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Power is down, quite literary


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There's nothing poetic about power lines down so hardly literary.

Power Lines

You were electricity running through my veins

but the power lines broke

now I'm left in the rain;


with only the sound of thunderstorms


with you nowhere to be found.

Power lines

Power-lines pulse over-head

easy streams by our quiet lives

the unarguable benefactors which

caress each man they touch

soldiers waging war on insurgents

with power-lines along the boarder

In this narcotic drip submergence

we lose our peace in the name of order

the egotists shout with their power-line minds

thoughtless words of each and every kind

At the promise of peace, wise men can see

the greatest peace springs from a tap into thee

Birds on Power Lines

my friends, my friends

we are birds on power lines

huddled for warmth

specks against the grey

surrounded by the late october gloom

and the steam rising up from the gutters

we are restless and sour

eyes pointing outward


every step

every teensy, solitary step

sealed with egg shell footprints

womb nostalgia

tenderness found in autumn colored flashes,

moth-wick sparkles, and fried dandelion blossoms

we remember our grandmas knuckles,

chipped tiles on the kitchen floor


my dear, my dear

we are stray brown tabbies

bellowing rumble, ears stripped of fur

settled into our corner of the front porch

once we were roustabouts;

waltzing to the waxing and wane

carpeted floors gave way to concrete chill

but now the summers seem longer


the smell of cardboard,

cinder block walls, and duck pond water

stale memories with naked omens

we turn to face the chilling draft;


harping on and on about grey areas

while we kick up alley gravel

balanced by surface tension


under quilts counting freckles

plasma paychecks peddling uphill

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