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Activist: No regrets about Texas cartoon contest ended by gunfire


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Activist: No regrets about cartoon contest ended by gunfire

NEW YORK (AP) — Does Pamela Geller regret organizing the Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in gunfire?

No, she says confidently. In fact, she plans to host more events just like it, with only one difference: Next time, she'll be wearing a bulletproof vest.

"I will continue to speak in defense of freedom until the day I die," Geller said Thursday in an interview with The Associated Press, as a grim-looking personal security guard hovered nearby. "It's just that simple. It's not even a choice. It's a calling."

Geller has always hired armed security personnel to protect the scores of events she has spearheaded across the nation in recent years to decry Islamic extremism. But furor over Sunday's shooting in Garland, Texas, has led to a specific threat against Geller, posted on a website related to the Islamic State group, and the New York Police Department is taking it seriously. Now she doesn't travel anywhere without protection.

Geller said she believes she saved lives by hosting the contest because the two Muslim gunmen shot to death by police would have picked another soft target and killed innocent civilians.

"Would you regret saving lives?" she asked.

A master of rhetoric and clearly comfortable in the spotlight, the 56-year-old former media executive shifts easily from charming to combative. Her critics have called the cartoon contest needlessly provocative, practically an invitation for violence. But Geller argued that any blame should be focused on extremists who can't be criticized or lampooned without resorting to violence.

"Cartoons are political critique. It's a cartoon," she said. "Is that what we want to outlaw? We want to outlaw humor? We want to outlaw comedy? If you want to know who rules over you, find out who you cannot criticize."

Her activities have prompted the Southern Poverty Law Center to add her to its extremist files, calling her "the anti-Muslim movement's most visible and flamboyant figurehead."

In an editorial Thursday, The New York Times said Geller "has a long history of declarations and actions motivated purely by hatred for Muslims" and called the Garland event "an exercise in bigotry and hatred posing as a blow for freedom. ... To pretend it was motivated by anything other than hate is simply hogwash."

Geller was once part of the elite media machine she professes to despise, working for the business operations of the Daily News and the New York Observer. Then, she was a self-described "apolitical" mother who paid little mind to world affairs.

"I loved my fashion. I loved my life. I loved my career," she said with a smile. "I assumed my freedom. I grew up free, you know? I grew up in the freest country in the world. And I loved it."

Then, she said, "9/11 happened. And it was shattering."

Ignorant of terrorism, Geller said she dived deeply into the Internet to learn more. She joined a burgeoning online community obsessed with jihad and terrorism. She began opining in the comments section. One day in 2004, a fellow commenter encouraged her to create her own blog.

"I'm like, 'What's a blog?'" Geller recalled. "And he said, 'Shut up and start writing.'"

Today, Geller has nearly 68,000 Twitter followers and a devoted army of virtual supporters for her websites, books and public events. As head of an organization called the American Freedom Defense Initiative, she took in $960,000 in donations in 2013, paying herself a salary of $192,500, according to tax filings.

Donations pour in from the PayPal button on her website, Geller said, adding that she has "no idea" how much money she has raised.

Records do not list donors, but a recent report by the Center for American Progress, a think tank in Washington, said Geller's top donors included the Fairbrook Foundation, which supports a number of mainstream conservative groups.

In 2010, Geller famously led a campaign to prevent the opening of an Islamic community center blocks from the World Trade Center site, calling it the "ground zero mosque." She has filed numerous lawsuits across the U.S. in recent years, many of them related to her attempts to display incendiary ads in public transit systems. Most recently, New York City's transit authority banned all political advertising after a judge upheld Geller's right to run bus ads about Islam that said, "Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah."

Any depiction of the Prophet Muhammad is offensive to some Muslims. At the cartoon contest in Texas, about 30 illustrations of the prophet were propped up on easels. One depicted a pencil shoved through Muhammad's body. Another showed Muhammad wearing a turban that doubled as a bomb, with a lit fuse protruding from the top.

