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Thai Navy petitions govt to buy submarines


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No they need a submarine. If no other reason to keep up with the Joneses. Hell, they already have the Dept set up for it, buying the damned thing is the easy part. Now they could do what the Indos did and buy old refurbished East German subs and then upon hand over and delivery promptly drive them into the ocean floor off of France. A modern military sub is possibly the most complex machine built and operated today. One needs some serious skills, knowledge and training to operate it though. Of course, we are assuming we a not talking about the Thais getting an Akula or Virginia Class sub but a small littoral type sub of which there a number of good ones around. The new Jap one is possible (the Aussies are looking at it) and Taiwan is building theirs now. These are small, quiet, minimal crewing and made for shallow water and not overly expensive in comparative military equipment terms. It will be interesting to see what they do but it is a great loss of face for them not to have any and little Singapore has multiple. This can not be allowed here. Trust me.

That's a very interesting post.

But, what do the 'little' subs do?. That's what I can't figure out. I do not have your obvious knowledge except I do roughly know the reason for missile subs or hunter killers. This is a genuine puzzle to me. Tks.

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This is likely an OFF BUDGET REQUEST. That means money has not been approved in the 2015 budget and that's why the navy needs to ask the Prayut government for MORE funds. Those funds have to be raised, ie., more taxes, cost savings, asset liquidation, borrow.

And the request is not for a submarine but would also require funds for a 3-year training program, simulator, sub facilities, spare parts, etc. At least two subs would be required so that they can be swapped out for maintenance. Three subs would be an operational choice. The subs do not have to be newly built but could come from another country's surplus.

The timing for these funds couldn't come at a worse moment with Thailand's economic troubles. GDP growth is almost flat, exports are flat, and household debt is at an all-time high. The US and EU may place bans on seafood imports. Numerous countries have stalled Thai commercial aircraft due to regulatory noncompliance. Tourism revenvues are down. The Junta is already borrowing from the Chinese and Japanese for infrasturcture improvements, and in negotiations with the Italians and French for similar deals. Meanwhile, expect more government subsidies for Thai crop farmers to keep protests at bay.

However, the request will likely be approved. The government is led by the Thai military High Command. As such, I would expect any military request to be discussed informally first with the NCPO command before a formal request is made. Since the request has been made public, I expect NCPO has already made its approval. The NLA will rubberstamp any budget request made by the PM although under Article 44 Prayut doesn't even have to get NLA's approval.

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The Royal Thai Navy has formally submitted a request to the government to buy submarines for its submarine division, which has lacked a single vessel for the last 64 years.

So let me get this straight ... they have a submarine division but no subs? crazy.gif One would think that the solution is to disband the division and save the taxpayer a load of cash. Besides that what in gods name are they going to do with a submarine? I'm sure I read that there weren't any waters in Thailand deep enough for them to be effective?

So, 64 years without a sub and this division has been paying Navy personnel for a job that is in all logistical terms obsolete.

Admiral Kraisorn Chansuvanich, commander of the Thai navy, said he hopes the cabinet will deliberate on the request soon, because submarines are needed to bolster Thailand’s armed forces.

For what event dear Admiral? Who or rather which country poses such a threat that would require a sub that effectively you won't be able to use?

"Neighboring countries like Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore have had submarines in their arsenals for many years," ADM Kraisorn said. "Now that I am here, I think it is a part of the strategy to improve our armed forces.

Ah I see, my question above is answered ... other countries have them so I want one ... yes the old 'Keeping Up with the Jones's' attitude but I doubt that such a cost could be justified. .... what is worrying here is your final statement of above in that you only 'think' it's part of the strategy ... are you in some way suggesting you don't actually know?

As usual nothing here has been thought through and frankly there is no justification as to why Thailand would need to spend such a vast sum of money on something that A) they don't need and; B) won't be able to use effectively. After not having a sub for 64 years I think any sane individual would say there is no necessity of it.

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I can't tell from the OP photo, but I would bet you the majority of those assembled have parachute 'wings' on their uniforms.

I suppose you had to do something for the last 40 years or so.

Well of course, jolly useful if you have to abandon ship, ah umm, hold on a minute, I'll get back to you by and by......

I suppose you could say that a para trained submariner is about as much use as a Submarine Division without submarines?

Edited by JAG
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Most of us agree that it is some what amusing that Thailand has had a Submarine Division for 64 years and no submarines.

I also am some what amused that so many foreigners here on TV who pay very little, if any taxes to the Thai government are concerned or even feel they have a right to criticize the government about how the Thai government spends their tax dollars ( or Baht ).

But then again, this is TV where "Farng Knows Best "

Even if it is none of his business!cheesy.gif

Edited by willyumiii
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well after 60 years of no subs to be assigned to ,serve on i would guess there have been few if any service ribbons presented to any of these layabouts. guess the ''karakoe, boys night out'' may deserve 1 or 2 certificates of participation which could be framed and displayed on the wall.

