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Indonesia conveys condolences to families of executed convicts


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Indonesia conveys condolences to families of executed convicts


INDONESIA: -- Indonesia's Attorney General H.M. Prasetyo gave his condolences to the families of the eight victims executed on Wednesday morning, saying their death was "not something to be happy about," according to The Jakarta Globe.

He described the execution as an “unpleasant matter,” adding: “However, it is drugs trafficking that we are fighting, not a certain country or its people.”

Prasetyo said the execution on Nusakambangan prison island took place at 12:35am and all eight convicts were pronounced dead within 30 minutes.

All executions happened simultaneously and the convicts died of the first shot directed to their heart, not because of a second shot below the ear, he said.

Prasetyo also reiterated that the execution of Filipina Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso was only delayed and not cancelled because her testimony was still needed to investigate the human trafficking allegation against her recruiter.

“We have transfered Mary Jane back to Wirogunan prison [in Yogyakarta] because Nusamkambangan does not have facilities for female inmates,” he said. “We hope Mary Jane can help to unveil the human trafficking case,” he added.

Veloso was saved from the firing squad following a report that a woman who recruited her had surrendered herself to Philippine authorities.

Prasetyo dismissed Australia’s and Brazil’s threat to recall their respective ambassadors from Indonesia claiming that the the recall was usually only temporary.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/indonesia-conveys-condolences-to-families-of-executed-convicts

-- Thai PBS 2015-04-30

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In general I oppose the death penalty, although all convicted persons must have known that Indonesia has drastic drug laws. 'If you can't do the time, don't do the crime' comes to mind.

What upsets me most however, is that one of the main Bali bombers has been pardoned but the current death row drug traffickers are not being pardoned. Some serious inconsistency by the Indonesian government and it's 'hardline' president.

This surprises you? I think that after they named two ships after (state) sponsored terrorists......you pretty well know their sympathies lie with terrorists and not with drug dealers :o

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It is a known fact that all Australian tourists to Indonesia are warned

about the death penalty for dealing in drugs.

Everyone knows that this region is especially hard on drug dealers -- so those that get involved in drugs will get no sympathy from me.... (assuming guilt) they knew what they were getting into.... therefore Indonesia is just helping clean up the gene pool.

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“GO AWAY Aussies, it’s better without you here.”

That's the opinion of Indonesian people read on......


A true fact.
If U DO NOT RESPECT the local laws, & think that U can do as U wish, then please don’t come at all. We DO NOT welcome U.
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While I am very sad for the families of the 8 men executed, it has to be said that everyone knows the penalties they will face if caught smuggling drugs into Indonesia, I for one think have no problem with the death penalty for drug smuggling (or murder), as the drug mules indirectly destroy other peoples lives, I do however think that the legal process should be speeded up and not leave people on death row for 10 or more years, that is far too long.

My condolences to all the families involved in this tragic affair for them the waiting and hoping must have been terrible.

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From what i have followed on the case over the years. It was a parent of one of the Bali 9 who informed the police in Australia that the kids were going to import the drugs. Then it was the Australian police who informed the Indonesian police that the kids would board the flight carrying drugs. Indonesia, as we know has the death for trafficking drugs. The Australian police could have waited till the kids arrived in Australia & busted them at the airport on arrival & spared their lives. Sounds like Australia's police have a bit to answer to.

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“GO AWAY Aussies, it’s better without you here.”

That's the opinion of Indonesian people read on......


A true fact.
If U DO NOT RESPECT the local laws, & think that U can do as U wish, then please don’t come at all. We DO NOT welcome U.

Hmmmm, but send your wallet or ATM card anyway.

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“GO AWAY Aussies, it’s better without you here.”

That's the opinion of Indonesian people read on......


A true fact.
If U DO NOT RESPECT the local laws, & think that U can do as U wish, then please don’t come at all. We DO NOT welcome U.

