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Hiding from Songkran ........ Dear Mods,


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"I've already watched all 4 episodes of 'Game of Thrones'.
(and it's only 9:15am"

Better Call Saul will keep you occupied for the duration, if you haven't already got it.

try to download love hate you might enjoy that over the songkram

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I discovered it might be a good idea for me not to listen to all the hype. I was contemplating not going out for a few days and spending some good time watching "Judge Judy" episodes (just love her). Instead, after feeling a bit house bound, I went out for a spin on my bicycle. To my surprise the roads were relatively quite and felt fantastic after my one hour spin. (Bang Saray area).

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I don't mind srongkran I take part during the day but the problem is the people at the end of my soi play all night. The fan and I can't get out to go have dinner without getting wet as this soi has only one way out. There abit of a motley bunch too last night we were lucky as there happen to be a tuk tuk just drop some else at our appartment he set his tuk tuk up with plastic covers and gave us an umbrella for proctection, the revellers still tried to wet us and laughed at our protection.

On our return at 11 pm they were still dancing in the soi and playing with water. I don't mund getting wet when coming home but it is infuriating if you get soaked on your way out when your dressed to go out for dinner. Were in a soi near bearing Bts, there's a casino in this soi we believe to which co tributes to the revellers hanging here late into the night.

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I'm sitting in the wife's shops. If I have to shuttle between them I've got sober, smart clothes on and a mean glare should anyone like to escalate the matter. A splash on the heel was the worst damage yesterday, a successful Songkran so far.

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Me too, I putting on a bathing suit, grabbing some goggles and heading into town to join the madness... Must remember to keep mouth closed to minimize the intake of moat water!!!

don't wear a speedo. and ps. why is it that thais don't like me going shirtless. except at songkran

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First time in 3 years, I went out, mainly because the wife put on such a sad face . She enjoyed herself throwing water outside the Restuarant,I sat inside and watched, and stayed dry.......till waitress poured ice cold water down my neck.But I must say I will venture out again next year.

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Songkran....the perfect time to clean my house, clean and reorganize my desk, work on my bikes and sort out the garage, gardening etc etc.

Done the Game of Thrones thing yesterday already. thumbsup.gif

@Zeichen: "Thieves and deviants"...for downloading a TV series?!? 5555555cheesy.gifclap2.gif

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Actually my hibernation began with Songkran 10 years ago and each year I lingered at home longer. I realized that I, my TV, books, computer, exercise bike,( indoors ),were far more tolerable, actually interesting then anything/body out

there and can have everything, everybody, delivered to my residence so

i'll stay here till my Final Exit !

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I'm sitting in the wife's shops. If I have to shuttle between them I've got sober, smart clothes on and a mean glare should anyone like to escalate the matter. A splash on the heel was the worst damage yesterday, a successful Songkran so far.

I think at Songkran you have to choose clothes you would you be happy to get wet in and smeared in powder. Even if you don't plan to get wet at all.

You can't really complain if you get spattered in powder paste and soaked by a bowl of water whilst wearing your smart stuff. It would actually be very funny to everyone but yourself.

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I'm hiding. Should be working on our income taxes, but it's more fun to mess around on the internet and procrastinate. Heck, it's only the 13th and they're due on the 15th. Later if I file an extension, but seeing as how it takes just a couple hours to do the work if I really actually get started, I shouldn't have to file an extension. I'm not going anywhere over Songkran. Just me and the cats in the condo.

Hubby, however LOVES Songkran and got up bright and early this morning like a kid on Christmas day. He went out at 5 am and did his usual early morning walk around the moat. I thought he might skip that because of plans for later in the day, but he said no, it was an essential part of the Songkran strategy. He returned around 6:30 am to file a Sit-Rep with his Songkran buddies on-line and then a quick nap, waiting for me to wake up at the time normal people get up.

