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Prayuth Asks Media to Expose Redshirt Violence in 2010 Crackdown

Lite Beer

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That is a really strange picture.

It is very surreal. Looks like he has to pee or he's holding back a fart.

One of the great pieces of dialogue in the Bucket List was to list 3 things you should do when old and one was " never trust a fart ".

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Why should the media help a person who sensors their work, threatens them with incarceration, threatens to shut them down, threatens to punch them in the face and threatens to execute them. I ask again why should they help him.

Because that's what they do. No offence but that's what some die for, to help describe for others to see and judge.

Prayuth should take off the muzzles and let them do thier job. They can't describe for others to see and judge when they have been blindfolded
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Slow down a sec guys..........

This thread is not about the violent red thugs (there are 100's of threads about that already)

This is about Mr P asking/begging/ordering the press to report his "truth".

Normally countries where that happens are called (you know what I mean).................whistling.gif

He just ask media to report True.

Media have pictures and videos of this night who clearly show that red shirt always denied : Violence come from red camps.......

Since most of the media are on yellow hands, why haven't those alleged pictures and videos not been published in five years??

Not only, foreign media have the same evidence......

Quote from Human right watch world report 2012-2014 about Thailand :

« At least 90 people died and more than 2,000 were injured during violent political confrontations from March to May 2010. The loss of life resulted from the unnecessary use of lethal force by Thai security forces, attacks by armed elements operating in tandem with the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), known as the “Red Shirts,” and incitement to violence by some UDD leaders. »

« The status of investigations into alleged crimes by UDD “Black Shirt” militants remained unclear, with the Yingluck government denying the group’s existence despite clear photographic and other evidence. A number of those accused of deadly attacks against soldiers, police officers, and anti-UDD groups were released on bail. The election of 12 senior UDD leaders as ruling Pheu Thai Party members of parliament raised serious concerns that they would be able to use their political influence and parliamentary immunity to evade accountability for their role in the 2010 violence. »

Human Right Watch put on light Red shirt lying..... perhaps HRW are in hand of yellow shirt.......


You seem to have forgotten to bold a very important bit - let me help you:

The loss of life resulted from the unnecessary use of lethal force by Thai security forces, attacks by armed elements operating in tandem with the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), known as the “Red Shirts,” and incitement to violence by some UDD leaders. »

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I can remember listening to a wounded western journalist giving his account at the FCCT. He had been shot in the leg by the army and, even as he was being taken out of danger and to hospital, he was still being targetted by them.

I am also given to understand that there were photos taken by the ABC, with all the exif data of soldiers on the skytrain targetting civilians.

I despair for this country.

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Doubtful anything impartial will produced in Thailand under the current circumstances, for which we can thank the good general. Any objective reporting would have to air on an international news service to have an effect.

"Media, help me. Don't throw away the evidence. I saw you taking many photographs," He sounds like he has something to hide, as usual.

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The photo looks like he is Captain Kirk of the Starship Enterprise, from the tv show Star Trek. "Captains log star date 2558, hostile anniversery meetings controlled, proof of violence needed, zulu warp speed ahead"

Looks like a kid trying to hide the fact that he wet his pants.

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Yes tell the truth. The death of those 90 unarmed, peace loving soldiers slaughtered as they played guitars and sang, 'Blowing in the Wind,' is a national tragedy.


Exactly and whilst they are at it let the media publish the pictures of 78 of those unfortunates showing gunshot wounds to their backs. Those poor brave Thai military men typify Thai incompetence, cruelty and basic inhumane actions ordered at the time. Now let's see who was one of those Generals at the time, authorizing such massacre and now in government thanks to gun law ?

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If the PM really wants the public to know the truth, then the answer is a fully independent enquiry. But to demonstrate its impartiality it needs to be conducted by an organization outside of Thailand, like the UN (They have conducted similar investigations the past).

So what are the odds on this happening?

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He means he wants the media to tell the "sanitized" version of events according to him. Never mind what the actual truth is.

No he doesn't!! He wants them to reveal the truth - proves he knows what happened and is unafraid that the army will come out tainted as a result of this.

I hope the press has the decency to show some nice pics of the red shirts indulging in violent actions and some revealing pics of Thaksin's 'black shirt' mercenaries shooting at soldiers (thus precipitating the deaths of so many from both sides plus journalists and innocent victims)!!

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Many photographs - as well as video footage - of Red Shirts and Black Shirts armed with guns were taken during the violence of April-May 2010.. A number of these are reproduced in an interesting article on the anniversary of the bloodbath which the PM and Thai Visa members may well have missed.


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Yes tell the truth. The death of those 90 unarmed, peace loving soldiers slaughtered as they played guitars and sang, 'Blowing in the Wind,' is a national tragedy.


