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Indonesia executes drug convicts, defying global anger


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From a post above: Call me odd, if you want... OK, you're odd. Anything else?

Yeppers, he's odd. Openly admitting to such things is silly.

Aww, please don't call me odd, pleeeeaaase. Seriously tho, I've been called worse. Ask my ex-wives, and people who borrowed money and never paid it back.

Here are some people considered odd, before they became famous:

Albert Einstein . . . Van Gough . . . Martin Luther King . . . any impressionist painter . . . Galileo . . . Charles Darwin . . . Jimi Hendrix . . . Jesus . . . Alan Ginsberg . . .

Thanks for putting me in such impressive company. Got any other typecasting names you'd like to bandy around?

Note, most of them (mentioned above) were creative thinkers, and not self-restricted to thinking like the status quo, which fits those (in this topic) who relish the killing of the small-time drug mules in Indonesia.

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The whole World should condemn this barbaric act and unanimously walk away from the sh1thole that Indonesia has become.

The hypocrisy in these executions is unbelievable when you see that terrorists already convicted of playing major roles in the killing of hundreds of innocents have already walked free under the same regime.

I recall that at least three Bali bombers were executed.

Edited by DavisH
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Indo.....a muslim hell hole. Oz takes the 600 mill away.....there screwd.....its like living next door to a bunch of apes that know how to steal hubcaps

You may want to read up on who actually benefits from that aid...and it's not Indonesia! Think...Oil and gas reserves, for a start.

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I find it a little disturbing that nearly all of those who were murdered today are foreigners. Only one was from Indonesia.

This sounds political or worse still religiously motivated to me.

To me it sounds like the locals are more aware and cautious of it, same in the USA if you kill someone you can be killed yourself same here, you know before you do it, then if you do break that law, you have chosen to bring that up on yourself, dont cry about it once you are caught

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I think Indonesia was making a stand on principle in terms of not bowing to pressure from Australia, however, it's unlikely that clemency would have ever been granted whatever the circumstances, although in my opinion it should have been.

In their early twenties when arrested they were guilty of stupidity and greed and were, in fact, only low level dealers. Sure, they deserved to be punished, and they were, spending 9 years on death row in the hell hole of an Indonesian prison. As Andrew Chan's brother rightly pointed out, he was the victim of a flawed legal system. Both were victims of not only a flawed legal system but a totally inhumane one as well.

They were victims of their own idiocy !! Anything else followed along after that. coffee1.gif We need to stop blaming everyone else.

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Indo.....a muslim hell hole. Oz takes the 600 mill away.....there screwd.....its like living next door to a bunch of apes that know how to steal hubcaps

Aid for Indonesia, for a number of reasons, is in Australia's national interest and is not a charity donation. Should you wish to transform your lack of knowledge & bring yourself up-to-date have a read of the DFAT site & the link below; a sample quote:

"Indonesia is steadily moving up the economic league table. About three years ago its GDP overtook Australia’s. Indonesia will have the tenth largest economy in the world in 2030, when its GDP will be twice the size of Australia’s, according to a recent study by PricewaterhouseCoopers. By 2050 it will be ranked seventh, with a GDP perhaps three times Australia’s"


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Mr. Simple 1. If you are going to use statistics to make a point please make them relevant. Yes GDP (gross) of Indonesia is greater than Australia but so is their population 250 million vs 23 million, their GDP/capita US$3475 vs Australia US$67,459 (2013). Oh and another point you may have missed, the Sydney Morning Herald recently reported that Apples revenue bite could soon be bigger than Australia's. Do we need to be wary of Apple?

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Mr. Simple 1. If you are going to use statistics to make a point please make them relevant. Yes GDP (gross) of Indonesia is greater than Australia but so is their population 250 million vs 23 million, their GDP/capita US$3475 vs Australia US$67,459 (2013). Oh and another point you may have missed, the Sydney Morning Herald recently reported that Apples revenue bite could soon be bigger than Australia's. Do we need to be wary of Apple?

Sufficient to say I was responding to NickJ's, post below that was false and by inference his racist comment that I will not repeat.

"Oz takes the 600 mill away.....there screwd...."

