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I originally posted this topic here


but as it was back in 2013 , that thread has now been archived , so I thought I would post an up date

Well its been some time since the original battle with un wanted visitors began , I tried every thing to catch them , rat poison of every sort , liquid rat repellant , wooden and plastic spring loaded traps, home made traps , shop bought metal cage box type traps , flashing LED lights in the engine compartment , ultrasonic gadgets , some rats were caught but overall nothing was very successful or reliable .

Then I spotted this on ebay


and it seems to be working very well when placed in my cars engine bay compartment , and is simple to set up and use.


past damage



I still use a metal cage box rat trap around the exterior of the house and last week it caught this rat


I said to the wife that this rat looks just like a rat that was caught several weeks ago in the same box trap around the house , as it had some scars on its back , so at that time my wife had taken the rat and let it go at the near by local rubbish dump , so this time the rat that was caught I decided for an experiment to paint its tail with red paint and let it go over 2 km away from our house.

This rat below was caught in the electronic trap placed in my cars engine bay compartment yesterday , and its the same rat I had painted its tail red .


It reminds me of an episode of Fawlty Towers , called Basil the rat , where Manuel has a homing rat .biggrin.png

So my wife asked me , how did this rat know the way back to our house thats over 2 km in distance from where she let it go , and ive no idea !! biggrin.png


"YOU DIRTY RAT YOU" he was more than likely living there before you came and trampled all over his home.let him stay,or get a CAT.smile.pngw00t.gif


You ask how did the rat get back to your place? he hitched a ride back inside your car of course as he was spending every night under the bonnet the liked the ride.Good post



Its been a long and winding road trying to catch / kill or persuade the rodent community not to head to the engine bay , and look for a snack of plastic and copper

One great idea I had was to make the engine bay interior at night time as un comfortable as possible to the rodents, by hanging this mirror ball from a length of string under the car bonnet, along with a set of bright red and white flashing 12 volt LED lights , for some strange reason it did not work , if any thing the visitors only seemed to increased in numbers.

its yet another mouse mystery biggrin.png



Very smart Electronic Rat Killer. How much did it cost?.

Maybe it could also be used for pigeons?.

They are (kind of) "flying rats". We have a lot of them walking around in my garden and sh.t all over the place.


another unwanted visitor - the big spider

just pulling in to the garage one night after a 2 hour drive, and I noticed this shadow whisp across in front of us

I was just stopping anyway, and so I switched off the engine

THAT was a mistake shock1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Q3XOm0fuQscSXB5r

Seems the spidey was happily enjoyed the massaging vibration of the drive/engine, and got spooked the moment all went still.

Until that time - all I ever thought to ever scare my tough missus - was the memory of swallowing fishbones in her meal when a child (not that she swallowed the spider that night, but...)


Very smart Electronic Rat Killer. How much did it cost?.

Maybe it could also be used for pigeons?.

They are (kind of) "flying rats". We have a lot of them walking around in my garden and sh.t all over the place.

About 900 Baht delivered to the door from ebay


I'm sure a pgieon would be able to poke its head into the trap opening , but as to the outcome , well biggrin.png


Very smart Electronic Rat Killer. How much did it cost?.

Maybe it could also be used for pigeons?.

They are (kind of) "flying rats". We have a lot of them walking around in my garden and sh.t all over the place.

About 900 Baht delivered to the door from ebay


I'm sure a pgieon would be able to poke its head into the trap opening , but as to the outcome , well biggrin.png

The usage is unlimited.

The Isan people would love it; fresh rice rat everyday for breakfast!.

Maybe send a copy of the post to the Isan Forum?.

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