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NLA impeaches Boonsong, Poom, Manas


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NLA impeaches Boonsong, Poom, Manas
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The National Legislative Assembly Friday voted to impeach former commerce minister Boonsong Teriyapirom, former deputy commerce minister Poom Sarapol and the ex-director of the Commerce Ministry's Foreign Trade Department, Manus Soiploy.

The three were accused by the National Anti-Corruption Commission of faking government-to-government rice deal with China to enable a network of companies to make a huge amount of money while doing severe damage to the country's economy and the state budget.

Boonsong was impeached with 180: 6 votes. Four NLA members abstained.

Poom was impeached with 182: 5 votes. Two NLA members abstained and a ballot became invalid.

Manas was impeached with 158: 25 votes. Six NLA members abstained and a ballot was invalid.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/NLA-impeaches-Boonsong-Poom-Manas-30259600.html

-- The Nation 2015-05-08

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NLA impeaches Boonsong and two colleagues for corruption


BANGKOK: -- The National Legislative Assembly today voted to impeach former commerce minister Boonsong Teriyapirom and his deputy Poom Sarapol and former chief of the Foreign Trade Department for corruption involving what the national graft buster described as a fake G2G rice deal with China.

The three impeached were former ministers and senior official in the Yingluck government.

The NLA voted at about 1.00 pm 180 against 6 to impeach Boonsong, with four abstentions.

It voted 182-5 to impeach Poom, with two abstentions, and one voided ballot.

For Manus Soiploy, the NLA voted to impeach him with a 158-25 votes, and six abstentions, and one voided ballot.

After the impeachment, the two former ministers will be banned from politics for five years and will face trial by the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Political Office Holders.

Both Boonsong and Poom yesterday attended the NLA meeting to deliver their closing speeches after the National Anti-Corruption Commission representative Vicha Mahakun gave his final statement to the NLA.

But Manus did not show up. He produced his closing statement in writing instead.

As The Nation reported, Vicha alleged that the Chinese state enterprises in question – Guangdong Stationery & Sporting Goods Import & Export Corp and the Hainan Grain and Oil Industrial Trading – had not received official authorisation from the Chinese central government to engage in a G2G deal with the Thai government.

He alleged that the G2G deal was merely a deception created by the three accused.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/nla-impeaches-boonsong-and-two-colleagues-for-corruption

-- Thai PBS 2015-05-08

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looks like the writing is on the wall for yl now, her right hand men have been collared and her turn is next, finally looks like the guilty are getting their come uppance, interesting times ahead I think.

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The numbers who voted for their impeachment are very convincing but then the evidence against them was compelling and their defense which amounted to "We did our best" was hardly good enough.

Lets hope that they now go after the companies involved in this scam and bring them to justice along with the ex ministers and confiscate their assets to at least get something back for the country.

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I will believe when i see them in jail. Till then it is just normal Thai talk. Out on bail, flee the country, many options. Remember the Chonburi godfather. On the run 10 years. And all the time living at home. Well protected by criminal police force. Nothing has changed in 50 years.

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I will believe when i see them in jail. Till then it is just normal Thai talk. Out on bail, flee the country, many options. Remember the Chonburi godfather. On the run 10 years. And all the time living at home. Well protected by criminal police force. Nothing has changed in 50 years.

the police just prevented him to come in in his domicil !

They didn't know that he entered already before :-))

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Whack-a-mole and there go 3 more of the opposition.

There go 3 crooks who thieved and thought they were untouchables, above and beyond the law.

Where are the friends OF, ?? suppose the 95% votes for this was politically motivated ha ha ha. Get the lot and I do not give a fig if it has to be the army----just cleanse this rotten system.

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As The Nation reported, Vicha alleged that the Chinese state enterprises in question – Guangdong Stationery & Sporting Goods Import & Export Corp and the Hainan Grain and Oil Industrial Trading – had not received official authorisation from the Chinese central government to engage in a G2G deal with the Thai government.

Interesting grounds to impeach...

