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Pattaya expat draws ire from Thais

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I agree that thailand is not a perfect country... But farang land is not perfect neither.. This farang criticize thailand without thinking of the consequences . If you are a farang living in thailand you need to Respect thais custom, beliefs, our way of life .. If you dont like it F OFF then. No one is pointing a gun to your head .. As a thai i should be allowed to criticize farang too.First this idiot criticizes farmers with prostitute behind it .. Well in farang land look at porn for example a product of mostly western countries . You can almost see some of the most disgusting acts, to which a normal person would ask themselves " are these people F IN THE HEAD. But yes, only a number of the population does it .. Criticized for buddhist belief and murders behind it .. Well in farang land you have the police force and is supposed to serve the public and protect.. But police are happy to shoot some even murder for looking suspicious . My point is why do farang thinks that they have a sense of entitlement everywhere they set their foot in. You are nothing but visitor in thailand .. You either embrace it or leave it .. Thailand should open their eyes that not all visitors are here for holiday purpose but to cause problems , we could do more to get rid of some , starting with this guy ..

You either embrace it or leave it?w00t.gif

Dude, that is not logical.


The real world is a lot more complex than that.

Whether foreigners stay or leave is a very individual choice.

Most normal people living in a foreign country like some of the things in that country and dislike others.

They weigh all that with their personal circumstances (including relationships, economics, etc.) and make decisions (rational or not) based on their perception of what is best.

Cheers and thanks for the baht buses!

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I agree that thailand is not a perfect country... But farang land is not perfect neither.. This farang criticize thailand without thinking of the consequences . If you are a farang living in thailand you need to Respect thais custom, beliefs, our way of life .. If you dont like it F OFF then. No one is pointing a gun to your head .. As a thai i should be allowed to criticize farang too.First this idiot criticizes farmers with prostitute behind it .. Well in farang land look at porn for example a product of mostly western countries . You can almost see some of the most disgusting acts, to which a normal person would ask themselves " are these people F IN THE HEAD. But yes, only a number of the population does it .. Criticized for buddhist belief and murders behind it .. Well in farang land you have the police force and is supposed to serve the public and protect.. But police are happy to shoot some even murder for looking suspicious . My point is why do farang thinks that they have a sense of entitlement everywhere they set their foot in. You are nothing but visitor in thailand .. You either embrace it or leave it .. Thailand should open their eyes that not all visitors are here for holiday purpose but to cause problems , we could do more to get rid of some , starting with this guy ..

You either embrace it or leave it?w00t.gif

Dude, that is not logical.


The real world is a lot more complex than that.

Whether foreigners stay or leave is a very individual choice.

Most normal people living in a foreign country like some of the things in that country and dislike others.

They weigh all that with their personal circumstances (including relationships, economics, etc.) and make decisions (rational or not) based on their perception of what is best.

Cheers and thanks for the baht buses!

you have just contradicted yourself .. Why dont you go and preach your fellow farang that phrase its more complex than that
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I agree that thailand is not a perfect country... But farang land is not perfect neither.. This farang criticize thailand without thinking of the consequences . If you are a farang living in thailand you need to Respect thais custom, beliefs, our way of life .. If you dont like it F OFF then. No one is pointing a gun to your head .. As a thai i should be allowed to criticize farang too.First this idiot criticizes farmers with prostitute behind it .. Well in farang land look at porn for example a product of mostly western countries . You can almost see some of the most disgusting acts, to which a normal person would ask themselves " are these people F IN THE HEAD. But yes, only a number of the population does it .. Criticized for buddhist belief and murders behind it .. Well in farang land you have the police force and is supposed to serve the public and protect.. But police are happy to shoot some even murder for looking suspicious . My point is why do farang thinks that they have a sense of entitlement everywhere they set their foot in. You are nothing but visitor in thailand .. You either embrace it or leave it .. Thailand should open their eyes that not all visitors are here for holiday purpose but to cause problems , we could do more to get rid of some , starting with this guy ..

You either embrace it or leave it?w00t.gif

Dude, that is not logical.


The real world is a lot more complex than that.

Whether foreigners stay or leave is a very individual choice.

Most normal people living in a foreign country like some of the things in that country and dislike others.

They weigh all that with their personal circumstances (including relationships, economics, etc.) and make decisions (rational or not) based on their perception of what is best.