Edited by simple1
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Did you never do anything stupid when young? If so, you're a better man than I.

I never did anything that had jail, much less the death penalty as a possible consequence. Somehow I always knew better but that's just me.

Likewise NS. I've said for many years that it doesn't matter how immature you are, how much peer pressure you come under, you know from publicity, personal experience, hearsay, any number of sources, that when you become involved in drugs it's a one way street.

I have great sympathy for these young guys who seem to have genuinely reformed, and of course, their families, but without doubt it wasn't their first run, and if they hadn't been apprehended, it wouldn't have been their last. Reform is an easy decision if it may give you a chance of life over death.

The incidence of repeat offending of those paroled in Australia is high across the spectrum of offence categories, so one would have to ask would these guys have been different?? It's been reported that one of the Nigerians executed continued to run his drug empire from prison....whilst on death row!!

Unfortunately the lure of fast money will continue to produce no shortage of people prepared to take the risk.

It seems there was a fair bit of politicking in this as well, and Widodo said some months ago that if he didn't enforce the decision, then his political career would be worth nothing. That's not exclusive to Indonesia.

I recall the last execution in Australia, when Ronald Ryan was hanged back about 1967, and then then Premier of Victoria, Sir Henry Bolte refused to intervene saying that the life of a petty criminal was worth a few points in the polls.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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When a filipina in KL is asked to travel to Indonesia with a new luggage given to her and to call a stranger after arrival, she should have realized that this is what drug mule do...calling a stranger on arrival. Did she provide this info after being arrested? I suspect not. If she did, she just provided the proof she was a drug mule. But then again we don't know all the story.

Some people are trusting and naive. This woman seems that way because another woman has handed herself into police and arrested for tricking the woman into being a drug mule.

The woman had no idea she was carrying drugs.

That poor woman was to be executed, how horrible thinking you are to be killed for being naive and trusting.

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.....when you become involved in drugs it's a one way street.

A 'one way street' ....to becoming president of the USA? GW Bush did coke. Bill Clinton smoked pot. Obama probably smoked pot. All presidents, except maybe Carter, drank liquor daily. Message to all entrepreneurs: Here's a new motto for a popular T-shirt: Do drugs: become president of the most powerful country in the world!"

or, 'a one way street' ....to fantastic musical success: Nearly every iconic musician had a drug problem. Same for half of Hollywood stars. Here's another T-shirt: "Do Drugs. Become a wildly successful Entertainer."

Or perhaps best of all: "Do Drugs, become filthy Rich" Numerous accounts of Wall Street heavies, making $1 million+/year attest to them being cocaine and quaalude junkies, besides drinking like Humphrey Bogart.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Here's a comparison of locals vs farang (re; subjectivity of criminalizing), in another SE Asian country; Thailand.

In Thailand, people can dump trash everywhere. In particular, truckloads of trash alongside country roads, just 100 to 200 meters from main roads. Is any Thai ever busted for dumping trash? Now segue to a downtown Bangkok: an unsuspecting farang may or may not drop a cig butt on the sidewalk. If he's unlucky, he'll be immediately taken in custody and forced to pay a Bt.2,000 fine.

Most Indonesians know the law in Indonesia, most visiting farang also know. However: how the law is administered is not equal, particularly if an Indonesian is caught (doing something bad) who is connected to a rich/powerful family or a religious Iman.

Edited by boomerangutang
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.....when you become involved in drugs it's a one way street.

A 'one way street' ....to becoming president of the USA? GW Bush did coke. Bill Clinton smoked pot. Obama probably smoked pot. All presidents, except maybe Carter, drank liquor daily. Message to all entrepreneurs: Here's a new motto for a popular T-shirt: Do drugs: become president of the most powerful country in the world!"

or, 'a one way street' ....to fantastic musical success: Nearly every iconic musician had a drug problem. Same for half of Hollywood stars. Here's another T-shirt: "Do Drugs. Become a wildly successful Entertainer."

Or perhaps best of all: "Do Drugs, become filthy Rich" Numerous accounts of Wall Street heavies, making $1 million+/year attest to them being cocaine and quaalude junkies, besides drinking like Humphrey Bogart.

