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Israel PM Netanyahu given 14 more days to form coalition


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Israeli leader gets 2-week extension to form coalition

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has received a two-week extension to form a new governing coalition following his election victory last month.

Netanyahu told the Israeli president he has made progress in negotiations with potential partners but needs more time to form a stable coalition.

The Israeli leader has held weeks of negotiations with his nationalist, religious and ultra-Orthodox Jewish allies.

Netanyahu looks close to finalizing deals with two ultra-Orthodox parties and the centrist, economics-focused Kulanu party. But large gaps remain with two nationalist parties led by long-time Netanyahu associates.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin granted Netanyahu the extension Monday. Under Israeli election rules, if Netanyahu fails to form a coalition after that time, Rivlin can task someone else to do so.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-04-21

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"Netanyahu looks close to finalizing deals with two ultra-Orthodox parties"

I look forward to Nyetanyhow to explain his plans to them for a two-state solution with Plaestinians. Obama needs to join the dialog at the UN to push the two-state solution.

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"Netanyahu looks close to finalizing deals with two ultra-Orthodox parties"

I look forward to Nyetanyhow to explain his plans to them for a two-state solution with Plaestinians. Obama needs to join the dialog at the UN to push the two-state solution.

The OP news item really doesn't touch on the Palestinian conflict.

Rather internal Israeli parliamentary matters on forming a new government. Not so unusual in parliamentary systems.

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There is no Palestinian conflict anymore because the Egyptian pressure on Israel has vanished as they fight Hamas and MB, in Sinai, and the Saudi has lost interest as they begin battling to defend their kingdom.

Their last champion was Assad, but they didnt support his war, so be unleashed ISIS on them in Yarmouk, and they are being decimated there in near silence from the world

The emerging Israeli government will never accept an accord with Labor, no matter how many times they change their name

Israel is not going to take up the cause of the Palestinians as long as they use their freedoms to stab, run over, and shoot at Israeli citizens on bus stops

The next Netanyahu government will be the fartest to the center right than in the days of my personal hero, Ariel Sharon, who taught Netanyahu how to gain power and more importantly, how to keep it.

The new coalition is little more than a coming home party, for the greater Likud.

Viva Likud

Viva Bibi

Viva Fidel,

Oh, sorry,

Wrong Viva

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Just exactly what invasion force do you think is going to enter Israel to enforce security council resolutions?

The UN is a charade and Netanyahu already spent his time there

The USA and Israel have no beef.

The IAF is not worried about SS/300//as they long mastered that systems

There is also an SS400/@/ and SS500 that Russia is deploying along its larger borders with Iran last in line for the old stuff

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Inflammatory post and numerous replies removed. Politicians and leaders have names. Deliberate misspelling of the names is trolling. Continue and you will be suspended. Numerous relevant posts had to be removed because of trolling.

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Just exactly what invasion force do you think is going to enter Israel to enforce security council resolutions?

The UN is a charade and Netanyahu already spent his time there

The USA and Israel have no beef.

The IAF is not worried about SS/300//as they long mastered that systems

There is also an SS400/@/ and SS500 that Russia is deploying along its larger borders with Iran last in line for the old stuff

The reaction to Zionist intransigence vis-a-vis the Palestinian State won't be an invasion force.

It will be boycotts and international sanctions of the type that brought about the needed changes in apartheid South Africa.

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The attempts to boycott Israel have been a dismal failure and will continue to be so. Modern Israel has unique technology that the rest of the world needs and can always rely on unwavering support in vast swaths of the political world. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will form a new governing coalition soon with even more support than in the recent past.

Boycotting Israel is a Stupendous Failure



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The attempts to boycott Israel have been a dismal failure and will continue to be so. Modern Israel has unique technology that the rest of the world needs and can always rely on unwavering support in vast swaths of the political world. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will form a new governing coalition soon with even more support than in the recent past.

Boycotting Israel is a Stupendous Failure



The movement is just beginning.

All the propaganda in the world isn't going to stop it.

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Just exactly what invasion force do you think is going to enter Israel to enforce security council resolutions?

The UN is a charade and Netanyahu already spent his time there

The USA and Israel have no beef.

The IAF is not worried about SS/300//as they long mastered that systems

There is also an SS400/@/ and SS500 that Russia is deploying along its larger borders with Iran last in line for the old stuff

The reaction to Zionist intransigence vis-a-vis the Palestinian State won't be an invasion force.

