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Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders: 'I am running for president'


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Free college is paid by someone. " . . . regulations that required interest free 'micro lending' investing in small 'mom and dad / student' startups" must be paid by someone - especially the huge numbers of failures that would be generated by such a program. These things are paid by the 20% who continue to carry the freight for the majority. Such programs will require more bloated government oversight and expense.

And of course there is no discussion by anyone, on either side, about the deficit and debt which both continue to grow as most of the candidates promise more and more to placate the masses into thinking that additional confiscation from the so-called evil rich will solve all of society's ills.

A bigger and bigger government is not the solution to our increasing litany of personal wrongs and perceived shortcomings.

While Bernie may be exciting to you, for many of us he merely advocates his own version of an overbearing, bloated socialist based government and Hillary Clinton represents that and much more. You can keep them both.

All you are advocating is for more of the same that simply is not working other than for the very wealthy few who are simply getting more wealthy and the poorer and middle class are becoming poorer. A health care and pharma system that is dysfunctional 10%, of the population imprisoned, unaffordable education, crumbling infrastructure, unaffordable wars, income inequality, a work force working longer hours for less pay, banks that are even more 'too big to fail, too big to Jail', a Congress that is bought and paid for by Corporate America. It is an absolute 'dog's breakfast' and your solution is: 'more of the same please'. You are familiar with the description of 'stupidity'?

What is required is a 'political revolution'. A Government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Tell me where did the wealthy get their wealth from? Over the past 40 years they have stolen it from the people that did the hard work to generate that wealth. Time to take it back. Vote ONE Bernie Sanders.

An interesting point Bernie made was in Germany any Corporation that has +2000 employees 4 of the 12 Board of Directors must be representatives of the workforce. So employees have representation and a say in the direction of the Corporation. So when the vote comes to reducing the workers wages and giving the Board a annual bonus of a few million dollars their are 4 guys with their hands in the air saying 'wait a minute Heir Gerbles'.

Edited by up2u2
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What does Bernie say they do in Russia?

So committed is Bernie to his civic duties as an elected representative he coordinated his marriage and spent his honeymoon setting up a Sister City with Yaroslavl, in Russia which continues today. So as usual Bernie would be well positioned to discuss grass roots issues concerning Russia and well aware as to 'what they do in Russia'. It was the only way he could schedule in his marriage at the time. He had a civic function in the morning, got married in the afternoon and flew out to Russia that evening to represent his constituency.

Quite an extraordinary committed public servant. Probably just the type of person the White House needs.

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What does Bernie say they do in Russia?

So committed is Bernie to his civic duties as an elected representative he coordinated his marriage and spent his honeymoon setting up a Sister City with Yaroslavl, in Russia which continues today. So as usual Bernie would be well positioned to discuss grass roots issues concerning Russia and well aware as to 'what they do in Russia'. It was the only way he could schedule in his marriage at the time. He had a civic function in the morning, got married in the afternoon and flew out to Russia that evening to represent his constituency.

Quite an extraordinary committed public servant. Probably just the type of person the White House needs.

"Probably just the type of person the White House needs."

...and the type the White House will never see as a resident.

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Just keep demanding that others pay for your free stuff.

What an excellent interview. The young girl did really well. Bless her. The interviewer ran his usual Fox News right wing diatribe representing the 'one percenters' and Corporate America and she really hung in there.

The answer to ALL his BS is simply America is the only western country that isn't able to put these socially beneficial programs in place. Can America do it? Of course it can.

A good learning curve for the young girl on how to deal with right wing media spinning BS.

Of course publicly funded education is not free it is paid for by tax payers and Corporate tax payers. Straight away you get a 50% reduction in the cost of education because you abolish profit margins and $300M payouts to Board of Directors fees. So a lot of fat snouts get dragged out of the trough pretty quickly. Also an Industry Levy on businesses that require University graduates\ a kind of 'user pay' system.

You can still have Private Universities but they do not receive one cent of public funding or student rebates and individuals still pay for public Universities on top.

Trade colleges are a good idea too. Not everyone wants to go to University. Plumbers, electricians, brick layers, tilers, builders, roofers, machinery operators, mechanics etc. The Trade Colleges are paid for by an industry levy to train the people with skills the industry needs.

