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Uproar over two farang exposing themselves

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Stupid dumb-ass farang's should be deported back to their own country. They are a bunch of honkeys.

Honkeys ? Hahahahahaha , are you Huggy Bear by any chance ?

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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

Well, this sure applies to TV members as well. I'm very sure your country too have plenty of sick criminals. And look at you and others commenting on Thais commentings on Facebook. ooops that includes myselfwai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cAx1lGI2wn7

This isn't your country. This is Thailand, Thai people's country. It doesn't matter how much you don't like what Thai talk about the farangs. Those 2 idiots have no right to behave in such way, and there is nothing you can say to justify it. If your behavior is considered inappropriate, as guests to this country you must accept it and respect their rules. If you don't like it.....you know what to do.

respect rules? In the same way thais "respect rules/laws" . hypocrisy!!
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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

Man if you spun this to this TV would not exist

An advice to the Thais Falangs commenting on Facebook. Thaivisa

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people. Thai's

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

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Two farangs flashing Thais make it a big deal, you get prostitutes walking up the street and huge ass massage parlors doting the city and with close proximity to schools, no biggie for Thais. Thais love to shame and talk about how proper and correct they are, but they always try to ignore the bigger issue which is right in front of their eyes, citing that it is something they can't do anything about.

If enough citizens protested I'm sure we can see no prostitutes or gogo bars around town.

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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

Do you think just because they comment on the wrong of this that they don't care about the things you mentioned?

Rather hypocritical a foreigner coming to live in Thailand, probably with no aspiration to get citizenship or even permanent residency, and tell the Thais what and what not to do.

So, we're back to the tired old argument that you have to be a "resident" to make a comment about the country you have been living and paying taxes in for years and years? Good to know, I'll have to write that down in my little black book of "things to remember when living and working in Thailand for very long periods of time".

I'm curious to know tho how many of those Thai's that were there and that know so much about their own culture, habits and the law actually said something to the naked farangs to let them know that it's not acceptable to do what they did ... ? My guess is they did jack squat, laughed at the silly farang and carried on with their fun.

I venture to guess that they took a couple of quick photos on their mobiles before they started the protestingcoffee1.gif

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Two farangs flashing Thais make it a big deal, you get prostitutes walking up the street and huge ass massage parlors doting the city and with close proximity to schools, no biggie for Thais. Thais love to shame and talk about how proper and correct they are, but they always try to ignore the bigger issue which is right in front of their eyes, citing that it is something they can't do anything about.

If enough citizens protested I'm sure we can see no prostitutes or gogo bars around town.

HEY -----lets not get too carried away !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cheesy.gifclap2.gif

Edited by biplanebluey
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Two farangs flashing Thais make it a big deal, you get prostitutes walking up the street and huge ass massage parlors doting the city and with close proximity to schools, no biggie for Thais. Thais love to shame and talk about how proper and correct they are, but they always try to ignore the bigger issue which is right in front of their eyes, citing that it is something they can't do anything about.

If enough citizens protested I'm sure we can see no prostitutes or gogo bars around town.

Simply close your voyeuristic eyes or turn your head if you don't want to see beautiful Thai girls.

You can't?

Then you've got no free will and need someone to make decisions for you.

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Well many tourists come here with the attitude of "I am on vacation and spending money so I can do whatever I like." They hand out leaflets to the Chinese on how to behave in Thailand during Songkran... Perhaps it's well past time to hand them out to farang tourists as well.

And to their own people

"their own people" are at their own homeland. and you are a guest (I guess).

do you understand the difference?

As foreigners, being guests in this country we should behave and abide by the laws, just as Thai people should.

However, the way some of them behave (maybe more than some) and their blatant disregard for the law and authority beggars belief.

The Thai people should take a good hard look at themselves and the way they act in their own country before complaining about the poor behavior of a few guests.

Not a day goes by in Thailand where I don't see someone breaking the law.

Thailand needs to concentrate on cleaning up its own mess, not worrying about a few wayward guests and how they might tarnish its image or reputation.

