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US warship heads to Yemeni waters to intercept Iranian weapons shipments


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World police and clusterf(deleted) master generator of the universe in action again... Well, let's see how this one pans out. The outcome will most likely be (as always) an even more messed up world. Thank you, big brother for protecting us! sick.gif

Uh, the UK supplied 1/3 of the troops for the Iraq invasion. Australia was there too. So were more than 20 other countries.

Tony Blair...

But do your revisionist history if it makes you feel better.

But the call to arms was lead by George W. and Co.

Long may the US be so powerful that it can tell the UK Parliament, Australia, and 20 other countries what to do. coffee1.gif

What's this, get the smarm in before China steps all over us? lol

But I think you'll find it's more a case of an expectation to back up the yanks and UK statesmen (ie a few people) wanting the glory of it all. If your country were to try to get on its high horse with ordinary Brits, Aussies etc, you'd be routinely shown the finger.

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China is going nowhere, they are not a super power, even Vietnam isn't afraid of them

The Egyptian naval, air and ground forces are being massed to go into Lybia and clean the ISIS forces out in a rout.

ISIS is sending troops to fight the Egyptians

This is why the American people put Obama back in, because he made good on this one pledge,

The US would no longer let their soldiers bleed for the Arab-sunni-shia-houthi-Persian conflicts, but they will assist them in killing each other

Their conflicts dont involve us like they once did,

Now we give arms and clear the shipping lanes and send mercenaries and green berets to train them

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I noticed that the Iran-Shia-Houthi connection isnt a focal point in news while in Sweden. Sure theres some connection to Iran, but the media and people with agendas have put a spin on it. Also, a female Yemeni expert was interviewed on CNN, she said the Houthi issue is not being a pure religious conflict. This Iran ranting is a US media spin.

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Isn't that the same country that just cried wolf about a submarine, they couldn't verify, didnt track, then complained loudly that it must be the Russians,

But, didnt see it, didnt track it, couldn't verify it, and then it just vanished, but they were sure it was Russians?

Do the swedes say the Egyptians and Saudis are bombarding the crap out of Yemen, and only the presence of US warship's turned them away?

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If Iran success in delivering anti-ship missiles to the Houthis then a full scale Sunni-Shia war will break out. This is how important Obamas latest red-line is. If the Iranians cross it the only conclusion is that this is in line with U.S policy for the region.


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Sweden has nothing to do with the OP.

My post was not about or focused on Sweden, it was very obvious if you read it properly before you wrote your reply. The focus was on Scandinavian mainstream media that dont swallow all "news" coming from the other side of the atlantic. I mentioned that there was no Iran-angle going on repeat while i watched and read news while in Sweden (also in Denmark) for 25 days. The news I see in Thailand is US media spin. Edited by BKKBobby
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World police and clusterf(deleted) master generator of the universe in action again... Well, let's see how this one pans out. The outcome will most likely be (as always) an even more messed up world. Thank you, big brother for protecting us! sick.gif

Uh, the UK supplied 1/3 of the troops for the Iraq invasion. Australia was there too. So were more than 20 other countries.
Tony Blair...
But do your revisionist history if it makes you feel better.

The Bush administration briefly used the term "Coalition of the Willing" to refer to the countries who supported, militarily or verbally, the 2003 invasion of Iraq and subsequent military presence in post-invasion Iraq. The original list released in March 2003 included 46 members. In April 2003, the list was updated to include 49 countries, though it was reduced to 48 after Costa Rica objected to its inclusion.

Of the 48 countries on the list, three contributed troops to the invasion force (the United Kingdom, Australia and Poland).


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Not sure why Al Arabiya was referring to it as a U.S. cargo vessel. It's flagged Marshall Islands and according to CNBC and the Pentagon none of the 34 aboard are U.S. citizens. While Farragut "responded" to the distress call from the cargo vessel, it has no authority to enter the territorial waters of Iran except for the purpose of "innocent passage" through the Straits of Hormuz. Maybe just some sloppy navigation on the part of the Maersk Tigris on its way to Jebel Ali (which seems unlikely; it's not some tramp steamer dead-reckoning its way through the Straits...). Or maybe this is the beginning of a pattern of harassment by the Iranians.

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Or maybe its really the Iranians masking their arms delivery

Why believe anything we can't verify?

?? How would that work? Using the Maersk Tigris, which was bound for Jebel Ali, in the Arab Emirates, and not Aden? I don't put much past Iran, but I don't really think the AE would be at all interested in aiding & abetting such a scheme.