Exactly and whilst they are at it let the media publish the pictures of 78 of those unfortunates showing gunshot wounds to their backs. Those poor brave Thai military men typify Thai incompetence, cruelty and basic inhumane actions ordered at the time. Now let's see who was one of those Generals at the time, authorizing such massacre and now in government thanks to gun law ?

Perhaps you can find some yourself there are plenty out there of the peaceful protesters and their brave leaders, like this one for instance of one of them leading the singing with his guitar :

Red_Mob_Apr 2010.JPEG

Or this peaceful protester waving his peace flag and chanting peace songs :

no need to wear black.jpg

How many of the so called peaceful protesters that were shot were in fact armed and shooting at the army, does anyone really believe that weapons would have been left with the dead or injured to show the world they were armed at the time they were targeted ?

Well you need to get your eyes tested as that guitar isn't even on the guy behind, it's held by someone else in front of him!!

That's an MP5SD 9mm and there's mo magazine on it. it's also not a standard weapon for any regular military unit, these are mostly utilised by Spec Ops people. ?

The sidearm looks like a colt 45 but could be any double action pistol, if it's a 45 and people autopsies supported this you could maybe at a push link them, same with MP5SD that's 9mm so autopsy results again would reveal the calibres of the weapons used.

By the way, both are shit for engaging anything further than 50Ms ?

Edited by Fat Haggis
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Many photographs - as well as video footage - of Red Shirts and Black Shirts armed with guns were taken during the violence of April-May 2010.. A number of these are reproduced in an interesting article on the anniversary of the bloodbath which the PM and Thai Visa members may well have missed.


Tony Catalucci is about as biased as Michael Yon,when it comes to Thialand and openly supports Regimes such as the Syrian one. He's far from balanced and impartial.

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Do I really need to go on? The faces of the guys shooting in this video have all been published and identified on internet. Arrests have never been made as far as I know.

That was from last year not 2010, it doesn't excuse their actions however. and how could the faces be posted, it's over 100 Ms away shot on a cellphone, the pixelation when zooming in would make it impossible to identify anyone in that video.

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Yes tell the truth. The death of those 90 unarmed, peace loving soldiers slaughtered as they played guitars and sang, 'Blowing in the Wind,' is a national tragedy.


Exactly and whilst they are at it let the media publish the pictures of 78 of those unfortunates showing gunshot wounds to their backs. Those poor brave Thai military men typify Thai incompetence, cruelty and basic inhumane actions ordered at the time. Now let's see who was one of those Generals at the time, authorizing such massacre and now in government thanks to gun law ?

Perhaps you can find some yourself there are plenty out there of the peaceful protesters and their brave leaders, like this one for instance of one of them leading the singing with his guitar :

Red_Mob_Apr 2010.JPEG

Or this peaceful protester waving his peace flag and chanting peace songs :

no need to wear black.jpg

How many of the so called peaceful protesters that were shot were in fact armed and shooting at the army, does anyone really believe that weapons would have been left with the dead or injured to show the world they were armed at the time they were targeted ?

Well you need to get your eyes tested as that guitar isn't even on the guy behind, it's held by someone else in front of him!!

That's an MP5SD 9mm and there's mo magazine on it. it's also not a standard weapon for any regular military unit, these are mostly utilised by Spec Ops people. ?

The sidearm looks like a colt 45 but could be any double action pistol, if it's a 45 and people autopsies supported this you could maybe at a push link them, same with MP5SD that's 9mm so autopsy results again would reveal the calibres of the weapons used.

By the way, both are shit for engaging anything further than 50Ms ?

You think I cant see these things ?

I know you have military experience but then consider that you are not the only one..

Did the fella with the side arm actually have to hit anyone to make him a target, he certainly has the potential to kill.

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Many photographs - as well as video footage - of Red Shirts and Black Shirts armed with guns were taken during the violence of April-May 2010.. A number of these are reproduced in an interesting article on the anniversary of the bloodbath which the PM and Thai Visa members may well have missed.


Tony Catalucci is about as biased as Michael Yon,when it comes to Thialand and openly supports Regimes such as the Syrian one. He's far from balanced and impartial.

If you say so. However it is backed up by others as well, for instance : http://www.th4u.com/reds_riots.htm

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That is a very philosophical question, argued as far as anybody can remember, and all of these societies would value different rights. I would love to hear more viewpoints from these constitutional monarchy's citizens in regards to Thai politics.

For another thread though.

These types of threads always bring up too much democracy rhetoric. Western democracy is a republic founded to protect our individual rights to life, liberty, and happiness. Thailand is not a republic. If you all are going to banter about political philosophy, at least do it with some class.

Ok if I understand your mind a western democratic country is a republic ? What about Spain, Great Britain, Belgium, Nederland, Denmark, Sweden and Luxembourg ?

These counties are not a republic ! For you these countries are not democratics ?

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