"Their own people" could certainly benefit from a leaflet showing them how to treat their guests. Especially those that interact with them i.e. Taxi, van and bus drivers, tour operators, hotels, restaurants, jet ski operators, beach chair vendors, in fact anyone in the guest related service industry and let's not forget the immigration officers and RTP.

Maybe they could run a public awareness campaign on tv outlining the does and donts concerning guests.

But if they did that then they should also run campaigns on road safety, public safety, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, gambling and the list goes on.

But given that I have never seen a public awareness campaign of any form on tv (which in itself is appalling) I highly doubt it.


why for some people it's so hard to understand a simple idea?

1) it's none of your business how Thais abiding there own rules. you can see, understand and know whatever you like - Thai will not give a rat's ass for this.

2) it's Thai business how guests in Thailand abide Thai laws

3) how Thai people can benefit from treating foreigners the way you like - none of your business either. Thais built there own state for themselves, not for you and they know it better what is good and what is bad for them.

do you know why?

because Thais are at their own homeland. and your are not. so you either abide all rules or go to another country where laws are more suitable for you.

Thais built there country and society as it is now. This country attracts a lot of foreign tourists and expats who like this country as it is, because Thailand is what it is.

but some people have this special type of personality - just can't live somewhere and not bash the place. mostly this minority consist of losers-sugar-daddies who were thrown out by there own societies, who didn't find there place there and feel deeply unsatisfied, miserable for there drunken wasted life, which they spent chasing pleasures. and here in Thailand they keep contaminating society with there destructive hedonistic attitude, which is completely antibuddhist.

Some Thai children day by day see these sugar daddies, there lewd parasitic way of life and think that they should be like them (and not like their Thai parents) to succeed - role model. What these children can't realize - is that sugar daddies are looser in their own society.

Those spoiled kids are like a delayed-action mine under Thai society.

do you, for one second, believe that any country would be appreciated for such "guests"?!

by the way, this whole "public awareness campaign" idea is a part of Western left-liberal discourse.

do you want to know what was the profit of western pharmaceutical giants from "bird flu public awareness campaign", for example?

Why do you keep maniacally impose these sick manipulative ideas?! Leave them for yourself, please.

Edited by Jeffreyake
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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

dear sir, could you please explain me who you think you are to tell Thais, in whose country you are just a guest, what they should do and what they shouldn't?!

unbelievable effrontery....

and I completely agree with authorities - these spoiled farangs, infecting other nations with there lechery, should be treated like in Singapore - caning and 7 days in jail.

some of these alco-sex-addicts really believe they are precious customers - in reality the damage is much bigger than profit from them.

look on this situation from Thai point of view - strangers come from abroad just to shit in their home. for sure Thais want to kick them out.

no country need such "guests"

Oh look...the super-troll just woke up!

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This is the problem with them, they are the most insensitive and crass of people but do something that upsets their sense of decency and they don't stop crying about it

What bs ! You should have a long hard look at yourself and the comments you post, because you have no idea what you are on about.

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"Weerapat Phattaranukul commented that the woman should be arrested and taught about Thai culture."

When you think yours is the only true path you forever chain yourself to judging others and narrow the vision of God. The road to righteousness and arrogance is a parallel road that can intersect each other several times throughout a person's life. Its often hard to recognize one road from another. What makes them different is the road to righteousness is paved with the love of humanity. The road to arrogance is paved with the love of self.

Shannon L. Alder

Lovely words.

If ALL human beings could understand this... peace would prevail.

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Good morning, Farang TV watchers.

You are certainly interested in reports about Thailand, and - after zapping around through the channels - you might have found one. Probably something showing Thai girls dancing, with the usual comments.

I'm bored of this.

I'd really want to see some report of ugly fat Farangs dancing on Songkran, with the usual comments - now applied to Farangs.

Anyone out there with connections to European TV ?

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These Thai posters are willing to criticize their own too? I was around Khao Sarn on Tuesday and saw see through t-shirts (may as well be naked), provocative dancing my men/women/the gender in between. Hell, some fat gay Thai actually grabbed my penis, which is you know...sexual assault. That did piss me off a bit but really it is all part of the fun (penis grabbing aside).

