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My first proper date with a Thai girl - What's your thoughts?

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Lost interest in the first few words, on a dating site, did it for me. Remember they are at work

I totally disagree with this opinion about dating sites.

I joined TF before my first Thai trip expecting to meet ZERO, like I had on white sites in Canada. I met hundreds of what even now I would consider as upstanding Thai females in the course of 3 months. I narrowed this down to a handful and then to one. We corresponded heavily and got to know each other. Then we spent the most pleasant 4 weeks of my life together (and I'm not just talking about great sex either). Like the OP, I was a bit taken aback by the attentiveness (but she did not feed me). If I went to reach for something, suddenly I realized it was already in front of me. I could do without the genitalia washing and crack of my butt washing but hey, who am I to complain ? ........ welcome to Thailand.

Like the OP, I had questions in my head about her sincerity but a per cent at a time as I got to know her, the trust level has raised to 99%. Extreme communications in digital media plus a month of living together as husband and wife will eventually tell a partner all he wants to know. By listening and reading between the lines, much truth will be learned.

We are now engaged. I have been asked for nothing and don't expect I ever will be.

I must add, I did not go onto a dating site looking for a wife. But if I had been looking for a wife, knowing what I know now, I would take the very same route.

God, could you BE more naive? Online communications and 4 weeks co-habitation and you're claiming it's a dead cert?

Use the forum search function and look up "the long game"

May I add, I have NEVER yet met a Thai bird that has rejected a farang on a first date...NEVER....

I wouldn't have either if I'd spent an entire decade atop a barstool

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Test the waters. She may well be genuine and feeding you is cute.

Where does she get her money? She has no parents so no shared family income I presume. She has braces which are not cheap, she studies English so she goes to school. She has money to pay for you which is generous, does she work?

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I know this is not very nice to say, but if her parents have passed away, she at least don´t have any reason to send money home.

Sorry if someone else already pointed this issue, I did not read all the posts.

No parents....but children..of course. I would not believe her a bit if she said she was without both parents and children.

Would look and see who is taking care of her kids....could be an Aunt or older sister. Sending money to relatives never ceases.

Edited by slipperylobster
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We went out for dinner where she proceeded to feed me.

(as in actually put food in my mouth like I was a baby)

That conjures up a lovely image.

So there we have it. You are out of order posting that photo,unless of course its you. And as I thought a very nasty HYPOCRITE.

When you make posts calling people A Nasty Piece Work,Think again OK You posted the comment on the locked thread Being laughed and sneered at by Thais.

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May I add, I have NEVER yet met a Thai bird that has rejected a farang on a first date...NEVER....

The OP is fat and smokes/smells,

he says he has a lot of women he is talking to as well. Wow, third world country tours for fugly, virgin guys is sounding like a good business to open.

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She sounds nice, can't see any problem, go for it...

as for the braces on the teeth, they all seem to have that ?? you do get use to it..

but she sounds kind and genuine... worth pursuing for sure..

Don't worry about braces they are a fashion item, cost a few baht in market. If girl is Burmese then you need to check if she is legal in Thailand, ID's can be

and are forged

If she comes from myramar village close to Chang Mai then she may be Shane and unlikely to have proper right of entry.

She may be lovely girl but you need to take care.

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Short of inspecting her teeth there's not a lot more to know....if she is just the first in the line you have a lot of work ahead of you. Just go with the flow,.... enjoy life and discover there's really no need to anallise and scrutinise every lady you date. When the right one comes along you'll know it.

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Have never met any women telling me that I smell, fat, no sex before..... last boyfriend waited (but now single) where would she live?, how does she earn\pay her living and who pay for the study, living in Chiang Mai and each hour of English study is costly?

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The only thing that would concern me is, why did she go to Pattaya(Sex Capital) to learn English when she is living in Chiang Mai with many good English schools

Because the pool is too shallow in Chiang Mai(Pensioner Capital) ?

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I would have made a quick exit as the spoon feeding started...........You ever see a Thai bird "feed" a Thai bloke...?