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Or maybe its really the Iranians masking their arms delivery

Why believe anything we can't verify?

?? How would that work? Using the Maersk Tigris, which was bound for Jebel Ali, in the Arab Emirates, and not Aden? I don't put much past Iran, but I don't really think the AE would be at all interested in aiding & abetting such a scheme.

The Iranians know they have Obama and Kerry over a barrel so they will ratchet up their belligerence knowing the U.S is desperate to avoid any escalation which scuppers their planned nuclear capitulation. One can well imagine how Iran will behave if they ever do attain nuclear weapons. Edited by Steely Dan
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Don't believe they have any battleships. They have some frigates and corvettes and lots of small attack/suicide boats but nothing much bigger. They also have 2-3 submarines.

Most of their equipment is Russian and Chinese with probably something the French sold them as well.

All this posturing is to see how far they can push the Obama/Kerry vaudeville team before those two actually just surrender and get on with it. Shouldn't be much longer now.

They're good at destroying wooden aircraft carriers but I doubt they will stack up very well against a real navy that shoots back. JMHO.

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Don't believe they have any battleships. They have some frigates and corvettes and lots of small attack/suicide boats but nothing much bigger. They also have 2-3 submarines.

Most of their equipment is Russian and Chinese with probably something the French sold them as well.

All this posturing is to see how far they can push the Obama/Kerry vaudeville team before those two actually just surrender and get on with it. Shouldn't be much longer now.

They're good at destroying wooden aircraft carriers but I doubt they will stack up very well against a real navy that shoots back. JMHO.

Don't believe ANYBODY has any battleships anymore. The Iranian frigates and corvettes are equipped with reasonably modern anti-ship missiles, but if the shooting were to actually start they'd constitute inviting targets themselves. They might be good for some bluff & bluster, esp. against fish like Obama & Kerry, but Iran would be foolish to put them in harm's way.

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"Former deputy national security adviser Elliott Abrams tells Right Turn, "Iran is throwing its weight around in a way that expresses contempt for the United States and for President Obama. They know full well that Congress and the nation are weighing the nuclear deal, but that doesn't constrain them because they know the administration (Obama) will do literally anything to keep the deal alive...."

"The U.S. looks like a helpless giant, which is precisely Iran's goal. Our allies and friends in the region are cringing and so should Americans be. Is there any conduct at all that will awaken the administration (Obama) to the nature and intentions of that vicious regime?" It's becoming hard to think of one — or of any concession at the bargaining table we won't make for the sake of a deal."


APR. 29, 2015, 7:02 AM

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Don't believe they have any battleships. They have some frigates and corvettes and lots of small attack/suicide boats but nothing much bigger. They also have 2-3 submarines.

Most of their equipment is Russian and Chinese with probably something the French sold them as well.

All this posturing is to see how far they can push the Obama/Kerry vaudeville team before those two actually just surrender and get on with it. Shouldn't be much longer now.

They're good at destroying wooden aircraft carriers but I doubt they will stack up very well against a real navy that shoots back. JMHO.

Perhaps you could post how much it costs for the US to run these big Naval ships, you know, like you do everytime Obama goes on Air Force One?

A lot of posters complain about how much the debt is, but they seem to have no trouble in wasting money on policing parts of the world that are of relatively little importance.

Oh, and if they are of importance, let someone else start doing some policing. The World has made it clear it doesn't appreciate the US efforts and they might be right. Of course, they might be wrong, but they will get to reap what they sew.

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Don't believe they have any battleships. They have some frigates and corvettes and lots of small attack/suicide boats but nothing much bigger. They also have 2-3 submarines.

Most of their equipment is Russian and Chinese with probably something the French sold them as well.

All this posturing is to see how far they can push the Obama/Kerry vaudeville team before those two actually just surrender and get on with it. Shouldn't be much longer now.

They're good at destroying wooden aircraft carriers but I doubt they will stack up very well against a real navy that shoots back. JMHO.

Perhaps you could post how much it costs for the US to run these big Naval ships, you know, like you do everytime Obama goes on Air Force One?

A lot of posters complain about how much the debt is, but they seem to have no trouble in wasting money on policing parts of the world that are of relatively little importance.

Oh, and if they are of importance, let someone else start doing some policing. The World has made it clear it doesn't appreciate the US efforts and they might be right. Of course, they might be wrong, but they will get to reap what they sew.

