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Obama criticizes black deaths by police, but also rioters


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Obama criticizes black deaths by police, but also rioters

WASHINGTON (AP) — Urging Americans to "do some soul-searching," President Barack Obama expressed deep frustration Tuesday over recurring black deaths at the hands of police, rioters responding with senseless violence and a society that will only "feign concern" without addressing the root causes.

"This is not new. It's been going on for decades," Obama said from the White House a day after rioting erupted 40 miles north in Baltimore following the funeral for Freddie Gray, who died of a spinal cord injury after being arrested.

Gray is the latest black man to die at the hands of police, prompting protests and calls for criminal justice reform. Some have criticized America's first black president for not speaking out forcefully enough as he tries to avoid criticism of law enforcement, and he responded by calling the deaths "a slow-rolling crisis."

"We have seen too many instances of what appears to be police officers interacting with individuals, primarily African-American, often poor, in ways that raise troubling questions. It comes up, it seems like, once a week now," Obama said. He said although such cases aren't unprecedented, there's new awareness as a result of cameras and social media. "We shouldn't pretend that it's new."

Still, Obama showed no sympathy for rioters, saying those who stole from businesses and burned buildings and cars should be treated as criminals. Obama said they distracted from days of peaceful protests focused on legitimate concerns "over the possibility that our laws were not applied evenly in the case of Mr. Gray and that accountability needs to exist."

"There's no excuse for the kind of violence that we saw yesterday," Obama said. "It is counterproductive. When individuals get crowbars and start prying open doors to loot, they're not protesting, they're not making a statement, they're stealing."

But he also criticized a society that doesn't do enough to uplift poor minority communities. He said the solution to deep-seeded problems that spur violence include early education, criminal justice reform and job training, while suggesting that kind of a response is out of reach with a Republican Congress. "I'm under no illusion that out of this Congress we're going to get massive investments in urban communities," Obama said.

"It's too easy to ignore those problems or to treat them just as a law-and-order issue as opposed to a broader social issue," Obama said.

The president spoke during a state visit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, at one point apologizing to his guest for taking nearly 15 minutes of their news conference to discuss it. "I felt pretty strongly about it," he said.

In an attempt to connect directly with Americans struggling with the issue, Obama taped an interview Tuesday with "The Steve Harvey Morning Show," a radio show targeting primarily African-American audiences. The interview was to air Wednesday morning, the White House said.

In his news conference earlier, Obama said America should not just pay attention to these communities "when a CVS burns" or when "a young man gets shot or has his spine snapped." He said he can't force police departments across the country to retrain their officers, but he can work with them and help pay for body cameras to improve accountability.

"In those environments, if we think that we're just going to send the police to do the dirty work of containing the problems that arise there, without as a nation and as a society saying what can we do to change those communities, to help lift up those communities and give those kids opportunity, then we're not going to solve this problem," he said. "And we'll go through the same cycles of periodic conflicts between the police and communities and the occasional riots in the streets. And everybody will feign concern until it goes away and then we go about our business as usual."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-04-29

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His comments are not those of an inspirational and dynamic leader. They are the comments of an intelligent observer.

Good point.

Everything he said makes very good sense.

Will it help the current situation and prevent future ones?


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As long as the many successful, educated and caring black citizens investing in the future of all their fellow black man and woman through philanthropy and charitable deeds remains a pitifully small minority, the haters will always be able to blame an oppressive white majority for all their woes.

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According to CNN, which is not a conservative news outlet, in the United States in the year 2014, the number of people killed by police, by race, is as follows:

African-American (black): 233

white: 414

Hispanic: 138

Asian: 15

Unreported race: 311

Personally, I'm not a fan of either major party in America, however, Obama is not a uniter of the people. It's not his race. He's just divisive, and seeks opportunities to focus on division, which he has done in every instance of a black being killed/injured by "other" races/police/whatever. Where's the outrage by Obama, the pretender in chief, about how many whites are being killed? It doesn't fit his agenda.