Geller was hailed by many event attendees, some of whom took books for her to sign and posed for selfies with her.

Barbara Parlett works in Irving, a Dallas suburb with a significant Muslim population and the site of ongoing heated debates about a local religious tribunal established by three Muslims.

"(How did) Islam come into my city and is trying to take it over? I felt like I just woke up or something," Parlett said. "So ever since then, I'm trying to stand up for Christians, for America."

Geller was raised in a Jewish household on Long Island and champions Israel as a "beacon of freedom in a very oppressed and violent region," but she said she is not motivated by religious fervor.

Sept. 11, Geller said, "threatened my freedom. It threatened the air that I breathe. This is nothing short of a battle between freedom and slavery."

Associated Press reporters Nomaan Merchant in Garland, Texas, and Verena Dobnik in New York contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-05-08

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"Next time, she'll be wearing a bulletproof vest."

There is no such thing as a bulletproof vest. There are bullet resistant vests. A level IV vest might stop an AK 47 round or it might not. Probably not. Also if it hits other than in the vest area...

She needs a better plan. They need guards in the building and outside and not just people outside.

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She is a provocateur, and shamelessly basking in the limelight. If someone held an anti-KKK cartoon rally in Louisiana, the inbred rednecks would come out of the woodwork, just like the militant Jewish Defense League would come in numbers if she ran an anti-Israeli cartoon exhibit.

She is posing, nothing more. Next will come a new book, and interviews with other psuedo-intellectuals. I consider this whole thing an act of reckless endangerment. She is going to wear a vest? She was never in danger, and she did not even thank the man who was shot so she could do an inflated three dimensional selfie. Sorry, oh holier-than-thou Muslim haters. This one amounts to shouting fire in a movie theater, from someone who was "raised as a Jew".

She is promoting herself, and promoting violence at the same time, and will probably either take a stint at Fox News, run for office, or find some other way to be fake-famous.

Fine -- she got her fifteen minutes of fame. She needs to go back to the idiot shack.

Edited by FangFerang
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If someone held an anti-KKK cartoon rally in Louisiana, the inbred rednecks would come out of the woodwork, just like the militant Jewish Defense League would come in numbers if she ran an anti-Israeli cartoon exhibit.

You could be right. They might go there and protest legally, but the chances of them going there with loaded AK47s and murder in their hearts is practically nil. However, it is is situation normal for radical Islam.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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She knows she has a target on her back, but she does not back down. Regardless of her methods, she is a courageous woman.

She has a target on her back because she put it there. And just in case someone wasn't aware that the target was there, she uses a neon sign and megaphone to attract attention. She's a provocateur who is inciting violence, and it's not difficult to foresee what will result from her actions.

And the "regardless of her methods" line is quite rich coming from you.

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She knows she has a target on her back, but she does not back down. Regardless of her methods, she is a courageous woman.

She has a target on her back because she put it there.

A brave woman indeed. She has the courage of her convictions. Most men don't have the courage to put themselves in harms way to point out the evils of radical Islam like she does regularly.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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She is a provocateur, and shamelessly basking in the limelight. If someone held an anti-KKK cartoon rally in Louisiana, the inbred rednecks would come out of the woodwork, just like the militant Jewish Defense League would come in numbers if she ran an anti-Israeli cartoon exhibit.

She is posing, nothing more. Next will come a new book, and interviews with other psuedo-intellectuals. I consider this whole thing an act of reckless endangerment. She is going to wear a vest? She was never in danger, and she did not even thank the man who was shot so she could do an inflated three dimensional selfie. Sorry, oh holier-than-thou Muslim haters. This one amounts to shouting fire in a movie theater, from someone who was "raised as a Jew".

She is promoting herself, and promoting violence at the same time, and will probably either take a stint at Fox News, run for office, or find some other way to be fake-famous.

Fine -- she got her fifteen minutes of fame. She needs to go back to the idiot shack.

