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Peace TV will 'keep working'
Pravit Rojanaphruk
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Content will be broadcast via different media, legal fight will continue: Weng

THE red-shirt Peace TV station has decided to continue disseminating content via the Internet and other media after it was pulled off the air by the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC) on Thursday night for allegedly being a threat to national security.

The station will also continue its legal battle to be allowed back on air, red-shirt co-leader Weng Tojirakarn said.

Weng, who also hosted shows on the channel, said they would file petitions with international rights bodies, including the United Nations.

"We will not abandon the station, but will use new platforms - website, social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LINE and even publish a weekly journal. We will not abandon our brothers and sisters," Weng said, referring to the hundred plus members of staff who are now unemployed. "It's like we're on the same ship. If we sink, we sink together."

The station's licence was initially revoked on Monday for violating the memorandum of understanding (MoU) it signed with the NBTC and the military by allegedly sowing seeds of conflict and becoming a threat to national security.

On Thursday, when the station was pulled off-air, Weng cried foul, insisting that NBTC had been far too hasty in shutting down the station.

"It's like executing us first and handing down a death warrant later," he said, referring to the unexpected arrival of some 20 soldiers and police at 9pm on Thursday night with the shutdown order.

Supinya Klangnarong, the only NBTC commissioner who was against the move, tweeted that the NBTC should have stuck to its own regulations instead of relying on an MoU that was created with the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) after the coup.

"I disagree with the use of an MoU that was first announced by the NCPO. The decision to punish, no matter which [tv] channel, should first be done under Article 37," Supinya tweeted referring to the broadcasting law.

She admits that the station was one-sided but said it was only a breach of the media's professional ethics, not necessarily a reason to be taken off-air.

On Thursday night, some news anchors began crying while on air when they realised their station would be shut down. An image of four female news anchors covering their ears, eyes and mouth as a last act of defiance went viral on social media.

Reactions on Facebook to the shutdown varied from outright condemnation to full support. Many supporters slammed the junta for being behind the move.

"We're regressing towards a pitch-dark era," Tathata Jaroenporn posted on Facebook yesterday.

"Dictators tend to be afraid of the truth," Pong Karunathikul, another Facebook user, said.

"I haven't watched this channel for a long time now, but shutting it down won't make me love dictators more," Banhan Ratmanee posted. But Yechiela Pojanamesbannstit's reaction was different.

"Thais don't need leaders who represent the elite among red-shirts. But we should discuss among ourselves, and ask if we should listen to our own voices or those of leaders who led many to their deaths, while they themselves never got killed," she posted, referring to protests that led to the death of ordinary red-shirt supporters over the years.

Some suggested that the move exposed the junta's sense of insecurity, while one said the shutdown was irrelevant. "Irrelevant! Social network is the main force for liberalism [today]," wrote Facebook user Prathan Triumnoyporn.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Peace-TV-will-keep-working-30259199.html

-- The Nation 2015-05-02

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I pulled out my trusty, 'UDD to English' dictionary and looked up 'peace'. In English that means: Create as much discord as possible so as to bring the 'Paymaster' home to rule forever in peace. I like to read that dictionary when I am in need of a good laugh. All you UDD folks, keep working on spreading your 'peace'. LoL


There are just too many contradictory statements in here. Supinya says she admits they are one sided and only breached professional ethics then Pong goes on to say that the junta is afraid of the truth. How can their be any truth out of a network who has a one sided point of view? Whose truth are they promoting? The answer is known to everyone here anyway. It just strikes me that these people can not see their own BS that they spout out at people.


The media has always been censored here. Most TV outlets are owned and operated by the government. Currently, restrictions are in place. Like it or not, it's reality. This station has recently been extremely critical of the junta, the proposed charter reforms, etc. Basically doing what they want regardless of the current situation. They knew what they were doing and felt they were above the law. I guess not. This station has been stirring things up, like they always have.

P.S. I'm all for a free media, but it's not reality right now here in Thailand. Never really has been.

