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Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders: 'I am running for president'


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A trillion dollars of new spending and free stuff for everyone. Take all the money from the so-called one percent and his budget will still be short and of course what will you do next year when there is no one to confiscate from.

Also, corporations, if they are profitable, do not pay taxes. Those taxes are a part of the cost of doing business and factored into their cost of producing their goods and services, which, of course helps determine the price of those goods/services and the consumer will then pay that price.

No matter how much old Bernie wants us to believe, there is no free lunch.

His battle cry seems to be that if we can only take from others, our lives will be so much better. He is going nowhere in this election cycle, thankfully.

Yep time to crack a few eggs. Make the system more fairer so Americans can share in the prosperity not just an ever decreasing select elite multi billionaires.

There sure wont be anymore free lunches on Wall Street they will be working their butts off and busy paying their taxes for a change or Bernie will be dropping in for a chat and knocking a few heads together.

I saw him in Senate hearings giving Greenspan the rounds of the kitchen table. Sure gets his dander up when he is hearing BS. lol

Give em hell Bernie.

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Sorry to inform but he's dropping like a Bernie balloon in the polls against Hillary and in the head to heads democrat vs. republcans, Hillary does much better.

So you'd rather have Bernie nominated and lose to a clown like Trump or Carson than Hillary? Because that's what you'll get if you manage to nominate Bernie.

Real politics.

Keeping it real.

It's about what is POSSIBLE.

Edited by Jingthing
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Sorry to inform but he's dropping like a Bernie balloon in the polls against Hillary and in the head to heads democrat vs. republcans, Hillary does much better.

So you'd rather have Bernie nominated and lose to a clown like Trump or Carson than Hillary? Because that's what you'll get if you manage to nominate Bernie.

Real politics.

Keeping it real.

It's about what is POSSIBLE.

Stop raining on my parade Jingthing.

For what is best for Americans my choice is Bernie.

You are right Hillary polls much stronger against all Republicans so my head is with Hillary but my hearts with old Bernie.

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Sorry to inform but he's dropping like a Bernie balloon in the polls against Hillary and in the head to heads democrat vs. republcans, Hillary does much better.

So you'd rather have Bernie nominated and lose to a clown like Trump or Carson than Hillary? Because that's what you'll get if you manage to nominate Bernie.

Real politics.

Keeping it real.

It's about what is POSSIBLE.

Stop raining on my parade Jingthing.

For what is best for Americans my choice is Bernie.

You are right Hillary polls much stronger against all Republicans so my head is with Hillary but my hearts with old Bernie.

don't blame the weatherman for the rain

I have listen to Bernie and also like what he says but..... as much as I wish he could be elected I am afraid his chances are slim to non.

in today's presidential politics small margins make the difference

Bernie is Jewish and a Socialist, he is now preaching to the choir, and attracting large crowds that like choir, but eventually he will have to get out of the church. And there the dynamics change

as I said Bernie is Jewish and a Socialist and once you get out of the church there is enough negative sentiment against both to remove the small margin he needs to win.

Some might say that America was not ready for a black president yet Obama won, the answer to that is that any votes Obama lost because of his race, he gained because of his race and more. Where the number or voted Bernie loses because of his ethnicity can not be made up by his ethnicity.

Obama lost some of the white vote because of his race , but got most of the black vote , there are about 45 million blacks in the US

Bernie will lose a lot of votes because he is Jewish and a socialist, and it would be difficult to make up that margin because even if he get's 100% of the jewish vote, there are only 4.5 million Jews in the US and even fewer socialists.

the road to the white house goes through the south, and I am afraid Bernie will not play well in the south,If Bernie get's the nomination I am afraid we are looking at a Republican president,

Anyway I wish I am wrong but I dont think sosad.png so best you buy an umbrellalaugh.png

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Sorry to inform but he's dropping like a Bernie balloon in the polls against Hillary and in the head to heads democrat vs. republcans, Hillary does much better.

So you'd rather have Bernie nominated and lose to a clown like Trump or Carson than Hillary? Because that's what you'll get if you manage to nominate Bernie.

Real politics.

Keeping it real.

It's about what is POSSIBLE.

Stop raining on my parade Jingthing.

For what is best for Americans my choice is Bernie.