There have been many anti-klan and anti-Israel rallies and demos in the USA, so? .... this was a symbolic event to proclaim that WE will not let a cult dictate what or who we can draw. ....gotta love that old constitution. The secondary benefit is to "draw" out the crazies that refuse to live by the law of the land, the "sane mussies" will just ignore these events.

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Americans enjoy freedom of speech which is a Constitutional right...

The long arm of Islamic terrorists would scare people into keeping quiet about them and their prophet while they run amuck killing innocent people in the most hideous ways...

You may not like her method...but the results speak for themselves...

Good way to get the terrorists sympathizers...lurking in the shadows...to come out into the light and expose themselves...

Goodbye and good riddance...to all people who would enslave others in the name of religion...

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"...56-year-old former media executive...Geller was raised in a Jewish household on Long Island and champions Israel as a "beacon of freedom in a very oppressed and violent region,""

You must be joking about Israel right? since when? Maybe for Zionuts like her it is. That pretty much says it all for the credibility behind this noble creature. A New York Zionist comes down stirring anti-Muslim sh#t in Texas. Just what the Texans need, I am sure the Texicans just love that. She has the temerity to hide behind being for the Christians, geez.

"We want to outlaw humor? We want to outlaw comedy? If you want to know who rules over you, find out who you cannot criticize."" We know who one can not criticize in the US and it sure aint the Muslims, ask Mel Gibson, et al.

So her idea is to make fun of the Prophet M. and ridicule an entire religion. That must be funny to a racist JAP (Jewish American Princess) from New York. Ok, but making similar cartoons defaming Jesus in Texas won't go far I can assure one of that. I don't see the difference, a religion honcho is a religious honcho.

What about cartoons of Negros eating watermelon and laying about shooing flies, etc. in racist stereotyped cartoons, is that funny as well? that's free speech according to this person. It's just a funny cartoon, right? That will probably get you jail time in certain areas of that emotionally crippled country, no joke with the "hate crime" laws there. Not her though, it seems she is from New York and bashing Muslims it appears is Ok there under their laws as long as it is done for Christians I guess or some other reason that is not so prima facie.

"Geller has always hired armed security personnel to protect the scores of events she has spearheaded..."

She obviously needs it. The Texans should send this crazy person back to the crazy person land in New York.

However, having said that kudos to the New York Times.

"The New York Times said Geller "has a long history of declarations and actions motivated purely by hatred for Muslims" and called the Garland event "an exercise in bigotry and hatred posing as a blow for freedom. ... To pretend it was motivated by anything other than hate is simply hogwash."" W

Why Americans put up with this it beyond me if for no other reason it is bad taste, bad manners and discourteous and seriously bigoted. What a Zionut. A shame whoever shot was not a better shot, maybe next time they will hit her and put her out of our misery. Who needs this.

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"...56-year-old former media executive...Geller was raised in a Jewish household on Long Island and champions Israel as a "beacon of freedom in a very oppressed and violent region,""

You must be joking about Israel right? since when? Maybe for Zionuts like her it is. That pretty much says it all for the credibility behind this noble creature. A New York Zionist comes down stirring anti-Muslim sh#t in Texas. Just what the Texans need, I am sure the Texicans just love that. She has the temerity to hide behind being for the Christians, geez.

"We want to outlaw humor? We want to outlaw comedy? If you want to know who rules over you, find out who you cannot criticize."" We know who one can not criticize in the US and it sure aint the Muslims, ask Mel Gibson, et al.

So her idea is to make fun of the Prophet M. and ridicule an entire religion. That must be funny to a racist JAP (Jewish American Princess) from New York. Ok, but making similar cartoons defaming Jesus in Texas won't go far I can assure one of that. I don't see the difference, a religion honcho is a religious honcho.

