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Officials take action against Siam Paragon's rejecting taxi list

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Recently went from Asia hotel to Grand Palace by taxi. TB100. Tried to get a taxi back to hotel. Each taxi driver said the minimum to get in the taxi was TB400. It is a huge rort. Walked 500 metres and found a taxi, TB80 back to hotel. I must say that I met a tourist policeman that was most helpful on the inward trip. None to be seen on the exit from the Palace complex. My Thai wife was furious. This time I was able to lecture her about keeping calm.

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Recently went from Asia hotel to Grand Palace by taxi. TB100. Tried to get a taxi back to hotel. Each taxi driver said the minimum to get in the taxi was TB400. It is a huge rort. Walked 500 metres and found a taxi, TB80 back to hotel. I must say that I met a tourist policeman that was most helpful on the inward trip. None to be seen on the exit from the Palace complex. My Thai wife was furious. This time I was able to lecture her about keeping calm.

heh - How did that work out for you ? ;)


Okay, so Siam Paragon has done the ground work. Refusing fares is illegal. The police now have a list of taxis who willingly break the law. So what will the police, the law enforcers, do? Anything?


Okay, so Siam Paragon has done the ground work. Refusing fares is illegal. The police now have a list of taxis who willingly break the law. So what will the police, the law enforcers, do? Anything?

THey apparently allready have.

Sent them notice to pay fines and many have and the others have summonses.


Brilliant smile.png Can we now have a shit list for bad bus and van drivers, etc wink.png

Not enough paper in Thailand to compile what you're requesting !!


Happy to hear they have started doing this. I have written complaint letters to Siam Paragon several times after having to wait over 45 minutes to get a taxi from there. This is not because the line waiting is too long but due to the turn downs by taxis.The particular problem there is they have a turn out off the road to supposedly pick up passengers from the line. Probably 2/3 of the taxis at peak times with their on light on just use this turn out as a way to by pass the blocked traffic on the street. Hopefully those on the list will be prevented from doing this. They block the taxis that want to actually pick up customers.

I also hope this action doesn't increase the number of taxis repeating what happened to me last week. When asked by the security guard over the microphone taxi said he'd take me to Lat Prat. Get in and noticed meter was not on. I politely told him the meter was not on. He said 500 baht to :at Prao. I told him to pull over and he kept driving-finally dropped me in front of Central World. I gave him 35 baht. I didn't have my phone with me that day so I couldn't report him.

Not all of us can afford a car and driver. Taking BTS is not an alternative after walking all day at the mall. Having to stand for over 40 minutes in crowded filled train with minimal space to even move your feet is hard for people with knee or back problems. Then have to walk down steps to get off BTS and sometimes to get to the street. Having your hands full off bags (shopping at Gourmet Market and bookstores usually) is also difficult on the BTS so I try to take a cab home. I try to shop during the day so I'm out of the store by 3 PM and it's still amajor problem with taxis.


One more thread which will end in Taxi bashing.

If you re so upset with the profession why not hire a personnal driver, buy your own car or just walk?

I had very few problems with taxi and i am in bkk for more than 7 years now.

Once in a while some of them just don t put the meter on, i just tell them if there is no meter to stop and i wait for another one.

With so many taxis in this city, not finding one who is willing to take you is just more than bad luck.

Those taxis make a 12 hour shift in general 6 days a week and probably more, and yet some people here don t understand than some of them just don t have the time, patience, or don t see the point to drive to, let's say : pantip at 6pm a friday....

With such low fare unhappy taxi users should buy a car or walk..

Go have a look at Paris or London, the fare price and how many are willing to take you especially after 8pm

It's not bashing taxi drivers to expect them to do their jobs.

I do mind being refused by a cab, but it happens and I can live with it. I just wait for the next one.

However to not criticise them for this behaviour and other things {meters springing to mind] is unrealistic.

It's annoying and contrary to the rules governing taxi drivers as a profession.

In addition the fact that Siam Paragon is acting this way, the sign is in Thai and a Thai govt ministry is getting involved would suggest that this behaviour is unacceptable to Thais. Plus it helps them identify those who are doing their job correctly.

As for London and Paris. I don't live there so not really anything to do with me or the OP..