Couldn't have been said better:

"Thais don't need leaders who represent the elite among red-shirts. But we should discuss among ourselves, and ask if we should listen to our own voices or those of leaders who led many to their deaths, while they themselves never got killed," she posted, referring to protests that led to the death of ordinary red-shirt supporters over the years.

having demagogic well financed thugs in the country who aim to get a super rich criminal who said "democracy is not a goal"

as the county leader (instead of going to prison) ....

anybody surprised that this country needs §44 or martial law ?


I pulled out my trusty, 'UDD to English' dictionary and looked up 'peace'. In English that means: Create as much discord as possible so as to bring the 'Paymaster' home to rule forever in peace. I like to read that dictionary when I am in need of a good laugh. All you UDD folks, keep working on spreading your 'peace'. LoL

In the Old days of Communism the definition(Their definition) of Peace was When all the opposition was

dead and gone-- Peace will be accomplished!!


the prime minister said he was a democratic soldier in a democratic country if this is a democratic country how sad using the army to close down a tv network is not democratic .


Why do these red oxygen thieves hide behind words like "peace" and "democracy" etc ?

Peace and democracy are the last things on their wish list, mainly because they would not have a clue what those words mean.

The reds are only interested in taking control of the government at the point of a gun a-la 2010, in hardly a peaceful manner, which is exactly what they are blaming the current government of doing.

And of putting their fearless leader back in power to ensure their free flow of money paid for terrorist acts.

Peace TV my ass !

(This mouthpiece for a blatant terrorist association would be shut down in most countries for breaking anti-terrorist laws, and should not be classed as a form of media)


Why do these red oxygen thieves hide behind words like "peace" and "democracy" etc ?

Peace and democracy are the last things on their wish list, mainly because they would not have a clue what those words mean.

The reds are only interested in taking control of the government at the point of a gun a-la 2010, in hardly a peaceful manner, which is exactly what they are blaming the current government of doing.

And of putting their fearless leader back in power to ensure their free flow of money paid for terrorist acts.

Peace TV my ass !

(This mouthpiece for a blatant terrorist association would be shut down in most countries for breaking anti-terrorist laws, and should not be classed as a form of media)

hahahahaha..so you are an expert concerning the "Reds"? You think they are not longing for peace?

Man, I don't know where you are comimg from, (maybe Russia?) but freedom of press is one requirement for democracy..

If you can't stand that kind of freedom....why not going to North Korea? They will welcome you. Definetely!


Continuing from previous threads on this topic, I have not yet seen one specific example of the unacceptable broadcasts by Peace TV that supposedly warranted their shutdown.

I don't know Thai well enough to provide those examples; and apparently, neither does anyone else on this forum.

Instead, we are treated to the sort of broad brush smearing that would be considered reprehensible if it were directed against our favorite causes.

Just to be clear, if the station were fomenting violence (as opposed to simply expressing opposition) than I could see cause for action; but nobody in these terse "news" articles, and nobody on this forum, has provided the sort of specific examples that might be convincing.

By the way, I heartily agree with the one Commissioner who said the commission should have first followed the law to determine if an action was justified.

Too bad that was not the approach. I guess the law is a quaint artifact to the many who would simply go along. sad.png


Continuing from previous threads on this topic, I have not yet seen one specific example of the unacceptable broadcasts by Peace TV that supposedly warranted their shutdown.

I don't know Thai well enough to provide those examples; and apparently, neither does anyone else on this forum.

Instead, we are treated to the sort of broad brush smearing that would be considered reprehensible if it were directed against our favorite causes.

Just to be clear, if the station were fomenting violence (as opposed to simply expressing opposition) than I could see cause for action; but nobody in these terse "news" articles, and nobody on this forum, has provided the sort of specific examples that might be convincing.

By the way, I heartily agree with the one Commissioner who said the commission should have first followed the law to determine if an action was justified.

Too bad that was not the approach. I guess the law is a quaint artifact to the many who would simply go along. sad.png

That's one of the problems we foreigners have. We don't speak the language, so can't adequately understand what's going on. From what I understand from my maid, the station is extremely critical of the junta, the general, the coup, the new charter, etc, etc, etc. Extremely critical and trying to stir things up. Which we know is not allowed right now. For better or worse.

