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Australian caught with Marijuana and Crystal Meth in South Pattaya


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ANY drug dealers or users deserve what they get.

what you put into their own body should be a private thing without mixing anything politics in it, unfortunately there are very few countries that have understood it in the world ... my body, my choice! but I do not use drugs, but there are only principles

Yes that is the argument and makes sense and is logical in many aspects of people consuming what ever they want to consume while everyone agrees that what some people consume are questionable because the substances they consume are known to be detrimental.

Even if all the Recreational drugs were to be legalized there would still be social problems and social ramifications that have to be addressed while commonly those problems and social ramifications are addressed by other people who are reluctantly pulled into the problems.

If the use of intoxicants ( just general terminology) where not without their known detriments to the users and societies in general then there would not be all the fuss and concern...but there is..regardless of whether the substances are deemed legal or deemed illegal.

I would rather let the people take the drugs if they want to do so without being criminalized as that is really the biggest concern at present relative to the fact that so many people do consume the recreational drugs and will continue to do so, while criminalizing them for their drug consuming, pleasure seeking behavior should not result in being incarcerated for long periods of time.

If that is the concern of the governments and authorities that enforce the laws than they should be throwing drunks and alcoholics into jail also for the damage they do to society...but.... they do not .....because it is legal.

So ...legalize and regulate the recreational drugs also while the criminalization aspect of the recreational drug consumption will be eliminated and allow the authorities and governments to deal with those people and entities that are manufacturing and selling the product illegally...and all that is entailed on the supply end which is really the source of the problems.

I do not advocate the use of the drugs but those that do use them for pleasure purposes should not be treated like pariah by the rest of society and criminalized, while alcoholics and boozers are excepted and tolerated and embraced as people just liking to drink and have a good time and believed to be socially acceptable....just because it is legal to do so.

The use of the drugs have to be addressed in a different manner...rather than the way they are going about it at present.

Just saying...there is a better way.

Edited by gemguy
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So who is threatening violence in this photo? "the villain" or "the heroes"?

What a spectrum of comments..... some very enlightening posts, and the usual moronic droning and smug comments from the myriad less intelligent readers. The conditioning does work on the stupid.

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ANY drug dealers or users deserve what they get.

So does that include tobacco and alcohol, both bigger killers than any illegal drugs.

And before you start foaming at the mouth, I don't take any, not even alcohol, I am just not idiotic enough to think that throwing drug users in jail actually solves the problem. War on drugs is an utter failure.

It is all part of the business. There are many people involved in the supply and delivery of illicit drugs. Especially here. If you're not clever enough to get involved with the right people. This is what happens. They arrest you and throw you in jail and hand you over to the "lawyers" for their cut. Get it?

Yeah, I get it, and like everywhere else in the world that has draconian drug laws that criminalizes drug taking, these laws do not help one bit in stopping drugs or drug taking - get it?

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ANY drug dealers or users deserve what they get.

And the guy who starts his day with a Cigarette and a few cups of coffee then has a few beers in the evening, what does he deserve ?

It's a banal question that you asked but that person you described doesn't "deserve" anything as, in those circumstances, you know very well that he would not be classed as a drug use or dealer.

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What is a drug ? It is something you get addicted too. Does that mean someone who likes donuts is an addict ?

You really need to check the definition of a drug. Tylenol is a drug, Cafegot is a drug, but just because I take them when I need them doesn't mean that I am addicted to them.

Someone who likes doughnuts is not an addict, he's just someone who likes doughnuts. Someone who is addicted to doughnuts obviously is an addict, by definition.

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What is a drug ? It is something you get addicted too. Does that mean someone who likes donuts is an addict ?

You really need to check the definition of a drug. Tylenol is a drug, Cafegot is a drug, but just because I take them when I need them doesn't mean that I am addicted to them.

Someone who likes doughnuts is not an addict, he's just someone who likes doughnuts. Someone who is addicted to doughnuts obviously is an addict, by definition.

Well...you could define an addict as a person who experiences violent physical reaction and severe mental distress when that person has the substance in question removed from them or not available to be consumed.

Applying the word addiction to food substances, as an example of addictions, would be on the scale of 1 out of 10 as compared to the severe physical and mental reactions that occur when trying to kick the habit with drugs such as Heroin, acknowledged to be the King of addictive drugs.

That may be debatable relative to its addictive qualities but is acknowledged as the worst of the worst concerning the symptoms of with withdrawal

Even the crystal meth addicts sympathize with the Heroin addicts when it comes to the severity of the withdrawal symptoms.

Intense cravings would be a more appropriate description for food ...while no one suffers the severe physical and mental reactions associated with some hard drugs if you go without food for a relatively short while..as compared to some of the really addictive recreational drugs.

Marijuana is not one of them...fortunately.


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Hah, you have to laugh, all these boozers at ThaiVisa pontificating on how drug-takers should be locked up until the Second Coming.

Don't you know that alcohol is by far the deadliest drug on the planet, responsible for untold violence, tragedy and untimely death?

And in any case, why did officers not 'rush' to the scene this time? They only 'visited'. Disappointing.

you missed the point sunshine. Alcohol/tobacco are legal the other stuff is illegal. The subject matter is police catching person who broke the law and not about health. Maybe I should use smaller words. Lol. Alcohol =ok. Drugs=not ok.
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Hah, you have to laugh, all these boozers at ThaiVisa pontificating on how drug-takers should be locked up until the Second Coming.

Don't you know that alcohol is by far the deadliest drug on the planet, responsible for untold violence, tragedy and untimely death?

And in any case, why did officers not 'rush' to the scene this time? They only 'visited'. Disappointing.

They aint the brightest comments and desrve contempt and ignoring.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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That little pinkish bottle on the right of the table, with the bulb top and the stem pointing up and to the right. I saw over one hundred pipes like that or very similar on street vendors tables, in the Pat Pong area a few nights ago. First time I had been in that area for several years, or perhaps more than a decade.

I guess that is what I have been reading about. Drug paraphernalia being displayed and sold, with the police not doing anything!

Edited by radiochaser
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I never see the point in pursuing people about drug paraphernalia. Anything can be improvised from bongs, chillums, pipes to papers etc. It's mind numbingly stupid as is the persecution of recreational drug users and their suppliers.

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That little pinkish bottle on the right of the table, with the bulb top and the stem pointing up and to the right. I saw over one hundred pipes like that or very similar on street vendors tables, in the Pat Pong area a few nights ago. First time I had been in that area for several years, or perhaps more than a decade.

I guess that is what I have been reading about. Drug paraphernalia being displayed and sold, with the police not doing anything!

Yeah, i used to see the same thing, next to the whiskey bottle

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I never see the point in pursuing people about drug paraphernalia. Anything can be improvised from bongs, chillums, pipes to papers etc. It's mind numbingly stupid as is the persecution of recreational drug users and their suppliers.

And just about anything can be put in the so called paraphernalia, banana peels, oregano, grass clippings, etc. If they discovered next week that burning dried seaweed would get you high, would they outlaw that?

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this reminds me of one Thanksgiving day a few years back. I travel alone and was enjoying the meal in Tequila Reef. What turned out to be another American asked if I minded sharing the booth. I said of course not. Have a seat. Well, the guy started rambling about his connections and the drugs (no names were mentioned) that he said he knew how to deal with. I left after about 15 minutes when I was done eating. All I can think of now is that would be the time the BIB decide to bust him and drag me off as some sort of accomplice or receiver.

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