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Seems Brits are just like Thais.. need to have it from numbers. (sorry the standard remark the expats make when its one on many so I do the same) Just to show its not only Thais but also Brits that are cowards.

Well that is a sign of intelligence. Go only into a fight if you are sure that you are win.....

Every Soi dog knows that. Real heros die young.

Sure.. but I always read on Thaivisa that Thais are cowards for attacking in groups, I wonder what reasons people have for changing that tune when people from their own country are involved.

blimey... seems to me like you need a break from LOS.... rants like this prove it!!!

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Not sure who is at fault here but they all deserve a good tongue lashing, same as i'm about to give the wife.

If that's your wife in your Avatar photo, I would be very careful.


Where is Soi Talad Tonpho? Google brings up nothing

Not sure exactly but it could be somewhere near Rompho Market, which is on Jompthien Second Road, across from Soi 5, roughly.

Talad certainly means 'market' and I reckon that Tonpho is just a bad transliteration - or certainly not the one that we normally see.


And the original item says they two silly buggers got hauled off to Dong Tan police station so yes, safe to assume this was your typical Jomtien riffraff and not the more suave WS or sophisticated Naklua denizen.


Oh my my my some people have selective memories indeed!!

So some bloke gets into a spat and runs off and grabs a blade, well he's not coming back to peel limes, he's lucky if he did that where there was laws about concealed carries he could have been shot dead!!

So the poor Finish guy is the victim?

And yet last year a supposedly drunk Army officer moved cones in a particular area of Bangkok and got a severe beating for his troubles, but he was the one who got the grief as he was in the wrong area and shouldn't have touched the precious cones, and he brought it on himself?

Yes, a bloke comes back with a weapon and gets the good news for being a dick, zero sympathy from me, anyone did that to most people would get a smack down !!


The real villain here is alcohol.

Too many young punks from many nations come to Thailand because they know the bar owners are only concerned with profits and won't cut them off. "Come to Thailand and get laid and drunk and there are no penalties".


Seems Brits are just like Thais.. need to have it from numbers. (sorry the standard remark the expats make when its one on many so I do the same) Just to show its not only Thais but also Brits that are cowards.

The Fin was the coward getting a knife. So yes 4,1 seems fair

Seems Brits are just like Thais.. need to have it from numbers. (sorry the standard remark the expats make when its one on many so I do the same) Just to show its not only Thais but also Brits that are cowards.

Rather over generalising don't you think? I'm a Brit and even at my advanced years am no coward.

When was the last time you or anyone else saw a one to one anywhere in the world? I worked as a nightclub bouncer nigh on three decades ago, threw a toerag out one night who went to the nearby burger stand and stabbed 4 people - the next day I quit as that could easily have been me.

The world is populated by a good deal of scum these days, but please don't tar us all with the same brush as there are good and bad wherever you go and the days of Queensbury rules are a very long way in the past. Knives, weapons of all description and worst of all guns are par for the course in 'fights' these days.


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If it's true that the Finnish man left and returned with a knife all bets are off. I'd rather be shot than stabbed. A knife cuts a wide swath with a good change of hitting a vital artery or organ.

If that's true about the knife I don't blame the Brits and as reported Thais for stopping the guy. The more the better.

"The witnesses said both Thais and foreigners stepped in to stop the brawl."

It just shows that ANY nationality can gang up on others and its not an exclusive Thai thing like some foreigners like to believe.

Regardless of which nationality is involved in wrongdoings, inevitably the Thais had to be blamed...Typical Thai bashing mentaity


Seems Brits are just like Thais.. need to have it from numbers. (sorry the standard remark the expats make when its one on many so I do the same) Just to show its not only Thais but also Brits that are cowards.

If the Finn turned up with a blade, he got what he deserved.. I know what you mean about the "standard expats remark" though.


Smart move, a drunk 40 yo coming back with weapons.. Time to get a ticket home.

Brits are pussies. Americans will fight one on one and defend others to their full capacity. Brits gang up like little girls. Catch a Brit alone and he will whimper. I know this from experience and I never respond to this thread but in this case I'd like the truth be known.


Anybody who carry a knife is asking for trouble ... But I resent any form of violence .

Especially if they come up against you with a six gun cheesy.gif


Incidents of violence exposes the base instincts of some, as reflected in their commentary.

Alcohol may have been a catalyst for the combatants behavior and perhaps the same can be said for some posters.


My martial arts skills are such that when I get into a fight, the other guy(s) think there are a few of me.

That fast!


Oh my my my some people have selective memories indeed!!

So some bloke gets into a spat and runs off and grabs a blade, well he's not coming back to peel limes, he's lucky if he did that where there was laws about concealed carries he could have been shot dead!!

So the poor Finish guy is the victim?

And yet last year a supposedly drunk Army officer moved cones in a particular area of Bangkok and got a severe beating for his troubles, but he was the one who got the grief as he was in the wrong area and shouldn't have touched the precious cones, and he brought it on himself?

Yes, a bloke comes back with a weapon and gets the good news for being a dick, zero sympathy from me, anyone did that to most people would get a smack down !!

