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EOW’s Theory on Climate Change

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Imagine an old style refrigerator with the freezer/ice box inside the refrigerator. Unfortunately the thermostat in this refrigerator is broken so somebody connected a timer so the compressor run 6 hours per day. Nobody uses the refrigerator and the door is never opened, a well-balanced steady state condition where heat transfer into the refrigerator is matched by the heat removal by the compressor. Over a couple of millennias the air temperature inside the refrigerator have stabilized at 5 C and there is 5 kg of ice in the ice box.

For a split second somebody open the refrigerator door and place a red hot iron ball inside the refrigerator. Initially the air temperature warms up, but after a couple of days we return to the steady state condition, 5 C air temperature, the iron ball is 5 C, but there are only 3 kg of ice + 2 liter of 5 C water in the drip tray at the bottom of the refrigerator.

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution we have produced and burned 1,200 billion bbls of oil, 4,000 trillion scf of gas and 320 billion tons of coal, releasing about 2*10^22 Joules to our little world. The latent heat of water is 336 kJ/kg, so that will melt a total of 6*10^13 tons of ice. Spread that evenly over the 361 million km2 surface area of our oceans and you get a 16.6 cm rise in sea levels. Isnt that pretty close to the numbers climatologist with their super computers are publishing?

All ice is of course not land based and some of the heat is still in transit to the poles and glaciers, but the idea is that CO2 have no greenhouse effect, the Earth is a perfect steady state and we are simply just melting ice each time we burn fossil fuel.

Fire away and feel free to Google. I have not be able to find any reference to this theory online, it is entirely though up by myself and you heard it first here.

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you get a 16.6 cm rise in sea levels. Isnt that pretty close to the numbers climatologist with their super computers are publishing?

Is that a predicted 16.6 cm or a measure of what has occurred already? And since what time?

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you get a 16.6 cm rise in sea levels. Isnt that pretty close to the numbers climatologist with their super computers are publishing?

Is that a predicted 16.6 cm or a measure of what has occurred already? And since what time?

The 16.6 cm is the damage already done, the sea rise caused by the energy we have added to our blue planet since the beginning of the industrial revolution sometime around 1800.

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Here we go.....

Figures can be made to look good or look bad...just think of your accountant doing our yearly income tax.

Lot of money to be made out of carbon credits etc....

Some one for got to say that the Earth has frozen over and warmed up and at that time there were few humans or cars or oil been burnt...ho its shifted on its axis too....must be all those dinosaur's fault right?

Yes sure i agree we should be taking great care of the planet and lessen impact upon her but please please stop blaming humans for it all.

I dont know how to fix it because i think its a natural occurrence it will happen sooner or later, until greed and the desire to make a $ out of everything changes were going to be force fed climate change and the need to go to war here and there....

Talking about war....all them bombs been thrown around just got to have some sort of impact on the rotation and axis right?

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