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Just keep demanding that others pay for your free stuff.

What an excellent interview. The young girl did really well. Bless her. The interviewer ran his usual Fox News right wing diatribe representing the 'one percenters' and Corporate America and she really hung in there.

The answer to ALL his BS is simply America is the only western country that isn't able to put these socially beneficial programs in place. Can America do it? Of course it can.

A good learning curve for the young girl on how to deal with right wing media spinning BS.

Of course publicly funded education is not free it is paid for by tax payers and Corporate tax payers. Straight away you get a 50% reduction in the cost of education because you abolish profit margins and $300M payouts to Board of Directors fees. So a lot of fat snouts get dragged out of the trough pretty quickly. Also an Industry Levy on businesses that require University graduates\ a kind of 'user pay' system.

You can still have Private Universities but they do not receive one cent of public funding or student rebates and individuals still pay for public Universities on top.

Trade colleges are a good idea too. Not everyone wants to go to University. Plumbers, electricians, brick layers, tilers, builders, roofers, machinery operators, mechanics etc. The Trade Colleges are paid for by an industry levy to train the people with skills the industry needs.

Keep adding to your wish list with no reasonable economic ability to pay for your stuff. It is a silly argument anyway - old Bernie Sanders will be a non entity in the presidential race before things really matter.

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Keep adding to your wish list with no reasonable economic ability to pay for your stuff. It is a silly argument anyway - old Bernie Sanders will be a non entity in the presidential race before things really matter.

Publicly funded education is easily paid for. Many many many western countries do it effortlessly. Once you get all the bloated snouts out of the education trough education becomes affordable with better outcomes. It is the most profitable and best investment a society can make. Old Bernie is doing very well for a non starter. A Future you can Believe in.

I liked the girl standing up for what was fair and just. Great to see young people engaged and involved in the political system and sticking it too crusty old rich folk and their propaganda media arms. More power too her.

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Keep adding to your wish list with no reasonable economic ability to pay for your stuff. It is a silly argument anyway - old Bernie Sanders will be a non entity in the presidential race before things really matter.

Publicly funded education is easily paid for. Many many many western countries do it effortlessly. Once you get all the bloated snouts out of the education trough education becomes affordable with better outcomes. It is the most profitable and best investment a society can make. Old Bernie is doing very well for a non starter. A Future you can Believe in.

I liked the girl standing up for what was fair and just. Great to see young people engaged and involved in the political system and sticking it too crusty old rich folk and their propaganda media arms. More power too her.

I will agree that it is nice to see a youngster engaged and involved.

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Probably the most informative analysis of what went so dramatically wrong in American economics and political policy and how Bernie Sander's policies will reset the inequality and restore the balance and fairness back into America's economy.

It starts with Roosevelt taking the middle ground between Fascism and Communism and embarking on a Keynesian economic path in fair and equitable wealth distribution.

The disruption occurred with Reaganomics in the 80's which lowered Taxes on the wealthy and Corporate America that saw the wealth transferred to a small minority at the top. Wiping out the Middle Class and leaving the bottom 50% in poverty. Corporate America absorbed so much wealth and power by paying little to no Tax that the US Government went onto International 'food stamps' to survive.


It is patently clear as Reagan lowered Tax rates for the wealthy and Corporate America the transfer of wealth began, culminating in gradual wealth inequality. Of course the 'thinking' or lack there of, was that as the wealthy became more wealthy that wealth would filter down to the masses. Of course it didn't they simply put the money in their pockets.


A key function in Reaganomics was to remove Unions so workers had absolutely no say in the distribution of wealth. Of course this leaves these decisions in the hands of the wealthy and Corporate America without any opposition. I know you will be shocked but they decided to keep the wealth for themselves. As can be clearly seen as Unions were broken up the wealth inequality rose sharply.


It is clear to see how Reagan unfairly redistributed the wealth plundering it from the low income earners and middle class transferring it to a small select elite few at the top. As American workers generated wealth they were restricted from a share of the wealth. All the benefits of a profitable enterprise was transferred to the few at the top.


Again the data clearly shows how Reaganomics shafted the American worker. As the American worker increased productivity and profits for the wealthy and Corporate America (Red line) the share in that wealth generated 'flat lined' (Green line). So American employees working longer and harder for no benefit to themselves. The benefits were simply transferred to the wealthy and Corporate America. Prior to Reagan the share of wealth was fair and equitable then the Reaganomics 'fix' went in.

