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Indonesia executes drug convicts, defying global anger


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A lengthy but fascinating interview with an Australian man on the blackmail that goes on in the Indonesian "justice" system. Two interviews, one 10 years ago and another this year where he has blown the whistle on the prosecutors, police and lawyers. All backed up with evidence.


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Somehow everyone is focusing on those who got punishment ....

Humanity is getting more and more ugly face ...

Punishment is punishment but by death ? like eye for eye...?

And some is calling them self's civilized.???

Not so long ago people burned on stakes because of same kind who today wants death penalty.

Nothing changed .....even today

In one hand with mobile phone and laptop and axe in other....clap2.gif writing "smart" thoughts....

Bravo nothing more to say... Just like in Armstrong song... "Beautiful world"wink.png


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Australia has withdrawn thier ambassador and suspended political ties with indonesia.

These people knew the laws and consequences, they didn't give a single thought about the lives of others they were destroying. They broke the law and paid for it. The execution of drug dealers is no loss to society, the trash has been taken out.

The best retaliatory action the Australians could do would be to issue the most stern 'do not travel' warning to Indonesia - the one that voids all travel insurance policies and implement economic sanctions.

All but one of those executed were foreigners and probably not of the same religion which suggests some politician sabre rattling to gain a few votes.

This country needs to be punished for its barbaric and medieval ways.

It's an Indonesian law and if people have no regard for it, they know the consequences if caught. The Australian Government should respect this and stop interfering in other countries Affairs. Using threats is no brain diplomacy.

It appears to me , the Australian Government cares more about the poor drug mules than they do about the hundreds of victims of the drugs that have destroyed their lives

(I am Australian)

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I haven't read through all of the post. But it has been proven that the death penalty doesn't solve anything. Even more so, people are being found innocent after years, like just in the case of the philippina, someone stepping forward. Capital punishment should be a thing of the past.

Sent from my S4 LTE

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Australia has withdrawn thier ambassador and suspended political ties with indonesia.

These people knew the laws and consequences, they didn't give a single thought about the lives of others they were destroying. They broke the law and paid for it. The execution of drug dealers is no loss to society, the trash has been taken out.

The best retaliatory action the Australians could do would be to issue the most stern 'do not travel' warning to Indonesia - the one that voids all travel insurance policies and implement economic sanctions.

All but one of those executed were foreigners and probably not of the same religion which suggests some politician sabre rattling to gain a few votes.

This country needs to be punished for its barbaric and medieval ways.

It's an Indonesian law and if people have no regard for it, they know the consequences if caught. The Australian Government should respect this and stop interfering in other countries Affairs. Using threats is no brain diplomacy.

It appears to me , the Australian Government cares more about the poor drug mules than they do about the hundreds of victims of the drugs that have destroyed their lives

(I am Australian)

And if someone puts a gun to your children's head, move the drugs, or otherwise. You are naive.

Sent from my S4 LTE

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The punishment may be harsh, but future drug smugglers will avoid Indonesia.

Perhaps they will transit via the Philippines or Vietnam instead.

People should watch the TV show "Banged Up Abroad".

In my youth, I saw "Midnight Express", which put me off drug running inTurkey - the film worked as a deterrent for the impressionable me.

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Do the crime pay the penalty, these peddlers of death and misery have been rightly found guilty and they knew what the penalty would be if caught, they gambled for money and lost. So why all the whining? pity you do not see half as much when all the innocent Christians, gays and even people guilty of dancing are beheaded by the Taliban and Isis, ah but then none of them were Australians were they.

The Christians, gays and people dancing were innocent? I say "Do the crime pay the penalty" and "they knew what the penalty would be if caught....So why all the whining?

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The state/government should not have the right to end life. But the drugcriminals should have picked a better country to peddle drugs obviously. If you do the crime by free will in a fully well mental state and isnt in a economically desperate situation then you maybe should accept your fate.

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Several standards in Indonesian "justice" Tommy Suharto spent two years in a specially built luxury jail in an offshore island, his crime ? Had the judge who convicted him of fraud in a land deal killed. Sentence was 10 years but let out early for "good behavior"

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Several standards in Indonesian "justice" Tommy Suharto spent two years in a specially built luxury jail in an offshore island, his crime ? Had the judge who convicted him of fraud in a land deal killed. Sentence was 10 years but let out early for "good behavior"

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The state/government should not have the right to end life. But the drugcriminals should have picked a better country to peddle drugs obviously. If you do the crime by free will in a fully well mental state and isnt in a economically desperate situation then you maybe should accept your fate.

Did they do the crime of their free will? yes

Were they in a fully well mental state? yes

Was it an economically depressed situation? no

Did they accept their fate? who cares.

Thanks for that detailed checklist.

I will refer to it every time I plan to commit a crime.

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The state/government should not have the right to end life. But the drugcriminals should have picked a better country to peddle drugs obviously. If you do the crime by free will in a fully well mental state and isnt in a economically desperate situation then you maybe should accept your fate.

Did they do the crime of their free will? yes

Were they in a fully well mental state? yes

Was it an economically depressed situation? no

Did they accept their fate? who cares.

Thanks for that detailed checklist.

I will refer to it every time I plan to commit a crime.

My pleasure.

