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More English-speaking Thai cops to be stationed in tourist spots nationwide


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"Hey you...farang...where u go"

"I'm going home orificer"

"You pay big money now"


"This Thailand. You farang. Not ask why"

If that's the best humor you can muster, for Buddha's sake don't give up your day job.

On the other hand, probably not sufficient intelligence to ever have a job.

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All of the new graduates of the Police College have basic to good English. They have to pass several English tests throughout their training, if they don't pass they are required to do additional courses in their holiday period. I know because I have taught there.

The police in general are trying very hard to improve their image and quality of candidates. Just recently I helped a young recruit who is just 6 months from graduation with a speech about the force moving forward and stopping corruption and enforcing the rule of law. He had the critical thinking skills needed for a modern police force. Things are changing, slowly but they are changing!

Edited by casualbiker
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Can they not employ ex cops that are British (and speak Thai) especially in the Tourist hotspots (and Chinese speakers, Filipino speakers, Russian speakers etc) - or is that classed as taking a job away from a Thai? If they want to learn more schooling and understanding needed how to speak to people - in a professional way - my Thai is rubbish and only speak English to Thai police - if you say nic Noi or Mai kel Jai then ( probably not even spelt right) you're at their mercy

you mean the ex-cops who were fired for corruption in the UK so decided to move to Thailand, and then give these crocked cops all the powers Thai cops have so they can also shake down tourists for money ?

Sounds like a great idea.

Edited by Time Traveller
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Shouldn't they be speaking Chinese and Russian these days?

The only issue I see is OK have English speaking cops but how do they communicate to their non English speaking Thai colleagues. Don't we need English speaking people who can also speak Thai

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Excellent, they will be sending these officers with a good command of English to the beaches of Pattaya and Phuket..........................

At last it will put an end to the unfortunate jetski problem where the vendors were forced to take a reduced amount of compensation for the damages caused by

wreckless tourists.

Now with fluent English skills available from their ever helpful RTP colleagues the vendors can explain the need to pay the full amount requested..

Its also good to know that the few bad apples among the vendors have been eradicated, here is the link from last year from TAT explaining how they dealt with it.


So thats been dealt with then....................Im off to the beach to ride a jetski cheesy.gifand watch the airshow by the flying pigs squadron!

Edited by sapson
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I had to pay a parking fine in Khao San station a few months ago. (The road is free to park on on Sundays, but didn't matter, wheel locked and fined).

No bother, I just consider it Thai Tax.

The officer spoke excellent English. Asked me how much it is in my country.

I don't know.

It is 700 baht.


So I'm fining you 700 baht.

Er, okay.

Strange, entertaining country and people, so I don't mind paying weird taxes every now and again.

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More English speaking cops infers there are already some but.... I have a good friend who is chief of the uniform police on Samui and he can't speak a single word of English, my next door neighbour was chief of some sort in the marine police and he couldn't speak a word either. Doesn't mean they're bad or anything, it just means they don't speak English. Shame because they're both great guys and IF they could speak the English lingo they would both probably getting great advances in the job

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Wow after reading all the negative responses to this article I guess most of you prefer the UK blokes dressed up as cops or rent a cop. I don't know I don't care too much for farang cops with their own agenda. Bring on the Thai cops English or not

If the alternative is the farang volunteer police, I agree with you.

Give me a Thai speaking Thai cop any day of the week!!

Since we probably have volunteer police among the members here, I will be very polite and leave it there....

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Seems they have most of the English speaking cops by terminal 21.

I only speak Thai with them during their "spot searches".

When they are done with their bag search and attempted shake down at least they remember me. I've never been shaken down by the same cop twice.

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"Hey you...farang...where u go"

"I'm going home orificer"

"You pay big money now"


"This Thailand. You farang. Not ask why"

If that's the best humor you can muster, for Buddha's sake don't give up your day job.

On the other hand, probably not sufficient intelligence to ever have a job

Malt…..hahahahahahaha….what a <deleted>

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With so many Chinese and Russians one would think they would secure some of those nationalities as full time interpreters if they don't have sufficient Thai police with those language skills.

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Since we probably have volunteer police among the members here, I will be very polite and leave it there....

Thanks for not tarring TPVs all with the same brush :)

There are some TPVs who - like myself - can speak good Thai, (as well as English and a 3rd and/or 4th language).

Many years ago, I suggested to the Thai boss of the Phuket TP that they actually employ those Thai-speaking volunteers, paying them a salary and requiring that they work to stipulated hours. Myself and 2 other Thai-speaking volunteers were keen on this idea.

Of course, my suggestion went down like a lead balloon - bit like having foreign tour guides I suppose....

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