I'll see if i can come up with some costs for you. Give me a little time.

I do find it interesting you don't believe the world's access to the Arabian/Persian Gulf and the Red Sea/Suez Canal are of any significance to the US and other nations.

Would you prefer to leave the policing of these two waterways to the Iranian Navy?

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Since when do these carrier's go it alone? Its not one ship I imagine but a battlegroup of several ships including destroyers, frigates and nuclear subs.

Well, the article did say to "join other American ships that are prepared to intercept any Iranian vessels carrying weapons to the Houthi rebels." So there must already be some U.S. naval presence in place. There better be. There's been some moaning lately about Israel's "nuclear subs" (no such thing); well, Iran has three ex-Russian Kilo-class attack subs - some of the world's quietest diesel-electrics - and somewhere north of a dozen midget subs.

But do they know how to operate them? 555

"Iran has three ex-Russian Kilo-class attack subs - some of the world's quietest diesel-electrics - and somewhere north of a dozen midget subs.'

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Iran has just poked another stick in Obama's eye. While the Maersk Tigris was not U.S. flagged, it was flagged in the Marshall Islands. Under post-WWII treaty, the U.S. is responsible for the defense of the Marshall Islands as well as the defense of its vessels.

The Navy is now going to begin escorting U.S.-flagged merchant vessels through the Straits of Hormuz. 'Can't say for sure that having USN presence nearby, escorting other ships, would have saved the Maersk Tigris since it wouldn't itself have been getting the escort, but given the above it might have...

Iran (and pretty much the whole world beyond the DNC) knows Obama is desperate and will do almost anything to keep his precious nuclear treaty intact. 'Talk about over a barrel. The man is such a Sunday driver ...

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Iran has just poked another stick in Obama's eye. While the Maersk Tigris was not U.S. flagged, it was flagged in the Marshall Islands. Under post-WWII treaty, the U.S. is responsible for the defense of the Marshall Islands as well as the defense of its vessels.

The Navy is now going to begin escorting U.S.-flagged merchant vessels through the Straits of Hormuz. 'Can't say for sure that having USN presence nearby, escorting other ships, would have saved the Maersk Tigris since it wouldn't itself have been getting the escort, but given the above it might have...

Iran (and pretty much the whole world beyond the DNC) knows Obama is desperate and will do almost anything to keep his precious nuclear treaty intact. 'Talk about over a barrel. The man is such a Sunday driver ...

I guess they should be getting the yellow ribbons ready, they're gonna need them.

P.s Marshall Islands, no chance, had the ship been flagged Cuba, North Korea or a Hamas launch out of Ankara then maybe.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Seeing as the Marshall Islands ceded responsibility for its defense and security to the U.S the Iranians seizing a Marshall Islands ship in a recognized international sea lane was an act of war. The Iranians know this, the U.S knows this, indeed every world government knows this, yet Obama ducked. So once again the U.S is made to appear a laughing stock, which is exactly what the Iranians intended.


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The US is not a laughing stock

The US Navy is not going to ignore real threats and will fire on and sink any ship, anywhere anytime as it requires

No, sorry, not any ship, anywhere anytime as it requires. It will be as Obama requires, and he doesn't/won't "require" it. (It's more like he doesn't dare order it, which is no great mystery to Iran.)

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if you really believe that then fine

war with Iran is absolutely inevitable

that Obama tried to save them from themselves and their own imperialismwill automatically be seen as a great gesture on his part and on America's part

the reality is this is a doctrine of War

the US is operating

on a much longer time horizon than the average attention span of any Thai visa reader

if you want to know who's foreign policy the United States is ,may i suggest you review the speeches given by Ariel Sharon

While this may be offensive to some, the fact is, the tail has been wagging the dog for many years

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And as American defined PEACE processes go, they are leading the way...This is the peace we bring, leave your ideology at the door. The camel's tail did not follow his nose.

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The US Navy is there for intelligence gathering, backup and support.

The United States Navy won't be firing on any unarmed Iranian or any other unarmed boats or unarmed craft of any unarmed kind....as in unarmed. The armed forces of the United States are not going to fire on anything unarmed over there.

This is anyway an Arab Sunni coalition undertaking and it is for them to act if action is necessary. The Arabs would have all the intelligence they need and all the firepower they can handle, but a little surrounding and ramming action against any ship(s) that might try to run the blockade would likely be the most the right wing warmongers could expect for their thrills, chills and glories of the moment.

