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Man kills wife out of Facebook jealousy

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Bangkok:- A 35-year-old man was Friday arrested for allegedly smashing his wife’s head with a rock pestle after he found that she had cordial Facebook chats with another man.

Tinnakorn Srichana waited for police at the scene after he allegedly killed Wilaiporn Rungklang, 34, inside their rented room in a four-floor building of a boarding house on Soi Navamin 163 in Bangkok’s Buengkum district.

Pol Lt Fahkhamron Rirong, an interrogator of Khokhram police station, was informed of the murder at 1 pm. He rushed to the scene with scientific crime detection officers, a forensic doctor from the Police Hospital and Ruam Katanyoo Foundation officials.

They found the body of Wilaiporn on the bed. She had severe wounds on her face and head.

Tinnakorn testified that he killed his wife out of jealousy.

He said he works for the accountancy division of an electric appliance company in Ramkhamhaeng area and his wife worked at a card box factory in Navamin area. He said they have been living together for years and they have one child.

Tinnakorn said he subscribed for a Facebook account two weeks ago and found that his wife had cordially chatted with another man so he quarreled with her.

He said his wife promised to stop chatting with the man but he found out on Thursday that she still talked to him via FAcebook chat so they quarreled again.

Tinnakorn said he quarreled with her again at 3 am Friday and they fought against each other. He said he became so angry that he grabbed the pestle in the room to hit her in the head and face.

He said he became sorry so he tried to hang himself but an electric wire he used was broken off with his weight. He called his father, telling him that he would jump off the roof but his father told him to surrender to police.

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If only the boyfriends, husbands or even fathers of the stupid numerous selfish female species that travel on the BTS, MRT or are in shopping malls could do the same as so many of these things often are on their smartphones, acting like they are so important yet blocking other people's path or blocking exits, escalators etc.

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I've witnessed some nasty results due to immature people posting on Facebook.

It all started because the mother insisted on watching her choice of TV program to the exclusion of those already watching a cricket match.

This upset the stepson who retired to another room and began advising his FB friends of his stepmother's unacceptable behavior.

This escalated to the point where supporters of the stepson rallied behind him with death threats being issued to the stepmother.

The stepmother who has her smartphone glued to her right hand, was informed instantly of all the negative posts.

The stepson was soon ejected from the home and had to be permanently exiled by his own father mainly due to the extreme rantings of the offended mother.

The emotional pain was awful to witness.

FB also tests the trust of people in each other.

for example:

I asked to become "a friend" on FB of my GF but she insisted on maintaining her privacy.

I respect a right to privacy but it does make you wonder what's the reason for the secrecy?

FB seems to support the old saying "The devil makes work for idle hands".

TV members will no doubt have many similar examples of the evils of FB and maybe even some of the benefits.

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If only the boyfriends, husbands or even fathers of the stupid numerous selfish female species that travel on the BTS, MRT or are in shopping malls could do the same as so many of these things often are on their smartphones, acting like they are so important yet blocking other people's path or blocking exits, escalators etc.

Executing every female phone user seems a little excessive.
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While having not much sympathy for fb and smartphone addicts, i find rather excessive to blame fb for people killing each other.

,,,Also, jealousy killings happen everywhere in the world, some people are just immature and selfish.

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If only the boyfriends, husbands or even fathers of the stupid numerous selfish female species that travel on the BTS, MRT or are in shopping malls could do the same as so many of these things often are on their smartphones, acting like they are so important yet blocking other people's path or blocking exits, escalators etc.

Executing every female phone user seems a little excessive.

Yes, but just a little ... execute the phones instead, a pestle is just perfect ...

Edited by jollyhangmon
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I've had FB for 6-7 years. I have a total of 20 friends, and they are either family, or people I personally know closely. That's it.

Me too J1V. My list is down to 9 immediate family, and I only have these on because they are all either interstate or overseas.

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My girl posts on facebook even if we have a minor quarrel. I find it abit irritating as I don't feel one should tell the world when you have a disagreement. Of course I loose face too.

I'd never take to her with a pestal that's brutal and deranged. RiP

Edited by tekNique
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I agree that FB is a potentially dangerous tool. I recently re-activated my 6 year-old account that I never really used--only 7 friends and a bunch of unanswered friend requests--to take a look at my gf's page (it's fully public). [The backstory is that I had jokingly said that I bet 'couple photos' on her page get fewer likes than photos of her alone]. The good news was that all of her friends were either women (80-90%) or relatives. But what truly freaked me out was the friend suggestions FB gave me... her brother showed up, a few exes, and even an ex-gf of a friend! Now note that I am not a 'FB friend' of my gf and her brother and I don't have each other's contact info. And as for the ex-gf of my friend... I'm not connected to him on FB and there are no other mutual connections among my 7 FB friends! He couldn't figure it out either, and he's an avid FB user. Hate the thing.

