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Israel veterans group alleges Israeli misconduct in Gaza war


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just be clear about the situation, you have scared children armed with guns ( ok 17 & 18 years olds) who are having stones thrown at them by other frightened children with little opportunity to do anything with their lives( sometimes younger, some times similar age), the occasional shooting happens quite frequently. It takes a few years then those with the guns become refusniks, and on it goes

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Well, if nothing else, this is a new twist on the credible source game. The source, as indicated in the OP, is a bunch of military age Israeli Jews. If this source is not credible, I expect that there are no credible sources.

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I am amazed at why so many posters find the Israeli-Palestinian conflict so interesting.

In an age of non-belief, people still find a need to both seek and find methods of obtaining communion with others. And thus hot topic issues become the focal point of an imagined communion, an imagined community (apologies to B. Anderson) that replaces the church experience. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one such issue that helps people define who they are within a larger group.

Actually people look for those less well off then them so they can feel better about themselves! like blaming Israel for everything when the Arabs are just as, if not more so to blame. In these times of hardship, Jews are yet again the target for peoples economic woes. In this case Arabs in the EU who are as disenfranchised in the EU as they were in their own homelands, backed up by the left.

to say it is some sort of communion is dressing it up to something it isn't. Holy it isn't!

All it defines are the winners and losers, as history proves people never learn.

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Rebuttal to Breaking the Silence:

And the Academy Award goes to.....

That's not a rebuttal at all. A rebuttal would take each (or any) of the Breaking the Silence testimonies and attempt to disprove them.

It does not do that at all. The speaker relates ONE story of an operation that he was involved in. That story does not even show that the IDF acted properly, it is simply an anecdote of a rocket factory in a home.

Lets hope this committee invite some of the Breaking the Silence heroes to speak.

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Rebuttal to Breaking the Silence:

I have no doubt that there are honourable, honest, ethical soldiers in the IDF. No doubt whatsoever.

This guy is possibly one of them.

That does not mean the bad apples (as he calls them) are such a small number or do not exist in the highest ranks.

He says they are arrested and investigated.....I have no doubt that some are.

He says they are punished if found guilty....Why was he not able to cite examples of soldiers found guilty? Is it because, perhaps, the bad apples (as he admits exist) are never found guilty?

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This "group" a radicle left entity who get it's funding from overseas sources tasked with the sole purpose to

demonise and show Israel in a very negative lights, this group is one of many, the army has asked them

repeatedly for their 'evidences' so they can investigate the allegations but none was supplied,

They handed over the testimonies, just claiming that there was no evidence supplied does not change that fact!

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