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As The Nation reported, Vicha alleged that the Chinese state enterprises in question – Guangdong Stationery & Sporting Goods Import & Export Corp and the Hainan Grain and Oil Industrial Trading – had not received official authorisation from the Chinese central government to engage in a G2G deal with the Thai government.

Interesting grounds to impeach...

You don't know the first thing about it do you, do you really think that was all that was in the hundreds of thousand pages of evidence the NACC had accumulated over the two and a half years of their enquiry ?

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Former Yingluck Govt Officials Impeached Over Rice Corruption

By Khaosod Eng.


BANGKOK — Three former government officials have been retroactively impeached by the Thai junta's rubber-stamp parliament for their involvement in a fraudulent rice sale.

The three officials, who worked for the elected government toppled in the coup, include former Minister of Commerce Boonsong Teriyapirom, former deputy Minister of Commerce Poom Sarapol, and former director of the Department of Foreign Trade Manus Soiploy.

Former Minister of Commerce Boonsong Teriyapirom defends himself before the NLA on 23 April 2015.

According to the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), the trio oversaw rice sales that were falsely billed as a Government-to-Government (G2G) trade with China.

Read More: http://www.khaosoden...wsid=1431067896

-- Khaosod English 2015-05-08

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As The Nation reported, Vicha alleged that the Chinese state enterprises in question – Guangdong Stationery & Sporting Goods Import & Export Corp and the Hainan Grain and Oil Industrial Trading – had not received official authorisation from the Chinese central government to engage in a G2G deal with the Thai government.

Interesting grounds to impeach...

You don't know the first thing about it do you, do you really think that was all that was in the hundreds of thousand pages of evidence the NACC had accumulated over the two and a half years of their enquiry ?

Anyone knows a source in English giving more details on the NACC report than the few short articles such as the OP? It's difficult to go further than believe/not believe the NACC with so few information diffused.

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As The Nation reported, Vicha alleged that the Chinese state enterprises in question – Guangdong Stationery & Sporting Goods Import & Export Corp and the Hainan Grain and Oil Industrial Trading – had not received official authorisation from the Chinese central government to engage in a G2G deal with the Thai government.

Interesting grounds to impeach...

You don't know the first thing about it do you, do you really think that was all that was in the hundreds of thousand pages of evidence the NACC had accumulated over the two and a half years of their enquiry ?

well, now, mister brains, that is about all that the op has to say, isn't it.

to be honest, with so much vengeance justice being dished out by the NACC, it is hard to keep up with details on all the cases... whistling.gif

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Boonsong and two colleagues impeached over 'fake' G2G deal

BANGKOK: -- NLA bans former commerce minister, his former deputy and ex-Foreign Trade chief from public office for five years

Members of the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) voted unanimously yesterday to impeach former commerce minister Boonsong Teriyapirom, his then-deputy Poom Sarapol and former director of the ministry's Foreign Trade Department Manus Soiploy for their role in fabricating government-to-government (G2G) rice deals.

The three are now effectively banned from holding any positions in public office for the next five years.

With 190 NLA members present, 180 voted to impeach Boonsong and 182 to impeach Poom. These numbers were similar to the 190 votes cast to impeach former premier Yingluck Shinawatra.

Meanwhile, 158 members voted to impeach Manus.

The meeting, chaired by NLA president Pornpetch Wichitcholchai, kicked off at around 10am.

The prosecution was led by National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) member Vicha Mahakhun, who also led the impeachment proceedings against Yingluck.

In his opening remarks, Vicha said the claims of rice stockpiles being sold via G2G deals by the Yingluck-led administration were "total lies".

The scheme, he said, played a key role in "one of the most scandalous corruption cases in Thai history".

One of the key points of debate seems to be whether the two Chinese state enterprises, Kwang-Tung Stationary and Hai-Narn Grain and Oil Industrial Trading, were official representatives of the Chinese governments in the G2G deal.

Vicha alleged that the two firms were never officially authorised by the Beijing government to cut a deal with the Thai government. Instead, he said, it was a fake scheme created for Pheu Thai Party's business allies to buy back rice from these two firms and make large profits.

