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Fellow Farangs


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Well, many thanks for all your input chaps.

By general consensus it would appear I am being cheap and should not get so wound up about it that I put it on a forum.

All I wanted to do was relieve yesterdays office boredom by posting something more 'interactive' than some of the stuff which has appeared on our venerable forum recently, and at least it seems some of you have delighted in having a good go at my 'cheapness.'

In truth, I did give the guy a cigarette (never actually said that I didn't, just that I had pi$$ed him off) but not before we had a brief and earnest chat about the issue of scrounging.

Of course I would not be so cheap as to deny the guy a 3 baht smoke! But at the same time, it gets my goat as to why he could not have gone and bought some from the shop instead of putting himself in a position whereby I would refuse and therefore cause embarassment for us both.

I did not refuse, but he probably will think twice before scrounging again.

Therefore, we both learnt something from this arduous ordeal and in summary, I shall not drop my priniciples in future, however I shall bite my tongue for fear of incurring the wrath of some of our more vociferous posters.

Many thanks once again.

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and yet again the story changes ......

No, the story is more fully explained.

A lot of my 'many thanks for all your input' was aimed at your opinions as they are somewhat valid and have made me think that maybe I should not get so wound up. Again, many thanks for those.

Please feel free to continue being a pain in the arse though, you seem to revel in it.

Whatever floats your boat.

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In truth, I did give the guy a cigarette (never actually said that I didn't, just that I had pi$$ed him off) but not before we had a brief and earnest chat about the issue of scrounging.
So you are now saying that when you said
I have just pi$$ed a fellow farang off for not letting him "..borrow a cigarette."
you actually meant that you pissed him off by not only giving him the cigarette, but a lecture as well. :o
All I wanted to do was relieve yesterdays office boredom by posting something more 'interactive'
A word of advice, the next time you are bored in the office and want to make something up........TAKE NOTES!
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and yet again the story changes ......

No, the story is more fully explained.

A lot of my 'many thanks for all your input' was aimed at your opinions as they are somewhat valid and have made me think that maybe I should not get so wound up. Again, many thanks for those.

Please feel free to continue being a pain in the arse though, you seem to revel in it.

Whatever floats your boat.

sorry mate,

aint got no boat as i sold it for $16,500 back in 2003. :D

she was a little cracker. :D

cheers :o

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Top Tip

In order to ensure that beggars asking for smokes can retain their dignity, even though not being able to afford the cigarette themselves, I ask them to perform a small dance.

In this way, they are able to perform a service for the value of a cigarette and thus maintain their own self esteem.

I have found that the dances from many of the Burmese beggars that litter Bangkok have brought joy and even tears to many onlookers.

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Top Tip

In order to ensure that beggars asking for smokes can retain their dignity, even though not being able to afford the cigarette themselves, I ask them to perform a small dance.

In this way, they are able to perform a service for the value of a cigarette and thus maintain their own self esteem.

I have found that the dances from many of the Burmese beggars that litter Bangkok have brought joy and even tears to many onlookers.

LOL ... sounds like the OP ... who didn't give the smoke ... then did... then didn't .... then did but with a lecture .... then ....

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Top Tip

In order to ensure that beggars asking for smokes can retain their dignity, even though not being able to afford the cigarette themselves, I ask them to perform a small dance.

In this way, they are able to perform a service for the value of a cigarette and thus maintain their own self esteem.

I have found that the dances from many of the Burmese beggars that litter Bangkok have brought joy and even tears to many onlookers.

I trust that if ever you are in the same position as the poor beggars who you have requested to publicly perform for a cigarette that you have learned sufficient dance steps from them and will entertain the crowds in a manner that is befitting to your situation. Enjoy your smoke.

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I never knew that. éééé :o:D

Now, Kan anyone lend me a ciggie :D

Here you go "mrbojangles" have one pack on me :D

Kan_ "mrbojangles"_ Win

Please share it with some one that you need to do away with like.......

Kan Win :D

Edited by Kan Win
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But Bojangles i can understand being tight cause he is Northern and they are world famous for being the biggest bunch of cheap charlies going :D

To me, a cheap charlie is someone who goes out of their way not to pay certain prices and don't give tips etc. In this instance, it is the guy scrounging free ciggies, who i would say is the cheap charlie. Not the guy who has worked hard for his money and gone out and bought his own ciggies :D

Besides, us Northerner's aren't tight. We are prudent :D I don't go working down the mine for 28 hours a day, to have -4 hours sleep in my cardboard box, that is now in a puddle. To go and give all my money to a Southern softie, who drives on smooth tarmac roads, instead of using a pony and cart and driving on HARD cobbles :D

Did you ever notice that only"cheap Charlies" get made when you call them "cheap Charlies".When I am asked my name from hookers I say "cheap Charlie"saves a lot of time and b/s. :o:D:D

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