It is quite a lengthy interview but gives a great understanding of how Reagan with the backing and funding of the wealthy and Corporate America began putting in place the regulations and economic policies that removed the wealth from the American worker and deposited it their bank accounts.

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Just keep demanding that others pay for your free stuff.

Going back and forth with the recent posts on this OP this is the underlying premise- the US needs to provide more free stuff. Free education. Free Healthcare, etc. Everything is free and everything has a solid justification for wisely doing it. Free education is an investment in the future, for example. How can one argue with this? It is correct. But when you undress this one example, besides realizing that the US education system is no more than an incubation lab for social engineering, you realize that there is an awful lot of money involved. How do you get this money? You must take it from others. How do you take it from others? Through government coercion, the fallacious premise is the majority can act upon any particular population and act its will. This is the deceit of Democracy- mob rule.

Democracy is mob-rule and that is why, as recently as WWI, Democracy was listed beside Fascism, Socialism, and Communism as threats to America in US Army Field Manuals. However, a few generations of Dewey and progressives and Americans, dumb with amnesia, personify sheeple. As Thatcher said (Paraphrase) "The problem with socialism is sooner or later you run out of other people's money." No kidding.

Romney, who I dislike, was correct. We are now approaching a majority of the US who are invested in other people's pockets, produce little or nothing of their own, and act as a voting bloc to ensure they continue to receive free stuff. Sanders Panders to this social parasitism and promises more hollowing out of America, more redistribution, while ostensibly continuing the collision course the US is soon to confront- fiscal suicide. Sanders may be genuine and honest but his prescription is death. America is a non-self-reliant collective of demanding, incompetent victims, Balkanized, divisive, and who's primary income is taking other people's money. No wonder illegal invasion is so popular. (America's slide into 'European Socialism' came later than the Continent's absurd socialist-multi-cultural gamble. No wonder Europe is also suffering from an invasion demanding "free stuff").

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Going back and forth with the recent posts on this OP this is the underlying premise- the US needs to provide more free stuff. Free education. Free Healthcare, etc. Everything is free and everything has a solid justification for wisely doing it. Free education is an investment in the future, for example. How can one argue with this? It is correct. But when you undress this one example, besides realizing that the US education system is no more than an incubation lab for social engineering, you realize that there is an awful lot of money involved. How do you get this money? You must take it from others. How do you take it from others? Through government coercion, the fallacious premise is the majority can act upon any particular population and act its will. This is the deceit of Democracy- mob rule.

Democracy is mob-rule and that is why, as recently as WWI, Democracy was listed beside Fascism, Socialism, and Communism as threats to America in US Army Field Manuals. However, a few generations of Dewey and progressives and Americans, dumb with amnesia, personify sheeple. As Thatcher said (Paraphrase) "The problem with socialism is sooner or later you run out of other people's money." No kidding.

Romney, who I dislike, was correct. We are now approaching a majority of the US who are invested in other people's pockets, produce little or nothing of their own, and act as a voting bloc to ensure they continue to receive free stuff. Sanders Panders to this social parasitism and promises more hollowing out of America, more redistribution, while ostensibly continuing the collision course the US is soon to confront- fiscal suicide. Sanders may be genuine and honest but his prescription is death. America is a non-self-reliant collective of demanding, incompetent victims, Balkanized, divisive, and who's primary income is taking other people's money. No wonder illegal invasion is so popular. (America's slide into 'European Socialism' came later than the Continent's absurd socialist-multi-cultural gamble. No wonder Europe is also suffering from an invasion demanding "free stuff").

Social programs like publicly funded education and single payer health care are not free. They are funded by a fair and equitable distribution of wealth within an economy. If economic wealth is distributed fairly and equitably there is more than enough capital to fund these vital Social programs. Currently the wealth is being removed from the workers who actually create the wealth and removed from Government the ability to provide essential social programs and decaying infrustructure and being deposited into the bank accounts of the ever decreasing wealthy elite and 'too big to fail, too big to Jail' Corporate America.

In the data below over the past 30 years who have been stealing from who?


