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Three BMA garbage collectors injured in Bang Na bomb blast


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It was less than a year ago, that those kids from a technical college were throwing explosives around. Remember that? They'd thrown one onto a bus - just awful behavior. But if I'm not mistaken, they'd said it wasn't political, just utter stupidity and poor thinking. Maybe this is more of that somehow.

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Ping pong bombs? Injured three people? Who probably get injured a lot anyway on a very hard job? If every garbageman who got injured on the hand warranted an article, there would be nothing else in the paper.

But, since everyone is all worked up, I think it was the:

jihadists or

yellow shirts or

red shirts or

the junta or

Yingluck herself or

Suthep himself or

gangsters or

the Dalai Lama or

some meddling kids.

And I'm sure of it. I could be a local cop!

In American news, a Republican candidate just declared that Hillary Clinton has a 'jihad against good American Christians' going, ha Maybe it's that too :)

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

Well done Sir!!

Within half an hour of the incident taking place you have already decided the motive and placed the blame.

Almost faster than the RTP.

As for the elections, why do you think they are put on hold?

Maybe, just maybe because the powers are fully aware of, that free elections will see another red government.

Now we are just waiting for the police to reveal that they have found red shirt memorabilia and ID cards on the crime scene. And one of the ID card names had a FB account with the username B OMB.

Narrow minded people like you are more dangerous than any bombs..............

Go on then expand my mind who else has been planting bombs in Bangkok in the last few years? If evidence is found that it was not the Red shirts I will be surprised, wont you?

It might be red shirts. It might be Yellow shirts or black shirts or a flase flag job by the junta, it might be Iranians again, it might be southern insurgents, it might be gang related. Nobosy has any idea whatsoever at this moment.

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If Mr JOC is right, that this will only create a more divided society, then the people behind this are those who want to create a more divided society. Red yellow and green must tell each other to "Remember the traffic light." When red, yellow and green stay together, it all works out nicely

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

Red shirts have no chance of winning unless the winner is decided by who has the most votes

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

Red shirts have no chance of winning unless the winner is decided by who has the most votes

Thank you Sir. A true master of sarcasm. You made my day!!clap2.gif

May Buddha reward you with many "likes"...............

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If Mr JOC is right, that this will only create a more divided society, then the people behind this are those who want to create a more divided society. Red yellow and green must tell each other to "Remember the traffic light." When red, yellow and green stay together, it all works out nicely

You have clearly never experienced a Thai traffic light...............w00t.gif

On a more serious note, the question we need to ask ourselves, is who stands to gain the most from a divided society?

To keep it within forum rules, I will leave it there....................coffee1.gif

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

Well done Sir!!

Within half an hour of the incident taking place you have already decided the motive and placed the blame.

Almost faster than the RTP.

As for the elections, why do you think they are put on hold?

Maybe, just maybe because the powers are fully aware of, that free elections will see another red government.

Now we are just waiting for the police to reveal that they have found red shirt memorabilia and ID cards on the crime scene. And one of the ID card names had a FB account with the username B OMB.

Narrow minded people like you are more dangerous than any bombs..............

Go on then expand my mind who else has been planting bombs in Bangkok in the last few years? If evidence is found that it was not the Red shirts I will be surprised, wont you?

Iranians for one. I suppose they were red shirts too:


Maybe they had been on the "bombmaking 202" training sessions in Nonthaburi, before those got 'cancelled' ?

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

Well done Sir!!

Within half an hour of the incident taking place you have already decided the motive and placed the blame.

Almost faster than the RTP.

As for the elections, why do you think they are put on hold?

Maybe, just maybe because the powers are fully aware of, that free elections will see another red government.

Now we are just waiting for the police to reveal that they have found red shirt memorabilia and ID cards on the crime scene. And one of the ID card names had a FB account with the username B OMB.

Narrow minded people like you are more dangerous than any bombs..............

Now I'm waiting for the quote of a high ranking official stating: it was most probably the act of someone who was dissatisfied with the garbage disposal- no political background was detected thus far. Tourists are safe.

That goes without saying. High-end tourists don't concern themselves with garbage disposal

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If Mr JOC is right, that this will only create a more divided society, then the people behind this are those who want to create a more divided society. Red yellow and green must tell each other to "Remember the traffic light." When red, yellow and green stay together, it all works out nicely

You have clearly never experienced a Thai traffic light...............w00t.gif

On a more serious note, the question we need to ask ourselves, is who stands to gain the most from a divided society?

To keep it within forum rules, I will leave it there....................coffee1.gif

The 'opposition', the 'non-elected elites', 'elected elites', 'some criminal fugitive', 'dissatisfied rightless farang', Dutch uncles' ?

