremely dangerous. There a many blind rises and turns and I'm always expecting to see a car coming towards me (stupid a-holes overtaking at these points). In my car collisions are unavoidable and there a numerous gruesome accidents on this road during the year. Due to this, I only drive my bike to the beach (I can hang left and avoid the pickups). During Songkran, however, the road is bumper to bumper with people cruising along having a water fights-In my time their has not been a single road fatality during Songkran during the day: That already cuts the average statistics by a lot. Basically, I have no problem believing that road deaths are less during this period. Fender benders are probably higher.


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to all you morons who like thai bashing you are a guest in their country try to understand the thai mentality and live by the rules and last but not least do not try and impose your self on them.

Morons?..ouch...I havent bashed anyone but i will respond...Thai mentality?..Ive been trying very hard

for over 5 yrs to "understand" thai mentality...maybe YOU can explain it to US , or at least maybe ME...

So yes today im sure i will once again try and understand as i make a simple gesture to go find food.

And how i have to look around as if it were like one of the laser tag games in a amusement park,

or paint ball if you prefer. Wonder if my phone will get fried or do i need to wrap it 10x in plastic bags?

I wondered last year as well as thais hid on top of a building, like cowards(thais?) as they threw water

on me riding my bike as i certainly dont want freezing filthy moat water thrown on my hot mbike engine...

Anyway, yes my bike and the fact i had in earphones and ipod...which was fried btw....did i get a "SOLLY"

or asked if i was ok, or if my ipod worked...nope...just drunk cowardly thais hiding and being drunk/laughing

So yep, maybe i am the moron, as you say, forever trying to understand "THAI mentality"..rules?? huh??

You've been in Thailand 5yrs and still dont understand Thais? Can you at least say hello, thank you, goodbye, count to 10 in Thai? That would be a start..

Mai Pen Rai - look it up

Non-confrontational - look it up

Thai culture & buddhism - look it up

Give others benefit of the doubt vs assuming they are doing you wrong - read that 10x( or maybe 20x in your case)

Having been Thailand half a decade, has it ever occurred to you why there is so little honking by Thai drivers (except Farangs)?

If youre unfamiliar with any of the above after being in Thailand for 5 long years, that says more about you than any deficiency in Thais or their culture.

Lastly, do you know how offensive this is:

....did i get a "SOLLY"

It just reveals your closet racism masquerading as humor.

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When will the Government take responsibility for this carnage? It's is because of their lack of road safety, lack of enforcement, and giving licences to people who have had no experience that is the main cause. A lot of people on the roads don't even have a licence. When they drive it's simply accelerator, brake and if that fails or something happens, they have no idea on how to correct or avoid a collision. Then there is unnecessary over taking just to be in front, speeding, not stopping for pedestrians on crossings (even though they have to by law), driving on the wrong side of the road, cutting corners and even running red lights. I think it's safe to say they cannot drive and have no idea about correct driving or road safety. The government need to make it harder to get licences and make sure that the road rules are fully enforced.

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I had some bizarre Thai road rage today. Upon doing a U turn i came out in front of a motorbike who took umbridge at the fact I had slowed their path down. Rather than simply slow down a little until i picked up speed, the motorcyclist overtook me before cutting across me with an inch to spare as a gesture, flicking me the bird as he went.

I was driving he Toyota Hilux, he was driving a scooter. He was seemingly oblivious to the fact any collision would kill him and barely dent my car. I suspect it was a face thing.

So you just pulled out in front of a motorcyclist, forcing him to slow down because you couldn't be bothered to wait for a proper gap? And you're surprised he's upset?

And your justification is that you drive a Hilux? You will have no objections then when a 12 wheel articulated truck pulls a U-turn in front of your Hilux so if you don't jam on your brakes your Hilux under the trailer?

Sauce for the goose....

I can't understand the mentality of someone, who comes out in front of a motorbike, causing him to brake, and he thinks the M/C rider is bizarre.

I think the Hilux driver has got his nationality mixed up, was he not the Thai?

It's got worse over the last few years. Ten or fifteen years ago most Thais had, at some point in their lives, ridden a motorcycle themselves. Consequently they were both more aware of, and respectful towards, their fellow road users on two wheels. But nowadays, it's not uncommon at all to have some arrogant idiot calculatedly pull out in front of you, presumably on the basis that because you're riding a bike you must be poor or of low social status and it's your place to give way to them regardless of the legal rules of the road.

But obviously this attitude is not confined to freshly affluent Thais in their as yet to be paid for new status symbols - as evidenced as our friend in the Hilux. it just goes to prove that arrogance and stupidity are no respecters of national or ethnic boundaries.

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Songkran festival can not be the only holiday in which the highways are dangerous.

I have been in Thailand for other holidays, and it seems the death tolls rise for most of them.

I have had near misses while riding my little Honda 125 dream and there was not even a holiday

going on. Thailand is just Thailand and if you make it through the whole year and are still alive,

just consider yourself lucky!

I have seen dangerous driving almost everywhere I have been. Heck even in Alberta Canada. there was

a young man in his 20s pulled over for going faster than 200Kms per hour in a 110KMPH zone.

I imagine that his insurance rate has climbed since that joy ride.

Good luck to all the travellers who are up country for the holidays!

I hope you all have a safe journey back home after them.