You are right Hillary polls much stronger against all Republicans so my head is with Hillary but my hearts with old Bernie.

When I was a little hippie boy I went door to door campaigning for Clean Gene McCarthy, the left wing peace candidate. It was fun to have so many doors slammed in my face. I guess that's what it's like for Mormons. Gene McCarthy actually had a chance. Bernie? Hmm.

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Bernie has released his first TV advert.

Great stuff Bernie. If Bernie is given a chance to do half what he hopes to achieve America could be twice the country it is today.

"A Future To Believe In"

Give em hell Bernie!

A trillion dollars of new spending and free stuff for everyone. Take all the money from the so-called one percent and his budget will still be short and of course what will you do next year when there is no one to confiscate from.

Also, corporations, if they are profitable, do not pay taxes. Those taxes are a part of the cost of doing business and factored into their cost of producing their goods and services, which, of course helps determine the price of those goods/services and the consumer will then pay that price.

No matter how much old Bernie wants us to believe, there is no free lunch.

His battle cry seems to be that if we can only take from others, our lives will be so much better. He is going nowhere in this election cycle, thankfully.

The consumers already pay the price. Taxes are what run a country whether you like them or not. The simplest form of taxation is one single percentage for everyone! Not perks, no freebies nothing. Every working person pays. The more you earn the more you pay BUT its not disproportionate. Who objects the most to this kind of idea.. Rich people, you would have thought they would be happy coming down from 40-50% tax. But of course not as in reality they NEVER pay anything near that amount!

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I think it is untrue that because someone is a socialist all their observations are wrong, or corrupt. Hardly, and this is the attraction; socialists can also observe the things that ail us all; in fact socialism excels at pandering to our divisions and embracing disparate grievances. There is nothing unique or even revolutionary in commenting on the real woes that ail a nation; fools do this all the time. Because Sanders notes our ills not make his socialist recipe the means to problem solve; socialist solutions will only quicken the demise of America. In fact, socialism inherently is incompatible with a representative republic. There is little reason to identify harbingers of the lapse of the American Republic. There is no reason to provide a list, note a prime evidence, etc., of the US's decline. All one has to do is note that Sanders is actually running of president and apparently has legitimacy and backing. This is self evidence enough to suggest the fall of this nation is near.

Anyone over 50, think about this: an avowed socialist is running for president, and making a good go of it too.

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He's got a number of issues making him unelectable.

Image: great for a professor at a liberal arts college. Not comfortable for mainstream Americans.

Socialist label: That is the total deal breaker. The same views without that label, not a big problem.

Jewish ethnicity: Not that big a problem. He's very secular. Definitely not running to be a Jewish president as Lieberman was openly running to be the first Jewish vice president. Arguably, and I would argue it, Gore-Lieberman WON that election. Many more votes and Florida was a fix.

And Lieberman was much more "Jewy" than Sanders ... to the point of being very religious and working on the sabbath was openly discussed as a political issue ... and his ticket STILL got more votes!

A more politically mainstream American Jew I think no problem. That Sanders is a far leftist Jew (by American standards, not by European standards) that's the problem.

Age: He's old. The number doesn't matter as much as his image which does indeed appear to be oldest in this race.

Bottom line: No way.

As far as whether American Jews care very much if there is ever a Jewish president, in my opinion, no, it's not a huge dream at all!

It's kind of interesting that it's not, but it's not. In some ways, I think the majority of American Jews would consider it more of a headache than it's worth. American Jews ALREADY get more than enough attention, in the U.S. and the world.

I think this presidential dream IS very important to American Latinos ... and clearly that's going to happen within the next 20 years.

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He's got a number of issues making him unelectable.

Image: great for a professor at a liberal arts college. Not comfortable for mainstream Americans.

Socialist label: That is the total deal breaker. The same views without that label, not a big problem.

Jewish ethnicity: Not that big a problem. He's very secular. Definitely not running to be a Jewish president as Lieberman was openly running to be the first Jewish vice president. Arguably, and I would argue it, Gore-Lieberman WON that election. Many more votes and Florida was a fix.

And Lieberman was much more "Jewy" than Sanders ... to the point of being very religious and working on the sabbath was openly discussed as a political issue ... and his ticket STILL got more votes!