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The president is a crook. End of. These guys deserve punishment but a bullet is too much. Global drug war a farce. These types of cases will slowly alter global opinions despite what the death penalty for drug mules cheerleaders say. Kudos to the aussie PM for manning up where others would have done nada

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They also wanted to help young people by talking to them about the dangers of drugs, and who better than a reformed drug seller?

Who better than a reformed drug seller to talk about the dangers of drugs ??

If you want a lecture on the danger of drugs. Talk to a reformed drug addict, not a seller.

Chan was a former addict

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These drug smugglers are no more responsible for the actions of irresponsible drug takers than are gun dealers for the irresponsible actions of gun owners.

So the suppliers of drugs are not responsible for the deaths they cause and the robber is not responsible for murder just because the householder woke up and he "slapped" him.

What a thick ????????crazy.gifcrazy.gif

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Indonesia has to put the low level drug runners to death so that they can then serve the same sentence to the drug lords. Soon you will see some rich and powerful drug lords in Indonesia before a firing squad.

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the hang'em high brigade are not intelligent enough to understand the subtleties of the issue, they can only react as they've been taught to.

Killing someone for marijuana is just wrong. It is legal in some countries.

It would be like killing Indonesian Muslims for shisha tobacco in Australia.

I can understand regarding hard additive drugs but Pot ?

Most of these people were in possession of heroin. Nothing to do with pot.
perhaps I am mistaken but I thought two were busted smuggling Marijuana. Can anyone confirm for sure ...

Yes for sure - 100% it was 8 pounds of Heroin or so. Nothing to do with pot, you may have your wires crossed with some other story.

Anyhow, Despite the zealous hang em high brigade and all their predictable comments, I don't think these men deserved to die. The war on drugs and all that it entails, and the stories of these lowly drug smugglers and the choices they made are a lot more complex than "Drugs are bad, drug peddling scum deserve to die".

The realisation that the current war on drugs has achieved nothing, except filling up prisons with users and street dealers and lining the pockets of the top tier druglords, is starting to gain traction around the world, but change is slow and altering peoples perceptions is slower. Hopefully one day though this will change.

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The President won the election because of one of his promises to bring back the death penalty to persons convicted of drug smuggling.

The President had to follow through and have these people executed for two reasons, one was to keep his promise to the Indonesian people who elected him in and the second was to save face. That is about the bottom line of it.

It really did not matter how many other country's asked for clemency for their citizens, it was not going to happen, to save face.

He really lost face when he authorised the execution of these 8 people and asked for clemency for his people on death row overseas.

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the hang'em high brigade are not intelligent enough to understand the subtleties of the issue, they can only react as they've been taught to.

Can you think of a more effective way to publicize the fact that one should not try and smuggle drugs into Indonesia?

Can you?

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That's the difference when you execute foreigners and pretty much only foreigners.

Didn't they execute the three Bali bombers and weren't they from Indonesia?

That was years ago and under a different president.

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You forgot to mention that they had also found God.

Yes. It is remarkable the amount of people that apparently find '' God '' when they are about to get whacked.

Where was their '' God '' when they were peddling their filthy heroin ?

In roughly the same place as the Indonesian generals and politicians who make money from the drug trade in Indonesia then come out in the media to lament the 'drug menace' threatening their youth. I'm not defending the traffickers - I accept that Indonesia has the right to enforce their own clearly stated position on trafficking - it's the hypocrisy that reeks here, and I would say a lot of that also applies in Thailand. The elite couldnt give a fig about the health and welfare of the common people as long as they are making money, and I dont know any other industry where the profits at the top of the pyramid are so completely out of proportion to the risks for those at the bottom. None of that forced Chan and Sukumaran, both in fulltime employment back in Oz, to decide this was their ticket to easy money but the Veloso case highlights how easy it would be for the syndicates to find vulnerable 'cleanskins' to carry their product. The skeptics will even suggest that many of the couriers are given up to Police by the syndicates in return for allowing even larger shipments through their borders.

Relevant part highlighted by me.

You want to have a bash at telling me what Country the highlighted part, DOES NOT apply to ?

Mr WW. With the greatest of respect. You really need to broaden your outlook on life.

You win - I'm not here to be told my 'outlook on life' doesnt measure up to your high standards.

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Death penalty is an abomination wherever it exists. But as punishment for drug offenses it's very stupid. It has never stopped illegal drug distribution. Why would it? Increasing the risks of the drug business just raises the price of the drugs to the point that someone else is willing to take the risks. But the people who love punishment continue to love it no matter how little it accomplishes.

Well it would help a lot if they shot all the drug dealers at the back of the cop shop every day after their arrest instead of just a couple every so many years,people would think about that before they start or keep on dealing,,, there would be thousands of dealer less on the planet every day,,,
. Why do you have Doc in your Moniker, must mean Document, who thinks like this Mengele...
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Indonesia has to put the low level drug runners to death so that they can then serve the same sentence to the drug lords. Soon you will see some rich and powerful drug lords in Indonesia before a firing squad.

. Bologna ...
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A lengthy but fascinating interview with an Australian man on the blackmail that goes on in the Indonesian "justice" system. Two interviews, one 10 years ago and another this year where he has blown the whistle on the prosecutors, police and lawyers. All backed up with evidence.


. Link didn't work, sounds interesting too
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