What is missing from your analogy is did they do drugs before they were famous or did they do drugs because they were famous ?

A report from the very small UK.

Between 2011 and 2012, an estimated 8.9% of adults used an illegal drug. For young people aged between 16 and 24, the figure was 19.3%. Although this is the lowest level of drug use since we started collecting figures in 1996, drug misuse continues to have a negative effect on the health, wellbeing and quality of life of too many people.

It also drains public resources. For example, crimes related to drugs cost the UK £13.3 billion every year.


Emphasis mine.

£13.3 billion for 8.9% of the population. If you factor in the users that did not commit crime to fund their habit lets reduce that by 50%, so approx. 200,000 drug users cost the UK £ 13.3 Billion annually because of their habit.

Seems like a winner to me whistling.gifwhistling.gif

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I think Indonesia was making a stand on principle in terms of not bowing to pressure from Australia, however, it's unlikely that clemency would have ever been granted whatever the circumstances, although in my opinion it should have been.

In their early twenties when arrested they were guilty of stupidity and greed and were, in fact, only low level dealers. Sure, they deserved to be punished, and they were, spending 9 years on death row in the hell hole of an Indonesian prison. As Andrew Chan's brother rightly pointed out, he was the victim of a flawed legal system. Both were victims of not only a flawed legal system but a totally inhumane one as well.

A flawed legal system? And a totally inhumane one as well? Neither of these premises, you loudly proclaim, would apply if both those men had not been involved in criminal activity in the first instance !! People have to stop blaming all and sundry (except the criminals) and learn to recognise that if criminals practice their illegal activities then they are inviting punishment. Whether you agree about the severity of the punishment or not. coffee1.gif

And besides, Indonesia is not the only country in the world with the death penalty - where are all the "protestors" against their laws?

Edited by lvr181
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.....when you become involved in drugs it's a one way street.

A 'one way street' ....to becoming president of the USA? GW Bush did coke. Bill Clinton smoked pot. Obama probably smoked pot. All presidents, except maybe Carter, drank liquor daily. Message to all entrepreneurs: Here's a new motto for a popular T-shirt: Do drugs: become president of the most powerful country in the world!"

or, 'a one way street' ....to fantastic musical success: Nearly every iconic musician had a drug problem. Same for half of Hollywood stars. Here's another T-shirt: "Do Drugs. Become a wildly successful Entertainer."

Or perhaps best of all: "Do Drugs, become filthy Rich" Numerous accounts of Wall Street heavies, making $1 million+/year attest to them being cocaine and quaalude junkies, besides drinking like Humphrey Bogart.

What is missing from your analogy is did they do drugs before they were famous or did they do drugs because they were famous ?

A report from the very small UK.

Between 2011 and 2012, an estimated 8.9% of adults used an illegal drug. For young people aged between 16 and 24, the figure was 19.3%. Although this is the lowest level of drug use since we started collecting figures in 1996, drug misuse continues to have a negative effect on the health, wellbeing and quality of life of too many people.

It also drains public resources. For example, crimes related to drugs cost the UK £13.3 billion every year.


Emphasis mine.

£13.3 billion for 8.9% of the population. If you factor in the users that did not commit crime to fund their habit lets reduce that by 50%, so approx. 200,000 drug users cost the UK £ 13.3 Billion annually because of their habit.

Seems like a winner to me whistling.gifwhistling.gif

JPB asks: "What is missing from your analogy is did they do drugs before they were famous or did they do drugs because they were famous ?"

Bmrgutang responds: what does it matter; 'before or after?'. I was responding to a prior post which stated ''when you become involved in drugs it's a one way street." In other words (according to people who think like him), using drugs is a ''one way street" ....to death and destruction. I showed, with many examples, how that's not true. It's like saying 'drinking milk makes a person a murderer' ....because all murderers drank milk.