A more mainstream American Jew I think no problem. That Sanders is a far leftist Jew (by American standards, not by European standards) that's the problem.

Age: He's old. The number doesn't matter as much as his image which does indeed appear to be oldest in this race.

Bottom line: No way.

As far as whether American Jews care very much if there is ever a Jewish president, in my opinion, no, it's not a huge dream at all!

Or one wight argue that without Lieberman Gore would have got a larger percentage making Florida moot.

As Head of the Daytona chapter of one of the larger fraternal organisation in the country, I had the opportunity to represent Daytona at organization functions, in the south east, for a yea rand I can tell you, the attitude I encounter toward minorities in that area was shocking to me,

I dont think the "good old boys" in that area will discern the difference between liberal , cultural, secular, etc Jewishness,

I will tell you one thing, what people say in public and what they say in private are two different things.

All the will see, will be Jew, and Communist by enough of a margine to make the difference,

I wish it was not so, and I could be wrong, but I dont thinkso.

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This is the problem with American politics today. Bernie cannot be elected because he is a Jew. Bernie cannot be elected because he is white, Bernie cannot be elected because he is a socialist boogeyman. The solutions that Bernie proposes just never come into it. Just meaningless rhetoric.

The cancers in the American economy. Wealth inequality, a below poverty line minimum wage and no 'living wage', Unaffordable health care and drugs, no investment in an education system, for profit prison system, Monopolised financial sector, Corporate greed, offshore tax evasion.

Republicans want more of the same.

Democrats say they want to do something but will really do little. Maybe a slight improvement.

Bernie wants to take these issues head on and solve them.

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Really, it's the socialist thing. That Trumps all his political liabilities.

That's just a political reality.

Different countries have their different red flags.

He was finished before he started.


I do understand your point Jingthing. Is it the word 'socialist' or the electorate not understanding the meaning of the word. I think Bernie is actually educating the electorate on the meaning of that word.

America has been a socialist country for a VERY long time.

The 'socialist boogeyman' in the 50's sure I can understand that fear-mongering but to not understand modern progressive socialist constructs and how they benefit and empower and mobilise a society in the 21st century to me seems quite bizarre.

What Bernie is advocating is like 'economics 101 vanilla' in modern progressive societies.

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America is being educated about the word socialist, are they?rolleyes.gif

Dream on.

It's not really happening to a significant degree.

Somewhat among younger people who mostly do not vote.

Some realities you just have to accept.

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This is the problem with American politics today. Bernie cannot be elected because he is a Jew. Bernie cannot be elected because he is white, Bernie cannot be elected because he is a socialist boogeyman. The solutions that Bernie proposes just never come into it. Just meaningless rhetoric.

The cancers in the American economy. Wealth inequality, a below poverty line minimum wage and no 'living wage', Unaffordable health care and drugs, no investment in an education system, for profit prison system, Monopolised financial sector, Corporate greed, offshore tax evasion.

Republicans want more of the same.

Democrats say they want to do something but will really do little. Maybe a slight improvement.

Bernie wants to take these issues head on and solve them.

Actually the reason old Bernie cannot get elected is the expensive, big government "solutions" that he proposes. You can blame it on religion and all the rest, but those are merely typical woe is me cop outs.

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America is being educated about the word socialist, are they?rolleyes.gif

Dream on.

It's not really happening to a significant degree.

Somewhat among younger people who mostly do not vote.

Some realities you just have to accept.

No doubt in my mind some are. Bernie is doing really well. Fund-raising what $24M from 1.3M donors is unprecedented. "Government of the people, by the people, for the people"? In contrast to "bought and paid for by the Koch Bros and Corporate America" and I include Hillary in that comment. Bernie is only beholden to 'The People'.

What is crucial is a BIG turnout. For Bernie to win there must be a minimum of 70% voter turnout. That will be crucial. Look at the democrat losses with a 36% turnout in the mid terms. Republicans cleaned up. A win by default the other side didn't even turn up for the game. Obama came to office on 57% voter turnout.

Right Wing Republicans will turn out no matter what. Their very survival depends on it each and every time and you don't need to even worry about rusted on right wingers their candidate could actually burn down Orphanages and they would still vote for them.