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

Red shirts have no chance of winning unless the winner is decided by who has the most votes

And the most votes will be gained by those that pay for them !!

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

Well done Sir!!

Within half an hour of the incident taking place you have already decided the motive and placed the blame.

Almost faster than the RTP.

As for the elections, why do you think they are put on hold?

Maybe, just maybe because the powers are fully aware of, that free elections will see another red government.

Now we are just waiting for the police to reveal that they have found red shirt memorabilia and ID cards on the crime scene. And one of the ID card names had a FB account with the username B OMB.

Narrow minded people like you are more dangerous than any bombs..............

lol, only an argumentative cretin could have any doubt who is behind it.

But let the law take it's course and we will see. My money is on the same ones who launched grenades at protestors.

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

Well done Sir!!

Within half an hour of the incident taking place you have already decided the motive and placed the blame.

Almost faster than the RTP.

As for the elections, why do you think they are put on hold?

Maybe, just maybe because the powers are fully aware of, that free elections will see another red government.

Now we are just waiting for the police to reveal that they have found red shirt memorabilia and ID cards on the crime scene. And one of the ID card names had a FB account with the username B OMB.

Narrow minded people like you are more dangerous than any bombs..............

Go on then expand my mind who else has been planting bombs in Bangkok in the last few years? If evidence is found that it was not the Red shirts I will be surprised, wont you?

Iranians for one. I suppose they were red shirts too:


Maybe they had been on the "bombmaking 202" training sessions in Nonthaburi, before those got 'cancelled' ?

... And maybe they hadn't. Which would you say was the more likely?

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Posted 2015-04-11 21:17:44



Thai Travel Bug, on 11 Apr 2015 - 21:11, said:

Let me reiterate a little. Yes, jihad has now hit Thailand, and it has infiltrated tourist destinataions.....this car bombing was a trial run by the muslim brothers of southern Thailand to see what damage it may cause....They will build, and change build bit by bit.m. This will not be Thai muslim against Thai budhist by any means.....there is no reason in todays bigger picture to call the muslims opposition Buddhist. This was the first try and experiment in a western congregated tourist area... This was a soft opening for lack of better words. Westerners in Thailand beware.....Jihad is upon westerners in western tourist destinations from this day forward....Jihad is well and truly upon us.....Take care.

Waoo, you're on speed or what?crazy.gif

Calm down, take it easy otherwise you'll die of a heart attack coffee1.gif

Really sorry to say it, I was bagged for it in the last bombing incident, but the fact is, Thailand is not immune to threats of terorism, and wether it be soft targets like we are seeing, or full on destruction and loss of life on a major scale. Google "Thailand Jihad". it has been going on for a long time, but southern Thailand has been the area that it has been sutained. ISIS or ISIL or whatever you want to call it has shown pooer cousins how to unite, and spread the terror further than your back door. Yes, it is starting out small, and fairly uncultured, but boys and girls, they are starting to experiment and encroach on western populated area's, and soon, be it the next week or month, who knows, but we will see a huge terrorist act, probably involving a bomb, but one that has the ability to inflict major loss of life, and if you think that Thailand is not capable of this, think again. Our country is a melting pot of criminal, idealogical, well hidden tourists, would be terrorists, and all you need is one or two loose screws.....lguys, the new age is upon us, and what an easy soft target a tourist destination like Thailand is....My beloved Thailand is about to to show the world stage what terrorism can do in a highly inhabited tourist destination. This is real.

Edited by JoeLing, 2015-04-11 21:18:46.

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You have clearly never experienced a Thai traffic light...............w00t.gif.pagespeed.ce.fUUOmDCInIYsLrtyj8

You mean the ones blinking yellow in all four directions, or the ones 'green' in all four direction (I have seen that myself).

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

How do you know it is the Redshirts? There are also problems with Muslims trying to break part of southern Thailand away... shooting and bombing....

Maybe they might be responsible..... maybe not. But don't be so quick to decide who it is. You might be right.... you might also be very wrong...

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When I readsome of the posts on this thread I'm reminded of the film Dr Shivago - which I'm sure many of us have seen.

Anyway, in one scene some people had there village destroyed and many people killed.

Strenlikov, the communist leader, (forgive the spelling) asked a woman "Comrade, was it the reds or the whites that did it". To which she relied something along the lines "Who cares, they have murdered many and destroyed out village".

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

Well done Sir!!

Within half an hour of the incident taking place you have already decided the motive and placed the blame.

Almost faster than the RTP.

As for the elections, why do you think they are put on hold?

Maybe, just maybe because the powers are fully aware of, that free elections will see another red government.