As for your other mention of money. Whether a person is a drug dealer or not, he/she can't be responsible for the ridiculous waste of money which is endemic to all governments. When Reagan was US president, he enabled defense contractors to share a tax-payer booty of 1 trillion dollars for a 'Star Wars' defense system which everyone (except maybe Reagan) knew was bogus. Are all Americans responsible for that wasteful spending? Well, you could say the dimwits who voted for Reagan were partly responsible. But blaming the drug dealers on the ridiculous expenditures of paranoid governments - for the losing 'War on Drugs' is nutzoid.

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Pick any one of your favorite musicians, and chances are 50/50 he/she was involved with illegal drugs. Now take half your favorite musicians and have them executed when just out of their teens. Bye bye to Ray Charles, U2, Kinks, Beatles, Muddy Waters, Janis Joplin, Doors, Rolling Stones, Led Zep, Thelonious Monk, Yardbirds, Police, Elton, Fleetwood Mac, Miles Davis, Tina Turner, Johnny Cash, The Who, Deep Purple, Eagles, ..... nearly all of them, plus tens of thousands of other great musicians would have been killed by Indonesian authorities before they (the musicians) put out their respective 2nd albums.

Really? U think Tina Turner was a drug mule? Lmao... hardly the same now is it?

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Pick any one of your favorite musicians, and chances are 50/50 he/she was involved with illegal drugs. Now take half your favorite musicians and have them executed when just out of their teens. Bye bye to Ray Charles, U2, Kinks, Beatles, Muddy Waters, Janis Joplin, Doors, Rolling Stones, Led Zep, Thelonious Monk, Yardbirds, Police, Elton, Fleetwood Mac, Miles Davis, Tina Turner, Johnny Cash, The Who, Deep Purple, Eagles, ..... nearly all of them, plus tens of thousands of other great musicians would have been killed by Indonesian authorities before they (the musicians) put out their respective 2nd albums.

Really? U think Tina Turner was a drug mule? Lmao... hardly the same now is it?
. I used to go to school with her son, he used to go in Ike's Goody Bag, Good Times...
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Bmrgutang responds: what does it matter; 'before or after?'. I was responding to a prior post which stated ''when you become involved in drugs it's a one way street." In other words (according to people who think like him), using drugs is a ''one way street" ....to death and destruction. I showed, with many examples, how that's not true. It's like saying 'drinking milk makes a person a murderer' ....because all murderers drank milk.

And I was responding to your post. Which said

A 'one way street' ....to becoming president of the USA? GW Bush did coke. Bill Clinton smoked pot. Obama probably smoked pot. All presidents, except maybe Carter, drank liquor daily. Message to all entrepreneurs: Here's a new motto for a popular T-shirt: Do drugs: become president of the most powerful country in the world!"

or, 'a one way street' ....to fantastic musical success: Nearly every iconic musician had a drug problem. Same for half of Hollywood stars. Here's another T-shirt: "Do Drugs. Become a wildly successful Entertainer."

Or perhaps best of all: "Do Drugs, become filthy Rich" Numerous accounts of Wall Street heavies, making $1 million+/year attest to them being cocaine and quaalude junkies, besides drinking like Humphrey Bogart.

Quite clearly there are some people that take drugs and can do so with a certain amount of responsibility.

The facts, as I posted, make these people a tiny minority.

Did your Wall Street heavies become rich due to their drug culture ? Or was it because of their Wall Street dealings ? I do not have any figures, but I would guess that the only people that get rich from drugs are those who peddle them and in some Countries the palms that they have to grease.

The drug users that costs Countries Billions every year, far outweigh the few that for the moment can use drugs with a certain amount of responsibility.

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Drugs are not a one way street to anything, any more than putting sugar in coffee or tea is a one way street to .....depravity and death.

Each case is individual. There are responsible pot smokers and opiate users, and there are as$holes. There are responsible whiskey drinkers and there are destructive drunks.

Making sweeping accusations based on 'War on Drugs' pap (perpetrated by such wise men as Richard Nixon), is archaic, close-minded way of thinking. It's like what parents who teach their children that all men who aren't familiar (strangers) are sexual predators. When facts show that most sexual predation of kids is perpetrated by people the kids know, including family members. Solution to voodoo drug ideas: Get informed. Don't just lap up all the crap that governments dish out.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Let us for a moment assume that they were convicted by a real court, on real evidence - not by a mickey mouse court, <deleted>land style.
The death penalty would still be a horror, an abomination.
But it would be a horror, an abomination that is not high on my list. After all, those people were serial murderers.