Criticize them is ok...but those thread tend to end in "taxi scum" generalties and you know this too

Yes taxi driver is a profession, however in my profession, if a customer ask me something to do and i do not want to do it because of some reasons, i just tell him i do not want to do it...at the end i am the one losing moneu

As for london and paris yes it as to do with the OP as it can be a comparison with the actual situation in thailand;

In London taxi don t refuse to take you? maybe it s because you end with a loan if you take a taxi there

As for Paris, the taxis are horrible mostly and one time over two the answer they give you is "not my direction"

Also if it s a Paragon initiative and the government stepped in AFTER then i do not see the legal point of this at the beggining...not sure if there is any name on that sign, but if yes it can definitly be a material for defamation law

if a taxi driver refuses to take a fare because they dont make any money then dont be a taxi driver

also why do taxis have a meter ?if you dont use them???

if the law states you must accept ALL fares . then naming those law breakers wont be deemed as defamation it will be deemed to be the truth

the list would be much much much longer down here on samui in fact it would be a huge billboard

good on you siam paragon


Good for Paragon. We need more of the same, and from the other malls, too. A pity the DLT has long been so dilatory about doing anything, and is even now like a sleeping sloth. But at least it is moving in the direction in which it is being pushed.


One more thread which will end in Taxi bashing.

If you re so upset with the profession why not hire a personnal driver, buy your own car or just walk?

I had very few problems with taxi and i am in bkk for more than 7 years now.

Once in a while some of them just don t put the meter on, i just tell them if there is no meter to stop and i wait for another one.

With so many taxis in this city, not finding one who is willing to take you is just more than bad luck.

Those taxis make a 12 hour shift in general 6 days a week and probably more, and yet some people here don t understand than some of them just don t have the time, patience, or don t see the point to drive to, let's say : pantip at 6pm a friday....

With such low fare unhappy taxi users should buy a car or walk..

Go have a look at Paris or London, the fare price and how many are willing to take you especially after 8pm

'Go have a look at Paris or London, the fare price and how many are willing to take you especially after 8pm ...' BS! They're legally required to take the fares. You might get the odd one, and for a specific reason, such as drunken passengers. But in Thailand, it isn't the exception; more the rule.


One more thread which will end in Taxi bashing.

If you re so upset with the profession why not hire a personnal driver, buy your own car or just walk?

I had very few problems with taxi and i am in bkk for more than 7 years now.

Once in a while some of them just don t put the meter on, i just tell them if there is no meter to stop and i wait for another one.

With so many taxis in this city, not finding one who is willing to take you is just more than bad luck.

Those taxis make a 12 hour shift in general 6 days a week and probably more, and yet some people here don t understand than some of them just don t have the time, patience, or don t see the point to drive to, let's say : pantip at 6pm a friday....

With such low fare unhappy taxi users should buy a car or walk..

Go have a look at Paris or London, the fare price and how many are willing to take you especially after 8pm

It's not bashing taxi drivers to expect them to do their jobs.

I do mind being refused by a cab, but it happens and I can live with it. I just wait for the next one.

However to not criticise them for this behaviour and other things {meters springing to mind] is unrealistic.

It's annoying and contrary to the rules governing taxi drivers as a profession.

In addition the fact that Siam Paragon is acting this way, the sign is in Thai and a Thai govt ministry is getting involved would suggest that this behaviour is unacceptable to Thais. Plus it helps them identify those who are doing their job correctly.

As for London and Paris. I don't live there so not really anything to do with me or the OP..

Criticize them is ok...but those thread tend to end in "taxi scum" generalties and you know this too

Yes taxi driver is a profession, however in my profession, if a customer ask me something to do and i do not want to do it because of some reasons, i just tell him i do not want to do it...at the end i am the one losing moneu

As for london and paris yes it as to do with the OP as it can be a comparison with the actual situation in thailand;

In London taxi don t refuse to take you? maybe it s because you end with a loan if you take a taxi there

As for Paris, the taxis are horrible mostly and one time over two the answer they give you is "not my direction"

Also if it s a Paragon initiative and the government stepped in AFTER then i do not see the legal point of this at the beggining...not sure if there is any name on that sign, but if yes it can definitly be a material for defamation law

'... yes it can definitly be a material for defamation law ...' Do you seriously see any of the named drivers suing?


One more thread which will end in Taxi bashing.

If you re so upset with the profession why not hire a personnal driver, buy your own car or just walk?

I had very few problems with taxi and i am in bkk for more than 7 years now.

Once in a while some of them just don t put the meter on, i just tell them if there is no meter to stop and i wait for another one.

With so many taxis in this city, not finding one who is willing to take you is just more than bad luck.

Those taxis make a 12 hour shift in general 6 days a week and probably more, and yet some people here don t understand than some of them just don t have the time, patience, or don t see the point to drive to, let's say : pantip at 6pm a friday....

With such low fare unhappy taxi users should buy a car or walk..

Go have a look at Paris or London, the fare price and how many are willing to take you especially after 8pm

yup it is a crappy job and sometimes it stinks, but they agreed to do the job

The applied for the license, took the car of the lot and so they should follow the rules

Not just pick and choose when they want to work

Name another job where you can just say no?