They knew what they were doing and are now paying the price.

I'm sure there's a lot more going on than what we hear in the English press. Need to start studying Thai! LOL


Why do these red oxygen thieves hide behind words like "peace" and "democracy" etc ?

Peace and democracy are the last things on their wish list, mainly because they would not have a clue what those words mean.

The reds are only interested in taking control of the government at the point of a gun a-la 2010, in hardly a peaceful manner, which is exactly what they are blaming the current government of doing.

And of putting their fearless leader back in power to ensure their free flow of money paid for terrorist acts.

Peace TV my ass !

(This mouthpiece for a blatant terrorist association would be shut down in most countries for breaking anti-terrorist laws, and should not be classed as a form of media)

hahahahaha..so you are an expert concerning the "Reds"? You think they are not longing for peace?

Man, I don't know where you are comimg from, (maybe Russia?) but freedom of press is one requirement for democracy..

If you can't stand that kind of freedom....why not going to North Korea? They will welcome you. Definetely!

I never said I was an expert on the reds, they are your twisted words.

But I do know enough about them to know that they thrive on discord and make nothing out of peace.

Maybe you should brush up on them before making such stupid comments.


Why do these red oxygen thieves hide behind words like "peace" and "democracy" etc ?

Peace and democracy are the last things on their wish list, mainly because they would not have a clue what those words mean.

The reds are only interested in taking control of the government at the point of a gun a-la 2010, in hardly a peaceful manner, which is exactly what they are blaming the current government of doing.

And of putting their fearless leader back in power to ensure their free flow of money paid for terrorist acts.

Peace TV my ass !

(This mouthpiece for a blatant terrorist association would be shut down in most countries for breaking anti-terrorist laws, and should not be classed as a form of media)

hahahahaha..so you are an expert concerning the "Reds"? You think they are not longing for peace?

Man, I don't know where you are comimg from, (maybe Russia?) but freedom of press is one requirement for democracy..

If you can't stand that kind of freedom....why not going to North Korea? They will welcome you. Definetely!

I never said I was an expert on the reds, they are your twisted words.

But I do know enough about them to know that they thrive on discord and make nothing out of peace.

Maybe you should brush up on them before making such stupid comments.

I'm afraid, from your last two posts, that you should be looking in the mirror when you mention terms relating to low IQ.

I am not a fan of (absolute) freedom of press, neither am I convinced about democracy being the ideal that nations should strive for.

My opinions completely contradict yours so logic suggests that it means that I have a high IQ!!!


I pulled out my trusty, 'UDD to English' dictionary and looked up 'peace'. In English that means: Create as much discord as possible so as to bring the 'Paymaster' home to rule forever in peace. I like to read that dictionary when I am in need of a good laugh. All you UDD folks, keep working on spreading your 'peace'. LoL

I looked up "Suthep" in my English dictionary and it said much the same except different paymasters


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why do these red oxygen thieves hide behind words like "peace" and "democracy" etc ?

Peace and democracy are the last things on their wish list, mainly because they would not have a clue what those words mean.

The reds are only interested in taking control of the government at the point of a gun a-la 2010, in hardly a peaceful manner, which is exactly what they are blaming the current government of doing.

And of putting their fearless leader back in power to ensure their free flow of money paid for terrorist acts.

Peace TV my ass !

(This mouthpiece for a blatant terrorist association would be shut down in most countries for breaking anti-terrorist laws, and should not be classed as a form of media)

hahahahaha..so you are an expert concerning the "Reds"? You think they are not longing for peace?

Man, I don't know where you are comimg from, (maybe Russia?) but freedom of press is one requirement for democracy..

If you can't stand that kind of freedom....why not going to North Korea? They will welcome you. Definetely!

I never said I was an expert on the reds, they are your twisted words.

But I do know enough about them to know that they thrive on discord and make nothing out of peace.

Maybe you should brush up on them before making such stupid comments.

