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Prayuth: Politicians cannot change election date


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Prayuth: Politicians Cannot Change Election Date
By Khaosod English

Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha at the Air Force Base in Bangkok, 26 April 2015.

BANGKOK — Junta chairman and Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha expressed resistance to postponing the election scheduled for early next year, citing the time frame outlined in the interim constitution.

Gen. Prayuth's remark came after politicians from across the political spectrum called for a delaying the poll in order to change what they see as a flawed charter, which was drafted by a junta-appointed council.

"Who said that? What power do politicians have to do that?" Gen. Prayuth quipped at a reporter who asked him to comment on the issue yesterday, "What does the Constitution say?"

Answering his own question, Prayuth continued, "The [interim] constitution has already been written ... this is my road map. We have 60 days, 90 days, it has to be like that. If it can be different, find me a way. How can I amend that?"

According to the time frame outlined in the junta’s interim charter, the draft of the new constitution must be finished in early August. The junta has said it will promulgate the new charter – Thailand’s 20th - by 4 September and hold a new election 150 days afterwards, estimated to be in February 2016.

The charter draft was written by the Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC), who members were chosen by the junta last year. The draft is currently under deliberation by the National Reform Council (NRC), another junta-appointed body.

Last week, Jatuporn Prompan, leader of the Redshirt movement's official umbrella organization, called for postponing the election in order to address the new charter’s “undemocratic” nature, including a clause that allows MPs to appoint an unelected Prime Minister, the establishment of an unelected Senate, and the establishment of powerful unelected "independent" agencies.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1430115039

-- Khaosod English 2015-04-27

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Seems they are trying a bit of reverse psychology here! There was one article suggesting that some politicians preferred a delay to the election, they are making it sound as if Prayuth is being arm wrestled by everyone to delay, and i bet 'begrudgingly' he will accept the call to delay under mass public pressure...........

They have really picked up this and are galloping full speed ahead!

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Last week, Jatuporn Prompan, leader of the Redshirt movement's official umbrella organization, called for postponing the election in order to address the new charter’s “undemocratic” nature, including a clause that allows MPs to appoint an unelected Prime Minister, the establishment of an unelected Senate, and the establishment of powerful unelected "independent" agencies.

Jatuporn Prompan.......................................... and who elected him to anything ? what gives him the mandate to speak at all

He is just one of the many,who open their hole as soon as a microphone is shoved in his face.

So...how does that differ from anybody else and why shouldn't he have an opinion?

Oh...right...he is not on your side, so...

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Jutaporn an unelected gobshite

Suthep an unelected gobshite

Prayuth an unelected pillar of society?

Why are the farangs who don't have a say always getting their panties in a twist over who's elected and whose not, when it's GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM??????

Maybe if you become a member of the UDD or then Democrat party or join the RTA perhaps you might have a point and be able to do something about it, but your getting wound up over issued that's quite frankly none of your business and perhaps the old adage of "staying in your lane" is more appropriate!!

Why not write the the leader of the UDD and complain instead of constantly whining on here about Thai affairs of which you have zero input on?

Must be boring as hell in The middle of Nakhon Nowhere surrounded by Reds and having no friends these days!!

Edited by Fat Haggis
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Jutaporn an unelected gobshite

Suthep an unelected gobshite

Prayuth an unelected pillar of society?

Why are the farangs who don't have a say always getting their panties in a twist over who's elected and whose not, when it's GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM??????

Maybe if you become a member of the UDD or then Democrat party or join the RTA perhaps you might have a point and be able to do something about it, but your getting wound up over issued that's quite frankly none of your business and perhaps the old adage of "staying in your lane" is more appropriate!!

Why not write the the leader of the UDD and complain instead of constantly whining on here about Thai affairs of which you have zero input on?

Must be boring as hell in The middle of Nakhon Nowhere surrounded by Reds and having no friends these days!!

Many of us Farang as you call us may not be able to vote, but we have many interests here like Family and companies and investments. This is part of the problem Thais should open their eyes and keep mouth shut and ears open and maybe understand what us Farang are saying.
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The self-appointed Prime Minister is having a problem with consistency from week to week.

