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Ive been having a nightmare with HMPO Liverpool about my Sons Brit Passport (There is a thread about it somewhere)

They insist on my Ex wifes Birth Cert . I have Sole custody of my Kids and have been told by 3 separate Immigration Solicitors (Two Brit , one Anglo Thai) that I don't need it. I also have not seen my Ex -wife for 12 years. Ive been through 5 months of arguing with HMPO Liverpool

If cannot get the Birth Cert myself from Amphur , what about one of my kids ? After all she is their mother not an Ex wife like in my case. If I accompanied it with a solicitors letter explaining the situation and the necessity could that work. ? I have supplied every document , known to man so far Sons birth cert , divorce , sole custody ruling , Monogamous domicile forms , you name it.

Cheers for any advice


You can try it, is al that can be said.

A birth certicate itself will not be isused, at the most a copy. But that will be difficult without a power of attorney.


HMPO is Her Majesty's Passport Office, where Her Majesty's subjects apply for their passports, not to be confused with HMPS.

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The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



As stated, HMPO is Her Majesty's Passport Office.

HMPS is a budget hotel chain managed by the UK government on behalf of Her Majestey Queen Elizabeth II.

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Removed an off-topic post and the replies to it.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Thought I was out of the woods but no. Big mess from Local Amphur. So am looking at going up to Udon to get it . The missus called them today but the Birth Cert department (1 Bird) was not in but will be tomorrow

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