Why are they not harshly criticizing their own and only the farang? I come down on people when they deserve it, regardless of race or nationality. I am routinely embarrassed by some of my fellow Brits over here and I will slate them just as hard.

Why don't these morons just ban songkran? Ban water, fun, smiling and positive feelings.

Edited by lildragon
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Deport them. Idiots.

You must still be drinking Thai whiskey. Your remark was very remarkable for a brain that is in decay. Deport some one one 1 week vacation. Your are very stupid or very drunk!

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Thank goodness we can handle alcohol, not like those other nasty drugs that are banned. I mean,whipping off your bra in public or wandering about starkers is perfectly normal behavior even when you're sober, isn't it?

And today's story about alcohol causing most of the deaths and injuries on the roads during Songran is just government propaganda, right?

Yeah, right.

Don't get me wrong. I like a drink and am not in favour of banning alcohol (or anything else most people enjoy, for that matter),. But isn't it time we all got serious about the damaging fall-out from the over consumption of our most popular poison? Drink is a major factor in the majority of serious crimes and its costs, in human and economic damage, far outweigh the tax take.

That's why the current Thai administration is right to crack down on the sales of alcohol as well as cigarettes. Much more, however, needs to be done, starting with a massive public re-education programme - with schoolchildren first in line for lessons on the downside of drinking.

Of course the big brewers and supermarkets will cry foul. Let them. Their insidious mass media advertising which seeks to link alcohol to a more rewarding lifestyle or greater sex appeal (honestly, how sexy is a drunk?) is misleading and dangerous - and, to their shame, increasingly targeted at the vulnerable young.

Like cigarette packets, beer, wine and spirit labels should be made to carry a prominent health warning.

Our attitude to crime and punishment for crimes under the influence clearly needs to be re-examined. Courts should consider imposing heavier, not lighter sentences on individuals who use "Sorry, I was drunk at the time" as an extenuating circumstance .After all, a motorist who crashes and car and turns the breathalyser red can already expect a tougher, not easier, punishment than if sober.

While swingeing punishments such as deportation for relatively minor drink-related infractions are clearly OTT, the humiliation of a public spanking might just deter a few idiots from indulging in the silly capers which have sullied this year's Songkran celebrations.

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Well many tourists come here with the attitude of "I am on vacation and spending money so I can do whatever I like." They hand out leaflets to the Chinese on how to behave in Thailand during Songkran... Perhaps it's well past time to hand them out to farang tourists as well.
And to their own people

"their own people" are at their own homeland. and you are a guest (I guess).

do you understand the difference?

As foreigners, being guests in this country we should behave and abide by the laws, just as Thai people should.

However, the way some of them behave (maybe more than some) and their blatant disregard for the law and authority beggars belief.

The Thai people should take a good hard look at themselves and the way they act in their own country before complaining about the poor behavior of a few guests.

Not a day goes by in Thailand where I don't see someone breaking the law.

Thailand needs to concentrate on cleaning up its own mess, not worrying about a few wayward guests and how they might tarnish its image or reputation.

"Their own people" could certainly benefit from a leaflet showing them how to treat their guests. Especially those that interact with them i.e. Taxi, van and bus drivers, tour operators, hotels, restaurants, jet ski operators, beach chair vendors, in fact anyone in the guest related service industry and let's not forget the immigration officers and RTP.

Maybe they could run a public awareness campaign on tv outlining the does and donts concerning guests.

But if they did that then they should also run campaigns on road safety, public safety, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, gambling and the list goes on.

But given that I have never seen a public awareness campaign of any form on tv (which in itself is appalling) I highly doubt it.


why for some people it's so hard to understand a simple idea?

1) it's none of your business how Thais abiding there own rules. you can see, understand and know whatever you like - Thai will not give a rat's ass for this.

2) it's Thai business how guests in Thailand abide Thai laws

3) how Thai people can benefit from treating foreigners the way you like - none of your business either. Thais built there own state for themselves, not for you and they know it better what is good and what is bad for them.

do you know why?

because Thais are at their own homeland. and your are not. so you either abide all rules or go to another country where laws are more suitable for you.

