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The real villain here is alcohol.

Too many young punks from many nations come to Thailand because they know the bar owners are only concerned with profits and won't cut them off. "Come to Thailand and get laid and drunk and there are no penalties".

Aren't you a bit confused. It wasn't the alcohol that was fighting, it was the people. Some can handle alcohol, some cannot.

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Seems Brits are just like Thais.. need to have it from numbers. (sorry the standard remark the expats make when its one on many so I do the same) Just to show its not only Thais but also Brits that are cowards.

did you see the incident?


It's official now..........he is Finish ed.thumbsup.gif

Yes, hopefully he is Finnished wink.png

Yenni however is not a Finnish name but I bet he is "Lenni" which is Finnish Gypsy name. They like their knives.


Finnish "tourist"...British "thugs"?

Finnish drunk in brawl with British tourists?

Brawl involving British and Finnish drunks?

Drunk Finn with knife threatens 4 Brits?

i think the choice of headline could have been less biased?

Did you not forget, "Finn threatened by four Brits defends self with knife"

"or Finn returns to bar after argument with knife"?

Knife wielding Finn argues with 4 Brits"?

"5 drunks in knife brawl"?

"Finn threatened by four Brits returns to bar and "defends" self with knife"?

Interesting, so many headlines can be created about the same incident and all we know comes from sources which have proved so erroneous in the past.


Incidents of violence exposes the base instincts of some, as reflected in their commentary.

Alcohol may have been a catalyst for the combatants behavior and perhaps the same can be said for some posters.

You got me, Your Holiness - I was in a bar on LK Metro last night till late watching football I had no particular interest in whilst drinking cider, a beverage which seems to have been invented with the specific purpose of highlighting the incredible boredom associated with a Premier League match. I can only assume that this is what turned the Finn into a knife-wielding maniac and our Fab 4 into the guardians of public safety. Give me Thugby League any day of the week.


Smart move, a drunk 40 yo coming back with weapons.. Time to get a ticket home.

Brits are pussies. Americans will fight one on one and defend others to their full capacity. Brits gang up like little girls. Catch a Brit alone and he will whimper. I know this from experience and I never respond to this thread but in this case I'd like the truth be known.

Oh please, I have seen Brits defend others and I have seen Americans gang up on one person. How long does it take to learn this kind of behavior depends upon the individual and it is not a collective trait for an entire nationality?

give over idiot, 3 american squaddies tried to fondle my friend,s gf on walking at last year, now thats cowardice for you, total wimps, my friend gave them some verbal and the snampered off like little girls

In the States early 80's, the usual banter between Brit squaddies and American airborne:

USA: Hey how come you guys weren't in Vietnam - raucous laughter from the Yanks

UK: Because we thought the Viet Cong were doing OK without us! - louder laughter from the Brits.

A fight ensued, the Yanks lost - and we are pussies?!


At least the English lads did something to stop the chance of someone getting seriously hurt, well done lads!


Not sure who is at fault here but they all deserve a good tongue lashing, same as i'm about to give the wife.

That's what I gave my wife this morning. Well deseved as she has been walking about singing and smiling ever since. Maybe I should of given her a slap but she likes the tongue lashing better.


Seems Brits are just like Thais.. need to have it from numbers. (sorry the standard remark the expats make when its one on many so I do the same) Just to show its not only Thais but also Brits that are cowards.

Really? The way I see it is the Fin got what he needed. If you go into a bar looking for a row and brandishing a knife then a good hiding is the least you can expect. Generalising like that is the sort of comment you expect from a tool-less w*nker, not saying you are one but it that is the category which people like that fall into.


My martial arts skills are such that when I get into a fight, the other guy(s) think there are a few of me.

That fast!

As soon as a guy using martial arts, say karate, as soon as his feet leave the ground he is vulnerable.

I would back a boxer any day.


Seems Brits are just like Thais.. need to have it from numbers. (sorry the standard remark the expats make when its one on many so I do the same) Just to show its not only Thais but also Brits that are cowards.

What would you do if, as witnesses say the Finnish man returned with a knife.


I witnessed this event and the policeman asked me why I did not help.... I said , I would have But....I thought 4 was enough..! cheesy.gif

Tell them you did not have a work permit or medical insurance in case you got hurt.


At least the English lads did something to stop the chance of someone getting seriously hurt, well done lads!

Let's go over this, shall we - at least from what we can glean from the news item.

- Finn quarrels with group of 4 Brits

- Finn leaves bar, returns with a knife

- brawl starts, Finn is disarmed and sustains head injuries, Thais and other patrons intervene to break up brawl

- Brits flee, leaving one hapless countrymen to deny that he assaulted our Finn buddy whilst admitting he was involved in the brawl

Whoever disarmed the Finn is to be commended, no question, but I dont see how a 'well done' is even remotely in order. The only people the Fab 4 seem to have any interest in defending were themselves - without the initial argument, would anyone else in that bar have been endangered by our knife-wielding nutter ? I wasnt there - perhaps they would have, but the fact that they were willing to step into the middle of five people (six if you count our mate who cant remember who he took a swing at) intent on doing one another bodily harm suggests to me that they could have handled the Finn.

Personally, I'd deport the lot of them with a 12-month ban on re-entry into the country but we all know that wont happen.


Seems Brits are just like Thais.. need to have it from numbers. (sorry the standard remark the expats make when its one on many so I do the same) Just to show its not only Thais but also Brits that are cowards.