Now we are just waiting for the police to reveal that they have found red shirt memorabilia and ID cards on the crime scene. And one of the ID card names had a FB account with the username B OMB.

Narrow minded people like you are more dangerous than any bombs..............

Go on then expand my mind who else has been planting bombs in Bangkok in the last few years? If evidence is found that it was not the Red shirts I will be surprised, wont you?

Guilty until proven innocent, is that it? Why do you think that the Reds think after all these consecutive election wins that they would "think" they would lose?

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Does this event mean that the last 2 garbage bins that were available in Thailand will also be removed?

You live in the wrong part of Thailand it would seem. Just walking to 7/11 I saw two. Mind you, those modern, near transparent garbage bins the BMA set up two or three years ago start to look a bit decrepit.

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

Well done Sir!!

Within half an hour of the incident taking place you have already decided the motive and placed the blame.

Almost faster than the RTP.

As for the elections, why do you think they are put on hold?

Maybe, just maybe because the powers are fully aware of, that free elections will see another red government.

Now we are just waiting for the police to reveal that they have found red shirt memorabilia and ID cards on the crime scene. And one of the ID card names had a FB account with the username B OMB.

Narrow minded people like you are more dangerous than any bombs..............

lol, only an argumentative cretin could have any doubt who is behind it.

But let the law take it's course and we will see. My money is on the same ones who launched grenades at protestors.

Another narrow minded poster joins the party, by repeating mantra # 7...........

According to you in other posts, the reds have weapon catches enough to start WW III, so why should they start their "revolution" with a firecracker in a garbage bin??

As for your comment:But let the law take it's course You might be aware, that Art 44 leaves the legislative, the executive and the judiciary branches in the hands of one man: Your hero, Mr P !!

Which of course according to you is a guarantee for fairness and transparency.

Others are not so convinced................

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When I readsome of the posts on this thread I'm reminded of the film Dr Shivago - which I'm sure many of us have seen.

Anyway, in one scene some people had there village destroyed and many people killed.

Strenlikov, the communist leader, (forgive the spelling) asked a woman "Comrade, was it the reds or the whites that did it". To which she relied something along the lines "Who cares, they have murdered many and destroyed out village".

Some of us even have and/or read the book

Doctor Zhivago - Boris Pasternak


Of course, one needs to use a lot of imagination to compare the Russian Revolution and it's aftermath with what happened in Thailand in March to May 2010.

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If these were the so called 'ping pong bombs' then they are used by farmers to scare birds from crops are readily available.

If they are then it is very unlikely that there was any political intent more likely that someone (probably young) took them to BKK to use in some gang related thing or just to throw around in songkran, then dumped them when they thought they might get caught.

Although why they would explode when dumped from the bin to the rubbish truck is a mystery for they are usually very stable and a fuse needs to be lit to make them explode.

IF ... the largest word in the English langauge ... and IF my Aunt had a Willy, she would be my Uncle .. your point is?

They were quoted as ping pong bombs in the OP.

And your point is other than having a go at me and trying for troll of the year award.

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Very confusing news articles. Firstly this happened in Sukhumvit Soi 101/1 Moo Bahn Maneeya Ville Soi 12 not Sukhumvit 101, where a friend lives. The address given is halfway inside the housing estate. The Bangkok Post report gave the house number and that the explosion was due to 3 small ping pong bombs, suspected to have been left there by some teenagers who were fighting inside the soi. Since this housing estate has security guards on the gate it is unlikely that this was due to red shirts or whatever conspiracy TV readers will come up with.

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

Well done Sir!!

Within half an hour of the incident taking place you have already decided the motive and placed the blame.

Almost faster than the RTP.

As for the elections, why do you think they are put on hold?

Maybe, just maybe because the powers are fully aware of, that free elections will see another red government.

Now we are just waiting for the police to reveal that they have found red shirt memorabilia and ID cards on the crime scene. And one of the ID card names had a FB account with the username B OMB.

Narrow minded people like you are more dangerous than any bombs..............

Now I'm waiting for the quote of a high ranking official stating: it was most probably the act of someone who was dissatisfied with the garbage disposal- no political background was detected thus far. Tourists are safe.

TAT will announce that tourist arrivals are unaffected by the bombs in Samui and in BangNa. Then they will announce that tourist arrivals will be up 20 per cent because of the jollity and hilarity of pingpong bombs spreading Thainess to celebrate Songkran.

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My balcony is a 100 yards away from the incident. I heard the crackers go off. I went out of my condo (SS Condo) to check what had happened. It really was no big deal. A few crazy youngsters probably just misplaced their minibombs. There were no police check points on the soi (Sukhumvit 101/1). There never is.

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