The whole of it is backed by the 14-0-1 vote of the UN Security Council last week against Iran transporting, delivering, arms to Yemen. While Russia still could not bring itself to vote at the UNSC for the resolution, at least it did not vote against. Beijing did manage to vote with the good guys and has had a couple of ships in the area but to check piracy only.

The US Navy doesn't typically use nuclear aircraft carriers for "intelligence gathering, backup and support". The idea is laughable. A single cruiser could accomplish that. 'Course what the moron-in-chief might decide to do with them is anybody's guess.

But another masterful attempt at spin notwithstanding, you may well be right, and Obama is really not prepared to enforce any embargo or board any Iranian ships. If so, it'll just be another one of his silly red lines that leaves the world laughing, the Iranians overjoyed at having successfully called yet another Obama bluff, and the conflict in Yemen ratcheted up another degree. According to most of the news updates I'm seeing, this convoy is about to cross into Yemeni waters - the moment of truth for Barry O. If these commercial vessels are able to successfully deliver arms, it'll be a(nother) major debacle. No loss of credibility for Obama though: he can't lose what he doesn't have.

Quite a contrast to Khrushchev's taking JFK seriously enough to turn HIS ships around back in '62. Obama has worked remarkably hard to earn his complete lack of credibility, and those chickens may well be coming home to roost right now.

Right wing warmonger Obama hating spam.

This is US gunboat diplomacy in support of the Arab Sunni coalition led by the Saudis. It's the Arab Sunni show, not the obligation or the imposition of the United States. Anyone would be hard pressed to show how or why the United States Navy would fire on ships either unarmed, simply transiting, or trying to run the blockade. For the president to pull the trigger, the Iranians would need to fire first and to do it with meaning, malace, purpose.

I'd mentioned surround and ram as the realistic alternative to attack and blast.

The US Navy doesn't typically use nuclear aircraft carriers for "intelligence gathering, backup and support". The idea is laughable. A single cruiser could accomplish that. 'Course what the moron-in-chief might decide to do with them is anybody's guess.

The statement in the post denies the reality of it, i.e., the US Navy is in fact using a nuclear powered aircraft carrier for "intelligence gathering, backup and support." As pointed out by your posts, aircraft from the Theodore Roosevent are overhead the slowly crawling Iranian frigates and freighters observing their every trip to the head (when the Iranians on board aren't already shitting their pants which is also recorded from above (and probably from undersea).

The post has too many ifs, ands, buts, not to mention 'will be' and another statement of this sort of blah blah blah, that "this convoy is about to cross into Yemeni waters". Let's instead keep our heads to talk about and discuss what is happening or not happening, not what anyone around here thinks is "about to" happen based admittedly on "most of the news updates I'm seeing."

The only red line that needs to be drawn around here is when the anti-Obama hysteria exceeds the anti-Iran hysteria.

Well, Admiral, here's a link to an Associated Press report, appearing on the military.com website:


Noting that "The deployment comes after a U.N. Security Council resolution approved last week imposed an arms embargo on the Iranian-backed Shiite Houthi rebels. The resolution passed in a 14-0 vote with Russia abstaining.", just exactly how do overflights of the freighters by F-18s "observing their every trip to the head" (your idea of "intelligence gathering" I guess, lol) actually provide any enforcement or support of said U.N. resolution? Obviously, about the same as a Blue Angels airshow back in the States. None.

Also noting that "White House spokesman Josh Earnest would not comment specifically on any Navy movements in Yemeni waters, but said the U.S. has concerns about Iran's "continued support for the Houthis.", just what kind of support for the Houthis does a failure to board and inspect, and instead allowing said freighters to continue to port unmolested to offload their cargos, constitute? Answer: all possible; the Houthis and Iran must be very grateful at the prospect of the U.S. Navy virtually escorting these freighters instead of interdicting them!

Finally noting that "The U.S. Navy generally conducts consensual boardings of ships when needed, including to combat piracy around Africa and the region. So far, however, U.S. naval personnel have not boarded any Iranian vessels since the Yemen conflict began.", it's pretty obvious Obama is backing away from even attempting to do with respect to THIS enforcement action what is accepted as a matter or practice with others. He THOUGHT he could have some impact by merely sending ships, but is in a dither now that Iran, sooooo predictably, just continues to give him the finger (which I expect he's quite used to by now, particularly where Iran is concerned; quite a strange way to execute the office...).