However, Boonsong and Poom defended themselves by saying the fact that these two firms are state enterprises was enough for them to get involved in a "G2G deal". They accused the NACC of practising "double standards" by rushing to an ill-judged conclusion derived from prejudice, bias and resentment against them and their political allies.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Boonsong-and-two-colleagues-impeached-over-fake-G2-30259704.html

-- The Nation 2015-05-09

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As The Nation reported, Vicha alleged that the Chinese state enterprises in question – Guangdong Stationery & Sporting Goods Import & Export Corp and the Hainan Grain and Oil Industrial Trading – had not received official authorisation from the Chinese central government to engage in a G2G deal with the Thai government.

Interesting grounds to impeach...

You don't know the first thing about it do you, do you really think that was all that was in the hundreds of thousand pages of evidence the NACC had accumulated over the two and a half years of their enquiry ?

Anyone knows a source in English giving more details on the NACC report than the few short articles such as the OP? It's difficult to go further than believe/not believe the NACC with so few information diffused.

I already posted these on another topic, they will give you some background on the starting point of the NACC investigation.

For those who want some background on this read the original report on the evidence presented by the Democrats in the 2012 no confidence debate.


You will see that it is no small matter as the rice was said to be sold to these companies at 300b per sack while the market price at the time was between 1500 and 1550b per sack which would have made someone a profit on the deal of 20 billion.

You will note as you read that link that the name Siam Indiga comes up, for farther info on this company have a look at :


Pay particular attention to post number 4.

Another interesting connection :


Posted 2014-06-24 17:21:57

Thaksin aide jailed for rice fraud

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As The Nation reported, Vicha alleged that the Chinese state enterprises in question – Guangdong Stationery & Sporting Goods Import & Export Corp and the Hainan Grain and Oil Industrial Trading – had not received official authorisation from the Chinese central government to engage in a G2G deal with the Thai government.

Interesting grounds to impeach...

You don't know the first thing about it do you, do you really think that was all that was in the hundreds of thousand pages of evidence the NACC had accumulated over the two and a half years of their enquiry ?

well, now, mister brains, that is about all that the op has to say, isn't it.

to be honest, with so much vengeance justice being dished out by the NACC, it is hard to keep up with details on all the cases... whistling.gif

And even harder to defend them? Even ignorance as bliss doesn't work.

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At the time the G2G deals were announced, no details of the deals were announced. It was stated the details must be kept secret because the deals were confidential.

We are now seeing why the "devil in the details" was not made public.

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As The Nation reported, Vicha alleged that the Chinese state enterprises in question – Guangdong Stationery & Sporting Goods Import & Export Corp and the Hainan Grain and Oil Industrial Trading – had not received official authorisation from the Chinese central government to engage in a G2G deal with the Thai government.

Interesting grounds to impeach...

You don't know the first thing about it do you, do you really think that was all that was in the hundreds of thousand pages of evidence the NACC had accumulated over the two and a half years of their enquiry ?

Anyone knows a source in English giving more details on the NACC report than the few short articles such as the OP? It's difficult to go further than believe/not believe the NACC with so few information diffused.

I already posted these on another topic, they will give you some background on the starting point of the NACC investigation.

For those who want some background on this read the original report on the evidence presented by the Democrats in the 2012 no confidence debate.


You will see that it is no small matter as the rice was said to be sold to these companies at 300b per sack while the market price at the time was between 1500 and 1550b per sack which would have made someone a profit on the deal of 20 billion.

You will note as you read that link that the name Siam Indiga comes up, for farther info on this company have a look at :


Pay particular attention to post number 4.

Another interesting connection :


Posted 2014-06-24 17:21:57

Thaksin aide jailed for rice fraud

You have a very very unhealthy obsession with the Shin family.

Do you know that the country of Thailand actually existed before he entered politics?

Also did you know that there was rampant corruption before he entered politics.

Finally the cherry on top, did you know there were 17 coups before Thaksin entered politics?

Have you ever thought that there is another common denominator/s in the glorious history of Thai politics?