Cheers and thanks for the baht buses!

you have just contradicted yourself .. Why dont you go and preach your fellow farang that phrase its more complex than that

I am doubting that you're really a Thai and no, I haven't contradicted myself at all. But you are expressing an extreme hostility and it is NOT pretty.

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I agree that thailand is not a perfect country... But farang land is not perfect neither.. This farang criticize thailand without thinking of the consequences . If you are a farang living in thailand you need to Respect thais custom, beliefs, our way of life .. If you dont like it F OFF then. No one is pointing a gun to your head .. As a thai i should be allowed to criticize farang too.First this idiot criticizes farmers with prostitute behind it .. Well in farang land look at porn for example a product of mostly western countries . You can almost see some of the most disgusting acts, to which a normal person would ask themselves " are these people F IN THE HEAD. But yes, only a number of the population does it .. Criticized for buddhist belief and murders behind it .. Well in farang land you have the police force and is supposed to serve the public and protect.. But police are happy to shoot some even murder for looking suspicious . My point is why do farang thinks that they have a sense of entitlement everywhere they set their foot in. You are nothing but visitor in thailand .. You either embrace it or leave it .. Thailand should open their eyes that not all visitors are here for holiday purpose but to cause problems , we could do more to get rid of some , starting with this guy ..

You seem to know nothing about your country's way of life or you are just clueless about everything that happens around you. Perhaps you like lying to yourselves even more. I'm so sorry that the news had to broken to you in such a harsh way. Seriously, your country is not doing well. Stop thinking about about how you think things are done in Thailand and focus on how things are really done. It's not our fault that there are prostitutes, dirty monks, illegal logging, corruption at the highest government levels, slave trading, human trafficking, drug, animal and ivory trafficking... shall I go on? It's your and your fellow countrymen's fault. I think that you know this already, but you can't accept the truth. Most Thai's can't.

which planet do you come from ?
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Me i love this country, and I see little truth in this cartoon. Mr. Harris is entitled to his perspective but why does he want to be in a country that he seems to see in a negative light. I choose to stay here because I see a beautiful country and culture with wonderful people. If I didn't I would go somewhere else. The only thing the cartoon shows hidden behind pleasant paintings that I have seen is the prostitution and that I have seen primarily in the ghettos that farang have created for themselves....

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Me i love this country, and I see little truth in this cartoon. Mr. Harris is entitled to his perspective but why does he want to be in a country that he seems to see in a negative light. I choose to stay here because I see a beautiful country and culture with wonderful people. If I didn't I would go somewhere else. The only thing the cartoon shows hidden behind pleasant paintings that I have seen is the prostitution and that I have seen primarily in the ghettos that farang have created for themselves....

Wow, talk about rose coloured glasses!!

Mr. Harris already said that this was not his cartoon.

And your last sentence, well that just confirms your rosy specs are working just fine.!

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Hmm, I surprised that Harris Black hasn't been tarred, feathered and run out of Thailand a long, long time ago... I doesn't take much digging to find out what a real piece of work he really is...

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Whether or not it was the man's cartoon, he obviously felt he liked it enough to copy and share it so he can take all the flack he gets for that.

However, please be aware of strict libel laws in Thailand and forum rule about defamation.

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Here it doesn't matter how right you may be because as a non - Thai you are always wrong when it comes to Thainess, culture or an opinion that is negative.

Spot on. When I try to explain to my girlfriend the things that are wrong here such as girls having babies and abandoning them to the grandparents to raise, having to pay the good monks to bless a new house or car/truck, having to pay the good monks to come to the house and chant when a loved one dies, spending over 150,000 Baht on food for the hundreds of people (some of them strangers) who repeatedly come to pay their respects only when the food is served and then disappear after they have eaten with a doggy bag full of food, I only get one response each time, "you don't understand".

Pretty similar to the response I get followed by "don't look down at my country and my people. My dad told me many farang think they are smart but actually they are not too smart".

Countries will progress quicker by accepting they have problems and then making an attempt at fixing it.

Thailand is lucky to be in a position that many people want to help. That being said take away their problem of prodtitution and 80% of the foreigners would leave the country and tourist numbers would drop by 40%.