The problem for a lot of white Americans is that Obama is black.

The problem for a lot of black Americans is that Obama isn't black.

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Among the police there are many thugs/scum.

Among the rioters there are many thugs/scum.

The police just happens to stand on the right side.

There is no solution. If there was the problem would have been solved.

If there is a light it would be through education. I am afraid the same problem arises there.

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Unfortunately in the police force you have a few bad apples and they will never change.

I was passing the polis box at dongtan beach/ Jomtien beach road the other evening on my way home. There was a white guy in a Thai police uniform. Shaved head, stood like a fighter chicken ready to strike. A Russian couple had bought their dinner and a beer at 7/11 and was on the way to sit down and eat and he struck like a king cobra. Told them yo sit some where else. That he corrected them was not wrong but the aggressive way it was done was wrong.

The Russians got upset and with a good reason. I see this behavior daily from police in the states but did not expect it here in Thailand. When I read this article wish was good advice from the president but I realize after this incident with the Russians that we will always have people that try to get into a uniform only to show their power, I thought here in Thailand that the white tourist police are here to help the tourists not to act out their sadistic uniform fetish. But was wrong. Can't understand why they have to shave their hair and put a stick up their ass so they are standing straight and have the bad attitude. So you have this behavior from police every where, and it will create conflicts and fights.

There are clubs for people with S/M and uniform fetish both for pain giver and pain taker even here in Thailand, I believe this type of police guys belongs better there then on the streets.

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According to CNN, which is not a conservative news outlet, in the United States in the year 2014, the number of people killed by police, by race, is as follows:

African-American (black): 233

white: 414

Hispanic: 138

Asian: 15

Unreported race: 311

Personally, I'm not a fan of either major party in America, however, Obama is not a uniter of the people. It's not his race. He's just divisive, and seeks opportunities to focus on division, which he has done in every instance of a black being killed/injured by "other" races/police/whatever. Where's the outrage by Obama, the pretender in chief, about how many whites are being killed? It doesn't fit his agenda.

How many whites were shot in the back while unarmed?

How many whites had their spines snapped?

How many whites were choked to death by the police on an open New York Street?

How many whites were walking on the highway when police just felt like doing this to them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnpT6GLk6a0

The outrage would be there if it was apples to apples but it's apples to oranges.

It's obvious you don't like the Kenyan in Chief, but at least grow a brain to post something rational rather than make yourself look like a total racist idiot before posting something.

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JDGruen, you are absolutely correct. NanLaew, you haven't a clue. As an American, I can speak directly to your statement where you say the problem is that whites have with O is that he's black, and that blacks have a problem with O that he isn't black. Completely wrong. Obama won two back to back elections in a country where whites are the majority. Somehow this has escaped your radar? The problem that many (whites, blacks, asians, others) have with Obama is that he is a lying, cheating, race-baiting, anti-American, dishonest, low life divisive scumbag of the worst kind. He is the most divisive president in American history. The people who love him, regardless of race, somehow disregard all his character flaws, lack of integrity, lying and race baiting, which simply shows that they themselves lack character and integrity. JD hit it right on the head when he described the reasons why people don't like Obama.

Anti-American? You call the President who killed Bin Laden Anti-American? You're nuts.

I say the president who was busy playing golf while a memo from Condi Rice titled "Bin Laden determined to attack United States" was collecting dust on his desk is Anti-American.

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If Obama had been white and acted the same way -- he would have been impeached by now.

Why wasn't W impeached for drowning a whole American City? That's over 9000 people killed - AMERICANS. Where's the impeachment?

Edited by JakeSully
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If Obama had been white and acted the same way -- he would have been impeached by now.

Why wasn't W impeached for drowning a whole American City? That's over 9000 people killed - AMERICANS. Where's the impeachment?

Maybe they were waiting for a liberal progressive outsider to jump in and lead the charge.

Go for it.

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NOTE: This is a post that will traffic other roads some may not at first realize lead to the OP- but these roads lead directly to this OP. Read. Don't read. I enjoyed writing it.