Coming soon to The Nation:

Bangkok, 4 May 2015 - The Nation

At an unusual press appearance this morning, Prime Minster Prayuth Chan-ocha, responding to further comments by PTP and Red Shirt leaders on Sunday, appeared to lose his patience with reporters. The PM angrily declared, "Were any of these people elected? Did the people ask them to speak? We are bringing happiness to the Thai people. All of the people who were not elected by the people should simply stop saying..."

At that moment the PM's mouth continued to move, but no sound was heard by the reporters in attendance. After several minutes, in which the Prime Minister continued to open and close his mouth, but no sound was heard, the Defence Minister stepped forward and announced the press briefing was concluded and thanked all who attended for their questions.

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I have family here too, but why is it any concern of mine who is voted on or not in a political party you are not a member of?

Did I have a say back in the UK as to who the various parties elect to cabinet positions?

If you belong to those parties in question you can influence the vote.

Sorry but the excuse about having a business here is pointless, YOU chose to set up a business in a Country that has been in political turmoil since the 1930s, you took the risks and gamble of whether it would be a success or not. did you not carry out due diligence on things such as political strife and not ever wonder why there was 18 coups before the part one?

What right do you have as a foreigner with family and a business to say who should and who wouldn't be heading political parties here ? Seriously, you think that foreigners with similar circumstances can influence party politics in Spain or Germany, where they don't have votes either? Where they are not permanent resident or have dual citizenship either?

Do you think if I moved to America and set up a laundry business, have any say in who is voted mayor? Senator, president?

Seriously what makes those having family and a business here knowing full well they will never have a say as A they are not Thai and B they don't understand How things work due to thainess will ever have a say in who gets to represent a political party that they neither support not belong to?

Sure it's not your palette and it may irk you and get you riled up, but it's never ever likely to change, so why not focus on your business and family and make sure these are both taken care of, and making you money instead of spending valuable time worrying about how the likes of Juttaporn can be elected leader of his party.

Would you feel happy if the UDD/Dems/Junta just waltzed into your business or home and told you who to employ, what to manufacture and where you should live, and you were to relinquish your position just because they didn't like it? I doubt it very very much ?

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Of course politicians can't change the dates or sink election, only those with pure hearts like monk Suthep can do such things (with military blessing, of course...). I wonder what response would be if redshirts used same tactics that brought down last elected government would be?

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Last week, Jatuporn Prompan, leader of the Redshirt movement's official umbrella organization, called for postponing the election in order to address the new charters undemocratic nature, including a clause that allows MPs to appoint an unelected Prime Minister, the establishment of an unelected Senate, and the establishment of powerful unelected "independent" agencies.

Jatuporn Prompan.......................................... and who elected him to anything ? what gives him the mandate to speak at all

Ahbisit said the same thing. Are you going to lash at him or you just being selective as always.

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Jutaporn an unelected gobshite

Suthep an unelected gobshite

Prayuth an unelected pillar of society?

Why are the farangs who don't have a say always getting their panties in a twist over who's elected and whose not, when it's GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM??????

Maybe if you become a member of the UDD or then Democrat party or join the RTA perhaps you might have a point and be able to do something about it, but your getting wound up over issued that's quite frankly none of your business and perhaps the old adage of "staying in your lane" is more appropriate!!

Why not write the the leader of the UDD and complain instead of constantly whining on here about Thai affairs of which you have zero input on?

Must be boring as hell in The middle of Nakhon Nowhere surrounded by Reds and having no friends these days!!

Why are you always getting your panties in a twist over people that want to share an opinion on TVF whose membership has grown behind all proportion and is the most popular forum in Thailand for westerners for the one simple reason that we can share our opinion on who we would like to see elected even when it has nothing to do with us.