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It was a couple of months ago that I visited my old Dutch friend in Pattaya. He was a Dutch navy officer before he retired.

In the bar, he was having a conversation with his American and Thai friends, also retired navy officers, about submarines.

My Dutch friend told them that the Dutch made submarines could submerge for 2 months when he retired in 2010. Both the Thai and the American Navy officers laughed.

The American officer kept laughing and said: Only 2 months? When I retired in 2008 our subs could submerge for at least half a year, the American Navy officer bragged.

Half a year, the Thai officer laughed? What I am going to tell you is post-197672-0-49164900-1429855095_thumb.. When I retired in 2006, Thailand already build a submarine in 2005 and it hasn't come up yet....

Edited by FredNL
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Why does Thailand need any military at all? It's not as though any of its neighbors have been threatening an invasion in the last 150 years.

That's not correct but as far as I know the last war that a better navy might have helped Thailand was the Franco Siamease war in 1893 - in which case Thailand may still have included Laos - would that count as a victory?

The reality is that what Thailand needs is a glorified coast guard or self defence force. The PM has stated that Thailand wants to be friendly with all countries so why have a navel with offensive capabilities. However it does need to be able to police its waters in fulfilment of it own laws and international obligations. I fail to see how a sub or 2 could help.

Thailand never included Laos. At no point in the last thousand years up to and including now would Thailand have been able to fund a military that could resist France or Great Britain much less any superpower if they had decided to invade.

A big part of Laos was Thailand before the French took it away (They Forced Thailand, threatening to invade them, if not..!!!.)........check the history...!

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At last the true definition of an "inactive post".

I will bet that Thailand is the only country in the world without submarines which can boast having a Naval Submarine Warfare Unit.

Truly you simply could not make this stuff up. \

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Why does Thailand need any military at all? It's not as though any of its neighbors have been threatening an invasion in the last 150 years.

It needs a military to support all the military governments there have been since Thailand achieved "democracy". Thailand has never fought a war in the last century, so what other reason can there be?

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Most of us agree that it is some what amusing that Thailand has had a Submarine Division for 64 years and no submarines.

I also am some what amused that so many foreigners here on TV who pay very little, if any taxes to the Thai government are concerned or even feel they have a right to criticize the government about how the Thai government spends their tax dollars ( or Baht ).

But then again, this is TV where "Farng Knows Best "

Even if it is none of his business!cheesy.gif

We all pay taxes one way or another even if something simple like paying utility bills, television and internet service, shopping, filling up transport etc.

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Spend the money and invest in / research automated subs for usage in observation and electronic intel gathering roles. Deploy a fixed passive network into the region, will perform much better and deliver then rather invasive realtime data on every thing the region or gulf and South China Sea if that is what they want. For defensive capabilities develop kill bot torpedoes that can be deployed like a mine and sit on seafloor until activated.

Probably can obtain all that without having to invent a thing and likely already fielded so barrier to entry low. Gives them great observation capability and permanent defensive posture that would be a detergent against a fleet or sub intruding into Thai waters. If they keep the security high on where the equipment is would. You want to invade an offensive minefield. I wouldn't unless I could destroy a majority of those defensive devices.

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Remembering the way they pilot Helicopters, i am quite sure they wll sank these submarines and the submarines which will be dispatched for the rescue operation...

and how many Thai helicopter pilots do you know then ?....I know a few and they are incredibly professional, one assumes by your comments your a chopper pilot yourself who has experience in Thailand and can therefore comment based on years of professional experience ?

or answer B

just another knows nothing farang making comment from a bar stool ?

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I think we all know why they really want them, just like the Aircraft carrier without planes,

the cracked Chinese tanks,the leaking blimp,and the bomb detectors that did not work.

regards worgeordie

They appear to have no shame. They appear to be immune to the ridicule of the rest of the world and their own educated population.

They also seem to be ignoring the sage advice of their own much revered monarch.

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Some of us who have ben around a little longer already to help me out here. Was not Banharn enlightened over the submarine issue in his glorious days and a battle between the Germans and the Swedes on who delivers what broke out? The Swedes quoted a boat; not to be outdone the Germans followed suit and the Swedes then retaliated by offering one brand new boat against payment and willing to throw a second, second-hand boat, free of charge for training purposes.
The deal was tagged at something staggering of THB 7.7 billion but did not go through as ....... Banharn outstayed his welcome and got "moved" out of office. His placement of the Giant Figurines at the Prime Minister's Office was apparently not ideal enough; Chavalit Yongchayuth followed and nosedived the THB - if I remember correctly. All this almost 20 years ago in 1996-7.
Those were the days, boys, those were the days - buffet cabinets, help yourself and all-you-can-eat governments crazy.gif

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