And maybe you eventually might understand that freedom of the press comes with appropriate ethics and with responsibilities.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I pulled out my trusty, 'UDD to English' dictionary and looked up 'peace'. In English that means: Create as much discord as possible so as to bring the 'Paymaster' home to rule forever in peace. I like to read that dictionary when I am in need of a good laugh. All you UDD folks, keep working on spreading your 'peace'. LoL

I looked up "Suthep" in my English dictionary and it said much the same except different paymasters

So you admit the reds do have a paymaster?


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I pulled out my trusty, 'UDD to English' dictionary and looked up 'peace'. In English that means: Create as much discord as possible so as to bring the 'Paymaster' home to rule forever in peace. I like to read that dictionary when I am in need of a good laugh. All you UDD folks, keep working on spreading your 'peace'. LoL

I looked up "Suthep" in my English dictionary and it said much the same except different paymasters

So you admit the reds do have a paymaster?

Actually it's a well known fact, but "some" red supporters refuse to admit it. They are clinging to the stupid idea that the reds think for themselves and "work" for nothing. clap2.gif


When being described the content that was aired on WAR Peace TV I was surprised it was not shut down earlier and kept shut down. If / when Weng takes this to the UN they too will concur it should be kept off the air when the narrative of the channel is presented to them. Of course Dr Weng won't present the offense descriptions of Ahbisit nor the hate speeches with undercurrents of rebellion.

Australia does not allow this type of evil to be aired and they are a democracy. This is not an argument of freedom of speech. It is case of airing a show that is indecent, lacks respect of anyone that shares an opposing view to them, decimating hatred and promoting rebellion of authority which I thank god and according to the Australian Broadcasting Authority cannot be aired on Australian TV as all it would do is bring the fanatics out of the word work. After Martin Place, in Sydney the last thing we need is a show like WAR Peace TV to promote further violence by stimulating a small narrow cross section of the population with the stimulus being hate and negativity.

Give Weng and Jatuporn the much needed medication they seem to so desperately require to calm their behavioral problems and help them through these dark days of the symptoms of "Conduct Disorder" which they both share all the symptoms of.


Once again, some members argue that Peace TV should be banned, and would be banned in other countries, yet fail to offer a single piece of verifiable evidence of recent Peace TV content to support their point of view.

There must be an alternate universe of "facts in Thailand" that never intersects with TVF.

Well, come to think of it, that could be the case. cheesy.gif


Why do these red oxygen thieves hide behind words like "peace" and "democracy" etc ?

Peace and democracy are the last things on their wish list, mainly because they would not have a clue what those words mean.

The reds are only interested in taking control of the government at the point of a gun a-la 2010, in hardly a peaceful manner, which is exactly what they are blaming the current government of doing.

And of putting their fearless leader back in power to ensure their free flow of money paid for terrorist acts.

Peace TV my ass !

(This mouthpiece for a blatant terrorist association would be shut down in most countries for breaking anti-terrorist laws, and should not be classed as a form of media)

Rather than take power "at the point of a gun" (that is another factions specialty), they actually came to power by winning an election. Like they did in 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2011. We will never know who would have won in 2014, but there was obviously a risk that the evil Redshirts would win again, so the election was trashed and eventually power was taken "at the point of a gun".

But hey, don't let what really happened get in the way of your rant!


Why do these red oxygen thieves hide behind words like "peace" and "democracy" etc ?

Peace and democracy are the last things on their wish list, mainly because they would not have a clue what those words mean.

The reds are only interested in taking control of the government at the point of a gun a-la 2010, in hardly a peaceful manner, which is exactly what they are blaming the current government of doing.

And of putting their fearless leader back in power to ensure their free flow of money paid for terrorist acts.

Peace TV my ass !

(This mouthpiece for a blatant terrorist association would be shut down in most countries for breaking anti-terrorist laws, and should not be classed as a form of media)

Rather than take power "at the point of a gun" (that is another factions specialty), they actually came to power by winning an election. Like they did in 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2011. We will never know who would have won in 2014, but there was obviously a risk that the evil Redshirts would win again, so the election was trashed and eventually power was taken "at the point of a gun".

But hey, don't let what really happened get in the way of your rant!

Yes you are correct. They came to power by winning elections. Most of which was done by force and bribery and veiled threats and promises. What you fail to mention is how when threatened with losing their power they used grenades and threats to officials and violent attacks on civilians who opposed them.