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I've had FB for 6-7 years. I have a total of 20 friends, and they are either family, or people I personally know closely. That's it.

Me too J1V. My list is down to 9 immediate family, and I only have these on because they are all either interstate or overseas.

Well done guys. I know this isn't a competition but I have a Facebook account and have 4 friends, daughter, son and two others in the UK. Don't have a smartphone either. Yet, I bet you are like me and live perfectly normal lives.

It's very possible to live perfectly normal lives with Facebook and a smartphone! I actually can't believe this needs to be said!

Facebook isn't to blame, the people are to blame. Just like a forum designed to help expats and potential expats in the LOS has attracted some of the worst human beings I've ever seen, Facebook, too, attracts a bunch of idiots. If Facebook didn't exist, another site would exist, and so would the same problems. People are bad, cruel and insane, and when you give them more reasons to be, more bad, cruel and insane acts will occur.

It's all about self-regulation. I find the whole Facebook thing pretty absurd. I laugh when friends use it as an outlet for their whining or sharing what they did during the day. OK, so I also like it, because I feel in touch with them more often. But I use it for what it is, a tool to keep in contact with friends, and occasionally, like when on holiday, share some photos or something.

A smartphone is nearly essential in this day and age, but that's another argument.

This is a sad story. Especially since the husband knew he was wrong but simply couldn't control his rage.

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Only an idiot would blame this on Facebook itself. It's like blaming the telephone or Alexander Graham Bell because a man called his mistress on it, or a woman called her lover, or blaming 'email'.

Facebook is a social media tool, and like all tools it's great when worked properly.

There's a poster above discussing how his girlfriend wouldn't add him on Facebook because she wants to maintain her privacy. That's not a Facebook issue. That's an issue with his girlfriend not wanting him to see certain aspects of her life, wanting to hide things from him. That's a relationship issue and a massive red flag with a warning klaxon going off behind it, but you can't blame the medium for the action of the individual.

Edited by Rumblecat
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Is there ever an occasion in Thailand when police do NOT 'rush' to the scene?

Reading ThaiVisa, one would think, no.

Yes. When we had a thief break in.

Took them 45 minutes and we live a 4 minute walk from the police station.

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I think Facebook is awesome, the GF spends hours posting and reading utter drivel.

Pre-FB I would suffer with the drivel and demands for attention, or her friends would come around and talk utter drivel, which was even worse because then the "bock bock bock" somtam preparation would start, and I would be driven out.

I do insist that the constant stream of annoying noises when messages arrive is turned off.

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Get jealous, kill wife. Formula well known in LOS. It would appear that many (if not most) Thai men have the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

I don't think that you'll find many 12 year olds' killing as a result of jealousy but you will find that many forum posters have a cerebral maturity level similar to that and post nonsense quite regularly particularly in respect of Thai people, men or otherwise.

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Is there ever an occasion in Thailand when police do NOT 'rush' to the scene?

Reading ThaiVisa, one would think, no.

Thai police really cannot win, can they? They were responding to a report of a murder, if they sauntered to the scene of the incident people like you would have a go at them for that also.

Reading Thaivisa one would think that it is populated solely by Thai bashing pedants, no?

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FB the new anti social behavior ... was an awful idea ... they say it will change the way you socialize ... yup, sit on your fat ass and see what pingpong had for dinner, who really cares. Now a poor child lost her Mommy and her Daddy is going up the river, great thing this facebook

Agree - Facebook = social media ... more likely social diease bah.gif

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Is there ever an occasion in Thailand when police do NOT 'rush' to the scene?

Reading ThaiVisa, one would think, no.

Thai police really cannot win, can they? They were responding to a report of a murder, if they sauntered to the scene of the incident people like you would have a go at them for that also.

Reading Thaivisa one would think that it is populated solely by Thai bashing pedants, no?

Defending thai police ... really ha ha ha clap2.gif are you a BiB, good luck with that - Justice will catch up with all these criminals sooner or later

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Facebook kills.

Tinnakorn said he subscribed for a Facebook account two weeks ago and found that his wife had cordially chatted with another man so he quarreled with her

There should be huge warning signs on each facebook subscription, similar to the cigarettes warning photos.

Sue Mark Zuckerberg.

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