There's at least 3 sides to every story in Thailand, but we never get the followup after they have their day in court. Mark Pendlebury - according to many on this board - was entitled to use a knife to defend himself against 6 Thais, but the Finn is a coward for allegedly arming himself in a confrontation with 4 Brits. We're prepared to say that despite no real understanding of the original altercation, and we're prepared to accept that the Finn was basically a drunken, homicidal maniac intent on revenge.

Maybe he was - I wouldnt have hung around to find out - but pendng a court transcript, I consider this story no more authoritative than the initial reports that Pendlebury was drunk and aggressive when he approached the bouncers in Phuket - grainy CCTV footage has since shown us another version of events.


This just isnt the place to get involved in any sort of encounter in a bar, period. The Finn and the Brits appear to have gotten off lightly, knife or no knife.


If it's true that the Finnish man left and returned with a knife all bets are off. I'd rather be shot than stabbed. A knife cuts a wide swath with a good change of hitting a vital artery or organ.

If that's true about the knife I don't blame the Brits and as reported Thais for stopping the guy. The more the better.

"The witnesses said both Thais and foreigners stepped in to stop the brawl."

It just shows that ANY nationality can gang up on others and its not an exclusive Thai thing like some foreigners like to believe.

So if someone attacked your friend with a knife you wouldnt do anything? American ( lets generalise eh}??


Well that is a sign of intelligence. Go only into a fight if you are sure that you are win.....

Every Soi dog knows that. Real heros die young.

Sure.. but I always read on Thaivisa that Thais are cowards for attacking in groups, I wonder what reasons people have for changing that tune when people from their own country are involved.

Rob, it's the circumstances that are important here.

Man leaves, returns with knife intending to harm.many pile in to stop him.

Note that he was not beaten into a bloody pulp, unconscious, dead etc.

When a Thai v Farang, usually several other Thai's pile in with wooden stakes, bottles, home made guns or other weapons.

Often the Farang is left in a very bad way

Sorry i disagree plenty of examples of foreigners doing exactly what Thais do. But the moment foreigners do it there are mitigating circumstances. We are just hypocrites blaming Thais for everything.. calling them cowards stupid ect.. but the moment its one of our own we look for excuses.

'Sorry. I think you're making that up (the part about "plenty of examples"). The Finn left and returned with a deadly weapon - not the way the Thai on foreigner gang-ups usually happen at all. But if I'm wrong, provide us with the examples you speak of. Since there are so many, it should be easy...


Seems Brits are just like Thais.. need to have it from numbers. (sorry the standard remark the expats make when its one on many so I do the same) Just to show its not only Thais but also Brits that are cowards.

Well that is a sign of intelligence. Go only into a fight if you are sure that you are win.....

Every Soi dog knows that. Real heros die young.

Intelligence or cowardice? Subduing the man with a knife is all that was required and a group doing that would be commendable. However, being part of a group beating him is cowardice.


This kinda stuff happens in Finland every weekend, pretty common thing.

Yep, a drunk finnish with a knife is the normal shit even in Sweden.

If u ask me, just beat the shit out of those stupid finnish suckers, he deserves all he got and more.


now we have to worry about gangs of rowdy brits....lol.

Exceewse me suh, i dew beleeve you are sitting in my chair..........

Now, now, slippery one; be careful, lest you be accused of gratuitous Brit bashing (GBB).


I always wonder if they were sober if

1.there was a fight in the first place

2. would any of them..in this cae the Finnish guy go home and grab a knife to go back?

3. why doesn't the police send this sort of persons not directly on a flight Home?


Finnish "tourist"...British "thugs"?

Finnish drunk in brawl with British tourists?

Brawl involving British and Finnish drunks?

Drunk Finn with knife threatens 4 Brits?

i think the choice of headline could have been less biased?


Smart move, a drunk 40 yo coming back with weapons.. Time to get a ticket home.

Brits are pussies. Americans will fight one on one and defend others to their full capacity. Brits gang up like little girls. Catch a Brit alone and he will whimper. I know this from experience and I never respond to this thread but in this case I'd like the truth be known.

Oh please, I have seen Brits defend others and I have seen Americans gang up on one person. How long does it take to learn this kind of behavior depends upon the individual and it is not a collective trait for an entire nationality?


Finnish "tourist"...British "thugs"?

Finnish drunk in brawl with British tourists?

Brawl involving British and Finnish drunks?

Drunk Finn with knife threatens 4 Brits?

i think the choice of headline could have been less biased?

Did you not forget, "Finn threatened by four Brits defends self with knife"


Finnish "tourist"...British "thugs"?

Finnish drunk in brawl with British tourists?

Brawl involving British and Finnish drunks?

Drunk Finn with knife threatens 4 Brits?

i think the choice of headline could have been less biased?

Did you not forget, "Finn threatened by four Brits defends self with knife"

"or Finn returns to bar after argument with knife"?

Knife wielding Finn argues with 4 Brits"?

"5 drunks in knife brawl"?

"Finn threatened by four Brits returns to bar and "defends" self with knife"?

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