It will be boycotts and international sanctions of the type that brought about the needed changes in apartheid South Africa.

Are you talking about some wet dream you had about your boycott of one - yourself?

With 70% of Americans viewing Israel favorably - right during the face-slapping that Obama was giving Netanyahu - you'll never get a boycott. Obama will be gone in 20 months leaving a lot of damage to his Democrat Party just from these incidents. Gallup

It could cost the Democrat Party the next election.

You won't live to see Israel boycotted.

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Elections have rarely been held every four years in Israel. The last election was just over a year ago, in January of 2013. In December of 2014, amid opposition from within his own government, Netanyahu fired Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, declaring, ”I will not tolerate any opposition in my government.” In the same move, he called for early elections, and a week later the parliament voted to dissolve itself and declared early elections would be held in March 2015.


Let's give Kahlon or every other one 12 months, OK ?

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The Likud dominated government being formed by Netanyahu will be a disaster for Israel and perpetuate the violence on both sides. As the Palestinians gain international recognition and statehood they will also become legitimate members of world organizations. This will create an alternative to armed resistance against Israeli blockades, land grabs, and military operations that leave hundreds of children dead. The conflict will enter a new phase, and only time will tell how it plays out; but sooner or later manifest evil loses the game.

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The reaction to Zionist intransigence vis-a-vis the Palestinian State won't be an invasion force.

It will be boycotts and international sanctions of the type that brought about the needed changes in apartheid South Africa.

Good. Start with the cutting edge APIs used in the new cancer treatments. Will you be the one to walk into the local EU pediatric cancer ward to inform the parents that their cherub can no longer receive treatment since there is a boycott on Israel?

Will you be the one to explain to Israel's 1.7 million arab citizens that they will suffer economic hardship when their products are banned, or if Israel is blocked from importing products like medical equipment and farm machinery that directly benefits them? Will your country be replacing the medical care and access to education provided by Israel to the non Israeli arabs in the PLA controlled areas of Israel? It's going to be very expensive flying in all those patients and students to your country. However, I'm sure you won't mind paying for it.

Remember, a boycott cannot be selective, but must be across the board if it is to be more than lip service.

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The reaction to Zionist intransigence vis-a-vis the Palestinian State won't be an invasion force.

It will be boycotts and international sanctions of the type that brought about the needed changes in apartheid South Africa.

Good. Start with the cutting edge APIs used in the new cancer treatments. Will you be the one to walk into the local EU pediatric cancer ward to inform the parents that their cherub can no longer receive treatment since there is a boycott on Israel?

Will you be the one to explain to Israel's 1.7 million arab citizens that they will suffer economic hardship when their products are banned, or if Israel is blocked from importing products like medical equipment and farm machinery that directly benefits them? Will your country be replacing the medical care and access to education provided by Israel to the non Israeli arabs in the PLA controlled areas of Israel? It's going to be very expensive flying in all those patients and students to your country. However, I'm sure you won't mind paying for it.

Remember, a boycott cannot be selective, but must be across the board if it is to be more than lip service.

A boycott can be selective :

"In 2000 the Khatami government managed to reduce the sanctions for some items like pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, caviar or Persian rugs."


Why not for Israel, if you know their benefits of their weapon industry....and how they reacted in the past on several occasions...


Edited by Thorgal
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Just exactly what invasion force do you think is going to enter Israel to enforce security council resolutions?

The UN is a charade and Netanyahu already spent his time there

The USA and Israel have no beef.

The IAF is not worried about SS/300//as they long mastered that systems

There is also an SS400/@/ and SS500 that Russia is deploying along its larger borders with Iran last in line for the old stuff

The reaction to Zionist intransigence vis-a-vis the Palestinian State won't be an invasion force.

It will be boycotts and international sanctions of the type that brought about the needed changes in apartheid South Africa.

Are you talking about some wet dream you had about your boycott of one - yourself?

With 70% of Americans viewing Israel favorably - right during the face-slapping that Obama was giving Netanyahu - you'll never get a boycott. Obama will be gone in 20 months leaving a lot of damage to his Democrat Party just from these incidents. Gallup

It could cost the Democrat Party the next election.

You won't live to see Israel boycotted.