After breakfast, he went into the storage closet to look for last year's water canon and test it. The cats picked up on Hubby's excitement and the rare opportunity to climb around in the storage closet. Plus, the cool, clear morning air added to the festive air. Hubby insisted the cats were all excited about Songkran, too, and wanted to go out and "play Songkran" with him. I don't think so! Fortunately for the cats, Hubby found that last year's water canon was broken and he had to make a quick trip to Kad Suan Kaew to purchase new armament prior to meeting up with his Songkran buddies.

The cats looked on in wonder as Hubby put on his new, very loud Songkran shirt and transferred just a few essentials from his wallet into a plastic ziploc. When he left, they stared at his wallet, wondering why he'd forgotten it.

Now, they've settled in for their afternoon naps. This year there must not be a band playing in front of Kad Suan Kaew because we can't hear the beating bass -- at least not yet. I'm not complaining, mind you. It's just that it's rather quiet so far. Oh wait, I just heard a few screams. They're the same screams that you hear at amusement parks, aren't they? You know, when people are riding roller coasters.

I'll bet you heard them later in the day. I counted five rock bands between the condo and Computer Plaza. Even the SHELL garage opposite was adding to the din..err music.

All good fun!

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Good-natured silliness is no problem - fire away!

Let's just hope that the occasion, combined with cabin-fever, doesn't provoke a lot of venomous nastiness aimed at the Thai New Year.

If you can't ride your motorbike because of the risk of injury and even death because of those retarded water throwers

at the side of the road, that is enough in itself to provoke a lot of nastiness aimed at the Thai new year.

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10.30am and still in the foetal position in bed.

I can hear the natives outside. For now its more music than voice but if yesterday is anything to go by native numbers will crank up when the barbecue starts at noon. After that it just gets very ugly till midnight....

Yea...they have just turned up music? louder and launched fire crackers.

What amazes me is that the neighbourhood is like a morgue for 360 odd days (baby day being the next level of hell).

Was a bit worried at people zipping off on motorcycles for more beer and ice with the high number of free range toddlers last night but no tears in the end except mine.

Its more the constant music, voices, motorbikes than water for me. Either way they are enjoying themselves immensely and hiding for three days is a small price to pay for living here.

Bonus points....they have found the karaoke microphones...now if only the could find good voices.

Yes, if only, most of them would not even get signed up with Tamla Motown.

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Was getting too bored at home after The Masters finished so took a taxi to the golf course and shot 94 gross, including holing out from 90yrds with a PW for a birdie on a par 5!!! I wish it could be Songkran everyday!

You were getting to bored at home so you went off to play golf??????????????????

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"I've already watched all 4 episodes of 'Game of Thrones'."

admitting to illegally pirating a tv show, good for you. The world needs more thieves and deviants.

How's the atmosphere up there on your moral high horse?
The GOT 5 episodes have already been downloaded 5 million times - sure is a lot of "deviants"
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10.30am and still in the foetal position in bed.

I can hear the natives outside. For now its more music than voice but if yesterday is anything to go by native numbers will crank up when the barbecue starts at noon. After that it just gets very ugly till midnight....

Yea...they have just turned up music? louder and launched fire crackers.

What amazes me is that the neighbourhood is like a morgue for 360 odd days (baby day being the next level of hell).

Was a bit worried at people zipping off on motorcycles for more beer and ice with the high number of free range toddlers last night but no tears in the end except mine.

Its more the constant music, voices, motorbikes than water for me. Either way they are enjoying themselves immensely and hiding for three days is a small price to pay for living here.

Bonus points....they have found the karaoke microphones...now if only the could find good voices.

Agree with you about the music .. there is no hiding place from this at Songkran .. I currently use foam earplugs / or ear buds with music playing then a pair of 3M peltor x5a ear defenders .. The gauge of protection indicates quite high .. but icon for Thai Karaoke.. bass .. hmmm. Then I find I can feel the base from 2 miles away through the floor of my building .. Is this technology being developed as a weapon by the Thais?Will my building collapse at a certain wavelength .. ?

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"Hiding" makes it sound like there's something wrong with it. Why not just call it "staying home"?