What about cartoons of Negros eating watermelon and laying about shooing flies, etc. in racist stereotyped cartoons, is that funny as well? that's free speech according to this person. It's just a funny cartoon, right? That will probably get you jail time in certain areas of that emotionally crippled country, no joke with the "hate crime" laws there. Not her though, it seems she is from New York and bashing Muslims it appears is Ok there under their laws as long as it is done for Christians I guess or some other reason that is not so prima facie.

"Geller has always hired armed security personnel to protect the scores of events she has spearheaded..."

She obviously needs it. The Texans should send this crazy person back to the crazy person land in New York.

However, having said that kudos to the New York Times.

"The New York Times said Geller "has a long history of declarations and actions motivated purely by hatred for Muslims" and called the Garland event "an exercise in bigotry and hatred posing as a blow for freedom. ... To pretend it was motivated by anything other than hate is simply hogwash."" W

Why Americans put up with this it beyond me if for no other reason it is bad taste, bad manners and discourteous and seriously bigoted. What a Zionut. A shame whoever shot was not a better shot, maybe next time they will hit her and put her out of our misery. Who needs this.

I do hope your post remains in the topic thread, especially the last sentence, for the benefit of all the people who keep saying this topic hasn't brought out people who sympathize with and endorse the murderous intentions of muslim terrorists and wanted the two Garland muslims to be successful.

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I see you have got the Zionist band of reknown with you on your Like This list there.

I notice you didn't attack the OP comment but me personally. Very Zionist of you.

That what zionist always do, to try and discredit the speaker. That is not working out well much anymore worldwide for you guys, is it? How do you go from my comment hoping to remove a racist Zionut like her (which the NYT has endorsed as same) to alluding that I am personally endorsing terrorists. Only a zionist makes those leaps (for the reason mentioned). Ulysses and others on your "like this" list there have already been outed as dyed in the wool zionists by others on this forum and anything a zionist like this female nutter does seems just fine by them. So one supposes it is ok with you as well. So your comments concerning my comments or me for that matter don't hold much merit or even logic for that matter. I believe you evidence the case that anything that is said against zionism must be attacked at all costs immediately and discredit the speaker...before it spreads. Good luck on your bigotry and keeping this forum safe for zionists everywhere.

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A shame whoever shot was not a better shot, maybe next time they will hit her and put her out of our misery. Who needs this.

I do hope your post remains in the topic thread, especially the last sentence, for the benefit of all the people who keep saying this topic hasn't brought out people who sympathize with and endorse the murderous intentions of muslim terrorists and wanted the two Garland muslims to be successful.

You know what? He's entitled to his opinion as much as I abhor it. He's not actually threatening anyone and I doubt he has the guts to do what he's advocating. He does expose the clear fact that there are people like him out there though to keep the rest of us on our toes.

The Muslim problem is growing worldwide and to say the least we live in interesting times.

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"...56-year-old former media executive...Geller was raised in a Jewish household on Long Island and champions Israel as a "beacon of freedom in a very oppressed and violent region,""

You must be joking about Israel right? since when? Maybe for Zionuts like her it is. That pretty much says it all for the credibility behind this noble creature. A New York Zionist comes down stirring anti-Muslim sh#t in Texas. Just what the Texans need, I am sure the Texicans just love that. She has the temerity to hide behind being for the Christians, geez.

"We want to outlaw humor? We want to outlaw comedy? If you want to know who rules over you, find out who you cannot criticize."" We know who one can not criticize in the US and it sure aint the Muslims, ask Mel Gibson, et al.

So her idea is to make fun of the Prophet M. and ridicule an entire religion. That must be funny to a racist JAP (Jewish American Princess) from New York. Ok, but making similar cartoons defaming Jesus in Texas won't go far I can assure one of that. I don't see the difference, a religion honcho is a religious honcho.