Should TV close down the political forum of this wonderful site because it has nothing to do with them? I posted on the forum once regarding the guy that travelled to the stratosphere in a ballon. That had nothing to do with me, but I offered my criticism of the project and in fact got my knickers in a knock because I was sure it was a death sentence. According to your logic I needed be a member of NASA or some ballon hobbyist club to comment? So why did I comment against your adherent demands it must all cease? Because this is a forum my friend. On forums we share thoughts and criticisms and in the case of the 7%'ers a few condescending and demonizing statements.

Have a lovely evening my friend and let people have there say. If it it not to your liking them find a forum that does not allow people to share their opinion unless they are members of the association they are commenting about.

I remember when he delayed elections previously the comments were "he will keep doing this indefinitely". Now he is ensuring the elections are held on the date stipulated the comments have "evolved" as per the PTP apologists timeframe to "He will begrudgingly accept" and when he does not accept it will evolve again to something like "He is desperate to push the constitution to cement his hold on power so elections are in his best interests"….You wait and see. Darwin's evolution never evolved as quickly as PTP evolution.

It is good to see Prayut sticking to his election guns though. An appointed PM driven by 2/3rd's house support. Who would have guessed.

But I sense I have overstepped my mark in commenting on this as I am not a Democrat party member.

Edited by djjamie
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Answering his own question, Prayuth continued, "The [interim] constitution has already been written ... this is my road map. We have 60 days, 90 days, it has to be like that. If it can be different, find me a way. How can I amend that?"

Just off the top of my head I can think of 3 ways:

1) Another coup

2) Section 44

3) Rubber stamp by the hand picked NLA

That would be undemocratic rolleyes.gif

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I swear by the stars in the moon in the sky :

this is crap

I swear by the stars in the moon in the sky,that's amore

When the world seems to shine

Like you've had too much wine, that's amore

This is crap.

apologies to Dino.sad.png

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Ah the master of spin and condescension has spoken.

The point is you amongst many others here think you speak for others especially when it comes to how the Thais should run their country.

I am a guest here, it's not my place to whine about the electoral system as I will never have a vote, yep my kids will, but who they chose to vote for is down to them.

Your comments are asinine in nature as they always have been, many here accuse me of being a red supporter as if I have to support anything or anyone here makes me fit in a whole lot better, not a chance, my biggest issue is the expats who constantly whine about Thai politics when there isn't a single thing they can do to change it.

So many experts here it's unbelievable, and yet How many expats are sitting in influential positions within Prayuths inner circle? So know many here are just bored old timers sitting in Nakhon nowhere with zero social life that without TVF they'd be lost!!

TVF is a great place to have decent dialogue with people but it's also very very clique orientated, with many expats having the mentality if you're not with us you're against us, and if you're not a junta supported you're a red, it's childish it might float your boat it doesn't float mine.

You're constantly making references to people condescending you and belittling you and yet, your own posts are full of remarks that are condescending, and belittling, you lead a very charmed life on TVF as those who criticise you are more often banned than you appear to be.

I enjoy engaging in political topics but at the end of the day, I know full well my opinions are pointless and never ever going to count, I can let it go, I don't need to keep harping on about a so called 7% either, he situation here is because the people can't be allowed to get past a few years without someone kicking off and protesting and the army behaving with impunity.

That 7% doesn't interest me in the slightest, what interests me is all the things that have been going on behind the scenes that never see the columns within TVF, the stuff that's not allowed to be discussed. Power grabs is the name of the game, corruption will never be any different here, some are better than others at it, and as sure as there's shit in a dog, huge acts are going on daily, they just haven't been caught yet.

You enjoy your evening ?

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"We have 60 days, 90 days, it has to be like that."

It's very clear that General Prayut will not allow the d®aft 2015 constitution to go to a public referendum. As he has said before, it is HIS decision alone.


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Last week, Jatuporn Prompan, leader of the Redshirt movement's official umbrella organization, called for postponing the election in order to address the new charter’s “undemocratic” nature, including a clause that allows MPs to appoint an unelected Prime Minister, the establishment of an unelected Senate, and the establishment of powerful unelected "independent" agencies.

Jatuporn Prompan.......................................... and who elected him to anything ? what gives him the mandate to speak at all

With a PM who seized power and no possibility of political gathering it s quite difficult to have any mandate

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