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Army demolition team called-in as Pattaya Hotel Demolition saga continues


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It is sort of like their understanding of water flow cheesy.gif

Why in the world would you demolish the ground floor, it the problem is the 8th through 13th floors w00t.gif

Taking it down from the bottom until they have the correct number of floors, I am joking of course. Seiously knocking out the ground floor first, just hope the other 12 floors don't fall across the road to other properties. Obviously the owner did NOT cough up enough money to bribe the honest????? officials

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officialdom raises its ugly head obviously not enough money has passed hands . this building is in breach of regulations what about all the other buildings that are in breach of regulations all the buildings on the seaside of walking street are illegal structures and have been as long as I can remember .get it right you people lets have a show of honesty.

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Who is the guy that owns it? What is his political connection that he can ignore the demolition order

but does not have the juice to get the order overturned/rescinded, or has battle gone on for so long

and it is now in the public spotlight so the law has to be upheld? Is there some kink of statute of

limitations on all this and that is what the owner is delaying toward? Or has he lost everything now

and has nothing to loose so is just fighting the delaying battle. They should sell tours. An interesting


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to have an 8th floor, you must first have a "ground floor, unless it is held up by fresh air, my advice to anyone in that area, just dont go walking by it any time soon. lol !! STAND WELL CLEAR -- the army are invloved ??

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This building is quite likely dangerous. It is standing now, but fill it with furniture, tourists & their belongings, and it could be the case that all it would take is a mild ground shake, and down it comes.

They are trying to do their duty to prevent a future disaster.

They should demolish the building, and sue the owner for the cost plus interest.

The bill will be much higher, of course, than if the owner contracted the demolition himself.

How about the court issuing a daily fine of say 50,000 baht for each day their court order is ignored?

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Be interesting also when they get to the high rise condo at the marina end of Walking street. Another one that went higher than approval and building suspended

. Sorry I didn't see ya, Batboy, Great Minds think alike.

No Problem's. Just buying a condo in Jomtien myself that is just being built so hope its all ok also. Only problem is how many Russians bought condo's to and have had to let go because of their money issues

My condolences to your wallet sad.png

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In a normal world, when a construction is going on a city engineer or the site's engineer must come

to inspect the progress of the project, the built quality, the safety issue and the materials used,

non of this is happening here, and if the do, than the inspector engineer is either blind, corrupt or both...

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A long 7 days

On 30 July 2013 Pattaya Boutique Hotel was issued with a 7 day demolition order

Repeated warnings have been given to the Hotel and have been duly ignored according to City Hall who have now issued this final notice under the Building Control Act of 1979 which states that the unauthorized extensions to all three buildings must be demolished within 7 days.

Edited by Gunna
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I thought they went in and smashed this place up about a year ago!

Just get on with it, they sure can procrastinate here.

A probable scenario; The government official who owns the place got the go ahead to construct under YL. He is hoping he can stall the demolition just in time for a favorable change of regime, maybe, perhaps, who knows.
Doubtful. National politics does not really come into play in Pattaya whereas local government has been under the control of the same family for decades.

@ least they did, now? 1 of the siblings was a Minister in Cabinet so it could just be a valid scenario.

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It is sort of like their understanding of water flow cheesy.gif

Why in the world would you demolish the ground floor, it the problem is the 8th through 13th floors w00t.gif

They are trying to practice a controlled demolition where the first 5 floors collapse. If it fails the whole thing will come down. Oh well back to the drawing board.

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This building is quite likely dangerous. It is standing now, but fill it with furniture, tourists & their belongings, and it could be the case that all it would take is a mild ground shake, and down it comes.

They are trying to do their duty to prevent a future disaster.

They should demolish the building, and sue the owner for the cost plus interest.

The bill will be much higher, of course, than if the owner contracted the demolition himself.

How about the court issuing a daily fine of say 50,000 baht for each day their court order is ignored?

In that area you can add on >7 Indians to a room.

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I thought they went in and smashed this place up about a year ago!

Just get on with it, they sure can procrastinate here.

They are waiting for the tea train to pull into the station. They are procrastinating over the amount of the tea money. Punch a few more holes in the bldg. and the amount rises. They got em by the sack Jack.

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Be interesting also when they get to the high rise condo at the marina end of Walking street. Another one that went higher than approval and building suspended

. Sorry I didn't see ya, Batboy, Great Minds think alike.

No Problem's. Just buying a condo in Jomtien myself that is just being built so hope its all ok also. Only problem is how many Russians bought condo's to and have had to let go because of their money issues

My condolences to your wallet sad.png

Better chance of protecting that cash by hitting the Baccara tables. Better yet, go barfine the entire Baccara staff for a couple of weeks. At least the money would provide some amusement.

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Only in Thailand and other 3rd world countries can you refuse a court order without repercussions. It is very simple, refuse and you go to prison until you decide to comply. Prison is a great deterrent, especially for the rich, who can actually afford to comply with the court order and thereby choose to avoid prison.

I think the rich here can send a surrogate to yea ole gaol.

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Someone didn't get his share of the bribe moneys it seems....

Hey isn't this what happened to Thermae in BKK? they closed the place down by demolishing the reception area and business continued as usual in the basement(-1 floor)? Although nowadays it is frequented by Pakistanis, Indians and "alabs", in it's heydays it was very nice in the early morning hours.

Thermae, Thermae, that's what's sooooo good about Thailand. Was and still is.

In the old days when I was 'renting people' I loved getting into places thru the toilet and having a ball and not catching anything at all.

Is that what really happened to Thermae?

Can you still access it thru the toilet or is the perfume (some kind of Brut I think), still tooooo overpowering?

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From the original OP ... It was also revealed that the company behind the Hotel have up to 10 other projects in Pattaya which allegedly breach planning regulations and may be subject to similar demolition orders in the future.

So for a very long time they have been constructing illegal structures. Of course that wouldn't be possible if someone, somewhere, wasn't being handed nice big fat brown envelopes. I should imagine the owner is pissed but at the end of the day corruption and illegal activities will always come back and bite you where it hurts.

This only goes to show just how broken the entire system is.

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I guess that is the way things are done in Pattaya , get permission for an acceptible 7 storey hotel and then change it to 13 storeys by sleight of hand .

Demolition of the ground floor by the army cannot be disputed and makes the hotel inoperable . The owners have to spend money to demolish the rest .

Or, since the army will not be demolishing the supporting columns, simply build the ground floor walls again when the army leaves and open the hotel. I am guessing that will be both cheaper and more profitable for the owners.

And what's to stop the Army coming back and repeating the procedure as many times as it takes?

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