Fair enough comment. I have never seen what you refer to. But having lived in Vietnam for some years I once watched in a railway station waiting room where a young Viet girl affectionately picked the boogies out of her boyfriend's nose. I couldn't take my eyes off the performance while she tenderly wriggled her finger inside his nose, extricated what was inside and flicked it away. He just relaxed and enjoyed it. That is the real test of true love!

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Lost interest in the first few words, on a dating site, did it for me. Remember they are at work

I totally disagree with this opinion about dating sites.

I joined TF before my first Thai trip expecting to meet ZERO, like I had on white sites in Canada. I met hundreds of what even now I would consider as upstanding Thai females in the course of 3 months. I narrowed this down to a handful and then to one. We corresponded heavily and got to know each other. Then we spent the most pleasant 4 weeks of my life together (and I'm not just talking about great sex either). Like the OP, I was a bit taken aback by the attentiveness (but she did not feed me). If I went to reach for something, suddenly I realized it was already in front of me. I could do without the genitalia washing and crack of my butt washing but hey, who am I to complain ? ........ welcome to Thailand.

Like the OP, I had questions in my head about her sincerity but a per cent at a time as I got to know her, the trust level has raised to 99%. Extreme communications in digital media plus a month of living together as husband and wife will eventually tell a partner all he wants to know. By listening and reading between the lines, much truth will be learned.

We are now engaged. I have been asked for nothing and don't expect I ever will be.

I must add, I did not go onto a dating site looking for a wife. But if I had been looking for a wife, knowing what I know now, I would take the very same route.

"I met hundreds of what even now I would consider as upstanding Thai females in the course of 3 months."

OMG, you have set a world record for TF. Did you meet them all or just in depth intellectual philosophical chat? Truly amazing since a very very small % are capable of continued chat as that requires thought and interest and EFFORT(the FF word) not to mention painfully prolonging the average attention span, ouch.

Please share your secret, how you composed your profile, how many condos/ cars offered, etc etc.

Double check to be sure you are not confusing TF with Japanfriendly LOL.

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She already rejected him as he didn't get an immediate follow up request

When thai girls are interested in a man they are moving fast to rope him in before the next girl gets him.

Face facts OP, and go get a massage and report back the details

Last suggestion

While in Pattaya look up Tim Sharkey

He is visible and can give you some pointers

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Dont worry, love you or not, genuine or not she will see you as a walking bank. her ticket to everything she ever wanted. Bit like western women really. If you are having reservations then there is probably a reason. Think it through, go and see her again, with or without weight and give her a good, cold hard look over. Personally if someone told me to come back after I have lost weight I would not be going back. I am wondering why a girl would have to leave Chaing Mi to learn English.

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Do your due diligence with her, and be careful of her oral paraphernaliagiggle.gif

It may not be an issue at all

Forewarned is Forearmed though, so keep a few handy plasters in your walletgiggle.gif

Best Regards

R and Y

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Here we go again with the same old conversation.

Yes, regular Thai girls can be nice. Feeding you is quite normal in Thailand. However, there is good and bad.

The bad is when you start getting into family baggage for example. I know from my own experience I will never again let myself get put into a situation I can't control. Like going up country somewhere hanging around with family with no way out and nobody who understands english. Also gotta watch out for getting invited out in BKK somewhere. Next thing you know they are with a few friends, you are all going to one of those thai restaurant night club places, they are all ordering wierd (and expensive) issan food, JW Black, and you are paying for everything. I always make sure I am in control now and calling the shots so those sorts of things don't happen.

It's not just the money part. There are all sorts of other cultural things that come up that seem strange to us...and them. A lot of times it results in misunderstandings that cause all sorts of problems.

Edited by lapd
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We went out for dinner where she proceeded to feed me.

(as in actually put food in my mouth like I was a baby)

That conjures up a lovely image.

iv got a semi on thinkin about it..

Jing Aw???



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I would have made a quick exit as the spoon feeding started...........You ever see a Thai bird "feed" a Thai bloke...?

Yes. Have you ever been to Thailand?

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We went out for dinner where she proceeded to feed me.

(as in actually put food in my mouth like I was a baby)

That conjures up a lovely image.

iv got a semi on thinkin about it..

I'll lend you my avatar - she'll fix that good and proper!