What about cartoons of Negros eating watermelon and laying about shooing flies, etc. in racist stereotyped cartoons, is that funny as well? that's free speech according to this person. It's just a funny cartoon, right? That will probably get you jail time in certain areas of that emotionally crippled country, no joke with the "hate crime" laws there. Not her though, it seems she is from New York and bashing Muslims it appears is Ok there under their laws as long as it is done for Christians I guess or some other reason that is not so prima facie.

"Geller has always hired armed security personnel to protect the scores of events she has spearheaded..."

She obviously needs it. The Texans should send this crazy person back to the crazy person land in New York.

However, having said that kudos to the New York Times.

"The New York Times said Geller "has a long history of declarations and actions motivated purely by hatred for Muslims" and called the Garland event "an exercise in bigotry and hatred posing as a blow for freedom. ... To pretend it was motivated by anything other than hate is simply hogwash."" W

Why Americans put up with this it beyond me if for no other reason it is bad taste, bad manners and discourteous and seriously bigoted. What a Zionut. A shame whoever shot was not a better shot, maybe next time they will hit her and put her out of our misery. Who needs this.

I do hope your post remains in the topic thread, especially the last sentence, for the benefit of all the people who keep saying this topic hasn't brought out people who sympathize with and endorse the murderous intentions of muslim terrorists and wanted the two Garland muslims to be successful.

This particular post has been reported as being in violation of several Forum Rules.

However as zydeco's reply has proven to be so popular, I'll leave it to you guys to self-moderate this time.

Note to Expat1... watch yourself.

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A shame whoever shot was not a better shot, maybe next time they will hit her and put her out of our misery. Who needs this.

I do hope your post remains in the topic thread, especially the last sentence, for the benefit of all the people who keep saying this topic hasn't brought out people who sympathize with and endorse the murderous intentions of muslim terrorists and wanted the two Garland muslims to be successful.

You know what? He's entitled to his opinion as much as I abhor it. He's not actually threatening anyone and I doubt he has the guts to do what he's advocating. He does expose the clear fact that there are people like him out there though to keep the rest of us on our toes.

The Muslim problem is growing worldwide and to say the least we live in interesting times.

He is, and he has. And at least he is on topic.

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She is a provocateur, and shamelessly basking in the limelight. If someone held an anti-KKK cartoon rally in Louisiana, the inbred rednecks would come out of the woodwork, just like the militant Jewish Defense League would come in numbers if she ran an anti-Israeli cartoon exhibit.

She is posing, nothing more. Next will come a new book, and interviews with other psuedo-intellectuals. I consider this whole thing an act of reckless endangerment. She is going to wear a vest? She was never in danger, and she did not even thank the man who was shot so she could do an inflated three dimensional selfie. Sorry, oh holier-than-thou Muslim haters. This one amounts to shouting fire in a movie theater, from someone who was "raised as a Jew".

She is promoting herself, and promoting violence at the same time, and will probably either take a stint at Fox News, run for office, or find some other way to be fake-famous.

Fine -- she got her fifteen minutes of fame. She needs to go back to the idiot shack.

Its useful that you not only indict her for being a "provocateur, and shamelessly basking in the limelight" but you submit comparisons so we see clearly your reasoning is faulty, at best.

The KKK were (are) a hate group. Black people were targets because they were black. They were black targets in their homes, in their beds, at the kitchen table, or lying peacefully in bed- but always and only because they are black they are hated. Geller and others are indicted, by those such as the above post, for opposing being hated, opposing being killed in bed, being slaughtered at the kitchen table or work, being christian, being white, being American, being not muslim; murdered in planes, burnt alive in churches, sold into slavery. She opposes those who have scriptural authority from their god to hate her, hurt her, enslave, or kill her. Now, if ever there was a definition of hate, this is it. Of course she notes this, and she objects to being hated and having hate hate so many people throughout the world. It is hate, hate, hate but it is not Ms Geller, it is demonstrably that which she rejects. The differences could hardly be more glaring. It simply reduces your post to a tragic comedy or errors. Any informed reader would realize you actually make an argument for Pamela Geller- kudos for that unintended consequence.