How do you measure corruption? Is it on the amount pilfered or the way it is pilfered or who it is pilfered from?

In my eyes a corrupt person is a corrupt person, 100 baht or a googol baht.

Take a deep breath and go and find a more healthy hobby!

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As The Nation reported, Vicha alleged that the Chinese state enterprises in question Guangdong Stationery & Sporting Goods Import & Export Corp and the Hainan Grain and Oil Industrial Trading had not received official authorisation from the Chinese central government to engage in a G2G deal with the Thai government.

Interesting grounds to impeach...

You don't know the first thing about it do you, do you really think that was all that was in the hundreds of thousand pages of evidence the NACC had accumulated over the two and a half years of their enquiry ?

So... What is in those 1000's of pages. You seem to be incredibly well informed and know what the real reasons are.

Instead of making some lame "I know more than you" statement why don't you share your knowledge and understanding with the rest of us.

Or just keep quiet and keep your lame ass comments to yourself. It only makes you look ignorant.

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As The Nation reported, Vicha alleged that the Chinese state enterprises in question Guangdong Stationery & Sporting Goods Import & Export Corp and the Hainan Grain and Oil Industrial Trading had not received official authorisation from the Chinese central government to engage in a G2G deal with the Thai government.

Interesting grounds to impeach...

You don't know the first thing about it do you, do you really think that was all that was in the hundreds of thousand pages of evidence the NACC had accumulated over the two and a half years of their enquiry ?

So... What is in those 1000's of pages. You seem to be incredibly well informed and know what the real reasons are.

Instead of making some lame "I know more than you" statement why don't you share your knowledge and understanding with the rest of us.

Or just keep quiet and keep your lame ass comments to yourself. It only makes you look ignorant.

Read post 20 above then have a go at finding out more yourself if you are really interested.

If you are just interested in having a go at me then don't bother, just stay ignorant.

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You don't know the first thing about it do you, do you really think that was all that was in the hundreds of thousand pages of evidence the NACC had accumulated over the two and a half years of their enquiry ?

Anyone knows a source in English giving more details on the NACC report than the few short articles such as the OP? It's difficult to go further than believe/not believe the NACC with so few information diffused.

I already posted these on another topic, they will give you some background on the starting point of the NACC investigation.

For those who want some background on this read the original report on the evidence presented by the Democrats in the 2012 no confidence debate.


You will see that it is no small matter as the rice was said to be sold to these companies at 300b per sack while the market price at the time was between 1500 and 1550b per sack which would have made someone a profit on the deal of 20 billion.

You will note as you read that link that the name Siam Indiga comes up, for farther info on this company have a look at :


Pay particular attention to post number 4.

Another interesting connection :


Posted 2014-06-24 17:21:57

Thaksin aide jailed for rice fraud

You have a very very unhealthy obsession with the Shin family.

Do you know that the country of Thailand actually existed before he entered politics?

Also did you know that there was rampant corruption before he entered politics.

Finally the cherry on top, did you know there were 17 coups before Thaksin entered politics?

Have you ever thought that there is another common denominator/s in the glorious history of Thai politics?

How do you measure corruption? Is it on the amount pilfered or the way it is pilfered or who it is pilfered from?

In my eyes a corrupt person is a corrupt person, 100 baht or a googol baht.

Take a deep breath and go and find a more healthy hobby!

Possibly in your haste to pick on me you hadn't noticed that the topic is about the impeachment of previous PT ministers and a poster asked for information pertaining to that topic.

That is what I provided.

It would appear that it is you who have a obsession with that family, only as a defender of course.

If on your short time on this site you had ever looked around at other pages you would realize I have wide and varied interests and a great life.

Incidentally, did you read the links I provided or do you just prefer to stay ignorant to the extent of the corruption within these fake G 2 G deals ?

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As The Nation reported, Vicha alleged that the Chinese state enterprises in question Guangdong Stationery & Sporting Goods Import & Export Corp and the Hainan Grain and Oil Industrial Trading had not received official authorisation from the Chinese central government to engage in a G2G deal with the Thai government.

Interesting grounds to impeach...

