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Baltimore: Scant details from Gray death probe disappoint protesters


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Scant details from Gray death probe disappoint protesters

BALTIMORE (AP) — The refusal of authorities to provide more than a few sketchy details about the Freddie Gray investigation may be legally appropriate, but many people in Baltimore were finding it hard to be patient Thursday when police revealed nothing about the internal investigation they turned over to the state's attorney's office.

Nearly two weeks after Gray's death, the public still doesn't know much more than it did on Day One. The central question — what caused his fatal spinal cord injury — remains a mystery.

"The transparency is just not there," the Rev. Cortly "C.D." Witherspoon said after Police Commissioner Anthony Batts refused to answer any questions Thursday.

Batts said his department's report was delivered a day ahead of time to State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby, and that from now on, any questions should go to her.

Mosby also declined to talk, issuing a statement Thursday asking "for the public to remain patient and peaceful and to trust the process of the justice system."

With rumors flying about how Gray's spine was "80 percent severed," as his family's lawyer Billy Murphy put it, police did release a new piece of information Thursday, but it served mostly to raise more questions about how truthful the six suspended officers have been with investigators.

Deputy Commissioner Kevin Davis said investigators discovered a security camera recording showing that the police van carrying Gray had made a previously undisclosed, second stop, after the 25-year-old black man was put in leg irons and before the van driver made a third stop and called for help to check on his condition. The van then made a fourth stop, to pick up another passenger, before Gray arrived at the police station with the fatal spinal-cord injury that left him unresponsive.

The Associated Press talked later Thursday with grocery store owner Jung Hyun Hwang, who said officers came in last week to make a copy. Speaking in Korean, he said the only other copy had been stolen, along with his video equipment, when looters destroyed his store Monday night. He told the AP that he didn't see what the recording showed.

Police had said Gray was obviously injured and asking for medical help when he was hoisted into the van on April 12, and unresponsive on arrival at the station. He died in a hospital after a week in a coma.

Then, last week, Batts said the additional passenger who was picked up along the way had told investigators the driver did not speed, make sudden stops or "drive erratically" during the trip, and that Gray was "was still moving around, that he was kicking and making noises" up until the van arrived at the police station.

Baltimore police have been less forthcoming than police in Ferguson, Missouri, after white officer Darren Wilson fatally shot a black man, 18-year-old, Michael Brown, last year in an incident officially deemed self-defense. For example, Baltimore police haven't publicly revealed the suspended officers' races or disciplinary histories.

Beyond the slim chronology, authorities have refused to discuss evidence, such as the details of his handling to statements from any of the six suspended officers. Their names are known only because the AP and other news organizations filed public records requests for the documents police filed seeking to have Gray charged with carrying a switchblade.

"I understand there are questions people want to have answered, but unfortunately, we can't release any more about it," Capt. J. Eric Kowalczyk said.

The forensic pathologists who studied Gray's body for clues also aren't making official statements.

Bruce Goldfarb, a spokesman for the Maryland State Medical Examiner's Office, told the AP Thursday that the office has completed Gray's autopsy, but the forensic investigation is still in process and no conclusions have been sent to police or prosecutors. When the report is complete, Goldfarb said, a copy will be sent to the Baltimore State's Attorney's Office.

"The autopsy has been done, it only takes about two and a half hours," Goldfarb said. "The autopsy is only one part of the forensic investigation. The whole point is to determine cause and manner of death, and there are lab tests and lots of other things that have to be done."

Legal experts and the Gray family lawyers say secrecy is appropriate at this point in the probe, when it's still possible that some witnesses haven't been questioned, or even found.

"By releasing too many details, you run the risk that witnesses' testimony will change to mirror the details you have released," said David S. Weinstein, a former federal prosecutor now in private practice in Miami. He said investigators must verify or corroborate much of the information they receive, and meanwhile the public could be misled that the probe is leading to a particular outcome.

Investigators also face challenges with police that are different from killings by civilians. There's the question of whether an officer acted "reasonably" considering the circumstances — a common defense in use-of-force cases. And investigators can't simply force officers to give statements or lose their jobs, because that would mean their testimony is coerced, and therefore wouldn't hold up in court, Weinstein said.

"If they are compelled to give a statement as a condition of their employment, you cannot then use those statements against them in a criminal proceeding," he said. "This is where the decision to grant immunity comes into play."

The Gray family's lawyers sought to dispel the idea that the police report would be made public at this point.

"This family wants justice, and they want justice that comes at the right time and not too soon," attorney Hassan Murphy said Wednesday.

People are right to demand transparency, but the appropriate time for disclosure is either during a trial, if charges are filed, or when prosecutors announce no indictments, said Steve Levin, a former federal prosecutor in Baltimore who now works as a defense attorney.

The voracious 24-hour news cycle is another factor, especially so when civil unrest and violence are involved. Saturating the public with information prior to filing criminal charges also can make it extremely difficult to seat an impartial jury later, said Robert Jarvis, a law professor at Nova Southeastern University.

