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Phuket police look for rock throwing thugs


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Phuket police look for rock throwing thugs
Eakkapop Thongtub

Mr Jonas' wife managed to catch the two thugs on camera.

PHUKET: -- Police are currently looking for two men who, whilst riding a motorcycle through Kamala, threw rocks at a moving vehicle with a one-year-old child inside. Luckily, a passenger in the vehicle managed to photograph the two carrying out the attack.

At 4:30pm on Monday (April 27), Mr. Daniel Bo Jonas from Sweden filed a report at Kamala police after two men on motocycle threw rocks at his Chevrolete Optra whilst he was driving on the Kamala-Patong Rd with his wife and a one-year-old child.

Mr Jonas said, “One suspects threw a big rock at the rear window shattering it. I kept driving but they followed and threw two more rocks, one at a back door window, another at the windscreen.”

Mr Jonas̕ wife, Chanitya Boonpa , showed police photos she had taken of the two men and also of their Phuket registered motorcycle with the registration number Khor Nor Thor 739.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-police-look-for-rock-throwing-thugs-52105.php

-- Phuket News 2015-04-30

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I think there is more to this story. I don't care who the morons are but even morons usually have a reason to start throwing rocks.

My thought exactly !

Perhaps the Swede left out the part where he nearly hit the motorbike earlier that day or cut them off and shouted profanities their way, could all be possible, right ?

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I think there is more to this story. I don't care who the morons are but even morons usually have a reason to start throwing rocks.

My thought exactly !

Perhaps the Swede left out the part where he nearly hit the motorbike earlier that day or cut them off and shouted profanities their way, could all be possible, right ?

wrong...i know the couple in the car, good friends of my missus, and probably nicest people you will meet...something happened at a set of traffic lights, the thai pr11cks on the bike were the ones that were not driving properly ,but no point in posting facts as too many tv story makers wont like that..

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I think there is more to this story. I don't care who the morons are but even morons usually have a reason to start throwing rocks.

My thought exactly !

Perhaps the Swede left out the part where he nearly hit the motorbike earlier that day or cut them off and shouted profanities their way, could all be possible, right ?

Another news report say "Mr Svegsjo honked at the men, as the road was very dangerous for overtaking, Lt Col Navin Petchan of the Kamala Police told the Phuket Gazette today."

From years of driving experience here in Phuket I can tell all that it is never a good idea to honk at a Thai driver. I've had enough bad outcomes from honking, I just don't do that anymore.

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I think there is more to this story. I don't care who the morons are but even morons usually have a reason to start throwing rocks.

My thought exactly !

Perhaps the Swede left out the part where he nearly hit the motorbike earlier that day or cut them off and shouted profanities their way, could all be possible, right ?

Most probably what happened.

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The bib can also book them for no helmets while there at it.

And their hair. There should be a law against that too.

Only the driver is required to wear a helmet...and from the look of his hairstyle wearing one would have improved his safety and his looks. Plus once the police track the bike down from the license plate number given he could have claimed it was not him driving...he had loaned it to his buddy. But of course the other guy would have to support that lie. But now, the bike driver and the rider (Dumb and Dumber) may actually end up getting fined/some jail time because I expect they will be caught. I'm sure they will be very remorseful when caught (i.e., actually just sorry they got caught).

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I think there is more to this story. I don't care who the morons are but even morons usually have a reason to start throwing rocks.

My thought exactly !

Perhaps the Swede left out the part where he nearly hit the motorbike earlier that day or cut them off and shouted profanities their way, could all be possible, right ?

A Swede? Get your bearings right and visit Sweden before you utter such incredible nonsense.

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I always like turn the story around :

Lets say a Thai in his car was honking at a farang on his motorbike.

Farang get upset and then begin throwing big rocks and smashes the car and bring the lives of the thais in the car including a baby in serious danger...

result a full scale manhunt for sure and within few hours farang gets arrested and will receive some years in jail and pay big financial compensation to the victims.

But now in this case they take their time and if ever catch them then some 500 bht will have to settle the misunderstanding

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