Cashier at KFC can't refuse an to take an order because she is tired or what ever

It is their job to take a fare where the want to go and with the meter on


One more thread which will end in Taxi bashing.

If you re so upset with the profession why not hire a personnal driver, buy your own car or just walk?

I had very few problems with taxi and i am in bkk for more than 7 years now.

Once in a while some of them just don t put the meter on, i just tell them if there is no meter to stop and i wait for another one.

With so many taxis in this city, not finding one who is willing to take you is just more than bad luck.

Those taxis make a 12 hour shift in general 6 days a week and probably more, and yet some people here don t understand than some of them just don t have the time, patience, or don t see the point to drive to, let's say : pantip at 6pm a friday....

With such low fare unhappy taxi users should buy a car or walk..

Go have a look at Paris or London, the fare price and how many are willing to take you especially after 8pm

I am not in Paris or London. I live in Thailand.

I don't ask people to compare Paris or London to Bangkok, since they are in different continents, have different governments and don't share a common culture.

I don't suggest people hire a personal driver, buy a car or just walk. That's their business.

I don't know all the taxis drivers, therefore, I cannot speak for them concerning their patience, etc.

If I pay a person's way in life , then perhaps I may urge them to take a certain path or aspect in life.

I don't pay anyone's way in life and generally stay away from telling others what to do.

Say the guy with more than 3000 posts, who obviously has an opinion on everything, and yet "I don't pay anyone's way in life and generally stay away from telling others what to do." ask the other ones to not do what he is doing on daily basis.

Say also the guy who think he is far aboce the "mass" of thaivisa but is de facto the one who rants about taxis.

So yes if you don t like the taxis here and live here, the just hire a driver.

If you don t like the opinion I have just leave your computer mate.

I compare what i want to compare, i speak of the fare in thailand and YES i compare it with fare in europe and USA as most of you, and i believer you, yes you personally have far more money than the average thai so not have the excuse of the price...

If you don't like it, it s the same mate.coffee1.gif


One more thread which will end in Taxi bashing.

If you re so upset with the profession why not hire a personnal driver, buy your own car or just walk?

I had very few problems with taxi and i am in bkk for more than 7 years now.

Once in a while some of them just don t put the meter on, i just tell them if there is no meter to stop and i wait for another one.

With so many taxis in this city, not finding one who is willing to take you is just more than bad luck.

Those taxis make a 12 hour shift in general 6 days a week and probably more, and yet some people here don t understand than some of them just don t have the time, patience, or don t see the point to drive to, let's say : pantip at 6pm a friday....

With such low fare unhappy taxi users should buy a car or walk..

Go have a look at Paris or London, the fare price and how many are willing to take you especially after 8pm

yup it is a crappy job and sometimes it stinks, but they agreed to do the job

The applied for the license, took the car of the lot and so they should follow the rules

Not just pick and choose when they want to work

Name another job where you can just say no?

Cashier at KFC can't refuse an to take an order because she is tired or what ever

It is their job to take a fare where the want to go and with the meter on

All freelancers can refuse any customers they want, all business owners can say : no the project/fare/work is not worth my time.

Most of the taxis are not employees and are a bit like freelancers.

Not saying it s a good thing to do, especially to finish the month with some money, but comparing the fare (even if some obvious morons here think it s not useful to compare) you have to pay for taxi in Thailand, i do not mind wait more if a taxi don t put a meter or just say no to me. And i will not put all taxi drivers in the same bag for few refusals...


One more thread which will end in Taxi bashing.

If you re so upset with the profession why not hire a personnal driver, buy your own car or just walk?

I had very few problems with taxi and i am in bkk for more than 7 years now.

Once in a while some of them just don t put the meter on, i just tell them if there is no meter to stop and i wait for another one.

With so many taxis in this city, not finding one who is willing to take you is just more than bad luck.

Those taxis make a 12 hour shift in general 6 days a week and probably more, and yet some people here don t understand than some of them just don t have the time, patience, or don t see the point to drive to, let's say : pantip at 6pm a friday....

With such low fare unhappy taxi users should buy a car or walk..

Go have a look at Paris or London, the fare price and how many are willing to take you especially after 8pm

It's not bashing taxi drivers to expect them to do their jobs.

I do mind being refused by a cab, but it happens and I can live with it. I just wait for the next one.

However to not criticise them for this behaviour and other things {meters springing to mind] is unrealistic.

It's annoying and contrary to the rules governing taxi drivers as a profession.

In addition the fact that Siam Paragon is acting this way, the sign is in Thai and a Thai govt ministry is getting involved would suggest that this behaviour is unacceptable to Thais. Plus it helps them identify those who are doing their job correctly.

