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UN chief appeals to Indonesia to stop planned executions

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UN chief appeals to Indonesia to stop planned executions

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. chief is appealing to Indonesia to stop the planned executions of nine foreigners and one local who were convicted for drug crimes.

A statement from Ban Ki-moon's office says the United Nations opposes the death penalty "in all circumstances."

The executions have caused widespread outcry and threats from France, Australia and others of diplomatic consequences.

Ban is calling on President Joko Widodo to "urgently consider declaring a moratorium on capital punishment in Indonesia, with a view toward abolition."

Indonesian officials have not said when the executions will take place but have vowed to carry them out. Widodo has said Indonesia is suffering a "drug emergency."

The foreigners are three Nigerian men, two Australian men, a Filipino woman, and one man each from Brazil, Ghana and France.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-04-25

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Why plea now? they were on death row for the last 10 years, and what about the number of other

foreigners on death rows in China and Malaysia for drug's offences? why are they any different

to the one in Indonesia? let it be know to all would be drug smugglers, you will pay the price

for your misdeeds, but not before PMs and FMs and all sorts of world's dignitaries will try to

save you sorry ass....

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I see a few liberals here whining on about how cruel this is and yet not one of them giving a shit about the poor families whose lives are destroyed by drug dealers.

Joko Widodo has it right ... execute them and send a clear message. Still if you're a greedy moron who doesn't care about destroying the lives of others and is willing to try smuggling drugs go right ahead and hopefully you too will me caught and executed.

Joko Widodo is doing the world a favor and I for one applaud him.

I suspect that you are in minority and I applaud that.

Capital punishment does not work.

The only thing that works is catching people.

State sanctioned executions just brutalise everyone. Do you understand that?

The more executions the more people are de-sensitised and the more murders occur.

I can give some leeway as Indonesia is developing and have an immature civilisation (look at the way they torture animals there....)

My nephew died of a an overdose.

Do I want the people executed.

No, but I would like them caught.

Drugs are a complex problem. I don't have all the answers.....

I tell you what though, if you got rid of all the people who take ice, cocaine, heroin and the rest from Phuket it would be a MUCH nicer place.........

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Why? Druggie scum gotta pay the price.

You are sick. What if they were your kids???

Hopefully my kid wouldn't be a drug trafficking scum. Hopefully some drug trafficking scum won't play a part in him being an addict. If my son did it and knew the rules, I'd be sad that I didn't raise him to know right from wrong….but I'd hope he'd realise he <deleted> up at the end of the day

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The primary objective of any sentence should be to protect the public. Punishment and rehab should be secondary considerations. If a death sentence is passed, those people will NEVER cause harm by their actions again. It is sad that people become involved, especially the minor players, but if that is the law of the land, and guilt is proved beyond all doubt, the sentence has to stand. Furthermore, no country, or its taxpayers, should have to pay to keep criminals from other countries in prison. Of course, I would be distraught if it were my child being executed, but I would equally be distraught if my child was killed by illegal drugs and I would expect retribution to be equally damaging to the perpetrator. I suspect that most potential smugglers will think twice about carrying out their illegal activities in that area again.

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Indonesia will pay dearly if they carryout these executions. Sad they arent intelligent enough to figure it out ahead of time. Southeast Asia with the exception of Singapore are illiterate fools who are still living in the jungle.

Edited by 2fishin2
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I see a few liberals here whining on about how cruel this is and yet not one of them giving a shit about the poor families whose lives are destroyed by drug dealers.

Joko Widodo has it right ... execute them and send a clear message. Still if you're a greedy moron who doesn't care about destroying the lives of others and is willing to try smuggling drugs go right ahead and hopefully you too will me caught and executed.

Joko Widodo is doing the world a favor and I for one applaud him.

I suspect that you are in minority and I applaud that.

Capital punishment does not work.

The only thing that works is catching people.

State sanctioned executions just brutalise everyone. Do you understand that?

The more executions the more people are de-sensitised and the more murders occur.

I can give some leeway as Indonesia is developing and have an immature civilisation (look at the way they torture animals there....)

My nephew died of a an overdose.

Do I want the people executed.

No, but I would like them caught.

Drugs are a complex problem. I don't have all the answers.....

I tell you what though, if you got rid of all the people who take ice, cocaine, heroin and the rest from Phuket it would be a MUCH nicer place.........

I suspect that he isn't in the minority and I applaud that.

Capital punishment does work, it very successfully kills the people who break laws the penalty for which is death.

"Catching people" does not work, drug trafficking still happens.

Executions do not brutalise people, do you understand that?

Just sheer nonsense that more murders are committed if executions continue.

You don't seem to have any answers, never mind all of them.

I'll tell you what though, if all the people who trafficked and sold ice, cocaine, heroin and the rest were removed from Phuket, and everywhere else, those places would be MUCH nicer.