"It makes it appear that they are not doing anything, which leads to unfounded criticism and can rush law enforcement into ill-considered action," Jarvis said.

Meanwhile, protests over Gray's death are spreading and continuing. Crowds gathered Thursday in Philadelphia and Baltimore. Other protests led to arrests in New York and elsewhere.


Contributors include Juliet Linderman and Kasey Jones in Baltimore. Anderson reported from Miami.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-05-01

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The City of Baltimore has turned the investigation over to the State of Maryland which is the best thing they could do. That removes it from any possible local influence.

The state police and attorney aren't going to spill any beans because they don't want any copycat witnesses or other influence. They want to approach it with a clean slate and no pressure.

Each state has its own expert crime lab and investigators and they will be thorough and unbiased. They don't answer to that city much less the county the city is in.

People need to wait and let them do their jobs. They shouldn't be telling anyone anything this early.

Edit. The state can also get help from the FBI crime lab and investigators just by asking.

Edited by NeverSure
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"By releasing too many details, you run the risk that witnesses' testimony will change to mirror the details you have released," said David S. Weinstein"

By releasing NO details, you give the impression that a cover-up is happening, hence the riots.

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I think a lot of the tension has been simmering for a time. I don't think either the lack of information or scant information is the cause.

Until the black community starts to pick itself up and start helping itself, there are going to be problems.

We are seeing gays and transgenders moving forward after a long hard struggle, but the blacks have done little to help themselves to gain some sort of equality.

The police do not have the right to use excessive force and there seems to be a problem with a lot of force being used lately, but that said, short of letting criminals go, I don't know if there are a lot of options.

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By releasing NO details, you give the impression that a cover-up is happening, hence the riots.

People get riotous over the police not immediately being found guilty before the gathering of evidence and proper trial. White people in America use to act in the same way.

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I think a lot of the tension has been simmering for a time. I don't think either the lack of information or scant information is the cause.

Until the black community starts to pick itself up and start helping itself, there are going to be problems.

We are seeing gays and transgenders moving forward after a long hard struggle, but the blacks have done little to help themselves to gain some sort of equality.

The police do not have the right to use excessive force and there seems to be a problem with a lot of force being used lately, but that said, short of letting criminals go, I don't know if there are a lot of options.

Blacks have equality in America... the vast underclass fostered by the Democrat Party to keep them on the voting Plantation has caused them to become a ghetto mentality population who cannot nor will not attempt to elevate themselves. Welfare laws has made it better financially if there is no father in the house - result -- no fathers in black households... Blacks in inner cities - young blacks up to a past age 30 live on day dreams of becoming the next noxious Rap Star, or Basketball or Football player -- all done by magic ... not paying attention to the fact that only a few thousand blacks make the big time this way - even though blacks dominate the rosters of the pro game leagues and all of Rap... We have millions of uneducated blacks who will not push themselves to go anything except be cool, post photos of being in the hood on Facebook sporting guns, drugs, and wads of money, committing crimes, etc ... prime example Mr. Brown in Ferguson Mo. Every wall preventing them from progressing in life has been torn down - except the insurmountable wall of self-motivation.

Oh and by the way ... the BBC has been broadcasting all day the evidence of a extremely serious head wound on Gray... the large puncture matches a protruding bolt on the paddy wagon compartment. He was handcuffed but not restrained by any seat belt ... negligence on the PD part but not intentional killing or extreme beating ... but no black in America will hear anything just as in the Brown and Martin cases.

Also take in to account that professional agitators are likely involved to stir up the anger and discontent -- all done to make sure blacks are not complacent in the 2016 National - Presidential Elections as they were in the 2014 Mid Term elections - giving the Senate back to the Republicans...

EDIT to CLARIFY ... My comments are about why black people confront police and why the protesters go beyond protesting and become rioters ... not about Mr. Gray in particular

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Baltimore Prosecutor -- just said ... on BBC just now ... that the death was a homicide and certain police officers would be prosecuted ... She is outlining the basis of the charge -- basically revealing all state's evidence ... simply amazing ...

She is describing blow for blow - police officers actions... Illegal Arrest... no restraints in the paddy wagon ... then police stopped paddy wagon -- cuffed and shackled him ... put him on the floor of the paddy wagon --- she says suffered a neck injury from the cuffs, shackles and restraints ... and now is proceeding to explain ever minute detail of his transport and arrival at the police dept. every instance of the entire event...

I would suggest to anyone interested to tune in to BBC and wait for the re-run which they do ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT.

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Why in the world would anyone watch a Marxist-Leninist network like the BBC to find out about a US criminal preceding?

Because I cannot get anything else except RT or Algazera (sp?) ... And most of the American Cable TV and Broadcast TV have become propagandists ... get the facts of any situation in the U.S. is a challenge if there is any political overtones to it...

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Six Baltimore police officers face murder, other charges in Freddie Gray's death

Reuters) - Six Baltimore police officers will face criminal charges, including second-degree murder and manslaughter, in the death of a black man who was arrested and suffered a fatal neck injury while riding in a moving police van, the city's chief prosecutor said on Friday.