Obama nurtures the narrative of injustice; it would be remiss if this was watered down or overlooked. His entire life has been in black militant theology community organizing. Remember what happened 40 years ago... not riots, the implementation of the Great Society (approx. I know, more). The same arguments exist then as now so, sure you can speak to that perception, its timeless when victimization is cultivated. You can also speak to the reality that it does seem something awful is happening with increasing frequency to various black men in the US. At least two of them recently appalled me- neither was in FL or MO. (The guy who died in NY deeply pissed me off. I was claustrophobic just watching that poor man suffocate; also the man recently assassinated in the back).

Yet statistically white people are shot more by police. The liberal arm of the progressive and Democratic party- the media, does not talk about this. They also do not talk about the many hundreds of gang beatings and brutal rampages that have been happening throughout Amerika these past few years, unprovoked! Perhaps some should read and or note the related, exhaustive, documentation such as White Girl Bleed A Lot. There is an issue of racial problems in the US and it is being intentionally fostered by subordinating an already hungry downtrodden minority community to criminal immigrants who compete for jobs and benefits. Black Amerika has never had as much opportunity (relatively and absolutely) as since Obama and this president does not raise people up with Emerson's Self Reliance, or even leave pulpit agitation to his cabinet or press secretary. He wades directly into every racial issue with the Presidency itself, not just the man. The two can be divided, and a simple proof of this is contained in the governing principles of the Secret Service- it is the office, less the man, who must remain aloof, detached, beyond injury, by self or otherwise- the Office. Obama abuses his Office, while claiming ethnic solidarity by altering his voice when speaking to black Amerika.



Under Obama black America has fared the worst since... end of statement. They have simply fared the worst since Jim Crow days. Under Obama black America has become hopelessly despondent. Under the Balkanization concept of progressive politics and governing the media ignores one central portion of the narrative but exaggerates or manufactures the remainder. This is illustrated well by the female and news crew in VA who were viciously beaten and assaulted because they were white but could not even get their own story to go national-





If people lack the intellectual tools to probe this issue and grasp what is taking place they will never be more than a victim; if not a victim personally, then a citizen victim of the violently changing demographics. Videos are worth more words that pictures:


There is an intentional denial of the degradation of America. Every effort is being made to hold it together at the seams but mark my words, the US government is actually anticipating and actually planning for "it" to fall apart at any moment. Personally, while the issue is topically racial and white and black the real issue is division and the instigation of jealousy and rage, have and have not, and the perception of rightful due- equality in outcomes. Obama consistently sends messages that were you black, on the edge, at a black panther meeting tonight, you would know you have passive endorsement. Everyone knows real or perceived issues aside, black America is a more a victim of government and the Great Society than anything else.

Lastly, you can slice the data anyway you want, something real and palpable is happening regarding America becoming "unsettled"- Obama fuels "it" while DHS massively prepares for "it" to such a degree that congressional inquiries are demanding to know why DHS is preparing for widespread civil disturbances. Balkanization; if you dont know it, learn it. This is not conspiracy theory; take a moment, skim these points:




Massive arms build up for civil law enforcement (also buying massive amounts of hollow point ammo):




All context considered, it is at a minimum alarming. If all these disparate observations have legitimate explanations then there is little effort to assauge the growing sense of a Leviathan out of control. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

(Mod: pls permit the occasional Latin).

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According to CNN, which is not a conservative news outlet, in the United States in the year 2014, the number of people killed by police, by race, is as follows:

African-American (black): 233

white: 414

Hispanic: 138

Asian: 15

Unreported race: 311

Personally, I'm not a fan of either major party in America, however, Obama is not a uniter of the people. It's not his race. He's just divisive, and seeks opportunities to focus on division, which he has done in every instance of a black being killed/injured by "other" races/police/whatever. Where's the outrage by Obama, the pretender in chief, about how many whites are being killed? It doesn't fit his agenda.

How many whites were shot in the back while unarmed?

