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Five men arrested in relation to alleged Anzac day terrorism plot in Victoria

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Five men arrested in relation to alleged Anzac day terrorism plot in Victoria

MELBOURNE: -- The men, all aged under 20, are in custody after seven search warrants were executed in Melbourne early on Saturday morning

Five teenagers have been arrested over an alleged terror plot that was being planned for Anzac Day in Melbourne.

Melbourne joint counterterrorism team officers executed seven warrants in the city’s southeast on Saturday morning.

Five men were arrested, including two 18-year-olds from Hallam and Hampton Park in relation to terrorism offences. The terrorist attack allegedly targeted police officers.

There were 200 police involved in the raid and two of the suspects sustained minor injuries during their arrest, police said.

The men had been on police officers’ radar since last month.

Read More: http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/apr/18/melbourne-men-arrested-over-alleged-terrorism-plot-victoria

--The Guardian 2015-04-18

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Terror arrests in Australia over planned ANZAC Day attack
Agence France-Presse

Five men were arrested in Australia on Saturday with two of them allegedly planning a terrorist attack on a ceremony commemorating ANZAC soldiers who have fought and died for their country.

Seven search warrants were executed in Melbourne by a joint counter-terrorism team, two months after Prime Minister Tony Abbott warned the threat from home-grown extremists was worsening.

Police said two 18-year-olds were held over terrorism-related offences.

"It is alleged both men were undertaking preparations for planning terrorist acts in Melbourne, which included targeting police officers," Victoria state and federal police said in a joint statement.

"Part of their alleged planning included targeting an ANZAC Day ceremony."

Ceremonies are due to be held in towns and cities across the country on April 25 to remember those who served and died as Australian and New Zealand Army Corps soldiers -- the country’s most important national occasion.

This year’s events have assumed added significance with the day marking a century since the bloody World War I Gallipoli campaign in what is now Turkey.

More than 60,000 Australian and New Zealand troops joined an Allied expeditionary landing on the peninsula in 1915, and 11,500 of them never returned.

The arrests also come just days after Australia began deploying 330 more troops to Iraq for two years to train local soldiers fighting jihadists including the Islamic State group, joining an aerial and special forces contingent in the region.

A third man held in Saturday’s raids, also 18, was arrested on weapons charges with two other teenagers, aged 18 and 19, in custody and assisting with enquiries.

Police said searches were continuing at several addresses in the southeast of the city, with investigations ongoing.

Victoria Police Acting Deputy Commissioner Shane Patton said the central focus of the operation was ensuring the community’s safety.

"It was important for us to act early on a serious threat to our community. Safety should always be the priority and today we have acted swiftly to disrupt an attack intended to bring harm to everyday Victorians going about their business," he said.

"During ANZAC Day commemorations we encourage people to continue with their plans, but remain vigilant. The community should be reassured by the increased police presence at events."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Terror-arrests-in-Australia-over-planned-ANZAC-Day-30258253.html

-- The Nation 2015-04-18

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This article is completely cleansed of the fact that the teens are probably Muslim. Australia has a serious problem with radicalized Muslim youth, a direct consequence of its lax immigration policy.

Did you read the link? A couple of quotes...

‘Teenagers inspired by Islamic State planned a major terrorism attack’ & ‘Their plan took inspiration from the Islamic State movement’.

Most of the Muslim youth actively engaging with Islamic extremism are Australian born. These people must be aiming to drive a deep divide between the general population and the Muslim community by planning for murders near or on Anzac Day.

Edited by simple1
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This article is completely cleansed of the fact that the teens are probably Muslim. Australia has a serious problem with radicalized Muslim youth, a direct consequence of its lax immigration policy.

Did you read the link? A couple of quotes...

‘Teenagers inspired by Islamic State planned a major terrorism attack’ & ‘Their plan took inspiration from the Islamic State movement’.

Most of the Muslim youth actively engaging with Islamic extremism are Australian born. These people must be aiming to drive a deep divide between the general population and the Muslim community by planning for murders near or on Anzac Day.

The penny finally drops. They might have been born in Australia, but they will never be Australians.

March loud and proud on the 25th Warriors.

Kindly cease your importunate and supercilious stalking commentrary

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The liberal and lefty policies of letting any one coming in boats into Australia coming to bite them in the arse

now, and there is turning back, Australia almost never cancel a citizenship and throw those rouge

people out, as those people will find many Australian to defend them for free, and when you have

a FM and a PM fighting so hard on behalf of a convicted drug runners, what do you expect?

Australia, heed the message, this is only the beginning.....

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This article is completely cleansed of the fact that the teens are probably Muslim. Australia has a serious problem with radicalized Muslim youth, a direct consequence of its lax immigration policy.

In Hallam 14.4% of the population is muslim. In Hampton park 11.3% are muslim.(Combined total of 25.7%) Both suburbs are connected just a line on the map (one side of the road is Hallam and the other Hampton Park) and form part of the City of Casey. There are 6 Mosques in the area.

45% of the population were born in Australia and 46.5% speak english.


Some public members on the media have already alleged that the police are targeting muslims and these arrests are racist unjustified and an attack on Islam.

"In Hallam 14.4% of the population is muslim. In Hampton park 11.3% are muslim.(Combined total of 25.7%)"

No. Depending on the populations of the two places the total percent would be between the two given percentages.

If it were 14% of 10,000 and 11% if 20,000 (just as an example) that would be 1400 and 2200 or 3600 out of a total of 30,000, which would be 12% in total.

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You need to think about what happened in Boston- just a couple of young guys- home made pressure cooker bombs. Horrendous.

So good job done.

What I find really incomprehensible - is apart from killing and maiming some infidels ( passage to paradise) what do they hope to achieve- just more worldwide hatred of Muslims - most just want a peaceful life and prosperity for their families.

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At what point will we wake up?

Probably when it's too late by the look of things.

I think a lot of people are awake, but there isn't a lot that can be done. It's a little like applying the brakes when you are on black ice. The vehicle just keeps careening forward, out of control. You hope it eventually stops without hitting something or ending up in the ditch, but you have no control.

There isn't much we can actually do. Unless some people are advocating starting a war on Islam, but in that case, we will not be much better than they are.

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This article is completely cleansed of the fact that the teens are probably Muslim. Australia has a serious problem with radicalized Muslim youth, a direct consequence of its lax immigration policy.

In Hallam 14.4% of the population is muslim. In Hampton park 11.3% are muslim.(Combined total of 25.7%) Both suburbs are connected just a line on the map (one side of the road is Hallam and the other Hampton Park) and form part of the City of Casey. There are 6 Mosques in the area.

45% of the population were born in Australia and 46.5% speak english.


Some public members on the media have already alleged that the police are targeting muslims and these arrests are racist unjustified and an attack on Islam.

Chook, don't mind many of your posts, but fair dinkum, your maths is a bit sloppy.

26% of all australians are born overseas and one in three has a parent born OS. 40+ percent isnt so scary in that context. Dare say Springvale would have a much higher OS born population.

Out that way there are plenty of Indians as well.

Nevertheless, good job the coppers are on this.

The keyboard warriors will no doubt type furiously now....

Edited by samran
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How about you stop attacking the poster and start condemning the Muslim nutjobs that were '' Allegedly '' planning an attack on an ANZAC Parade ?

Is there a reason why you would attack a poster supporting the ANZAC's but not a word of condemnation ?

What a strange mentality.

I am sure some of the real '' Diggers '' on here can explain that mentality to me.

Posts removed to enable reply.

My, my you do love twisting peoples words. Along with some others on TV you're a follower of the far right who are not very different in methods to Islamic facism.

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