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Why in the world would anyone watch a Marxist-Leninist network like the BBC to find out about a US criminal preceding?

Because I cannot get anything else except RT or Algazera (sp?) ... And most of the American Cable TV and Broadcast TV have become propagandists ... get the facts of any situation in the U.S. is a challenge if there is any political overtones to it...

Search for "Sky News Live" on Youtube.

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12% of black U.S. Citizens can't legally vote and it is made difficult for the rest. The police forces have become a cowardly, brutal militia with military weapons. Things were destined to erupt again. Racism is alive and well in America.

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It would appear the driver of the Police Van is charged with Murder and five other charges. Whilst five other officers involved have all been charged with manslaughter and other lesser charges.

It would appear that six police officers have been hurriedly thrown under the van.

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12% of black U.S. Citizens can't legally vote and it is made difficult for the rest. The police forces have become a cowardly, brutal militia with military weapons. Things were destined to erupt again. Racism is alive and well in America.

I disagree... I lived in the U.S. a very long time ... intermingled across racial lines ... racism is not near as much a problem it is trumped up to be... Things were progressing well unit the racial pot stirrers came along in 2008. It has been posted on other related threads that whites are killed by police officers in greater numbers. The problem when it come to police brutality - is that misfit - rouge police officers whose numbers are far too many take actions against citizens that are against state and federal laws and the U.S. Constitution ... This is where reform needs to take place - not damning all police officers. There must be higher levels of screening and training and monitoring. A mandatory 'vest' / lapel cam that some police forces use - would go a long way to curtain the problem. Where police forces use these lapel cams - claims of police brutality have gone done. Currently these rogue misfit police officers are Equal Opportunity takers of the civil rights of all citizens unnecessarily killing dogs, roughing up people, detaining people, 4th, Amendment violations of entering homes, no probably cause for stopping vehicles, injuring and killing people of all races and religions - creed and color.

While the U.S. is working to reduce racism they should start with the White House, the Justice Department AG, and Congress... Ban the presence of Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson in official or unofficial White House or Congressional Functions. Obama and Eric Holder have made statements to the effect that only blacks can be victims of racism ... both these men are the top two racists in America. When the Obama Administration stops stirring the racial pot ... things will get better.

Notice -- that what seems like justice will prevail -- however, thousands jumped the gun again and burnt, looted and ravages parts of Baltimore... and few of them will be effectively punished. The actions of the Mayor of Baltimore and her statements should call for demanding her resignation ...but because she is black and also the Secretary of the Democrat Party she will not be the subject of any recriminations - Political Correctness will demand it.

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Why in the world would anyone watch a Marxist-Leninist network like the BBC to find out about a US criminal preceding?

For unbiased reporting.

BBC is right up there among the other biased news reporting TV news services... I watch it as there is little else to watch on the cable TV service I get. The BBC 'news' presenters constantly warp the news injecting liberal - socialist views on nearly every subject covered - ignoring all other points of view They report events in America with a liberal - leftist slant done as fact and present no other point of view except only rarely -- seemingly by accident. The BBC reports the deaths and injuries such as the Gray case, the Brown case and the Martin case using the same words and claims made by the black community -- accepting and presenting the guilt of the police as fact and the same for how any incident has happened ... The BBC also repeats the mantra that America is fully racist against blacks... and that people like Al Sharpton are purveyors of the truth... The BBC has become the Tabloid Trash Newspapers that they deplore in the U.K. They slant so much sometimes I think they are going to fall over to the floor.

Also as with most TV News Media and the printed news media, the BBC practices bias in presentation by omission ... simply not reporting on news elements that are inconvenient to their slant.

I keep the BBC on mainly for background noise as I live alone... and because it has a lot of Talking... BBC or any TV News media - serves a lot like putting newspaper in the bottom of a bird cage - but mainly because my options are few --- RT and such as alternatives.

I also keep it on when I am gone from the house as a deterrent to break ins - turn the volume up a little so people outside the door will hear the voices.

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12% of black U.S. Citizens can't legally vote and it is made difficult for the rest. The police forces have become a cowardly, brutal militia with military weapons. Things were destined to erupt again. Racism is alive and well in America.

You do have a reliable source for this 12% drivel ... is it they can't vote because of felony prison sentences?

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Why in the world would anyone watch a Marxist-Leninist network like the BBC to find out about a US criminal preceding?

Because I cannot get anything else except RT or Algazera (sp?) ... And most of the American Cable TV and Broadcast TV have become propagandists ... get the facts of any situation in the U.S. is a challenge if there is any political overtones to it...

Search for "Sky News Live" on Youtube.

Owned by the same people as Fox News. thumbsup.gif

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12% of black U.S. Citizens can't legally vote and it is made difficult for the rest. The police forces have become a cowardly, brutal militia with military weapons. Things were destined to erupt again. Racism is alive and well in America.

What ARE you talking about with the voting statistics? Give us a link.

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