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I must confess, originally i did not mind and often said, well its the law of that country so deal with the consequences.

However after following the story and reading from the start , i have changed my mind because on this case, its totally wrong.

1. Australians were caught smuggling OUT of Indonesia, NOT into. They were only caught because one of the parents contacted Australian Federal Police.

2. There 2 guys have changed 100000%, they did not turn into thugs but turned into very good people, helping hundreds of inmates.

3. The Brazilian is mentally ill, its a fact. Executing mentally ill people is simply wrong. There are reports that he does not even understand that he is about to be killed.

4. Philippine girl was taken shopping by her new boss who bought her clothing and "suitcase" which turned out to be stuffed with drugs.

None of this people are some major drug dealers or any danger to Indonesian security or threat to Indonesian society.

Governments of respective countries made countless pleas and offers, only all to fall in deaf ears.

And the biggest slap was to issue the 72 hour death notice on Anzac Day to 2 Australians. Killing them is not enough, Indonesia also wanted to insult the country as well.

It doesn't matter whether the drugs were being exported or imported, it's still a capital offence.

Of course the two Australians who will be executed will do everything to give the impression that they have changed, they don't want to be executed. They haven't turned into "very good people", they're convicted drugs offenders who showed no regret for their actions trying to hoodwink authorities.

Both of these Australians were major drug traffickers who remain drug traffickers trying to get out of what they deserve.

Edited by Sviss Geez
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Indonesia will pay dearly if they carryout these executions. Sad they arent intelligent enough to figure it out ahead of time. Southeast Asia with the exception of Singapore are illiterate fools who are still living in the jungle.

The executions will go ahead and Indonesia will not suffer at all from any consequences, quite rightly too.

Singapore has the death penalty and enforces it as much as any other S.E. Asian country, why do you give them the exemption from being "illiterate fools" even though not one of those countries is considered illiterate?

Edited by Sviss Geez
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I must confess, originally i did not mind and often said, well its the law of that country so deal with the consequences.

However after following the story and reading from the start , i have changed my mind because on this case, its totally wrong.

1. Australians were caught smuggling OUT of Indonesia, NOT into. They were only caught because one of the parents contacted Australian Federal Police.

2. There 2 guys have changed 100000%, they did not turn into thugs but turned into very good people, helping hundreds of inmates.

3. The Brazilian is mentally ill, its a fact. Executing mentally ill people is simply wrong. There are reports that he does not even understand that he is about to be killed.

4. Philippine girl was taken shopping by her new boss who bought her clothing and "suitcase" which turned out to be stuffed with drugs.

None of this people are some major drug dealers or any danger to Indonesian security or threat to Indonesian society.

Governments of respective countries made countless pleas and offers, only all to fall in deaf ears.

And the biggest slap was to issue the 72 hour death notice on Anzac Day to 2 Australians. Killing them is not enough, Indonesia also wanted to insult the country as well.

It doesn't matter whether the drugs were being exported or imported, it's still a capital offence.

Of course the two Australians who will be executed will do everything to give the impression that they have changed, they don't want to be executed. They haven't turned into "very good people", they're convicted drugs offenders who showed no regret for their actions trying to hoodwink authorities.

Both of these Australians were major drug traffickers who remain drug traffickers trying to get out of what they deserve.

You make a bald statement with absolute certainty regarding Australians being major drug smugglers and them showing no regret.

I would not expect to hear back from or to hear anything logical, but just to confirm your never ending trolling, could you please provide links or some kind of evidence to support your statements?

Surely being as confident as your statement, you would be able to provide proof they have shown no regret and surely you can provide some evidence that they were major drug traffickers

Now on to the next statement.

Logically, which i am not sure you poses, there is a good reason why sniffer dogs and most efforts go into inspecting good and people coming INTO the country not OUT of the country. Why?

Again, using little logic, because if its going out of the country, it posses no threat to the country.

So logically, it does make a huge difference.

Perhaps you would like to share your thoughts and logic on mentally sick Brazilian being given the death sentence?whistling.gif

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Why? Druggie scum gotta pay the price.

You are sick. What if they were your kids???

I have seen first hand how heroin destroys family and lives, and the Bali nine was smuggling enough to ruin thousands and lives and families, and they were NOT ignorant mules. They are scum indeed.

So would you call junkies to be the victims?

Who ruin thousands of lives and families? the junkies who using it or people who facilitate the habit?

Does anyone force a gun to junkies head to start using it and to continue? or is it their choice in the first place.

Like the never ending stupidity to blame gun manufactures, Guns do not kill other people, people kill other people.

Yes they deserve to be punished, but they certainly do not deserve to be killed.

Indonesia claims to have a drug problem, Well its an internal problem. In this case they were not bringing drugs in, they were taking them out, which also means they bought it from an Indonesian.

So wh

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