It's also a true fact that Australian tourists spend more money in Indonesia than any other. Indonesia only have themselves to blame for the fact that they do not behave as Indonesia would wish. They actively courted their visits and even set up bars and restaurants in Bali to cater for and attract Australian tourist behaviour. I am not Australian but I have witnessed what I write first hand having spent many holidays in Bali. I'm sure Indonesians will suffer financially if the Australians do not come.

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In general I oppose the death penalty, although all convicted persons must have known that Indonesia has drastic drug laws. 'If you can't do the time, don't do the crime' comes to mind.

What upsets me most however, is that one of the main Bali bombers has been pardoned but the current death row drug traffickers are not being pardoned. Some serious inconsistency by the Indonesian government and it's 'hardline' president.

This surprises you? I think that after they named two ships after (state) sponsored terrorists......you pretty well know their sympathies lie with terrorists and not with drug dealers ohmy.png

And if anyone is any doubt, one of those ships was involved in the search for the Air Asia plane. It was named after a guy who set off a bomb in a bank in Singapore ( from memory HSBC), killing a number of civilians. The ship is forbidden from entering Singapore needless to say.The Singaporeans were outraged that the ship was used in the search at the same time the Singapore navy was providing assistance. Indonesia? Couldn't care less.

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I was in the hang em high gang until recently. Their reform appears to be genuine and they didnt actually sell any of that heroin and nobody actually died. Yes I know they may have continued smuggling if not for getting caught but then again they couldnt get reformed if they were not caught either.

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From what i have followed on the case over the years. It was a parent of one of the Bali 9 who informed the police in Australia that the kids were going to import the drugs. Then it was the Australian police who informed the Indonesian police that the kids would board the flight carrying drugs. Indonesia, as we know has the death for trafficking drugs. The Australian police could have waited till the kids arrived in Australia & busted them at the airport on arrival & spared their lives. Sounds like Australia's police have a bit to answer to.

The two were connected to one of the then world's largest heroin syndicates, Crescent Moon. From media reports they never gave up their connections to law enforcement. The publicly announced intent by the AFP was:

"For us, it's about disrupting the organised crime network so these things don't occur again. The only way to do that is to try to get the source of the narcotics, and that's obviously why we've supplied information to Indonesia," said Mike Phelan, then the AFP's international network manager".


There was a judicial review of the AFP in 2006 & it was confirmed they acted lawfully regards informing Indonesian law enforcement. However, with the executions now firmly in the political sphere a parliamentary review of the AFP's actions will be held in the coming weeks.

As for the ten years in prison prior to the executions, there was a four year moratorium for executions as well as numerous appeals / reviews demanded by their lawyers.

EDIT: In today's media the Australian Catholic University has announced two scholarships in the names of the executed for Indonesian students.

Edited by simple1
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“GO AWAY Aussies, it’s better without you here.”

That's the opinion of Indonesian people read on......


A true fact.
If U DO NOT RESPECT the local laws, & think that U can do as U wish, then please don’t come at all. We DO NOT welcome U.

It's also a true fact that Australian tourists spend more money in Indonesia than any other. Indonesia only have themselves to blame for the fact that they do not behave as Indonesia would wish. They actively courted their visits and even set up bars and restaurants in Bali to cater for and attract Australian tourist behaviour. I am not Australian but I have witnessed what I write first hand having spent many holidays in Bali. I'm sure Indonesians will suffer financially if the Australians do not come.

Yes Sir. I agree many foreigners from rich countries visit the poor countries and spend lavishly - yes, very correct.

Also they expect the poor to dance to all their tunes without asking any questions.

This has happened for centuries - the poor bowing down to the arrogant rich. But today the scenario is different and changing rapidly. The poor are increasingly showing the middle finger to the arrogant rich and their money, or sometimes even resorting to violence.

The majority of the rich (I emphasize that it is NOT all) are arrogant and racist scums and you can recognize one easily on sight.

So, money alone will not really make you happy today - your attitude counts too.

Just my 2 cents.

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