You've lost me there, who murdered who ?

Drug sellers murder their customers. Slowly.

Are you crazy!?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Let us for a moment assume that they were convicted by a real court, on real evidence - not by a mickey mouse court, <deleted>land style.

The death penalty would still be a horror, an abomination.

But it would be a horror, an abomination that is not high on my list. After all, those people were serial murderers.

You've lost me there, who murdered who ?

Drug sellers murder their customers. Slowly.

Are you crazy!?

Maybe he's referring to drug dealers named Johnny Walker, Seagrams, Chivas, Absolut, Budweiser and their buddies.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Drug sellers murder their customers. Slowly.

Are you crazy!?

Maybe he's referring to drug dealers named Johnny Walker, Seagrams, Chivas, Absolut, Budweiser and their buddies.

Are you a politician in training? whistling.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Let us for a moment assume that they were convicted by a real court, on real evidence - not by a mickey mouse court, <deleted>land style.
The death penalty would still be a horror, an abomination.
But it would be a horror, an abomination that is not high on my list. After all, those people were serial murderers.

You've lost me there, who murdered who ?

Drug sellers murder their customers. Slowly.

Are you crazy!?

Maybe he's referring to drug dealers named Johnny Walker, Seagrams, Chivas, Absolut, Budweiser and their buddies.
and nescafe, Starbucks and the like.
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I guess no one is wondering why the Aussie cops turned them into Indonesia after reading the above post. If Australia does not have a death penalty send the crooks some place that does. Makes sense to me. When the an Aussie cop does not agree with the law find a country that does it his way.

Edited by lostoday
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They wont smuggle drugs again and this is what it is really all about.


This is a post by a police officer regarding the hype around the Bali executions and it's something I think more Aussies need to read, ESPECIALLY Tony Abbott & Julie Bishop and all the other bleeding hearts................................................. I cant believe the mentality of people. I have been in law enforcement for 34 years and have worked in many areas within the force. After 9 years in, I spent nearly 5 years working as a UC. (Undercover) attempting to infiltrate traffickers of all types of drugs including amphets right down to simple choof. What a world of pain and misery. I was encased by the filth and self-destruction where I witnessed numerous deaths by either ODs or in a lot of cases suicides. Young girls selling their bodies for 10 bucks a go just to get their hands on their next fix. I remember one particular girl who hung around with the collection I was trying to set up. She was 14 when she was hooked and on the game by 15. Her body was so ripped and torn by drug and sexual abuse she had intestines falling out of her rectum as a result of numerous rapes and sexual encounters where she tried to get payment. Her child was taken off her when she was 15 by Human services but they could do nothing for her but supply treatment when they could. She died at 19. Alone in a back street. Where were you do-gooders. I saw you pass her on the street and avoid her all the time. I would give her food but she preferred to starve and get some smack rather than eat. I became depressed with my job after this time and had to eventually get into some other area. I guarantee any police officer who reads this will be thinking of some person they have dealt with in their career that fits this build. But all I see is you <deleted> wanna be Samaritans who treat these two drug kings as heroes. Ok I accept that you dont believe in the death penalty. I dont like it either. But I am sure as shit not going to call on the PM to Bring our boys home No boy of mine would do this. The media and the solicitors have played you people for the fools you are. You have never lived in the world of drug, crime and despair. You have been protected from it so much you live in the fantasy world where you believe you can hug everyone and all will be better. You are not qualified to even comment as to whether these guys should get parole or not. Have a look at our system. Or have you forgotten already. Adrian Bayley. You paroled him. You say the parole board stuffed up and parole him. But the parole board consists of people just like you. With your opinions and beliefs. That was a complete and utter failure. This piece of shit was a career rapist and the only ones we can blame for what he did is all of us. Not the judge. Not the Parole board or the police. Us. The decisions like this that are being made are by people who never have to deal with these <deleted> when they are in street mode committing crimes. You see them all clean shaven and in their court suits or white shirts becoming born again etc. You poor misguided fools. You dont even care about the effects of what they have done to our society. Our penalties used to be tough and crime was low. When I started in the police force 34 years ago we called it Marijuana It was the biggest thing on the street. Crime was not rampant. Then the drug importing began and the addiction, the shift to powders etc and suspended sentences and here we are. Well your system has worked hasnt it. Then you voice how much you hate police. But you ring us and run inside and hide whilst we come out and deal with the shit you dont have the <deleted> guts to deal with yourself. But you are right up there on your keyboards bravely shit canning the police for excessive force and filming it on your cameras. Here we are in Australia expecting the world to fall at our feet. Lets boycott Bali. Wow you heroes. That will fix them. Wont mean shit. You think Australia props up Bali. There are more tourist from Europe than Australia there. And its mostly the bogans one and only overseas holiday destination. Henry Chinn. Know him? Bet not. Well he is on death row in China for trying to smuggle 270 grams of meth into our lovely country in 2004. Have you given a shit about him yet? No. Why? Cos the media hasnt spoon fed you the crap to hype you up. Who are the two Aussies who were caught in China in last year trying to cart 75kg of ice to here? Davis and Gardiner. They are a couple. China has executed in excess of 1000 people in a 12 month period. But you still buy their shit every day. You hypocrites. These two Australians will be executed and you will still buy their product. Second chance you say. You think these people have no prior convictions. You think this is their first attempt. Wake up fools. Stop hugging yourselves. Two men died today because they broke a law in a country where they knew they faced death if caught. Had they have got away with it, there would be a countless number of 19 year old girls laying in the gutter dead. Quick run inside and tell yourself what a great person you are.