People like Geller did not draw the cartoon line in the sand; jihadist muslims did. If this line in the sand turns out to be the position of all muslims that crossing such a subjective imaginary theosophical line- and this then requires killing those who cross it- then it would be correct that all muslims reject modernity and the fraternity of the post enlightenment world, and should be addressed accordingly. But this woman never says such things because they are simply meaningless. Judge people on what they say and do- we can make peace with the horrible written injunctions in their religious book as we have accomodated the jews and christians. After all, it was easy- they stopped doing the nasty things god required! It is either or- jihadists who are the problem, or all muslims, but it is pure delusion or dishonesty to pretend there is no crisis. I would like to think jiahdis alone are the problem (it comforts me). At no point as this woman or her supporters ever uttered a false word about islam; show me where? It must be available if true; where is it?

In no manner has the cartoon debacle been chosen by any other than muslims themselves as some line in the sand.

Really? Someone draws a line in the sand and you cower?


Why is that rational?

Why does that continue to enable a legitimate existence?

Why, having others choose the limits of our speech does life retain its validity?

It is speech that is repugnant and vile and uncomfortable and borderline madness that is protected, not the subjective, agreeable pogrom of do's and dont't promulgated from a religious network, the likes of which we fundamentally repudiated when we created the First Amendment!

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"Next time, she'll be wearing a bulletproof vest."

There is no such thing as a bulletproof vest. There are bullet resistant vests. A level IV vest might stop an AK 47 round or it might not. Probably not. Also if it hits other than in the vest area...

She needs a better plan. They need guards in the building and outside and not just people outside.

I have a bulletfree vest...

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It's the press who should be in the limelight not Ms Geller, for their cowardice and abdication of duty in defending freedom to comment. But to take the spotlight off themselves and political Islam which they cover for they need to build up a pantomime villain as a distraction.


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She is a whacko, she motivates other whackos and she is considered persona non grata in Britain.

Two prominent US bloggers have been banned from entering the UK, the Home Office has said.

Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer co-founded anti-Muslim group Stop Islamization of America.

They were due to speak at an English Defence League march in Woolwich, where Drummer Lee Rigby was killed.

A government spokesman said individuals whose presence "is not conducive to the public good" could be excluded by the home secretary.

He added: "We condemn all those whose behaviours and views run counter to our shared values and will not stand for extremism in any form."


Anders Breivik, the Norwegian who killed dozens of fellow Norwegians and published a long, rambling screed justifying his murderousness, cited Geller repeatedly to justify his terrorist actions
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It's the press who should be in the limelight not Ms Geller, for their cowardice and abdication of duty in defending freedom to comment. But to take the spotlight off themselves and political Islam which they cover for they need to build up a pantomime villain as a distraction.


She's not a "defender of free speech", she's a hate mongering witch with an agenda to stir hatred against 1.6 Billion people.

And that's why so many people are against what she does.

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its about time the islamic people got over themselves , we dont see the catholic church come out guns blazing everytime theres a cartoon of the pope

Actually the mosques in the Texas town did not bother to react to Geller at all.

When it comes to guns & bombs blazing, there was definitely a Catholic versus Protestant aspect to the "Troubles," that ended the lives of at least 3500 people.

The 'Troubles' begin

In 1969 Catholic civil rights marches and counter-protests by Protestant loyalists (as in "loyal" to the British Crown) spiralled into violent unrest.

British troops were sent in but soon came into conflict with the Provisional IRA (Irish Republican Army).

Loyalist paramilitary groups responded with a campaign of sectarian violence against the Catholic community.

As the situation worsened, Northern Ireland's parliament was suspended and direct rule imposed from London.

Violence on all sides

Throughout the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s paramilitary groups waged violent campaigns to pursue their goals.

The IRA carried out deadly bomb and gun attacks in Britain and Northern Ireland that targeted police, soldiers, politicians and civilians.