It clearly shows as wealth has been created by workers the wealth has been selectively directed into the bank accounts of the wealthy and Corporate America. Effectively stealing money from the worker and ensuring the Government has no power or finances to provide cost effective essential services like publicly funded investment in education of young people and a crucial cost effective with better outcomes single payer publicly funded health care system.

What you are actually advocating is for a further increase in wealth inequality a further transfer of wealth to the top 1% and Corporate America. The American employee working longer and harder hours to increase the wealth of the top 1% and Corporate America. You also seem to advocate that the US Government is totally de-funded with money required to introduce effective social programs and infrastructure.

If the American people want this to continue they will vote in a Republican administration, if they want to be falsely massaged into thinking that something will be done but in actual fact things will stay precisely the same they will vote Democrat, if the American people want to radically change direction and work towards a fairer more equitable distribution of wealth that will include publicly funded investment in educating their youth and a less expensive more effective single payer health care and pharmaceutical system they will vote Bernie Sanders.

There is a very small window of opportunity here but I simply do not think the American electorate is educated enough or properly informed enough to make the right decision. I think one more Republican administration would be enough to reach the 'tipping point' and radical social change becomes inevitable. Maybe two Democrat administrations.

The moment a person posts the words "free stuff" you know they are ignoring and attempting to deceive people on the basic fundamentals of fair and equitable distribution of wealth. Also the moment someone posts "stealing from the rich" you know they are ignoring or attempting to deceive people regarding who that wealth was actually stolen from.

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All this worry about 'free stuff', 'who will pay' and 'big govt'. The US has the world's largest military, something similar to the other top 4 countries combined.

The military is a branch of govt, it's stuff has to paid for and there is heaps of bureaucracy. Why don't ppl complain about this form of 'big govt'? As for 'free stuff', they've been giving away tanks and military weapons to police departments all over the country. Then there is the prison system, sometimes private, sometimes govt, but always funded thru taxes.

It seems a lot of Americans are happy to pay for things that make ppl suffer, it's just food, education and other stuff that helps ppl that don't like paying for.

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All this worry about 'free stuff', 'who will pay' and 'big govt'. The US has the world's largest military, something similar to the other top 4 countries combined.

The military is a branch of govt, it's stuff has to paid for and there is heaps of bureaucracy. Why don't ppl complain about this form of 'big govt'? As for 'free stuff', they've been giving away tanks and military weapons to police departments all over the country. Then there is the prison system, sometimes private, sometimes govt, but always funded thru taxes.

It seems a lot of Americans are happy to pay for things that make ppl suffer, it's just food, education and other stuff that helps ppl that don't like paying for.

Of course many of us are troubled by the size of military expenditures. That is one of the problems with solutions that involve bigger and bigger government.

This discussion on free stuff is entertaining. I love how so many here are so adamant that the solution is that taxpayers like myself should just pay more and things will be great. Isn't it nice that none of those additional taxes apply to them. Takers vs givers, as always.

I attended college on a combination of the GI bill and working different jobs. I first went to a community college because that was cheaper, and then transferred to a state college where I obtained an undergraduate degree and later a masters degree.

I could always tell who was paying their own way vs. those whose education was paid by others. Those who paid their own way showed up for every class and did all the work. The others would show up periodically and often drop classes while they searched for their true calling.

If you want free education, join the military. That it not appealing however - when their solution always involves other people's money.

When one is given something for free, that is the value that is placed on that item.

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All this worry about 'free stuff', 'who will pay' and 'big govt'. The US has the world's largest military, something similar to the other top 4 countries combined.

The military is a branch of govt, it's stuff has to paid for and there is heaps of bureaucracy. Why don't ppl complain about this form of 'big govt'? As for 'free stuff', they've been giving away tanks and military weapons to police departments all over the country. Then there is the prison system, sometimes private, sometimes govt, but always funded thru taxes.

It seems a lot of Americans are happy to pay for things that make ppl suffer, it's just food, education and other stuff that helps ppl that don't like paying for.

Absolutely 'smithson'. My understanding is Bernie wants an effective cut to military spending of up to 30%. That money then funds unemployed people into building and repairing crumbling infrastructure. Wars will be funded on a cooperative basis with countries sharing the cost not just America tipping in Trillions of dollars to sort out other people's problems. How about Saudi Arabia stumping up a few Trillion petro dollars to fight ISIS. You never hear the 'Hawks' wanting to de-fund evil socialist military spending but they lose their minds on food stamps for the poor.