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Same same every year so I am not surprised

What frosts me more than anything is the idea that having cops sit under large tents by the side of the road listening to music and reading newspapers has any effect on the carnage, yet every year it is the same scenario

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to all you morons who like thai bashing you are a guest in their country try to understand the thai mentality and live by the rules and last but not least do not try and impose your self on them.

Understand what ? Thais like to kill themselves in vehicle accidents ?? Ok

I guess I can fly with that. Yes these yearly seven dangerous days numbers

are a great source of amusement to any long term expat. I personally call

them the seven safety days, as the per day daily death toll falls down a lot

as other posters have already indicated. And yes, in the land of saving face

using deceit, any statistic is suspect....cheesy.gif

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to all you morons who like thai bashing you are a guest in their country try to understand the thai mentality and live by the rules and last but not least do not try and impose your self on them.

All fine and good if I didn't have to share the road with them

And by the way, what rules are you talking about ?

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to all you morons who like thai bashing you are a guest in their country try to understand the thai mentality and live by the rules and last but not least do not try and impose your self on them.

All fine and good if I didn't have to share the road with them

And by the way, what rules are you talking about ?

Rule 123: As a guest you shall have Bhuddist ceremonies imposed on you, not limited to, but including: Wai-ing statues, crawling on your knees and prostrating yourself before the glory of the monkood (Please refer to Addendum iii if you are confused about the ''For monarchy, for people, for religions'' slogan: There are no plurals in Thai so it should have said ''....for the religion'' - The true Thai religion being Bhuddism.

Rule 187: If you don't like any rules shut the <deleted!> up or go the <deleted!> back to your country of birth.

Edited by metisdead
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to all you morons who like thai bashing you are a guest in their country try to understand the thai mentality and live by the rules and last but not least do not try and impose your self on them.

All fine and good if I didn't have to share the road with them

And by the way, what rules are you talking about ?

Rule 123: As a guest you shall have Bhuddist ceremonies imposed on you, not limited to, but including: Wai-ing statues, crawling on your knees and prostrating yourself before the glory of the monkood (Please refer to Addendum iii if you are confused about the ''For monarchy, for people, for religions'' slogan: There are no plurals in Thai so it should have said ''....for the religion'' - The true Thai religion being Bhuddism.

Rule 187: If you don't like any rules shut the <deleted!> up or go the <deleted!> back to your country of birth.

'Rule 187: If you don't like any rules shut the <deleted!> up or go the <deleted!> back to your country of birth.'

Good rule. I wish that's how it was back where I'm from.

Edited by retsdon
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and i tought they did not start to party & drinking before tomorrow night ?

Some don't, my gf worked all day on Saturday and will drive home to KK, early Monday morning. She's due back at work 8am on Friday morning. For many Thais this time of year is still about happiness and opportunity to be with family they don't normally get. It's not always about drinking and drunk driving.

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they will never learn, christ, there is a road footbridge by my condo with arrows, pointing UP and DOWN, do they take a blind bit of notice. ? no way. i like playing the game where i walk into them. they look at me blank and then i point to the big white arrows. he he

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they will never learn, christ, there is a road footbridge by my condo with arrows, pointing UP and DOWN, do they take a blind bit of notice. ? no way. i like playing the game where i walk into them. they look at me blank and then i point to the big white arrows. he he

Sounds like a fun game :rolleyes: Seriously though: You shoul get out more ;)

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I had some bizarre Thai road rage today. Upon doing a U turn i came out in front of a motorbike who took umbridge at the fact I had slowed their path down. Rather than simply slow down a little until i picked up speed, the motorcyclist overtook me before cutting across me with an inch to spare as a gesture, flicking me the bird as he went.

I was driving he Toyota Hilux, he was driving a scooter. He was seemingly oblivious to the fact any collision would kill him and barely dent my car. I suspect it was a face thing.

So you just pulled out in front of a motorcyclist, forcing him to slow down because you couldn't be bothered to wait for a proper gap? And you're surprised he's upset?And your justification is that you drive a Hilux? You will have no objections then when a 12 wheel articulated truck pulls a U-turn in front of your Hilux so if you don't jam on your brakes your Hilux under the trailer?

Sauce for the goose....

So you just pulled out in front of a motorcyclist, forcing him to slow down because you couldn't be bothered to wait for a proper gap

There are no "proper gaps" as it`s Songkran and the roads are bumper to bumper. Did you not know?

and you're surprised he's upset?And your justification is that you drive a Hilux? You will have no objections then when a 12 wheel articulated truck pulls a U-turn in front of your Hilux so if you don't jam on your brakes your Hilux under the trailer?

It`s not a justification. it`s an obervation of the recklessness of someone to be so pig headed, and totally oblivious to the fact the situation they are creating could kill them, and not even harm the person he is "upset" at. A huge lorry did just that to me on the same journey, I had the sense to know he`d crush me and gave him plenty of room. Theres a reason motorcyclists make up 90% of deaths here.

So get down off your high horse and stop the "I`m more Thai than Thais" BS. Cringeworthy.

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"It said major cause is drunk driving or 25.31%, followed by speeding, 24.38%."

So what was the other 51%? Crashes? tongue.png

25% drunk, that means 75% of the accidents were caused by sober drivers, maybe the police ought to give out bottles of free Whisky to every driver on the road, should bring down the death toll no end.

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