You don't know the first thing about it do you, do you really think that was all that was in the hundreds of thousand pages of evidence the NACC had accumulated over the two and a half years of their enquiry ?

So... What is in those 1000's of pages. You seem to be incredibly well informed and know what the real reasons are.

Instead of making some lame "I know more than you" statement why don't you share your knowledge and understanding with the rest of us.

Or just keep quiet and keep your lame ass comments to yourself. It only makes you look ignorant.

Look in the mirror to see who is ignorant - why don't you read posts before making stupid statements

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I already posted these on another topic, they will give you some background on the starting point of the NACC investigation.

For those who want some background on this read the original report on the evidence presented by the Democrats in the 2012 no confidence debate.


You will see that it is no small matter as the rice was said to be sold to these companies at 300b per sack while the market price at the time was between 1500 and 1550b per sack which would have made someone a profit on the deal of 20 billion.

You will note as you read that link that the name Siam Indiga comes up, for farther info on this company have a look at :


Pay particular attention to post number 4.

Another interesting connection :


Posted 2014-06-24 17:21:57

Thaksin aide jailed for rice fraud

You have a very very unhealthy obsession with the Shin family.

Do you know that the country of Thailand actually existed before he entered politics?

Also did you know that there was rampant corruption before he entered politics.

Finally the cherry on top, did you know there were 17 coups before Thaksin entered politics?

Have you ever thought that there is another common denominator/s in the glorious history of Thai politics?

How do you measure corruption? Is it on the amount pilfered or the way it is pilfered or who it is pilfered from?

In my eyes a corrupt person is a corrupt person, 100 baht or a googol baht.

Take a deep breath and go and find a more healthy hobby!

Possibly in your haste to pick on me you hadn't noticed that the topic is about the impeachment of previous PT ministers and a poster asked for information pertaining to that topic.

That is what I provided.

It would appear that it is you who have a obsession with that family, only as a defender of course.

If on your short time on this site you had ever looked around at other pages you would realize I have wide and varied interests and a great life.

Incidentally, did you read the links I provided or do you just prefer to stay ignorant to the extent of the corruption within these fake G 2 G deals ?

I don't think his haste was to pick on you Robby, more to jump to the defense of his beloved Shins.

He isn't interested in facts, and doesn't want to focus on the here and now or thread topic. Just divert away, blame others from history, "they did it, but, but, but" etc. The usual approach.

These deals stink to high hell and all this was going on under Yingluck's nose. Was she involved, turned a blind eye, or simply negligent to ignore it? Or was she instructed to, in which case she broke her oath's of office. But that's for the courts to decide.

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As The Nation reported, Vicha alleged that the Chinese state enterprises in question – Guangdong Stationery & Sporting Goods Import & Export Corp and the Hainan Grain and Oil Industrial Trading – had not received official authorisation from the Chinese central government to engage in a G2G deal with the Thai government.

Interesting grounds to impeach...

You don't know the first thing about it do you, do you really think that was all that was in the hundreds of thousand pages of evidence the NACC had accumulated over the two and a half years of their enquiry ?

Seems like an unnecessary use of the word "You". The rebuttal sounds more of an attack on the poster than on that is debunking the post.

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As The Nation reported, Vicha alleged that the Chinese state enterprises in question Guangdong Stationery & Sporting Goods Import & Export Corp and the Hainan Grain and Oil Industrial Trading had not received official authorisation from the Chinese central government to engage in a G2G deal with the Thai government.

Interesting grounds to impeach...

You don't know the first thing about it do you, do you really think that was all that was in the hundreds of thousand pages of evidence the NACC had accumulated over the two and a half years of their enquiry ?

So... What is in those 1000's of pages. You seem to be incredibly well informed and know what the real reasons are.

Instead of making some lame "I know more than you" statement why don't you share your knowledge and understanding with the rest of us.

Or just keep quiet and keep your lame ass comments to yourself. It only makes you look ignorant.

Flaming a well informed poster like Robby is not going to make this problem go away for the accused, it is just going to make you look ignorant. coffee1.gif

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