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I agree that thailand is not a perfect country... But farang land is not perfect neither.. This farang criticize thailand without thinking of the consequences . If you are a farang living in thailand you need to Respect thais custom, beliefs, our way of life .. If you dont like it F OFF then. No one is pointing a gun to your head .. As a thai i should be allowed to criticize farang too.First this idiot criticizes farmers with prostitute behind it .. Well in farang land look at porn for example a product of mostly western countries . You can almost see some of the most disgusting acts, to which a normal person would ask themselves " are these people F IN THE HEAD. But yes, only a number of the population does it .. Criticized for buddhist belief and murders behind it .. Well in farang land you have the police force and is supposed to serve the public and protect.. But police are happy to shoot some even murder for looking suspicious . My point is why do farang thinks that they have a sense of entitlement everywhere they set their foot in. You are nothing but visitor in thailand .. You either embrace it or leave it .. Thailand should open their eyes that not all visitors are here for holiday purpose but to cause problems , we could do more to get rid of some , starting with this guy ..

You seem to know nothing about your country's way of life or you are just clueless about everything that happens around you. Perhaps you like lying to yourselves even more. I'm so sorry that the news had to broken to you in such a harsh way. Seriously, your country is not doing well. Stop thinking about about how you think things are done in Thailand and focus on how things are really done. It's not our fault that there are prostitutes, dirty monks, illegal logging, corruption at the highest government levels, slave trading, human trafficking, drug, animal and ivory trafficking... shall I go on? It's your and your fellow countrymen's fault. I think that you know this already, but you can't accept the truth. Most Thai's can't.

which planet do you come from ?

I think the locals call the planet Thailand... and think that the rest of the universe revolves around it.

Edited by Local Drunk
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I agree that thailand is not a perfect country... But farang land is not perfect neither.. This farang criticize thailand without thinking of the consequences . If you are a farang living in thailand you need to Respect thais custom, beliefs, our way of life .. If you dont like it F OFF then. No one is pointing a gun to your head .. As a thai i should be allowed to criticize farang too.First this idiot criticizes farmers with prostitute behind it .. Well in farang land look at porn for example a product of mostly western countries . You can almost see some of the most disgusting acts, to which a normal person would ask themselves " are these people F IN THE HEAD. But yes, only a number of the population does it .. Criticized for buddhist belief and murders behind it .. Well in farang land you have the police force and is supposed to serve the public and protect.. But police are happy to shoot some even murder for looking suspicious . My point is why do farang thinks that they have a sense of entitlement everywhere they set their foot in. You are nothing but visitor in thailand .. You either embrace it or leave it .. Thailand should open their eyes that not all visitors are here for holiday purpose but to cause problems , we could do more to get rid of some , starting with this guy ..

You seem to know nothing about your country's way of life or you are just clueless about everything that happens around you. Perhaps you like lying to yourselves even more. I'm so sorry that the news had to broken to you in such a harsh way. Seriously, your country is not doing well. Stop thinking about about how you think things are done in Thailand and focus on how things are really done. It's not our fault that there are prostitutes, dirty monks, illegal logging, corruption at the highest government levels, slave trading, human trafficking, drug, animal and ivory trafficking... shall I go on? It's your and your fellow countrymen's fault. I think that you know this already, but you can't accept the truth. Most Thai's can't.

Spot on.. with you 100 percent.... Truth hurts.......

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Link to the picture? Or is that too terrifying for TV?

Google the following - catdumb do visit the real thai

First link is a full report with the pictures

The original pic is satire by a Thai cartoonist.....

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Yes the truth often hurts ... Boo Hoo.

So there's the clear message; if you don't like it then go ... I'm one of the lucky ones who left :)

It is nice to see that some Thais have got their heads screwed on the right way ... Nattaphorn Bie Dokbunnak posted in English: “Sorry for commenting on your site, I know i'm not your FB friend, but I really do agree with this picture. I know this is not the whole of Thailand, but this is real. If some people think that really hurts, they should try to fix that problem rather than say this doesn't happen in this country. Forgive me for my English if this isn't perfect.”

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Since neither all trees are cut nor most are intact and this applies to all 5 cases depicted in the cartoon. All are partially correct.....then we are leaving it to the interpretation of the reader to consider everything one way or another or somewhere in between (1%-99% take your pick)......

So is it a problem of the cartoonist ? How should a cartoon be drawn? Was the cartoon drawn in a particular context? Is it a problem of someone who simply shares it?

On the other hand if most of the society get offended then what to do? Are all of them wrong? should they keep quiet if they don't agree or speak out.....

Just curious.......thoughts......

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As it seems that the original cartoon was by a Thai satirist, the Thai reaction - and maybe the forum reaction - should be focused on him.

In any event, the warning about libel and/or defamation remains as a reminder to posters.

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