This is about the time of year that I'd normally do spring cleaning back home, so I'm still in that mode. I cleaned up the kitchen and threw away two boxes (yes BOXES) of expired amoxycillin and other mysterious jars of unlabeled medication, threw away approximately three thousand plastic cups and containers and ant-proofed the dining table (vaseline on the legs). Not sure how well that'll work, but worth a shot.

I also managed to convince the inlaws to keep the kitchen windows closed so the dishes won't collect a thick layer of dust so quickly. I showed them that it's actually a few degrees cooler inside than outside when the windows stay closed. The look on their faces was funny, like "how could that be possible?"

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^ Yes, pool party is a great way for kids to get something of Songkran without having to take them downtown. Older kids tend to love going downtown but for the very young ones it's often a bit too much, not to mention that it's not exactly relaxing for parents as you always have to watch them to make sure they don't jump into traffic, into the moat or get bumped into in crowds.

Anyway there are lots of ways to celebrate Songkran that don't involve doing what I was doing yesterday (I shot some video. smile.png ) and to each his own.

For the people who enjoy the party though, there is this.

Note that there is also the religious aspect, and I'll get some of that this morning.

Did Lucky Bar sell alcohol from 14:00-17:00 or did the authorities enforce their Fatwa?

Edited by arunsakda
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What a delightful few hours! So many people laughing and carrying on, all having a ball throwing water at each other. So much fun for so little money! I took a tuk-tuk to my usual guest house for lunch, but sat curb-side so I could watch the festivities. Thousands of people at Thapae Gate, and the noise would have been deafening had I not already been deaf. Traffic, of course, was at a standstill, making it much easier for people to throw buckets of water at each other. I walked north along the moat, getting wetter and wetter, and all I saw were smiling people. Seemed to me that there were lots more people swimming in the moat this year. Certainly more vendors lining the streets. Lots of folks sitting on tarps beside the moat eating, drinking, and enjoying the festivities. At the corner of the moat I turned west, still walking through crowds of happy people. It's amazing that so many people can have such a good time, with just a squirt gun or a bucket. Of course there were several sitting and staring into their cell phones, but most of those seemed to be foreigners.

Between walking, eating, stopping to watch the dancers at the several bandstands along the moat and in front of Kad Suan Keaw, I spent four hours, four very wet hours, listening to laughing people, interacting with total strangers, and having a pretty nice time for myself. I like Songkran. I wish there wasn't so much ice added to the water. That part wasn't such fun. And I wish there was less drinking going on. But 4pm the drunks were beginning to get rather aggressive. I can only imagine what it must be like by 7pm... But that's all I'll do... imagine it. I won't go out again during the afternoon until Thursday. One day of Songkran merry-making is enough for me. Once a year, one afternoon. With a schedule like that, I can enjoy Songkran!

What a delightful few days at the village. As of April 14, nobody on our road is out throwing water, nobody is celebrating, some people are working, some people are gone (probably to play water in Chiang Mai), and today there isn't even the sound of music playing so I'm assuming that are no parties being thrown further inside the village. Peaceful, quiet......should have started doing this years ago. How nice to see a village full of 'party-poopers'. Gotta love it!

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I'm sitting in the wife's shops. If I have to shuttle between them I've got sober, smart clothes on and a mean glare should anyone like to escalate the matter. A splash on the heel was the worst damage yesterday, a successful Songkran so far.

I think at Songkran you have to choose clothes you would you be happy to get wet in and smeared in powder. Even if you don't plan to get wet at all.

You can't really complain if you get spattered in powder paste and soaked by a bowl of water whilst wearing your smart stuff. It would actually be very funny to everyone but yourself.

I've had the opportunity to travel quite a bit during my life. Always looking for the unique and different. When I first got to Thailand, Songkran definitely provide an outlet for unique and different. But after a few year of 'same-same' it's no longer 'different'. In my younger days as a single guy, I'd keep on indulging. But now in my 60s, married to a menopausal Thai women close to my own age, I find that life in the slow lane is, well, unique and different. I still enjoy traveling, seeing new things, experiencing different experiences, but it tends to be more 'low key'. I don't mind the change; getting older but more observant. Participating less, but watching more. So this year, I don't miss the crazy energy of 'playing water' in downtown CM. And I don't miss attempting to venture out at night for a meal, only to be met by drunk farangs who don't know when to stop spraying people with water, well after most Thais have retired to a party, their homes, or a bar. This year, it's a dry walk to the kitchen to make my own meal. Even worked in the yard today, and nobody walked by at all, no less carrying water. Just the usual village car traffic, maybe actually a little lighter the normal today.