Again Bernie condemns the privatized incarceration mentality. Putting people in Jail equals profits for private companies so it is no wonder 10% of the population is locked up. No surprise there. Decriminalize drugs and make it a health issue and mentally ill in hospitals not Jails and return Jails to public ownership not 'for profit' Corporate manipulation.

None of these changes can occur under a Republican administration or even a Democrat administration. Since Clinton did the deal with the 'big end of town' to gain power it just isn't going to happen. What is needed is a strong leader totally independent of Wall Street, the wealthy and Corporate America and a electorate demanding change.

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Of course many of us are troubled by the size of military expenditures. That is one of the problems with solutions that involve bigger and bigger government.

This discussion on free stuff is entertaining. I love how so many here are so adamant that the solution is that taxpayers like myself should just pay more and things will be great. Isn't it nice that none of those additional taxes apply to them. Takers vs givers, as always.

I attended college on a combination of the GI bill and working different jobs. I first went to a community college because that was cheaper, and then transferred to a state college where I obtained an undergraduate degree and later a masters degree.

I could always tell who was paying their own way vs. those whose education was paid by others. Those who paid their own way showed up for every class and did all the work. The others would show up periodically and often drop classes while they searched for their true calling.

If you want free education, join the military. That it not appealing however - when their solution always involves other people's money.

When one is given something for free, that is the value that is placed on that item.

Here we go again the same old right wing diatribe. Publicly funded education is not free. No, publicly funded education does not fund a students lifestyle. It is tuition free if you want to eat it is off to McDonalds for a job and maybe a small allowance from parents if they can help out and most do. You can also tell the students where wealthy mommy and daddy are paying the bills clogging up Universities and demanding idiotic facilities like swimming pools and games rooms and restaurants. Publicly funded Universities are not an open door to everyone. A student must have the academic ability to achieve at the highest level. There are fall back entry points for those who truly want a Degree.

You are a GI, you served your country and you demonstrate a clear academic ability, then you get a free pass. No pissing about in Community College or undergraduate malarkey and then onto a Masters. You get fast tracked to a Masters Degree. You will still be working part time and full time on holidays to cover extras and no fancy swimming pools, gymnasiums or party central stupidity you will be going to lectures and achieving your goals, working part time and sleeping in that order. All the society is doing is investing in your skills and ability. The faster the society gets you up and running the faster it begins reaping the rewards coming back.

This is not rocket surgery it is done successfully in all other developed countries other than America. Many countries provide fully recognised University Degrees and fully recognised Trade qualifications for people who serve in their Military. You sure earn your keep though lol.

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This election is a chance for Americans to choose between funding a huge army, a private prison system, a corrupt finance sector and militarized police force or funding education, health and basic welfare.

Other developed countries made the choice long ago. Will America continue to be exceptional?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Latest Poll from ABC News/ Washington Post shows Bernie gaining on Hillary.

Bernie has a great future mapped out for America and if he can cut through the racism, greed and bigotry of the Republican Party backed by Corporate America and the 'all talk do nothing' Democrat Party he has a serious chance of getting the job done and winding back Thatcherism and Reagonomics failed policies.


A long way to go but what Bernie is selling 99% of American workers should be buying big time. Bernie's latest comment "If you work 40 hours a week you should not be living in poverty" should really resonate with the working poor. Time for a decent wage rather than record profits to Corporate America.

Bernie really is the honest battler America needs.

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I know it is very difficult to debate Bernie's key fundamental vision he has for America. Even more difficult to argue against his common sense solutions. An emoji is all you can muster.

Sometimes a post deserves only an emoticon.thumbsup.gif

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Bernie Sanders is 2016's Barack Obama.

In 2007 Obama trailed Hillary by 26 points and Hillary was way ahead in polling. In some polls Bernie only trails Hillary by 20 points so he is ahead of Obama vs Hillary in 2007.