Bernie needs to play to Women, African American, Hispanic and the youngsters. Bernie needs them to turn up and vote. If they do Bernie wins.

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America is being educated about the word socialist, are they?rolleyes.gif

Dream on.

It's not really happening to a significant degree.

Somewhat among younger people who mostly do not vote.

Some realities you just have to accept.

No doubt in my mind some are. Bernie is doing really well. Fund-raising what $24M from 1.3M donors is unprecedented. "Government of the people, by the people, for the people"? In contrast to "bought and paid for by the Koch Bros and Corporate America" and I include Hillary in that comment. Bernie is only beholden to 'The People'.

What is crucial is a BIG turnout. For Bernie to win there must be a minimum of 70% voter turnout. That will be crucial. Look at the democrat losses with a 36% turnout in the mid terms. Republicans cleaned up. A win by default the other side didn't even turn up for the game. Obama came to office on 57% voter turnout.

Right Wing Republicans will turn out no matter what. Their very survival depends on it each and every time and you don't need to even worry about rusted on right wingers their candidate could actually burn down Orphanages and they would still vote for them.

Bernie needs to play to Women, African American, Hispanic and the youngsters. Bernie needs them to turn up and vote. If they do Bernie wins.

So sorry that the left wing acolytes talk big and never show up to vote.

By the way, you worry about big money - with the Bern's plans for free college etc that is estimated to cost $10 trillion, where do you think all that money will go, and more importantly, where or who will it come from?

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So sorry that the left wing acolytes talk big and never show up to vote.

By the way, you worry about big money - with the Bern's plans for free college etc that is estimated to cost $10 trillion, where do you think all that money will go, and more importantly, where or who will it come from?

I believe it will be levied on Wall Street speculators and in turn funded by Taxpayers. It will be paid to Schools and Universities to provide tuition free education. The best investment a Nation can make is the education of its children. It pays you back a thousand fold and future proofs your society. One of those horrific evil socialist programs. Scary aye. lol

Of course the 1 percenters and Wall street billionaires can't stand the concept. Not to worry they will survive just fine.

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So sorry that the left wing acolytes talk big and never show up to vote.

By the way, you worry about big money - with the Bern's plans for free college etc that is estimated to cost $10 trillion, where do you think all that money will go, and more importantly, where or who will it come from?

I believe it will be levied on Wall Street speculators and in turn funded by Taxpayers. It will be paid to Schools and Universities to provide tuition free education. The best investment a Nation can make is the education of its children. It pays you back a thousand fold and future proofs your society. One of those horrific evil socialist programs. Scary aye. lol

Of course the 1 percenters and Wall street billionaires can't stand the concept. Not to worry they will survive just fine.

While your continual rehashing of campaign slogans about the one per centers and Wall Street billionaires needing to pay more notwithstanding, the facts are that the top 20% pay almost 84% of the taxes. Forgetting your impressive slogans, what precisely are you and Bernie wanting in taxes? It seems that however much the wealthy pay, in your eyes, it is not enough.

I also think that if you totaled up all these "Wall Street speculators" you would find the number very small, and as is usually the case, when taxes are raised for one activity, those most affected simply do something else rather than passively writing bigger and bigger checks.

Want an example? Research the US yachting industry. The government decided that those rich folks buying yachts should pay more taxes on those purchases. The result was that the US yachting industry was decimated as the wealthy just stopped buying yachts and many jobs were lost.


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While your continual rehashing of campaign slogans about the one per centers and Wall Street billionaires needing to pay more notwithstanding, the facts are that the top 20% pay almost 84% of the taxes. Forgetting those impressive slogans, what precisely are you and Bernie wanting in taxes? It seems that however much the wealthy pay in your eyes, it is not enough.

I also think that if you totaled up all these "Wall Street speculators" you would find the number very small, and as usually the case, when taxes are raised for one activity, those most affected simply do something else rather than passively writing bigger and bigger checks.


Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal? Really? lol Next you will be quoting Rupert Murdoch's Fox News or musings from the 'Spin-Free Zone'

You could try going to Bernie's web site or interviews he has done explaining his position. Of course you wont be doing that will you?