(ex NSW drug squad)

. More Arrogant Cop Talk, Spoonfed Brainwashed Crap, The War on Drugs is a Loser...

I guess you're entitled to your opinion but have you had any long term dealings with the effects of hard drug use? What are your viable alternatives? coffee1.gif

Before you denigrate OZEMADE's comments, think first whistling.gif

. I Lived in a DEA Household, I lived in San Francisco '68 - 2015, Do I know about Drug Use, What Do You Think??? I Also Know How a Government Treats Their Deceased and Their Families, Skeletons in the Closet, Let Me Tell You, Not ... Decriminalization and Treatment if Wanted, Most People are in Denial, Some People Have Destructive Personalities, You'll have have to have a Think- Tank to figure out alternatives.The War On a Drugs Is Lost. Btw I have a Dead Friends List Edited by Dannyboy666
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They wont smuggle drugs again and this is what it is really all about.


This is a post by a police officer regarding the hype around the Bali executions and it's something I think more Aussies need to read, ESPECIALLY Tony Abbott & Julie Bishop and all the other bleeding hearts................................................. I cant believe the mentality of people. I have been in law enforcement for 34 years and have worked in many areas within the force. After 9 years in, I spent nearly 5 years working as a UC. (Undercover) attempting to infiltrate traffickers of all types of drugs including amphets right down to simple choof. What a world of pain and misery. I was encased by the filth and self-destruction where I witnessed numerous deaths by either ODs or in a lot of cases suicides. Young girls selling their bodies for 10 bucks a go just to get their hands on their next fix. I remember one particular girl who hung around with the collection I was trying to set up. She was 14 when she was hooked and on the game by 15. Her body was so ripped and torn by drug and sexual abuse she had intestines falling out of her rectum as a result of numerous rapes and sexual encounters where she tried to get payment. Her child was taken off her when she was 15 by Human services but they could do nothing for her but supply treatment when they could. She died at 19. Alone in a back street. Where were you do-gooders. I saw you pass her on the street and avoid her all the time. I would give her food but she preferred to starve and get some smack rather than eat. I became depressed with my job after this time and had to eventually get into some other area. I guarantee any police officer who reads this will be thinking of some person they have dealt with in their career that fits this build. But all I see is you <deleted> wanna be Samaritans who treat these two drug kings as heroes. Ok I accept that you dont believe in the death penalty. I dont like it either. But I am sure as shit not going to call on the PM to Bring our boys home No boy of mine would do this. The media and the solicitors have played you people for the fools you are. You have never lived in the world of drug, crime and despair. You have been protected from it so much you live in the fantasy world where you believe you can hug everyone and all will be better. You are not qualified to even comment as to whether these guys should get parole or not. Have a look at our system. Or have you forgotten already. Adrian Bayley. You paroled him. You say the parole board stuffed up and parole him. But the parole board consists of people just like you. With your opinions and beliefs. That was a complete and utter failure. This piece of shit was a career rapist and the only ones we can blame for what he did is all of us. Not the judge. Not the Parole board or the police. Us. The decisions like this that are being made are by people who never have to deal with these <deleted> when they are in street mode committing crimes. You see them all clean shaven and in their court suits or white shirts becoming born again etc. You poor misguided fools. You dont even care about the effects of what they have done