But keep up that leftist lunatic anti-Obama conspiracy spin, Admiral. Bear a hand and keep that propaganda ship afloat! You did leave out the part about anyone criticizing him being a racist. Tsk, tsk. The central committee won't like that.

'Sure beats the funny papers.

The Iranian ships turned around last week and headed back to where they came from, showing the US and the Saudi-led Arab coalition their aft sides out to the horizon. The Revolutionary Guards had to eat their own shit sandwich on this one too.

The fact of the Iranian retreat has been completely missed and wholly ignored in the Obama bashing posts which instead blindly insist on raising the false specters of if, but, allow, get away with, unmolested, acts of war, and other speculative, aggressive warmongering rhetoric that has little or nothing to do with the realities at sea and on the ground there and the actual events that are occurring.

Face reality, the facts, the actual developments, the significance and the consequences of what is happening from last week to the present. In short, get a grip.

Today for instance a small Arab coalition ground reconnaissance force hit the ground in Aden which is further evidence the United States has ceased being policeman of the world. The Arabs are having to address their own problems in their own region without the US doing the security tasks the Arabs themselves need to do. The US is willing to provide various forms of support and it is doing an effective and prudent job of it.

People who have the facts pound on the facts. People who don't have the facts pound on the table.

The only post with the word "racist" in it is in fact the one directly above.

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Well, Admiral, here's a link to an Associated Press report, appearing on the military.com website:


Noting that "The deployment comes after a U.N. Security Council resolution approved last week imposed an arms embargo on the Iranian-backed Shiite Houthi rebels. The resolution passed in a 14-0 vote with Russia abstaining.", just exactly how do overflights of the freighters by F-18s "observing their every trip to the head" (your idea of "intelligence gathering" I guess, lol) actually provide any enforcement or support of said U.N. resolution? Obviously, about the same as a Blue Angels airshow back in the States. None.

Also noting that "White House spokesman Josh Earnest would not comment specifically on any Navy movements in Yemeni waters, but said the U.S. has concerns about Iran's "continued support for the Houthis.", just what kind of support for the Houthis does a failure to board and inspect, and instead allowing said freighters to continue to port unmolested to offload their cargos, constitute? Answer: all possible; the Houthis and Iran must be very grateful at the prospect of the U.S. Navy virtually escorting these freighters instead of interdicting them!

Finally noting that "The U.S. Navy generally conducts consensual boardings of ships when needed, including to combat piracy around Africa and the region. So far, however, U.S. naval personnel have not boarded any Iranian vessels since the Yemen conflict began.", it's pretty obvious Obama is backing away from even attempting to do with respect to THIS enforcement action what is accepted as a matter or practice with others. He THOUGHT he could have some impact by merely sending ships, but is in a dither now that Iran, sooooo predictably, just continues to give him the finger (which I expect he's quite used to by now, particularly where Iran is concerned; quite a strange way to execute the office...).

But keep up that leftist lunatic anti-Obama conspiracy spin, Admiral. Bear a hand and keep that propaganda ship afloat! You did leave out the part about anyone criticizing him being a racist. Tsk, tsk. The central committee won't like that.

'Sure beats the funny papers.

Admiral! cheesy.gif Would that be Rear Admiral Publicus?

The convoy of Iranian weapons supply ships to Yemen has long since been turned around in ignominy by the Saudi-led Arab-Indian-Pakistan coalition supported by the United States 5th Fleet headquartered in Bahrain and the news from the area on both the land and the sea is no news of significance.

The situation in the area is stable. No shooting, no blockade running, no red lines and no red lines crossed, no ships sunk, seized, boarded of necessity or otherwise. The Revolutionary Guards in Tehran have fully digested the super sized shit sandwich they had to eat and have apparently decided they don't want any more of 'em to have to eat.

This remains a potentially volatile situation and it could be escalated or explode at any time for any reason, but so far there haven't been any further incidents, much less incidents of any major importance or significance.

Neither has Prez Obama handed his sword over to the ayatollahs, the Revolutionary Guards or to anyone else. The flag is still flying over there and the losers in Tehran are licking their wounds as are the loser warmongers in these parts biting their tongues.

I reiterate the situation remains volatile and the hard-pressed militants in Tehran continue to be unpredictable. The battle in Yemen is far from over but a major factor in it, Tehran, has been humbled, humiliated, significantly stung and singed.

The effective and predictable counterweight to an exacerbation of the challenge in the region is an Arab military coalition force policing its own region supported by the former cop of the region, the United States.

Welcome to the new reality.

Carry on.

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