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While your continual rehashing of campaign slogans about the one per centers and Wall Street billionaires needing to pay more notwithstanding, the facts are that the top 20% pay almost 84% of the taxes. Forgetting those impressive slogans, what precisely are you and Bernie wanting in taxes? It seems that however much the wealthy pay in your eyes, it is not enough.

I also think that if you totaled up all these "Wall Street speculators" you would find the number very small, and as usually the case, when taxes are raised for one activity, those most affected simply do something else rather than passively writing bigger and bigger checks.


Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal? Really? lol Next you will be quoting Rupert Murdoch's Fox News or musings from the 'Spin-Free Zone'

You could try going to Bernie's web site or interviews he has done explaining his position. Of course you wont be doing that will you?

Actually the data came from the Tax Policy Center. Although not as unbiased as Bernie's data I am sure.


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Actually the data came from the Tax Policy Center. Although not as unbiased as Bernie's data I am sure.


Well it looks like they will be paying more tax then. I am sure they will be just fine.

One point Bernie did make in quite an extensive interview was returning Banking back to communities where they invest in the communities and small businesses and small family start ups rather than 'investing / speculating / gambling' on the currency fluctuations or derivatives. Banking benefiting and supporting grass roots mom and dad America rather than their idiot speculating on two flies crawling up a wall.

They can sure play their stupid gambling games but the tax / levy will be so high to compensate citizens for wasting money on foolish pursuits.

It also has the added effect of breaking up the power of the 5 'too big to fail, too big to Jail' banks

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Actually the data came from the Tax Policy Center. Although not as unbiased as Bernie's data I am sure.


Well it looks like they will be paying more tax then. I am sure they will be just fine.

One point Bernie did make in quite an extensive interview was returning Banking back to communities where they invest in the communities and small businesses and small family start ups rather than 'investing / speculating / gambling' on the currency fluctuations or derivatives. Banking benefiting and supporting grass roots mom and dad America rather than their idiot speculating on two flies crawling up a wall.

They can sure play their stupid gambling games but the tax / levy will be so high to compensate citizens for wasting money on foolish pursuits.

It also has the added effect of breaking up the power of the 5 'too big to fail, too big to Jail' banks

That is the kind of stuff that worries me. I do agree that the banks played a large part in the recent problems with their willingness to securitize anything, but remember that there were other players as well. The liberal side of our elected officials encouraged loosening lending rules in the belief that everyone should own a home. The regulators/rating agencies failed in their part of the equation.

And now Bernie believes that bigger government will take care of this stuff going forward if only we allow him to grow and expand the federal bureaucracy.

Forgive me for my pessimism.

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Actually the data came from the Tax Policy Center. Although not as unbiased as Bernie's data I am sure.


Well it looks like they will be paying more tax then. I am sure they will be just fine.

One point Bernie did make in quite an extensive interview was returning Banking back to communities where they invest in the communities and small businesses and small family start ups rather than 'investing / speculating / gambling' on the currency fluctuations or derivatives. Banking benefiting and supporting grass roots mom and dad America rather than their idiot speculating on two flies crawling up a wall.

They can sure play their stupid gambling games but the tax / levy will be so high to compensate citizens for wasting money on foolish pursuits.

It also has the added effect of breaking up the power of the 5 'too big to fail, too big to Jail' banks

You still don't or will not answer my question. In that the top 20% pay 80% of the taxes, how much more should they pay? 90%, 100%? Take it all from them and you still don't even come close to funding Bernie's entitlement mentality pipe dreams.

Liberals seem to love discussing how much should be confiscated from others so those liberals will feel better about themselves.

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Actually the data came from the Tax Policy Center. Although not as unbiased as Bernie's data I am sure.


Well it looks like they will be paying more tax then. I am sure they will be just fine.

One point Bernie did make in quite an extensive interview was returning Banking back to communities where they invest in the communities and small businesses and small family start ups rather than 'investing / speculating / gambling' on the currency fluctuations or derivatives. Banking benefiting and supporting grass roots mom and dad America rather than their idiot speculating on two flies crawling up a wall.

They can sure play their stupid gambling games but the tax / levy will be so high to compensate citizens for wasting money on foolish pursuits.