Israel under Netanyahu has a huge PR problem globally and domestically. Perhaps another reason that Nethanyahu can't make a coalition of +61 in the Knesset and that he can't provide a balanced strategic portfolios distribution.

Concerning the boycott, there's no need for international recognised opposition from US and/or others to start boycotting Israeli products.

No need to wait for Godot...


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Israel under Netanyahu has a huge PR problem globally and domestically. Perhaps another reason that Nethanyahu can't make a coalition of +61 in the Knesset and that he can't provide a balanced strategic portfolios distribution.

Concerning the boycott, there's no need for international recognised opposition from US and/or others to start boycotting Israeli products.

No need to wait for Godot...

It takes time to structure a coalition government. Such is the nature of proportional representation democracy. If Israel had a first past the post like many countries, the number of parties with representation would probably drop from 14 to 2 or 3 and the arabs would probably see their elected members reduced to 1 or 2 from 16. Fascinating thing about Israel, is that the arab MKs can be kingmakers. Rather different than some other countries where arabs don't have elections, and minorities, particularly jews are denied political participation.

The UK is about to experience the joys of mangled coalitions come May, I expect. It will be interesting to see how a possible coalition with the SNP goes over. As distasteful as it may be to some, and joyous to others, Israel has to deal with that scenario every election, except its much worse.

As for your planned boycott, you go right ahead. Maybe get out on the streets on start announcing your plans. You may have to schedule an appropriate time in between the pro Isis, anti Isis, pro sharia law, anti sharia law protests. Considering the current civil wars in Yemen, and Syria, the ongoing murder of Christians in Africa, the sectarian strife in Lebanon, the jihadist insurgency in Egypt, and the general turmoil in North Africa, I don't know if anyone except for ignorant bigots will have much interest. 750 migrants just died off the coast of Italy and I suppose a lot of people who like to get involved in political protests might be concerned with that, perhaps organizing boycotts of Italian and Spanish products to protest the closed border approach. Frankly, I think that after the latest round of murders, and apprehended terrorists, most of the world is less concerned with demands of some arabs. I suppose it happens when people who were previously sympathetic to such activities are brutally murdered.

However, don't let me discourage you. You go for it and be sure to wear one of those Guy Fawkes masks and shout some slogans about power to the people and an end to ZOG and all those wonderful hateful chants they have at boycott rallies.

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Just exactly what invasion force do you think is going to enter Israel to enforce security council resolutions?

The UN is a charade and Netanyahu already spent his time there

The USA and Israel have no beef.

The IAF is not worried about SS/300//as they long mastered that systems

There is also an SS400/@/ and SS500 that Russia is deploying along its larger borders with Iran last in line for the old stuff

The reaction to Zionist intransigence vis-a-vis the Palestinian State won't be an invasion force.

It will be boycotts and international sanctions of the type that brought about the needed changes in apartheid South Africa.

Are you talking about some wet dream you had about your boycott of one - yourself?

With 70% of Americans viewing Israel favorably - right during the face-slapping that Obama was giving Netanyahu - you'll never get a boycott. Obama will be gone in 20 months leaving a lot of damage to his Democrat Party just from these incidents. Gallup

It could cost the Democrat Party the next election.

You won't live to see Israel boycotted.

Israel under Netanyahu has a huge PR problem globally and domestically. Perhaps another reason that Nethanyahu can't make a coalition of +61 in the Knesset and that he can't provide a balanced strategic portfolios distribution.

Concerning the boycott, there's no need for international recognised opposition from US and/or others to start boycotting Israeli products.

No need to wait for Godot...


Now it's come to this.

Blatantly using this thread to directly advocate for a political action against the Jewish state of Israel AND "Jewish products" all over the world.

How is that remotely on topic to the OP of this thread?

The thread is only about a political matter after an election, common in any parliamentary system.

Also the specific link you promote I consider extremely noxious and radical as it suggests so called "Jewish" products not even made in Israel also be boycotted.

Anyway such political advocacy on either side, especially with so OFF TOPIC, is not cool, just as it would not be cool for friends of Israel to try to raise funds for the IDF here.

Edited by Jingthing
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Just exactly what invasion force do you think is going to enter Israel to enforce security council resolutions?

The UN is a charade and Netanyahu already spent his time there

The USA and Israel have no beef.