It seems you only see half of the big picture.


we see peacetv is up'n'going on youtube, ustream, stream-live.tv etc so that'll keep missus happy till she gets bored again


Why do these red oxygen thieves hide behind words like "peace" and "democracy" etc ?

Peace and democracy are the last things on their wish list, mainly because they would not have a clue what those words mean.

The reds are only interested in taking control of the government at the point of a gun a-la 2010, in hardly a peaceful manner, which is exactly what they are blaming the current government of doing.

And of putting their fearless leader back in power to ensure their free flow of money paid for terrorist acts.

Peace TV my ass !

(This mouthpiece for a blatant terrorist association would be shut down in most countries for breaking anti-terrorist laws, and should not be classed as a form of media)

Rather than take power "at the point of a gun" (that is another factions specialty), they actually came to power by winning an election. Like they did in 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2011. We will never know who would have won in 2014, but there was obviously a risk that the evil Redshirts would win again, so the election was trashed and eventually power was taken "at the point of a gun".

But hey, don't let what really happened get in the way of your rant!

You conveniently forgot to mention that little thing that happened in 2010, the number of lives lost then, and the fact that the last two military coups were bloodless coups.

But hey, your little rant is much more interesting than mine. thumbsup.gif


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why do these red oxygen thieves hide behind words like "peace" and "democracy" etc ?

Peace and democracy are the last things on their wish list, mainly because they would not have a clue what those words mean.

The reds are only interested in taking control of the government at the point of a gun a-la 2010, in hardly a peaceful manner, which is exactly what they are blaming the current government of doing.

And of putting their fearless leader back in power to ensure their free flow of money paid for terrorist acts.

Peace TV my ass !

(This mouthpiece for a blatant terrorist association would be shut down in most countries for breaking anti-terrorist laws, and should not be classed as a form of media)

Rather than take power "at the point of a gun" (that is another factions specialty), they actually came to power by winning an election. Like they did in 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2011. We will never know who would have won in 2014, but there was obviously a risk that the evil Redshirts would win again, so the election was trashed and eventually power was taken "at the point of a gun".

But hey, don't let what really happened get in the way of your rant!

Nothing specific to contribute so go for a rerun, all discussed to death before.


Why do these red oxygen thieves hide behind words like "peace" and "democracy" etc ?

Peace and democracy are the last things on their wish list, mainly because they would not have a clue what those words mean.

The reds are only interested in taking control of the government at the point of a gun a-la 2010, in hardly a peaceful manner, which is exactly what they are blaming the current government of doing.

And of putting their fearless leader back in power to ensure their free flow of money paid for terrorist acts.

Peace TV my ass !

(This mouthpiece for a blatant terrorist association would be shut down in most countries for breaking anti-terrorist laws, and should not be classed as a form of media)

hahahahaha..so you are an expert concerning the "Reds"? You think they are not longing for peace?

Man, I don't know where you are comimg from, (maybe Russia?) but freedom of press is one requirement for democracy..

If you can't stand that kind of freedom....why not going to North Korea? They will welcome you. Definetely!

cant see any sign that reds know what means peace - freedom - democracy ,

On their banner are only arsenic operations, protests, blockades. fighting , shooting, bombing, burning down,

thats what they have done in the past and wouöld do in the future if they were not stopped in right time !!

Thanks Gen. Py, !!


Once again, some members argue that Peace TV should be banned, and would be banned in other countries, yet fail to offer a single piece of verifiable evidence of recent Peace TV content to support their point of view.

There must be an alternate universe of "facts in Thailand" that never intersects with TVF.

Well, come to think of it, that could be the case. cheesy.gif

You must have put djjamie on your 'ignore' list because he has presented several examples. Either that or you are being 'thick'. Now, explain why you want a program that uses expletives and and is on the air for the express purpose of breeding contempt for those who are against Thaksin and which wants to keep the Thaksinistas fired up, to stay on the air. Do you personally miss watching the show or is it your philosophy that all views, no matter how hateful or biased, should have access to the public airways?

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