It also has the added effect of breaking up the power of the 5 'too big to fail, too big to Jail' banks

You still don't or will not answer my question. In that the top 20% pay 80% of the taxes, how much more should they pay? 90%, 100%? Take it all from them and you still don't even come close to funding Bernie's entitlement mentality pipe dreams.

Liberals seem to love discussing how much should be confiscated from others so those liberals will feel better about themselves.

Who are the top 20%? Individuals or Corporate?

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Well it looks like they will be paying more tax then. I am sure they will be just fine.

One point Bernie did make in quite an extensive interview was returning Banking back to communities where they invest in the communities and small businesses and small family start ups rather than 'investing / speculating / gambling' on the currency fluctuations or derivatives. Banking benefiting and supporting grass roots mom and dad America rather than their idiot speculating on two flies crawling up a wall.

They can sure play their stupid gambling games but the tax / levy will be so high to compensate citizens for wasting money on foolish pursuits.

It also has the added effect of breaking up the power of the 5 'too big to fail, too big to Jail' banks

That is the kind of stuff that worries me. I do agree that the banks played a large part in the recent problems with their willingness to securitize anything, but remember that there were other players as well. The liberal side of our elected officials encouraged loosening lending rules in the belief that everyone should own a home. The regulators/rating agencies failed in their part of the equation.

And now Bernie believes that bigger government will take care of this stuff going forward if only we allow him to grow and expand the federal bureaucracy.

Forgive me for my pessimism.

Not bigger Government. More sensible oversight and regulation. 5 Banks have assets that are equivalent to 60% of the yearly GDP of America. GFC happened now there would simply be no ability to bail them out. Say 10 major Banks and also Credit Union and County banks across America serving and investing in the local communities. I would even like to see regulations that required interest free 'micro lending' investing in small 'mom and dad / student' startups. Get everyone involved in innovation and opportunity. A new golden age for America.

Bernie is the most exciting thing that has happened to America in 40 years. The decision is 'More of the same greed' or 'A future to believe in'? That's the choice.

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Well it looks like they will be paying more tax then. I am sure they will be just fine.

One point Bernie did make in quite an extensive interview was returning Banking back to communities where they invest in the communities and small businesses and small family start ups rather than 'investing / speculating / gambling' on the currency fluctuations or derivatives. Banking benefiting and supporting grass roots mom and dad America rather than their idiot speculating on two flies crawling up a wall.

They can sure play their stupid gambling games but the tax / levy will be so high to compensate citizens for wasting money on foolish pursuits.

It also has the added effect of breaking up the power of the 5 'too big to fail, too big to Jail' banks

That is the kind of stuff that worries me. I do agree that the banks played a large part in the recent problems with their willingness to securitize anything, but remember that there were other players as well. The liberal side of our elected officials encouraged loosening lending rules in the belief that everyone should own a home. The regulators/rating agencies failed in their part of the equation.

And now Bernie believes that bigger government will take care of this stuff going forward if only we allow him to grow and expand the federal bureaucracy.

Forgive me for my pessimism.

Not bigger Government. More sensible oversight and regulation. 5 Banks have assets that are equivalent to 60% of the yearly GDP of America. GFC happened now there would simply be no ability to bail them out. Say 10 major Banks and also Credit Union and County banks across America serving and investing in the local communities. I would even like to see regulations that required interest free 'micro lending' investing in small 'mom and dad / student' startups. Get everyone involved in innovation and opportunity. A new golden age for America.

Bernie is the most exciting thing that has happened to America in 40 years. The decision is 'More of the same greed' or 'A future to believe in'? That's the choice.

Free college is paid by someone. " . . . regulations that required interest free 'micro lending' investing in small 'mom and dad / student' startups" must be paid by someone - especially the huge numbers of failures that would be generated by such a program. These things are paid by the 20% who continue to carry the freight for the majority. Such programs will require more bloated government oversight and expense.

And of course there is no discussion by anyone, on either side, about the deficit and debt which both continue to grow as most of the candidates promise more and more to placate the masses into thinking that additional confiscation from the so-called evil rich will solve all of society's ills.

A bigger and bigger government is not the solution to our increasing litany of personal wrongs and perceived shortcomings.

While Bernie may be exciting to you, for many of us he merely advocates his own version of an overbearing, bloated socialist based government and Hillary Clinton represents that and much more. You can keep them both.

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