The IAF is not worried about SS/300//as they long mastered that systems

There is also an SS400/@/ and SS500 that Russia is deploying along its larger borders with Iran last in line for the old stuff
The reaction to Zionist intransigence vis-a-vis the Palestinian State won't be an invasion force.
It will be boycotts and international sanctions of the type that brought about the needed changes in apartheid South Africa.

Are you talking about some wet dream you had about your boycott of one - yourself?

With 70% of Americans viewing Israel favorably - right during the face-slapping that Obama was giving Netanyahu - you'll never get a boycott. Obama will be gone in 20 months leaving a lot of damage to his Democrat Party just from these incidents. Gallup

It could cost the Democrat Party the next election.

You won't live to see Israel boycotted.
Israel under Netanyahu has a huge PR problem globally and domestically. Perhaps another reason that Nethanyahu can't make a coalition of +61 in the Knesset and that he can't provide a balanced strategic portfolios distribution.

Concerning the boycott, there's no need for international recognised opposition from US and/or others to start boycotting Israeli products.

No need to wait for Godot...


Now it's come to this.
Blatantly using this thread to directly advocate for a political action against the Jewish state of Israel AND "Jewish products" all over the world.
How is that remotely on topic to the OP of this thread?
The thread is only about a political matter after an election, common in any parliamentary system.

Also the specific link you promote I consider extremely noxious and radical as it suggests so called "Jewish" products not even made in Israel also be boycotted.

Anyway such political advocacy on either side, especially with so OFF TOPIC, is not cool, just as it would not be cool for friends of Israel to try to raise funds for the IDF here.

I think that any governement responsible for the economy, provided by only 7 million people, should take any selective boycott seriously.

The new Israeli coalition should be formed with MK's in opposition to the actual situation and provide a clear change in the balkanization of the Middle East.

Every nation -subjected to any form of boycott- would have more attention from public opinion when a new government is needed.

Again, like posted in this thread earlier : post#17, these latest elections were elections to re-organise their government... Edited by Scott
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Directly related to the possible consequences of Netanyahu's formation of a government is what went on in the Scottish Parliament this week.

It is covered in an article in The Times of Israel.

The whole world is watching now - even Scotland.

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Directly related to the possible consequences of Netanyahu's formation of a government is what went on in the Scottish Parliament this week.

It is covered in an article in The Times of Israel.

The whole world is watching now - even Scotland.

Which link.

How can we judge if you don't share what you are talking about.

Scotland is involved with internal Israeli matters of forming a government?

I do not believe it.

This link?

The council says community members “are worried and depressed, and unable to sleep. A number of people have said they no longer feel welcome in Scotland and are actively considering moving to Israel; some Israelis who have made their lives in Scotland have said they are afraid to say where they are from.”

The council website lists four examples of what it calls “the disproportionate obsession with Israel in Scottish public life,” which are increasing Scottish Jews’ unease, including the Glasgow municipality’s decision to fly the Palestinian flag on August 5 in solidarity with its twin city, Bethlehem.


Edited by Jingthing
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Directly related to the possible consequences of Netanyahu's formation of a government is what went on in the Scottish Parliament this week.

It is covered in an article in The Times of Israel.

The whole world is watching now - even Scotland.

Which link.

How can we judge if you don't share what you are talking about.

Scotland is involved with internal Israeli matters of forming a government?

I do not believe it.

This link?

The council says community members “are worried and depressed, and unable to sleep. A number of people have said they no longer feel welcome in Scotland and are actively considering moving to Israel; some Israelis who have made their lives in Scotland have said they are afraid to say where they are from.”

The council website lists four examples of what it calls “the disproportionate obsession with Israel in Scottish public life,” which are increasing Scottish Jews’ unease, including the Glasgow municipality’s decision to fly the Palestinian flag on August 5 in solidarity with its twin city, Bethlehem.


No, nothing to do with that.

The Times of Israel. April 22, 2015. Scottish parliament discusses recognition of Palestinian state.

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Doesn't it concern anyone advocating for a PLO state that the head of the so called PA is serving without re-election and doesnt even live in Palestine z but in 5 star hotels around the world and doesn't visit his people in Gaza ever?

The first thing a PLO state will do is expose all the crime by embezzlement and payola

Noz a PLO state is not in anyone else interest, which is why it isn't happening in our lifetime

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