Bernie makes a valid point as Congress wastes its time debating a Bill to repeal Obama Care. Idiot Republican Senators think there is a situation where President Obama is going to sign a Bill repealing Obama Care. It just goes to show how stupid Republicans are. He also makes the point about how important it is to expand Planned Parenthood services rather than de-fund it.


He is a good man Bernie. It would be good to see Bernie take the fight up to Republican candidate Trump, Rubio, Cruz et al. He would smash em.

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Nice pipe dream.

Next ...

It is isn't it Jingthing. A good dream for Americans. A minimum wage where families can afford to feed their children, buy a home, an affordable 'one payer' health care system that brings the cost of health care down and raises the standard of health care, a fairer distribution of wealth where all can share in the productivity of America, spending money on repairing infrastructure rather than funding failed wars, paid sick leave, paid parental leave ('Axis of Evil' Iran gives new mothers 12 weeks paid leave), tuition free education that invests in the nations children, encouraging Union participation so workers are represented and have a voice, Wall Street investing in American people rather than speculation that creates nothing, stopping Corporations moving profits offshore tax evasion, the worst child poverty in the developed world:


America is in need of a hero like Bernie Sanders someone who will stand up to the one percenters and Corporate America.

'Next......' Bernie Sanders for President

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Nice pipe dream.

Next ...

It is isn't it Jingthing. A good dream for Americans. A minimum wage where families can afford to feed their children, buy a home, an affordable 'one payer' health care system that brings the cost of health care down and raises the standard of health care, a fairer distribution of wealth where all can share in the productivity of America, spending money on repairing infrastructure rather than funding failed wars, paid sick leave, paid parental leave ('Axis of Evil' Iran gives new mothers 12 weeks paid leave), tuition free education that invests in the nations children, encouraging Union participation so workers are represented and have a voice, Wall Street investing in American people rather than speculation that creates nothing, stopping Corporations moving profits offshore tax evasion, the worst child poverty in the developed world:


America is in need of a hero like Bernie Sanders someone who will stand up to the one percenters and Corporate America.

'Next......' Bernie Sanders for President

Well, all that stuff just isn't going to happen. I'd be way more than satisfied if he could get a move toward single payer healthcare underway. Begin to make a dent in campaign finance reform, which let's face it is at the root of all problems, and begin to address outdated infrastructure. That would be a helluva an accomplishment if only that were achieved and NOBODY else will accomplish ANY of that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My mate Bernie is doing very well. If an election was held tomorrow between Bernie and the front runners of the Republican Party then Bernie would win.


Sanders does just as well, or even better, against top Republicans:

  • Topping Trump 49 - 41 percent;
  • Getting 44 percent to Rubio's 43 percent;
  • Beating Cruz 49 - 39 percent;
  • Leading Carson 47 - 41 percent.

The little Yankee battler standing up for the American people rather than the Big end of town.

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My mate Bernie is doing very well. If an election was held tomorrow between Bernie and the front runners of the Republican Party then Bernie would win.


Sanders does just as well, or even better, against top Republicans:

  • Topping Trump 49 - 41 percent;
  • Getting 44 percent to Rubio's 43 percent;
  • Beating Cruz 49 - 39 percent;
  • Leading Carson 47 - 41 percent.
The little Yankee battler standing up for the American people rather than the Big end of town.

The problem is that your mate will be nowhere to be seen come next November.

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My mate Bernie is doing very well. If an election was held tomorrow between Bernie and the front runners of the Republican Party then Bernie would win.


Sanders does just as well, or even better, against top Republicans:

  • Topping Trump 49 - 41 percent;
  • Getting 44 percent to Rubio's 43 percent;
  • Beating Cruz 49 - 39 percent;
  • Leading Carson 47 - 41 percent.
The little Yankee battler standing up for the American people rather than the Big end of town.
Your problem is that your mate will be nowhere to be seen come next November.
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My mate Bernie is doing very well. If an election was held tomorrow between Bernie and the front runners of the Republican Party then Bernie would win.


Sanders does just as well, or even better, against top Republicans:

  • Topping Trump 49 - 41 percent;
  • Getting 44 percent to Rubio's 43 percent;
  • Beating Cruz 49 - 39 percent;
  • Leading Carson 47 - 41 percent.
The little Yankee battler standing up for the American people rather than the Big end of town.

Your problem is that your mate will be nowhere to be seen come next November.

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