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She already rejected him as he didn't get an immediate follow up request

When thai girls are interested in a man they are moving fast to rope him in before the next girl gets him.

Face facts OP, and go get a massage and report back the details

Last suggestion

While in Pattaya look up Tim Sharkey

He is visible and can give you some pointers

This is one guy whose advice on Thai women every poster should completely ignore

He spent 6 months holed up in gated community with a mid-range soapy massage girl and a laptop permanently locked into Thaivisa forums.

While there, he somehow attained enlightenment on all things Thailand.

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let me see...

Met via internet website, thinks you are fat and smelly, wants to get to know you before having sex, goes to school to better herself, shows appropriate degrees of public affection, seems to have enough income to live from.....you "wont be funding anyones lifestyle for a year before getting any action"....and you ask here if there is anything suspicious? Yah do the poor girl a favour and leave her alone. Let her find someone who will possibly want to be with her for a year not wanting to shag her.BTW, she is 35, you?? 60?

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I know this is not very nice to say, but if her parents have passed away, she at least don´t have any reason to send money home.

Sorry if someone else already pointed this issue, I did not read all the posts.

Thai girls without parents (such as orphans) are a prize as far as I'm concerned. That removes one of the bigger problem areas from a Thai-Farang relationship.

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My experience w Thai girls led me to conclude that the soapy girl was the best choice for me as, the rest of the girls all had kids, husbands, or were just fat drunks and ugly.

The nice girls I met always said thank you for the meals I paid for, but wouldn't kiss and wouldn't have sex.

Getting a soapy to stop work and bring a white American to her home in a gated community where all her neighbors would see she was with a foreigner,

Is a much bigger deal than anyone's attempt to belittle it,

The second trip to Thailand was equally revealing as many will talk to a foreigner, but taking them home another matter

Everyone who knows Thailand knows it takes a real ladies man for a Thai girl from a dating site to poke fun at his weight, and give him matching orders on losing weight, just for the right to buy her another dinner

The OP is in Pattaya,


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"get exercise, stop smoking, come back and see me" cheesy.gif

yeah I was a bit like <deleted>, but at least it wasn't a total gtfo fatboy scenario

I am in the same boat - not a Piggy by US standards, but my Thai Doctor in B-Grad for over 15 years still calls me obese - 'Too Fat" - my waist is 36 and chest 44 - and I weigh about 90kgs they go strictly by weight here and what you look like - we are all fat in their eyes, don't take it personal - she does have a few oddities even for a Thai...........she doesn't really know you and she is already telling you how to live - I'd give her another shot, just one, feeding you in public??? That has to go.coffee1.gif

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44 chest and 36 waist is fairly normal at a height of 6 feet,

But your waist should not be greater than 32-33 depending on age

I'm hovering 185-190 w 32 waist and can and should have a 31 waist

considering the girls are usually pretty thin, and are used to seeing Western men as much larger then Thai men,

the fact that a 35 year old girl is telling the Opie that he needs to lose weight that's pretty bad

even when my waist was bulging past 33 and my weight at 205 and I felt fat they said I wasn't as long as I didn't die on top of the 20 year olds I was with I knew as soon as I got back to the states I was going to drop that 15 pounds and I did

Thailand causes me to put on much more weight that I want but then again I also eat like a bull when I am there and drink like a fish

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My experience w Thai girls led me to conclude that the soapy girl was the best choice for me as, the rest of the girls all had kids, husbands, or were just fat drunks and ugly.

The nice girls I met always said thank you for the meals I paid for, but wouldn't kiss and wouldn't have sex.

Getting a soapy to stop work and bring a white American to her home in a gated community where all her neighbors would see she was with a foreigner,

Is a much bigger deal than anyone's attempt to belittle it,

The second trip to Thailand was equally revealing as many will talk to a foreigner, but taking them home another matter

Everyone who knows Thailand knows it takes a real ladies man for a Thai girl from a dating site to poke fun at his weight, and give him matching orders on losing weight, just for the right to buy her another dinner

The OP is in Pattaya,


Bringing a European man home would be a prize especially if she is Isaan and especially if he is American

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