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UK police arrest 14-year-old boy over alleged Australia terror plot


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UK police arrest boy over alleged Australia terror plot

LONDON (AP) — British police have arrested a 14-year-old boy in connection with an alleged plot to attack a war memorial ceremony in Australia.

Greater Manchester Police says the boy was detained in Blackburn, northwestern England, on Saturday on suspicion of involvement in the commission, preparation, or instigation of acts of terrorism.

Detective Chief Superintendent Tony Mole said Monday the arrest came after police found "communication between an individual in the northwest and a man in Australia to what we believe is a credible terrorist threat."

He said police had not uncovered an imminent threat to Britain.

The force said it had passed information to Australian authorities.

On Saturday police arrested five Australian teenagers on suspicion of plotting an Islamic State group-inspired attack at an ANZAC Day ceremony in Melbourne later this month.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-04-20

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I'm not to writing outside of the normal Thai topic's, but this concerns me I have an interest in Australia , as the terror suspects now and in the past in Australia have through their parents come in as refugees or immigrated and or born here, which ever way you like to look at it they are the problem , not putting to fine a line on it, the AFP and State Police should be able to advise immigration on what former country these people where from and act accordingly, in cutting off refugee , immigration status from that country Australia like many other good hearted countries has inherited a problem this needs to be addressed .coffee1.gif

Edited by chainarong
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I'm not to writing outside of the normal Thai topic's, but this concerns me I have an interest in Australia , as the terror suspects now and in the past in Australia have through their parents come in as refugees or immigrated and or born here, which ever way you like to look at it they are the problem , not putting to fine a line on it, the AFP and State Police should be able to advise immigration on what former country these people where from and act accordingly, in cutting off refugee , immigration status from that country Australia like many other good hearted countries has inherited a problem this needs to be addressed .coffee1.gif

good hearted lol, your tripping mate

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Fact: Australia used to have a "whites only" immigration policy.

I wonder whether a "NO MUSLIMS" immigration policy would be good for us?

Before some deeply offended politically correct nutcase attacks me for being a racist consider this:

- No Jew, no Israeli or even no Australian with an Israeli stamped visa passport is allowed into Saudi Arabia!

- No Muslim is allowed to buy a property and reside in Japan!

- BTW my question about "no Muslims" is born by the fact that THE NAMES of the above 'British' and 'Australian' boys are a closely guarded state secret everywhere round the World. Why?

- What are our politicians hiding from us?

Edited by ABCer
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Fact: Australia used to have a "whites only" immigration policy.

I wonder whether a "NO MUSLIMS" immigration policy would be good for us?

Before some deeply offended politically correct nutcase attacks me for being a racist consider this:

- No Jew, no Israeli or even no Australian with an Israeli stamped visa passport is allowed into Saudi Arabia!

- No Muslim is allowed to buy a property and reside in Japan!

- BTW my question about "no Muslims" is born by the fact that THE NAMES of the above 'British' and 'Australian' boys are a closely guarded state secret everywhere round the World. Why?

- What are our politicians hiding from us?

The reason the British boy hasn't been named is because there are reporting restrictions in place in the UK that prevent revealing the identity of any person under the age of 18 involved in a legal case.

"The principal exception to the open justice principle relates to youth court proceedings, which by statute are not open to the public. Section 49 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 (CYPA 1933) places an automatic restriction on reporting that identifies or is likely to identify any person under the age of 18 who is concerned in youth court proceedings as a victim, witness or defendant."

"Additionally, there is a discretionary power under section 39 CYPA 1933 to restrict reporting the identity of victims, witnesses and defendants under the age of 18 who appear in magistrates' courts and the Crown Court."

"Any decision to lift reporting restrictions must be necessary, proportionate and there must be a pressing social need for it"

But if you want to think its a "closely guarded state secret" and that the politicians are hiding something from us then be my guest.

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Fact: Australia used to have a "whites only" immigration policy.

I wonder whether a "NO MUSLIMS" immigration policy would be good for us?

Before some deeply offended politically correct nutcase attacks me for being a racist consider this:

- No Jew, no Israeli or even no Australian with an Israeli stamped visa passport is allowed into Saudi Arabia!

- No Muslim is allowed to buy a property and reside in Japan!

- BTW my question about "no Muslims" is born by the fact that THE NAMES of the above 'British' and 'Australian' boys are a closely guarded state secret everywhere round the World. Why?

- What are our politicians hiding from us?

The reason the British boy hasn't been named is because there are reporting restrictions in place in the UK that prevent revealing the identity of any person under the age of 18 involved in a legal case.

"The principal exception to the open justice principle relates to youth court proceedings, which by statute are not open to the public. Section 49 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 (CYPA 1933) places an automatic restriction on reporting that identifies or is likely to identify any person under the age of 18 who is concerned in youth court proceedings as a victim, witness or defendant."

"Additionally, there is a discretionary power under section 39 CYPA 1933 to restrict reporting the identity of victims, witnesses and defendants under the age of 18 who appear in magistrates' courts and the Crown Court."

"Any decision to lift reporting restrictions must be necessary, proportionate and there must be a pressing social need for it"

But if you want to think its a "closely guarded state secret" and that the politicians are hiding something from us then be my guest.

In addition those charged with offences in Australia have been named

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Well the 14yr old held by GMP comes from Blackburn a high percentage Muslim area... he has been arrested on more than one count, and information recovered from 'electronic' devices found at his address confirmed he had been in contact with a man residing in Australia and they provided intelligence to AFP (GMP raided the house of the 14 year old with a search warrant issued under an on-going operation, this kid was already on the Radar)

UK is currently on a 'Severe' threat level (an attack highly likely) bit like Defcon 2 in the US I suppose (see below off UK Gov site, soz is in Bold)

Threat levels

There are 5 levels of threat:

  • low - an attack is unlikely
  • moderate - an attack is possible but not likely
  • substantial - an attack is a strong possibility
  • severe - an attack is highly likely
  • critical - an attack is expected imminently

The level is set by the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre and the Security Service (MI5)

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