How many whites had their spines snapped?

How many whites were choked to death by the police on an open New York Street?

How many whites were walking on the highway when police just felt like doing this to them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnpT6GLk6a0

The outrage would be there if it was apples to apples but it's apples to oranges.

It's obvious you don't like the Kenyan in Chief, but at least grow a brain to post something rational rather than make yourself look like a total racist idiot before posting something.

So you are somehow assuming that the White people killed by police where quietly put under by lethal injection ... NO - they were shot or bludgeoned, hit by a police car, etc. Unfortunately there is a percentage of police officers in America who are out of control and they do this for the very most part regardless of race - creed or color... For these misfits - hopefully only a small percentage - just exercising extreme power over others is what gets them off in their sadistic minds -- Your assumption that it wasn't as I describe - equal opportunity police thugs - then you are way off base ... and spouting off with no proof.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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If Obama had been white and acted the same way -- he would have been impeached by now.

Why wasn't W impeached for drowning a whole American City? That's over 9000 people killed - AMERICANS. Where's the impeachment?

Maybe they were waiting for a liberal progressive outsider to jump in and lead the charge.

Go for it.

He wasn't impeached --because what you describe DID NOT HAPPEN... The Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of Louisiana hold responsibility for a great deal of the bad things that happened. You - are guilty of being a no nothing sponge that has devoured the huge meal of untruth -- propaganda spewed out by the hate Bush crowd and Democrat aligned news media... Bush via his incompetent FEMA Director most certainly holds responsibility for a good deal of the problem - but not impeachable offenses... Check out how the idiot New Orleans Governor - failed to properly evacuate citizens via the hundreds of school buses he had at his disposal - claiming he didn't have enough licensed drivers -- IN A DAMNED Approaching Monster hurricane -- he didn't have licensed drivers -- what and idiot --- grab competent people and load em up -- but he couldn't - he wouldn't - he was frozen in incompetence and fear. - so the people went into wade the water and the buses were flooded - photos abound. .. And the DEM Governor -- she delayed delayed delayed - until passed the last minute to authorize the declaration of a National Disaster -- which governors have to do by signing documents for Federal Assistance -- BET you never read that in the Daily Kos...

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JDGruen, you are absolutely correct. NanLaew, you haven't a clue. As an American, I can speak directly to your statement where you say the problem is that whites have with O is that he's black, and that blacks have a problem with O that he isn't black. Completely wrong. Obama won two back to back elections in a country where whites are the majority. Somehow this has escaped your radar? The problem that many (whites, blacks, asians, others) have with Obama is that he is a lying, cheating, race-baiting, anti-American, dishonest, low life divisive scumbag of the worst kind. He is the most divisive president in American history. The people who love him, regardless of race, somehow disregard all his character flaws, lack of integrity, lying and race baiting, which simply shows that they themselves lack character and integrity. JD hit it right on the head when he described the reasons why people don't like Obama.

Anti-American? You call the President who killed Bin Laden Anti-American? You're nuts.

I say the president who was busy playing golf while a memo from Condi Rice titled "Bin Laden determined to attack United States" was collecting dust on his desk is Anti-American.

You live in a liberal closet with only liberal windows in a liberal house in a liberal neighborhood --- and know or read or watch anything but liberal stuff... it is easy to liberals yearning to be leftist -- to know much of nothing about the real world.

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Among the police there are many thugs/scum.

Among the rioters there are many thugs/scum.

The police just happens to stand on the right side.

There is no solution. If there was the problem would have been solved.

If there is a light it would be through education. I am afraid the same problem arises there.

Every where on earth there are thugs/scum.

Whats the difference here and the 3rd world?

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According to CNN, which is not a conservative news outlet, in the United States in the year 2014, the number of people killed by police, by race, is as follows:

African-American (black): 233

white: 414

Hispanic: 138

Asian: 15

Unreported race: 311

Personally, I'm not a fan of either major party in America, however, Obama is not a uniter of the people. It's not his race. He's just divisive, and seeks opportunities to focus on division, which he has done in every instance of a black being killed/injured by "other" races/police/whatever. Where's the outrage by Obama, the pretender in chief, about how many whites are being killed? It doesn't fit his agenda.