to our society. Our penalties used to be tough and crime was low. When I started in the police force 34 years ago we called it Marijuana It was the biggest thing on the street. Crime was not rampant. Then the drug importing began and the addiction, the shift to powders etc and suspended sentences and here we are. Well your system has worked hasnt it. Then you voice how much you hate police. But you ring us and run inside and hide whilst we come out and deal with the shit you dont have the <deleted> guts to deal with yourself. But you are right up there on your keyboards bravely shit canning the police for excessive force and filming it on your cameras. Here we are in Australia expecting the world to fall at our feet. Lets boycott Bali. Wow you heroes. That will fix them. Wont mean shit. You think Australia props up Bali. There are more tourist from Europe than Australia there. And its mostly the bogans one and only overseas holiday destination. Henry Chinn. Know him? Bet not. Well he is on death row in China for trying to smuggle 270 grams of meth into our lovely country in 2004. Have you given a shit about him yet? No. Why? Cos the media hasnt spoon fed you the crap to hype you up. Who are the two Aussies who were caught in China in last year trying to cart 75kg of ice to here? Davis and Gardiner. They are a couple. China has executed in excess of 1000 people in a 12 month period. But you still buy their shit every day. You hypocrites. These two Australians will be executed and you will still buy their product. Second chance you say. You think these people have no prior convictions. You think this is their first attempt. Wake up fools. Stop hugging yourselves. Two men died today because they broke a law in a country where they knew they faced death if caught. Had they have got away with it, there would be a countless number of 19 year old girls laying in the gutter dead. Quick run inside and tell yourself what a great person you are.

(ex NSW drug squad)

Yes, we know some types of recreational drugs can be bad in some scenarios. What's needed is social services/counseling/compassion. What's not needed is the War on Drugs as it's been administered for the past 40 years - . The WOD has been a dismal failure. Here are some reasons why:

>>> makes drug king pins rich

>>> ensures inferior quality drugs hit the streets

>>> discourages people with drug problems from seeking qualified help

>>> runs prices up - leading to stealing and/or girls selling sexual favors.

The post above articulates the worst type scenario of a certain rec. drug. Perhaps the writer would like to write scenarios about the only legal rec. drug: alcohol. In a cumulative perspective, alcohol has destroyed many more lives than all illegal rec. drugs combined. The ratio could be 100 to 1. I don't recommend making alcohol illegal, but instead make all drugs legal, with masses of education and social service assistance. Drugs have been integral part of human existence for nearly as long as sex has. It's never going away. The best is to try to render their use as least harmful as possible. People are always going to indulge in self-abusive compulsions. It happens with eating, gambling, sex, going to war, cigarettes, coffee, pharma drugs, guns, sugar addiction, etc. ad nauseum. That girl who went downhill, it's a sad story, but much of her decline was self-inflicted. If she's been influenced by someone like me, she wouldn't have self-destructed, at least no so quickly. P.S. I'm not an alchie, like most Aussies are.

I say that ('not an alchie') because look at her influences. Every adult who pointed a finger at her with a stern look was probably an alcohol guzzler. What other type of adult is there in Australia? So she had adults telling her not to do such-n-such destructive drug, while the same adults were indulging in another type of destructive drug, and likely smoking cigs also. It's more than ironic, it's hypocritical. Society failed her, but most of all, she self-destructed.

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