Loyalist paramilitaries targeted Catholics in "tit-for-tat" killings.

Police and British forces tried to keep order, sometimes amid controversy, such as the alleged co-operation of some undercover units with loyalist groups.

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It's the press who should be in the limelight not Ms Geller, for their cowardice and abdication of duty in defending freedom to comment. But to take the spotlight off themselves and political Islam which they cover for they need to build up a pantomime villain as a distraction.


I was watching some mouthpiece on News and he got me to thinking about something: it was the son of an American Billy Grahm. I am not a christian but he is and he noted that while this issue should never be decayed to an argument of free speech he asked why do it? Why do something that only irritates another; we dont like when they depict christ like this, Yahweh, Buddha, etc. Why do this just to provoke? Paraphrase.

So I got to thinking and when I reduce this to a free speech issue this may be true, but it is not complete. Something else is going on. Since I would have gone had I been there, or passively supported the event, I suppose I should be among that evaluated- why do it?

Yes, it is to provoke. Yes, it cloaks as an equally legitimate free speech assertion, but we want to let the muslim world know we can do this- we can speak out mind over [here]. I am not saying don't do it. I am only saying let's be honest regarding motivations. But how then, is such a cycle present and how could the link be broken to again find discourse or equality in our treatment with each other? There is no way, I realize. The issue for which we discuss will only ever fall into increasing despair and hostility, recrimination, and murder.

This cycle of violence and objection and persecution of other's religious inconagraphhy did not begin in Denmark, Paris, and certainly not Tx. This began a long time ago in the Arabian desert. If every single person alive today, capable of using crayon and pen, agreed to never illustrate their prophet or god again the problem would not cease; the problem would worsen. If mind games are good enough for Einstein we can surely play them here on TV. Go ahead, work it out, think it through. The problem is not those who espouse free speech, though their motives may be multiple. The solution is not self censure (that is equal to death) or supranational censure(the Organization of Islamic Countries is constantly at work on Anti Blasphemy laws).

This is an issue caused by Islam, sustained by islam, and anyone with a cursory knowledge of sharia realizes this is dhimmitude. Its been practiced and perfected in so many places over thousands of years what moron could possibly miss that fact that a dhimmi movement is underway. No, this problem would have been Texas, LA, FL, Cyprus, Iraq, Doha (or right, not Doha, they fund it), or any number of other places. This is all about slowly coopting sharia.

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It's the press who should be in the limelight not Ms Geller, for their cowardice and abdication of duty in defending freedom to comment. But to take the spotlight off themselves and political Islam which they cover for they need to build up a pantomime villain as a distraction.


She's not a "defender of free speech", she's a hate mongering witch with an agenda to stir hatred against 1.6 Billion people.

And that's why so many people are against what she does.

I know you have 1.6 billion on a never ending loop, it now smacks of self-parody I'm afraid. Pam Geller has set up support groups for apostates to Islam who fear for their lives as well as young women hiding from their families in fear of being killed for 'honor'. There, that has no doubt knocked a few million off your total.

Religion of birth does not mean ideology, you can attack the latter without automatically attacking all the former. I think the average eight year old could work that one out if shown it in the form of a diagram, but some people do persist in attempting to conflate the two for what I can only assume are ideological reasons.

P.s Regarding the mosque in Dallas, one of the attackers frequented it, which a mosque spokesman fibbed about when he denied it.

Edited by Steely Dan
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I know you have 1.6 billion on a never ending loop, it now smacks of self-parody I'm afraid. Pam Geller has set up support groups for apostates to Islam who fear for their lives as well as young women hiding from their families in fear of being killed for 'honor'. There, that has no doubt knocked a few million off your total.

Religion of birth does not mean ideology, you can attack the latter without automatically attacking all the former. I think the average eight year old could work that one out if shown it in the form of a diagram, but some people do persist in attempting to conflate the two for what I can only assume are ideological reasons.

Well I'm glad the message is getting through.

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