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Thailand 18th Best World Investment Destination


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Thailand 18th best world investment destination

BANGKOK: -- Thailand saw its rank move up one notch--from 19th place to 18th place--among 175 countries surveyed by the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a lead economist of the World Bank said Wednesday.

Singapore dethroned New Zealand, last year's chart topper, as the world's most favourable investment destination. The United States is ranked 3rd followed by Canada and Hong Kong respectively.

Thailand performed well to upgrade its ranking in some areas of the survey, such as assets registration, but there is still much left to be desired in terms of business regulations which hinder foreign investment, the lack of skilled workers and public utilities as well as transparency and good governance to protect investors, according to Kazi M. Martin, the World Bank's Bangkok-based lead economist for Southeast Asia.

The rankings were announced in a report entitled "Doing Business 2007: How to Reform" released by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank's organ for promoting private sector investment throughout the globe.

Benchmarking was based on an extensive list of indicators, including the time and cost to meet government requirements in business start-up, operation, trade, taxation, and closure. They do not track variables such as macroeconomic policy, quality of infrastructure, currency volatility, investor perceptions, or crime rates.

Some 1,385 private companies in Thailand were included among 30,000 international companies surveyed.

The report highlighted key areas that Thailand needed to improve to attract more foreign investment in the future, particularly the length of business start-ups in the country which normally takes 33 days, longer than Singapore and Hong Kong where new business start-ups take only 6 and 11 days respectively.

The long waits encountered in customs procedures--which take at least 22 days -- were seen as a serious obstacle to Thailand's flow of exports and imports. In comparison, Singapore's customs procedures take only three days for custom procedures for import and six days for export procedures, the report said.

Mr. Martin said lengthy customs procedures was not the major issue but the main obstacle was investment volume.

"The volume of private investment in Thailand has been at a low level since pre-1997 financial crisis, mainly are in real estate sector rather than the production sector," Mr. Martin pointed out. "In

addition, he said, several factors that contributed to Thailand's shortcomings for investment are business regulations that impose unfavourable conditions for doing business, lack of skilled workers, higher wages and insufficient utilities."

The World Bank economist urged Thailand to fine-tune its investment direction to produce more innovative products and technology-savvy personnel to serve the nation's 10th National Economic and Social Development Plan which focused on economy driven by knowledge and innovations.

The report finds that the top 30 economies in the world are, in order, Singapore, New Zealand, the United States, Canada, Hong Kong/China, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Australia, Norway, Ireland, Japan, Iceland, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Lithuania, Estonia, Thailand, Puerto Rico, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Korea, Latvia, Malaysia, Israel, St. Lucia, Chile, South Africa and Austria.

--TNA 2006-09-06

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1 Singapore

2 New Zealand

3 the United States

4 Canada

5 Hong Kong/China

6 the United Kingdom

7 Denmark

8 Australia

9 Norway

10 Ireland

11 Japan

12 Iceland

13 Sweden

14 Finland

15 Switzerland

16 Lithuania

17 Estonia

18 Thailand

19 Puerto Rico

20 Belgium

21 Germany

22 Netherlands

23 Korea

24 Latvia

25 Malaysia

26 Israel

27 St. Lucia

28 Chile

29 South Africa

30 Austria.

Well, the position of some of the countries is interesting. Astounded how Germany are so low at number 21 :o

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What is just as surprising are the countries languishing outside the top 30.

Where are France, Spain, Italy?

And what about Russia, or is that stretching things too much?

Well done Thailand, although please pay heed to the remarks made by Mr. Kazi M. Martin!


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Is there a website anywhere that contains a complete list of investment destinations. If so, could you post the URL here.

i wonder where Iraq and Iran sit on this investment list


1 Singapore

2 New Zealand

3 the United States

4 Canada

5 Hong Kong/China

6 the United Kingdom

7 Denmark

8 Australia

9 Norway

10 Ireland

11 Japan

12 Iceland

13 Sweden

14 Finland

15 Switzerland

16 Lithuania

17 Estonia

18 Thailand

19 Puerto Rico

20 Belgium

21 Germany

22 Netherlands

23 Korea

24 Latvia

25 Malaysia

26 Israel

27 St. Lucia

28 Chile

29 South Africa

30 Austria.

Well, the position of some of the countries is interesting. Astounded how Germany are so low at number 21 :o

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What is just as surprising are the countries languishing outside the top 30.

Where are France, Spain, Italy?

And what about Russia, or is that stretching things too much?

Well done Thailand, although please pay heed to the remarks made by Mr. Kazi M. Martin!


I would say that with the above countries, there is probably too much regulation. Well excluding Russia.

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Thailand 18th best world investment destination

This is really misleading. It's not a ranking of investment destinations, it's a ranking of the best places to do business: "A high ranking on the ease of doing business index means the regulatory environment is conducive to the operation of business."

They're ranking things like "Ease of Doing Business" (Thailand's rank: 18), "Starting a Business" (28), "Dealing with Licenses" (3), "Employing Workers" (46), "Registering Property" (18), "Getting Credit" (33), "Protecting Investors" (33), "Paying Taxes" (57), "Trading Across Borders" (103), "Enforcing Contracts" (44), "Closing a Business" (38).

See here for more.

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