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Squat Loo (common sense)

Cheeky Farang

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If the somchais squat so close to the pan how come they miss so often or is this some sort of dirty luddite protest? heard a tale about a welshman about to teach his first class in some temple school and faced with a squatter he duly dumped his full pay load into the back of his cream coloured strides. Five minutes to class1 What would you do?

urr, umm, :D

1. ring my mommy on my mobile phone and get her to bolt over with a new pair.

2. take my shitty daks off , leave them in the bog, and front the students up telling them i had been attacked and some bugger has knocked my daks off.

not very hard if you put the brain matter in gear. :D

any way cheers friend and i hope i've helped you. :o

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and what has this got to do with Thailand?

People who normally use squat loos getting the use of farang style loos wrong, has everything to do with Thailand ... :o

totster :D

And they break the seats for those who do want to sit!!!! :D

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I know its Khmer! - do public toilets in Thailand use the Khmer language for signs?

and I'm not antagonistic!! :D

Yes you are.

At the cabaret show in CM there are signs similar to these.They put these signs up to lengthen the life of the dunny seat.... :D

BTW, mittheimp, the Cabaret show is in Chiang Mai.Chiang Mai is in Thailand. :o

I saw a hand written sign in the ford factory in Petony , chong

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How come there is never any toilet paper / tissue in these service stn loos? :D

Because they use water to clean. Most public toilet don't have paper.


Yes. From a bowl. How does that get used to clean up after? Do you have to use,...... your hand?!?!?!? :D


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Have to admit to a slight advantage here having spent many years in my youth

on a farm, the only option was to squat somewhere quiet in the field, with large leaves nearby,

e.g.dockleaves, and use one to wipe and another to cover the turd, whilst making a mental note to never venture thereabouts again.

A single handicap golfers' stance can also assist in the proper posture :o

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I think it would be a good idea to make a sticky for the use of the squatter, Im positive every foreigner who first encounters the squatter are thinkg <deleted> is that and how the f$@k do I use it.

My first trip I went on a squatter at singapore airport, I had no idea, spent like 5 mins thinking how am i gonna do this, after i used it i relised the one in the next cubical was a real toilet.

In Thailand ive also learnt you MUST carry a roll of dunny paper with you.

It will save your life

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At the farang style (complete with bum gun) toilets we have at work, you wouldn't believe the number of cracked toilet seats from Thais who squat on the seats without lifting them first... :o

and their bomb aiming skills would never have got them a job with the Royal Air Force.... :D

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At the farang style (complete with bum gun) toilets we have at work, you wouldn't believe the number of cracked toilet seats from Thais who squat on the seats without lifting them first... :o

and their bomb aiming skills would never have got them a job with the Royal Air Force.... :D

Do they do it all over the seat??

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At the farang style (complete with bum gun) toilets we have at work, you wouldn't believe the number of cracked toilet seats from Thais who squat on the seats without lifting them first... :o

and their bomb aiming skills would never have got them a job with the Royal Air Force.... :D

Do they do it all over the seat??

This is hilarious!

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The last time i had to squat, was on a train from Chaiya Phuum. The carriage was bouncing around all over the track and let's just say "it affected my aim" :o Not to mention i thought i was going to fall down it. You Poo right onto the track you know, there aren't any tanks that they empty later :D:D

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When in thailand, I squat.

I don´t sit like the sign says, unless i´m in a posh place or a farang friends western style house.

With my back slightly straighter from proper squatting, I find my pooh exits easier...


kayo look here mate,

straight up here and no messing around,

when my good self has to back one out, i'll squat, sit or stand on my frigging head if i have to.

jesus mate,

when you got to go, and you got to go now,

its a no brainer.

anyway kayo,

nice work keeping your back straight when you are snapping one off, as its good for your posture :D

cheers old mate :D

:D Cheers Terry! :D

Generally speaking, I have timed my ritual for the morning, after breakfast,

and over here in Guatemala, I still squat, and use water not paper. (exporting thai culture you see.... )

So when I can, I get naked, sh1t, shower and shave in one extended session.

not that it´s anybvody´s business, mind.

If not, or if my body is not co operating with my schedule, I drop my kegs to my ankles, carefully keeeping the pockets straight, and pour the water carefully. Instead of a flat open bucket, I use a pitcher, so it pours easier.


Kayo (wishing I had a bum gun here...)

Edited by kayo
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personally i cant stand squatters as the distance between the porcelain and my member is too close- i like more 'headroom' ,so as to speak. and if i relax too much my privates are touching the porcelain.

so its a sitdown for me thanks.its ok if you have a small weeny though

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How come there is never any toilet paper / tissue in these service stn loos? :o

Some places provide a few sheets of toilet paper or tissue... but you have to pay for it.

This thread reminds me that the World Toilet Show should be in BKK again pretty soon. Nothing better than seeing all the technoligical improvements and the latest fashion styles of the bathroom throne.

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How come there is never any toilet paper / tissue in these service stn loos? :o

Some places provide a few sheets of toilet paper or tissue... but you have to pay for it.