How many whites were shot in the back while unarmed?

How many whites had their spines snapped?

How many whites were choked to death by the police on an open New York Street?

How many whites were walking on the highway when police just felt like doing this to them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnpT6GLk6a0

The outrage would be there if it was apples to apples but it's apples to oranges.

It's obvious you don't like the Kenyan in Chief, but at least grow a brain to post something rational rather than make yourself look like a total racist idiot before posting something.

I would like to ask the honorable Thai bashing brigade, how would you interpret this video?

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According to CNN, which is not a conservative news outlet, in the United States in the year 2014, the number of people killed by police, by race, is as follows:

African-American (black): 233

white: 414

Hispanic: 138

Asian: 15

Unreported race: 311

Personally, I'm not a fan of either major party in America, however, Obama is not a uniter of the people. It's not his race. He's just divisive, and seeks opportunities to focus on division, which he has done in every instance of a black being killed/injured by "other" races/police/whatever. Where's the outrage by Obama, the pretender in chief, about how many whites are being killed? It doesn't fit his agenda.

How many whites were shot in the back while unarmed?

How many whites had their spines snapped?

How many whites were choked to death by the police on an open New York Street?

How many whites were walking on the highway when police just felt like doing this to them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnpT6GLk6a0

The outrage would be there if it was apples to apples but it's apples to oranges.

It's obvious you don't like the Kenyan in Chief, but at least grow a brain to post something rational rather than make yourself look like a total racist idiot before posting something.

So you are somehow assuming that the White people killed by police where quietly put under by lethal injection ... NO - they were shot or bludgeoned, hit by a police car, etc. Unfortunately there is a percentage of police officers in America who are out of control and they do this for the very most part regardless of race - creed or color... For these misfits - hopefully only a small percentage - just exercising extreme power over others is what gets them off in their sadistic minds -- Your assumption that it wasn't as I describe - equal opportunity police thugs - then you are way off base ... and spouting off with no proof.

You call Obama divisive but this is only the latest flavor of the month. Remember Rodney King.. and what happened when the jury found the police officers not guilty despite the video?

No proof.. yep that's what the jury said spitting in the face of this:


How is that obama's fault? It's the same thing from the 90's happening again and again.

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JDGruen, you are absolutely correct. NanLaew, you haven't a clue. As an American, I can speak directly to your statement where you say the problem is that whites have with O is that he's black, and that blacks have a problem with O that he isn't black. Completely wrong. Obama won two back to back elections in a country where whites are the majority. Somehow this has escaped your radar? The problem that many (whites, blacks, asians, others) have with Obama is that he is a lying, cheating, race-baiting, anti-American, dishonest, low life divisive scumbag of the worst kind. He is the most divisive president in American history. The people who love him, regardless of race, somehow disregard all his character flaws, lack of integrity, lying and race baiting, which simply shows that they themselves lack character and integrity. JD hit it right on the head when he described the reasons why people don't like Obama.

Anti-American? You call the President who killed Bin Laden Anti-American? You're nuts.

I say the president who was busy playing golf while a memo from Condi Rice titled "Bin Laden determined to attack United States" was collecting dust on his desk is Anti-American.

Jakesully, it can equally be the case that Obama is anti-american and the former president shat the bed with regard to acting poorly on intel, even when it was screaming for action. It is possible, in theory, for two things to both be true. We know one of them is; Bush wrecked havoc under the cover of "for or against us." But what about Obama? Is he "Anti-American?" If reasonably appearing so than we can agree both things are true.

