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Prayut must not lose sight of his proclaimed goal
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Reform needs a flag-bearer, not an emotional leader

Interim Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has been the embodiment of contradictions lately. He has been sending unclear signals on whether the proposed new charter will be the subject of a national referendum. On the election timeframe, he says the people - not former MPs - will have the final say on whether the election, set tentatively for sometime in the first half of next year, should be delayed.

Sometimes he seems to be enjoying his job as interim prime minister. Sometimes he appears fed up, moody and ready to lash out at those from whom he expects patience. One day he says he's looking at the long term with the goal a stable democracy, only to threaten the next day that the country's break from democracy might last significantly longer if he doesn't have his way.

Democracy is supposed to be chaotic, whereas its opposite number can ensure a modicum of order, albeit possibly bad order or good order. Gen Prayut's task is to find a decent sanctuary in between, so that what he describes as a necessary transition won't come undone because people, particularly him, lose patience. It's not easy, but since he's bitten it off, he will have to chew it.

He keeps reminding the news media and the citizenry of the enormity and complications of his responsibility, but surely the weight of expectations was also to be expected. Opinion polls, if they can be trusted, show he still commands the public's faith for the most part, but that doesn't prevent worries that he may be veering off track.

Concern has revolved around Prayut's intolerance of criticism and his fear of the chaos that democracy can spawn. Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva was right in saying that, while Prayut can fear a return of "the Thaksin system", which half the country opposes, he should not fear the return of democracy. These two systems are not the same, since true democracy must be able to rectify its own flaws, namely abuse of an election mandate, treacherous populist policies, and corruption.

The ongoing constitutional reform has no charismatic flag-bearer. Prayut's awkward defence of the process is largely emotional and lacks substance. This has added to the general feeling of uncertainty and fear of being forced back to Square One. Some are pushing for an early election. Others are pointing out the persistent mistrust and deep-rooted conflicts. To sum up, Thais are doing more lamenting than constructively suggesting solutions to their woes.

All of the proposed changes have pros and cons, but debate on values has been scarce, leaving opponents to zoom in on Prayut's temperament, which hasn't been good lately. If Prayut wants to spearhead reform he must shake off his ambivalence and do so wholeheartedly. In other words, he must defend the values, not the process. He must tolerate criticism and mockery, including that which he deems unfair. The brickbats, he must realise, are common because, no matter how justified he considers his coup, a lot of people still doubt his motives, and for good reasons.

If the general is truly sincere and patriotic, he must not lose sight of his goal. Constitutional reform is about proposing, debating and then embracing or rejecting new values. Defending values is different from imposing them. This makes Prayut's reign even trickier.

He needs to be a leader who points to a path without twisting anyone's arm in his preferred direction. To be a defender and not an imposer of values is difficult, but it's the only way to differentiate his coup from the previous ones.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/Prayut-must-not-lose-sight-of-his-proclaimed-goal-30259201.html

-- The Nation 2015-05-02


"Opinion polls, if they can be trusted, show he still commands the public's faith for the most part, but that doesn't prevent worries that he may be veering off track."

The opinion polls have slowed down in the past month or so. I wonder why? coffee1.gif


"true democracy must be able to rectify its own flaws..."

...should the majority SO CHOSE.

Democracy is about choice and the responsibility to live with choice. Democracy is not about one man like Gen. Prayut to decide what is a flaw of democracy nor what the majority electorate will tolerate or abide. Gen. Prayut proclaims that he seeks a ":perfect" democracy for Thailand (for which there is no model existing on earth!) while he admits himself to be imperfect as he CHOOSES a democractic path for the nation.

Thank you General Prayut for whatever constitutional roadmap that you decide is final. But it will be the Thai people, whether you allow them or not, who will decide their manner of governance. Prayut claims to pursue reconciliation, yet his single-minded political decisions and blatant subjugation of the Thai people's rights and liberties will only push the nation towards open and virulent opposition.

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So far the only goal which rings true regarding reform is marginalizing the Shinawatra family and then create a "democratic system" which the military can control. All rings hallow. All will fail. Never once has there been anything substantive mentioned regarding reform. People just use the word "reform" and think by just saying that it is enough.

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Prayuth must not lose sight of his "proclaimed" goal. Proclaimed syas it all really. His real goals seem to have been 1. Trick the country into believing they need a coup by setting his attack dog, Suthep and his cronies off the leash - achieved! 2. Trick the people into believing I have no intention of being PM - achieved. 3 Trick the people into believing there will be an election soon. - achieved. 4 Trick the people into believing I'm not going to stay in power but will hand over asap when the new constitution is finished - achieved. 5 Trick the people into believing he's going to sort out corruption, the economy and the World in general - achieved. 6 Give his mates all the plum jhobs in government - achieved. 7. Change the law so he can never, ever be prosecuted for his illegal coup - achieved. 8 Cement position of strength by employing draconian measures with article 44 - achieved! Now, what did I miss?

What did you miss? Finishing up by saying that putting Yingluck or her close male blood relative back in the chair would make all Thailand's problems go away. That is pretty much your usual line, isn't it?


Prayuth must not lose sight of his "proclaimed" goal. Proclaimed syas it all really. His real goals seem to have been 1. Trick the country into believing they need a coup by setting his attack dog, Suthep and his cronies off the leash - achieved! 2. Trick the people into believing I have no intention of being PM - achieved. 3 Trick the people into believing there will be an election soon. - achieved. 4 Trick the people into believing I'm not going to stay in power but will hand over asap when the new constitution is finished - achieved. 5 Trick the people into believing he's going to sort out corruption, the economy and the World in general - achieved. 6 Give his mates all the plum jhobs in government - achieved. 7. Change the law so he can never, ever be prosecuted for his illegal coup - achieved. 8 Cement position of strength by employing draconian measures with article 44 - achieved! Now, what did I miss?

What did you miss? Finishing up by saying that putting Yingluck or her close male blood relative back in the chair would make all Thailand's problems go away. That is pretty much your usual line, isn't it?

I might have the opinion that the country would be better off with them than they are right now with an ill-educated, unqualified General running the show. But that's irrelevant as it's only an opinion. The truth is, this guy has the power bug big time and had no intention of fulfilling anything except his desire to stay at the helm which will be done by continuing his subjugation of the Thai people. That's the point. Nothing else.

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