This thread reminds me that the World Toilet Show should be in BKK again pretty soon. Nothing better than seeing all the technoligical improvements and the latest fashion styles of the bathroom throne.

And being accompanied by a small child who thinks they are all plumbed in :D

Hanging my head in shame.... it's quite embarrassing.

But funny later :D

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How come there is never any toilet paper / tissue in these service stn loos? :D

Because they use water to clean. Most public toilet don't have paper.


Yes. From a bowl. How does that get used to clean up after? Do you have to use,...... your hand?!?!?!? :D


It just like when you forgot to leave the bar of choclate in the fridge... :D

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When in thailand, I squat.

I don´t sit like the sign says, unless i´m in a posh place or a farang friends western style house.

With my back slightly straighter from proper squatting, I find my pooh exits easier...


kayo look here mate,

straight up here and no messing around,

when my good self has to back one out, i'll squat, sit or stand on my frigging head if i have to.

jesus mate,

when you got to go, and you got to go now,

its a no brainer.

anyway kayo,

nice work keeping your back straight when you are snapping one off, as its good for your posture

cheers old mate

:D Cheers Terry! :D

Generally speaking, I have timed my ritual for the morning, after breakfast,

and over here in Guatemala, I still squat, and use water not paper. (exporting thai culture you see.... )

So when I can, I get naked, sh1t, shower and shave in one extended session.

not that it´s anybvody´s business, mind.

If not, or if my body is not co operating with my schedule, I drop my kegs to my ankles, carefully keeeping the pockets straight, and pour the water carefully. Instead of a flat open bucket, I use a pitcher, so it pours easier.


Kayo (wishing I had a bum gun here...)

yes ok kayo,

i know you like me and all that but cricky's mate,

you dont really have to tell me about your morning <deleted>, shower and shave.

may be your mum would like to know but jes--us mate, give it a rest will ya. :D


i know your a top bleeding bloke, and i'll give you some top secret inside information on my top self.

ive got a bum gun in my house in freo. :D

i bought one in los and set it up here.

i frigging love it mate, :D

as when i got a real burner poking its little head out, i give it a blast with the old double barreled shot gun. :D

wow wee,

its sweet mate.

thanks kayo,

your a top fella.


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Well, since we're on THE topic, I wish to share that the very most popular gift item I have discovered over the years to take back to jolly old wherever is the Thai Bum Gun. Once folks get used to it, they love it. Last time I took a dozen of them with me.

Some say to buy a sink type spray, but it isn't the same at all.

So if you want to give something that is very Thai, bring 'em a bum gun!

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Well, since we're on THE topic, I wish to share that the very most popular gift item I have discovered over the years to take back to jolly old wherever is the Thai Bum Gun. Once folks get used to it, they love it. Last time I took a dozen of them with me.

Some say to buy a sink type spray, but it isn't the same at all.

So if you want to give something that is very Thai, bring 'em a bum gun!

jesus popshirt,

you are a frigging genious my top man, :D

i'll be back in los in november and im going to get a huge shipment of bum gun's sent back to freo.

i'll sell them at the freo markets to all the aussie punters, make a huge bleeding profit and then i can live happily ever after in los as the #1 bum gun exporter king.

thanks fella for the help.


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Sorry Guys- attachment didn't work

I'll get back to you

I'll look really cool!!!! carrying on the sky train to and from work.

Wonder if it'll fit in my briefcase? :D

Maybe I can use it as a conversation starter with the babes on the sky train :D

that sky train and crumpet mate, :D

siam to sapan taxin at 6.00pm. frigging unbelievable looking thai bone cracker super babes. :D

my eye balls working over time,

i go on the train here and its slappers all round :D

shocking looking things.

anyway, just to fair i seen a goddess the other day,

she just happen to be asian so there you go.

cheers old mate :o

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If the somchais squat so close to the pan how come they miss so often or is this some sort of dirty luddite protest? heard a tale about a welshman about to teach his first class in some temple school and faced with a squatter he duly dumped his full pay load into the back of his cream coloured strides. Five minutes to class1 What would you do?

I am Welsh and followed-through on a trouser cough last week! Maybe I should be worried as there could be some Welsh Arse Disease going around BKK.

Thank Buddha I was at home and was easily able to crawl to the Bum Gun and mop the damage up.

Further details available upon request.

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If the somchais squat so close to the pan how come they miss so often or is this some sort of dirty luddite protest? heard a tale about a welshman about to teach his first class in some temple school and faced with a squatter he duly dumped his full pay load into the back of his cream coloured strides. Five minutes to class1 What would you do?

I am Welsh and followed-through on a trouser cough last week! Maybe I should be worried as there could be some Welsh Arse Disease going around BKK.

Thank Buddha I was at home and was easily able to crawl to the Bum Gun and mop the damage up.

Further details available upon request.

urr,umm, excuse me mr byth, :D

more information please ?

did you do little nuggets or a noodle soup sloppy one or a tom yum sort of squirter. :D

thanks for that mr cym :D

cheers friend :o

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