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10.30am and still in the foetal position in bed.

I can hear the natives outside. For now its more music than voice but if yesterday is anything to go by native numbers will crank up when the barbecue starts at noon. After that it just gets very ugly till midnight....

Yea...they have just turned up music? louder and launched fire crackers.

What amazes me is that the neighbourhood is like a morgue for 360 odd days (baby day being the next level of hell).

Was a bit worried at people zipping off on motorcycles for more beer and ice with the high number of free range toddlers last night but no tears in the end except mine.

Its more the constant music, voices, motorbikes than water for me. Either way they are enjoying themselves immensely and hiding for three days is a small price to pay for living here.

Bonus points....they have found the karaoke microphones...now if only the could find good voices.

Agree with you about the music .. there is no hiding place from this at Songkran .. I currently use foam earplugs / or ear buds with music playing then a pair of 3M peltor x5a ear defenders .. The gauge of protection indicates quite high .. but icon for Thai Karaoke.. bass .. hmmm. Then I find I can feel the base from 2 miles away through the floor of my building .. Is this technology being developed as a weapon by the Thais?Will my building collapse at a certain wavelength .. ?

Beware of harmonic resonance. Thanks god for rebar in modern buildings. ;)

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had a bike ride, as many people , with our princess this morning, NongKhai is known for its hefty partying in a small in-town area but leaves everybody alone up untill 09.00 am.time to do some jogging, riding your bike, and shopping, love the place.

Edited by hgma
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same here, staying home keeping busy reading behind the news.

is a life-long task.

However the problem is gaining weight.

next month will go back to Europe for my 5 mile walk in nature each day, and

eating lots of sandwiches.

No win situation, but at least get to love my sandwiches and sushi so now and

then. Can't wait.

Mia in the contrary is gone most of the days.

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same here, staying home keeping busy reading behind the news.

is a life-long task.

However the problem is gaining weight.

next month will go back to Europe for my 5 mile walk in nature each day, and

eating lots of sandwiches.

No win situation, but at least get to love my sandwiches and sushi so now and

then. Can't wait.

Mia in the contrary is gone most of the days.

Wow, same here, staying home and catching up on all the news and gaining weight too (as a result of inactivity due to March smog-days and now Songkran gridlock!). I wish I had a 5-mile walk in Europe to look forward to too!

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^ Yes, pool party is a great way for kids to get something of Songkran without having to take them downtown. Older kids tend to love going downtown but for the very young ones it's often a bit too much, not to mention that it's not exactly relaxing for parents as you always have to watch them to make sure they don't jump into traffic, into the moat or get bumped into in crowds.

Anyway there are lots of ways to celebrate Songkran that don't involve doing what I was doing yesterday (I shot some video. smile.png ) and to each his own.

For the people who enjoy the party though, there is this.

Note that there is also the religious aspect, and I'll get some of that this morning.

Did Lucky Bar sell alcohol from 14:00-17:00 or did the authorities enforce their Fatwa?

Don't know about Lucky, but did witness the government silliness on Loy Kroh today. Really awkward. It lasted maybe 30 minutes though without music and drinks, then back to normal. Corruption still rife, government change or not. Just different people pocketing the money. :rolleyes:

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Hope so, I have plans to venture out!

Meanwhile, progress report on the taxes. Thanks to TaxActOnline, I got the U.S. taxes done yesterday. Today, I'll print out the forms and look 'em over and actually hit the "send" button. No sense doing these things early, you know. Lord help me if the internet crashes!

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Just before breakfast we hard a big "ka-bang" and the electricity went out. Being Songkran, we thought it would be a few days before power was restored (it sounded like a transformer blowing up) but it came back within an hour. Amazing things can happen!

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