Well that is a sign of intelligence. Go only into a fight if you are sure that you are win.....

Every Soi dog knows that. Real heros die young.

Sure.. but I always read on Thaivisa that Thais are cowards for attacking in groups, I wonder what reasons people have for changing that tune when people from their own country are involved.

I'd like to have some back-up if a drunk was coming at me with a knife, nationalities don't come into such equations!


Well its very common with the Scandinavian tourist type. They really do loose the plot. Good to see the Brits and Thai's doing there civic duty and whooping his backside. He might think twice. I had it with a german in soi diana inn before. At a hotdog stand. Well the soi over soi Buakhow cant remember if that's still diana inn. He attacked me so I hit him with the wooden bar stool around the stand . Knocked him sparko. Got on my bike and left. Never heard a dicky bird about it. I bet he had a headache in the morning lol.


It just shows that ANY nationality can gang up on others and its not an exclusive Thai thing like some foreigners like to believe.

Yes, bar fights are scientific proof about the behavior of 'any' nationality. That's why anthropologists like to spend all their time there. coffee1.gif

Actually its proof, facts ect. Its not just Thais.. others do the same thing. I am pretty sure the Dutch do the same thing. But it is always used to bash Thais.. and not so much when our own nationality does it.

Keep in mind your are basing your whole theory on a single event where 4 brits ganged up on 1 guy (who may have been armed, which would justify 4 on 1). There is alot more empirical evidence of Thais ganging up on someone, armed or unarmed.

Children shoot eachother almost daily in the US, on purpose or by accident, as guns seem to be everywhere in the US. However, I am sure the same thing happens once in a while in my home country, where few people have guns. That cannot however justify arguing that my home country is as gun crazy as the US.

"There is alot more empirical evidence of Thais ganging up on someone, armed or unarmed."

A succession of scenarios imagined by Thai Visa posters who've read a news report of a paragraph or two doesn't amount to empirical evidence. It's just wet dreams. There's plenty of "empirical evidence" of mobs of British football hooligans causing injuries and property damage in gangs ... but I suppose you can imagine some excuse for their thuggish behavior too. This whole idea that certain nationalities only engage in fights one-on-one because they're innately honorable is rubbish.


Seems Brits are just like Thais.. need to have it from numbers. (sorry the standard remark the expats make when its one on many so I do the same) Just to show its not only Thais but also Brits that are cowards.

I think you will find the same in many countries

People seem to get off on gang beatings and kicking people in the head while they are down

I used to hear and read about this a lot back home


Well its very common with the Scandinavian tourist type. They really do loose the plot. Good to see the Brits and Thai's doing there civic duty and whooping his backside. He might think twice. I had it with a german in soi diana inn before. At a hotdog stand. Well the soi over soi Buakhow cant remember if that's still diana inn. He attacked me so I hit him with the wooden bar stool around the stand . Knocked him sparko. Got on my bike and left. Never heard a dicky bird about it. I bet he had a headache in the morning lol.

hope ya shouted two world wars,and one world cup as you rode off into the sunset..

Seems Brits are just like Thais.. need to have it from numbers. (sorry the standard remark the expats make when its one on many so I do the same) Just to show its not only Thais but also Brits that are cowards.

So I guess if you was having a beer with some fellow clog wearers and a guy with a knife came at one of your number you'd leave him to bravely deal with it on his own. The Finn got his just deserts, and if it was a Farang leaving the scene and coming back with a knife to attack 4 Thais I'd say exactly the same if they dealt him some instant justice.


Incidents of violence exposes the base instincts of some, as reflected in their commentary.

Alcohol may have been a catalyst for the combatants behavior and perhaps the same can be said for some posters.

They were probably arguing about whether the man caught with a couple of spliffs should be hung or shot.

The joys of alcohol....


Anyone, especially drunk, who following a heated argument leaves the premises only to return later with a knife should be taken out immediately by as many as it takes to subdue him safely .

As an earlier post mentioned he was subdued and disarmed and not beaten into unconsciousness.


When I was a kid, growing up in the states, we were always shown the image of the British as being the most sophisticated, well spoken people around - a cartoon of that, really - tea time and perhaps a monicle, ha How deceiving this stereotype was :)


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If it's true that the Finnish man left and returned with a knife all bets are off. I'd rather be shot than stabbed. A knife cuts a wide swath with a good change of hitting a vital artery or organ.

If that's true about the knife I don't blame the Brits and as reported Thais for stopping the guy. The more the better.

"The witnesses said both Thais and foreigners stepped in to stop the brawl."

Yep if you come back with a blade you better be prepared to die ,or stab someone else to death. I thought it was out of order 4 onto 1 but once it said he had a knife I make them right . He's lucky he only got superficial injuries not many people take kindly to being threatened like that and I'd say the Finn has had a result not getting a good shoeing


Sweet Pattaya, it does not amazes me that Thai's hate the Farage so much and simply look at us as ATM's only. Some here seems to actually be worse than Thai's

They should crawl back under the bush they came from in the UK.

My landlord was moved to monologue today, when the subject of Russia came up, and she had a lot to express re: her views on Pattaya, ha

I've lived in Bangkok for 5 years, and have never seen Pattaya, just based on the stories my buddy related after I first moved here. I'm happy in BKK.


Troll and off topic posts removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

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