Obama is evidently opposed to many characteristics that have traditionally defined America, and defined American's sense of self. The collective sense is less manifest destiny and more exceptionalism- exceptionalism is not ethnocentric nor xenophobic; it simply insists America is qualitatively different than other countries. Indeed, through much of the defining periods- WWI, WWII, Cold War Era, Mao's Long March, etc- America did in fact stand as a shinning light on a hill (the judeochristian Zion imagery). America possessed what no other country did and this was both treasured, and generally respected abroad, if not actually admired. Obama has unequivocally rejected the notion that America possesses or did any core foundations, behaviors, mores or guiding documents that differ qualitatively from any other country in the world. He began making these opposition statements early on, abroad, on foreign soil, beginning in Cairo. By definition this is called hostile. So, Obama is opposed to both the institutional and quasi colonial nature of America's past. as he is decidedly opposed to the British colonial era (see grandfather, Kenya, and the removal of the bust of Churchill on first day of presidency). Obama is hostile to America. But is this also Anti-American or is there another standard?

When his wife can openly declared as an adult, when earning the presidency, that this is the "first time [she] is proud to be an American," is this an anti-American sentiment, and is Obama accountable by association? When Obama sat in the pews of Jeremiah Wright for decades and bathed in black militant theology and "...not god bless America... God damn America!" was vomited from the pulpit, is Obama accountable by association? Obama launched is modern political career in the living room of a known convicted American terrorist who sought to overthrow the United States Government, Bill Ayers; is Obama accountable by association. If not to any of the above, at what point are we defying sensibility and credulity? Of course only someone sympathetic would associate with others of the same ilk, palpably Anti-American.

Obama has repeatedly minimized the contributions of industrious Americans ("you didn't build that" while also fictitiously creating false histories of muslims building America. Obama directed the head of NASA that chief among his missions is to make muslims feel good about themselves. Obama's actions on nearly any issue can be predicted with utter accuracy based solely on the litmus test "is it good for America?" If the Answer is yes, his response will be a resounding no. One can go on ad infinitum, the verdict is overwhelmingly that this man holds America in contempt. A man such as this would be expected to manipulate and wade into local or regional or even national racial issues with all the savvy or a bull in a china shop- and he does! Under the cover of "there is no excuse for..." with regard to rioting Obama actually sends out other messages for the target audience and where this is not evident the agents from the civil rights section of the taxpayer funded justice department go around the country teaching classes on demonstrations, how to manipulate social media to strong-arm local police and politicians, how to shut down municipalities, etc. Obama may not be the death of America but Obama will be the cause of many deaths in America before he voluntarily leaves that office.

Note: Killing Osama or not is absolutely not as it appears but this is out of the box stuff related to the muslim brotherhood. I cannot imagine any single leader in the position he was in not making that call. But I also cant imagine any leader broadcasting it, compromising massive troves of time sensitive intel, and outing Navy SEALs. This can hardly be called a stellar act.

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According to CNN, which is not a conservative news outlet, in the United States in the year 2014, the number of people killed by police, by race, is as follows:

African-American (black): 233

white: 414

Hispanic: 138

Asian: 15

Unreported race: 311

Personally, I'm not a fan of either major party in America, however, Obama is not a uniter of the people. It's not his race. He's just divisive, and seeks opportunities to focus on division, which he has done in every instance of a black being killed/injured by "other" races/police/whatever. Where's the outrage by Obama, the pretender in chief, about how many whites are being killed? It doesn't fit his agenda.

Firstly let's note that 13.2 of the population in the US black and 77.7 is white

so there is a much higher percentage of blacks being killed than there are whites

I work for Union construction company in NYC and most of my crew is black , they are just as smart just as hard working just as pleasant as any one, The camaraderie , brotherhood and friendship between all of us black white and Hispanic is heart warming.

So the problem is not a black and white

I dont think the statistics were any different under Bush , so it is not an Obama problem

So what is the problem?

IMO it is a systemic problem that leaves a lot of inner city people trapped in a culture that encourages and promotes under education, luck of opportunity, and loss of hope ,

I saddens me to see all this human potential underutilized, it is bad for them and it is bad for the country

let's bring industry back to the US, lets put people to work,

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