As for London and Paris. I don't live there so not really anything to do with me or the OP..

Criticize them is ok...but those thread tend to end in "taxi scum" generalties and you know this too

Yes taxi driver is a profession, however in my profession, if a customer ask me something to do and i do not want to do it because of some reasons, i just tell him i do not want to do it...at the end i am the one losing moneu

As for london and paris yes it as to do with the OP as it can be a comparison with the actual situation in thailand;

In London taxi don t refuse to take you? maybe it s because you end with a loan if you take a taxi there

As for Paris, the taxis are horrible mostly and one time over two the answer they give you is "not my direction"

Also if it s a Paragon initiative and the government stepped in AFTER then i do not see the legal point of this at the beggining...not sure if there is any name on that sign, but if yes it can definitly be a material for defamation law

'... yes it can definitly be a material for defamation law ...' Do you seriously see any of the named drivers suing?

Do you read the full sentences or just pick up words from them and rearange them the way it suits you?

So re read slowly : not sure if there is any name on that sign, but if yes it can definitly be a material for defamation law...emphasis the beginning : NOT SURE IF


*IF* there is a list of names -- will ThaiVisa get caught in the libel mess for reproducing the libellous material wink.png ?

Even publishing the numbers could be construed as sufficient to identify the individuals....


One more thread which will end in Taxi bashing.

If you re so upset with the profession why not hire a personnal driver, buy your own car or just walk?

I had very few problems with taxi and i am in bkk for more than 7 years now.

Once in a while some of them just don t put the meter on, i just tell them if there is no meter to stop and i wait for another one.

With so many taxis in this city, not finding one who is willing to take you is just more than bad luck.

Those taxis make a 12 hour shift in general 6 days a week and probably more, and yet some people here don t understand than some of them just don t have the time, patience, or don t see the point to drive to, let's say : pantip at 6pm a friday....

With such low fare unhappy taxi users should buy a car or walk..

Go have a look at Paris or London, the fare price and how many are willing to take you especially after 8pm

'Go have a look at Paris or London, the fare price and how many are willing to take you especially after 8pm ...' BS! They're legally required to take the fares. You might get the odd one, and for a specific reason, such as drunken passengers. But in Thailand, it isn't the exception; more the rule.

I don t know where you grab your taxi : maybe exclusively in Suk 4, 11 or some place like this : 95% of the taxi I take are fair, polite and sobers...

Not went to London for a while but i can testify that most of the taxis in France are worse than the ones in Thailand. And try to find a taxi in Paris who will take you after 8pm and willing to drive you if it does not suit them...And a course is more around 2000thb than 90 there


One more thread which will end in Taxi bashing.

If you re so upset with the profession why not hire a personnal driver, buy your own car or just walk?

I had very few problems with taxi and i am in bkk for more than 7 years now.

Once in a while some of them just don t put the meter on, i just tell them if there is no meter to stop and i wait for another one.

With so many taxis in this city, not finding one who is willing to take you is just more than bad luck.

Those taxis make a 12 hour shift in general 6 days a week and probably more, and yet some people here don t understand than some of them just don t have the time, patience, or don t see the point to drive to, let's say : pantip at 6pm a friday....

With such low fare unhappy taxi users should buy a car or walk..

Go have a look at Paris or London, the fare price and how many are willing to take you especially after 8pm

'Go have a look at Paris or London, the fare price and how many are willing to take you especially after 8pm ...' BS! They're legally required to take the fares. You might get the odd one, and for a specific reason, such as drunken passengers. But in Thailand, it isn't the exception; more the rule.

I don t know where you grab your taxi : maybe exclusively in Suk 4, 11 or some place like this : 95% of the taxi I take are fair, polite and sobers...

Not went to London for a while but i can testify that most of the taxis in France are worse than the ones in Thailand. And try to find a taxi in Paris who will take you after 8pm and willing to drive you if it does not suit them...And a course is more around 2000thb than 90 there

For me, it mostly seems to happen in places where I'm white.


Bad title for this article.

They didn't take action against the list.

They took action against the drivers on the list.

And if the drivers had enough money to pay them, they would have taken action against the list and poster of the list.


In London: Try getting a Taxi to take you from the west end to up the old Kent Road.

And a cab from Heathrow to South London is over a hundred nicker! Bangkok taxis are cheap, metered, clean and usually give good service. About 1 in 10 don't want to take me where I'm going and often with good reason. Taxi driving in a big city is a tough job and in Thailand badly paid after all the expenses. They should raise the taxi fare by about 500% for BKK drivers. That would show the government 'doing something.'

What we should have here is a shit list for TV bigots and whiners!

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