Thais built there country and society as it is now. This country attracts a lot of foreign tourists and expats who like this country as it is, because Thailand is what it is.

but some people have this special type of personality - just can't live somewhere and not bash the place. mostly this minority consist of losers-sugar-daddies who were thrown out by there own societies, who didn't find there place there and feel deeply unsatisfied, miserable for there drunken wasted life, which they spent chasing pleasures. and here in Thailand they keep contaminating society with there destructive hedonistic attitude, which is completely antibuddhist.

Some Thai children day by day see these sugar daddies, there lewd parasitic way of life and think that they should be like them (and not like their Thai parents) to succeed - role model. What these children can't realize - is that sugar daddies are looser in their own society.

Those spoiled kids are like a delayed-action mine under Thai society.

do you, for one second, believe that any country would be appreciated for such "guests"?!

by the way, this whole "public awareness campaign" idea is a part of Western left-liberal discourse.

do you want to know what was the profit of western pharmaceutical giants from "bird flu public awareness campaign", for example?

Why do you keep maniacally impose these sick manipulative ideas?! Leave them for yourself, please.

I'll reply to the first 3 points you made. The rest is somewhat off on tangent and totally unrelated to anything I said.

1) correct but it should be your business and concern you.

2) correct again and in my opening paragraph I stated that guests should abide by the laws.

3) you mean how Thais can benefit from treating guests the way they should be treated. Sure Thais built there state for themselves, but the tourist areas and hotels are built and exist predominantly for foreign guests.

As for knowing better...seriously get your head out of the sand.

I guess your one of those Thai people that aren't open to constructive criticism, believe you have the solution to everything and that Thailand is the centre of the universe.

But given your leader would like the power to jail or put in front of a firing squad anyone who criticizes or disagrees with him I can see where your attitude stems from.

The laws suit me fine and I abide by the laws of any country I visit. I also treat any person with the respect they deserve and expect it to be reciprocated.

Regarding public awareness I'm sure the campaign also saved a lot of lives. As they would in all the examples I gave.

So how would you suggest you improve all the examples I gave ? Or don't you believe there needs to be any improvement and things are fine just the way they are ?

But your probably up there in your ivory tower or down in your wooden box and simply don't care.

It's actually quite saddening and disconcerting that I seem to care more about the safety of Thai people than you.

I'm from the western world am open to criticism in both forms and will act on it should it change things for the better. You, obviously not.

Have a nice day.

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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

You're so right Costas.

I've been checking the "youlike" videos on Facebook; girls dancing obscene........barely dressed, gangs fighting, people beaten up, shootings, accidents, but of course.........everyone in the youlike-videos were Thai.

It's disgusting that a peaceful new year celebration causes so much violence, but what is better then to distract attention by focussing on 2 "naked" farangs enoying themselves.

Bunch of brainless hypocrites.

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Deport them. Idiots.

You must still be drinking Thai whiskey. Your remark was very remarkable for a brain that is in decay. Deport some one one 1 week vacation. Your are very stupid or very drunk!
As I don't drink enough to get drunk, I must be stupid. My brain is absolutely in decay, you're right about that. The development of the connections in my cerebral cortex is slowing down the older I get. But you already know that of course.

Still I think that if you visit another country, do something that is offensive to the locals, you should be put on the first plane out. And of course get a hefty fine of at least 100 baht.

May I ask you why your tone is rather rude and denigrating? Are you suffering from a clinical depression?

Edited by SoilSpoil
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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

I do think visitors should be a bit more careful how they act but thanks so need to look at themselves as well.

As for the comments regarding what would happen in Singapore and Cambodia, that's a bit ridiculous. If I insulted the king or criticised the coup whilst in Thailand could I get away with it by quoting what would happen in Singapore, Cambodia, USA and UK ect?

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Could not give a monkeys left tit what Thais think or do,just passing through,long layover though, but that is about it.


And this is the only way to live here, cos the moment you start caring, or even just giving it a thought, what Thais think of us, there is only 1 thing left to do - taxi to the airport!

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