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It's like so many things in Thailand. No-one really knows the rules so they make something up. The poster who negotiated the fee down from 500 to 200 is a fine example. You have to argue for everything. I went into a Bangkok Bank branch near Pantip to get a new passbook as the one I had was full. They told me I had to go to my own branch in Silom which was too late to get to that day and meant a long trip back from the suburbs the next day. I asked why why why and of course they had no logical answer, and eventually a manager gave me a new book. Probably to get rid of me.

Actually they are right. You have to go to your branch where you opened an account to get your new passbook. And other branches shouldn't be giving you a new one. All my banks (SCB, kasikorn, bangkok, krugsri) tell their customers the same. Does it really matter why? They are only following the rules and banking regulations. I think you were being such a pain for them so they just gave you to get rid of you. Now that you have different branch on your new passbook, if you ever encounter any serious problem with your account such as fraudulent withdraw, you may have to run around and deal with extra complexities get things sorted out.

While I cannot speak for the other banks you mentioned (SCB, BB, Krungsri) - for Kasikorn this is simply not the case.

I hold Kasikorn accounts in 2 different provinces.

I have never had to return to the original branches to get a new passbook. Most recently was only last week, when both accounts passbooks were full.

Received new passbooks at yet another entirely different branch which I happened to pass by, in a small rural branch in a different province entirely to where my accounts are held. Presented passport and both of the full passbooks, new passbooks issued, and on my way in a matter of minutes.

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Long thread not read all the posts.

I got a card from Krungsri, 2 years ago, it was 500 baht and last for 5 years, and I can use any ATM , and no charge


I think it's also wise to note that banks here operate province by province, not nationally.

Replacements cards, passbooks, withdrawals, payments etc requested at banks outside of the province of your own branch, will quite often incur a charge of some kind. Always check the terms and conditions before you complain.

If you move to a different province, you should also change your account to a branch within that province to avoid extra charges.

I think that is what may have happened in the OP's case, he applied for a new card at a branch in a different province to where his account is held.

For Kasikorn:

Withdrawals and transfers across different provinces - yes, fees are often involved.

I get the first 5 transfers per month between my accounts in different provinces free of charge.

BUT - no additional fees to get a new passbook, regardless of which province I do this (see my earlier post)

And replacement cards depend on the card type, there are no province related fees for a new card.

I know that at various times, some card types are out of stock (which is why I am the holder of some delightfully childish cartoon branded cards) - but if one branch doesn't have what you want, try another. (This is true of opening accounts too, there are countless threads on the forum detailing problems with foreigners opening accounts at branch X, but succeeding at branch Y)

One thing I am drawing from this thread is that it is up to the customer to do some research on the banks website, or find a branch with a manager or staff who will take the time to walk them through the options. Take some time to find out what the bank offers, and don't make yourself an easy target.

Am I the only one (or one of few) who doesn't seem to get ripped off, or have the hard sell pushed on them in various branches?


I guarantee you the cashier knew the bank's polices, but the branch manager has probably modified those policies for profit/greed (i.e., push the pricier cards, insurance, etc.)....the cashier is only doing what she is instructed to do...which she must do to keep her job. The cashier probably just called someone else right in the branch asking (probably 3 desks over) asking for guidance on how to handle this farang that not rolling-over so easy. It's all scripted out.

We who grew up in the world of "everyone pays the same, clearly marked price" often get our clocks cleaned when we deal in the rest of the world where everything is negotiable.

Your post reminds me of the old story about the 2 car salesmen who flip a coin each morning to see who will be the "understanding salesman" and who will be the "mean old manager" that day.


I recently opened a new account with Krungthai (Chiang Mai, Changklan branch) and among the framed countertop product sheets was one showing their various debit/credit card options and what they included plus their price.

No attempt at up-selling me on an expensive package or hide the cheapest (200 baht/year) package.


Kasikorn are worse than you describe. If a Farang wishes to open an account with Kasikorn they tell the potential customer that 1) they have to make a deposit of THB 10,000 2) they have to pay THB 800 for an ATM card and 3) they have to take out an accident insurance policy which cots circa THB 3,000. Their web site says that you have to deposit only THB 500. I pointed this out to them and even the cashier didn't know the rules and phoned her head office and I spoke to them and pointed out what they were advertising and they relented and said they would accept THB 500 and I didn't have to pay THB 800 for a card ot take out accident insurance.

And you opened an account with them ?

I think many others here can affirm this is general rubbish, I'm not saying it didnt happen to you, but if you approach a different Kasikorn with a different attitude, a certificate of residence, Thai DL, O-visa, work permit or get some local business holder to call ahead to the manager - you won't face any troubles like this. I have opened a few accounts with a variety of banks with 1000B in my pocket.

Many posts refer to the cost of cards / charges / - Banks offer many packages - You need to speak to them ( flex your Thai ) to get the best package that suits you, but banks here will generally find a way to extract some cash from you somehow, swings and roundabouts, wether its a charge for out of province, replacement cards or some annual fee.

Many posts refer to PA insurance - Hell, I can't spend a day without my wife telling me 'so and so, has a job with AIA / AXA / whoever and they want me to take insurance for you / me / my mum' - ( wish they did my cats ). Both my neighbours are AIA "reps" - We can't open our gate without either side asking if we have had time to think about their latest offer, we have to sneak out like ninja's.

The wife and I talked about insurance last night after a visit to the bank, I'm so used to telling these people where to go - I don't have any PA insurance. The price Kasikorn asked for family cover, and the benefits are just the same as any other package.

Does anyone have any negative reports about Kasikorn PA other than the hard sell ? There was a time in the Bikes forum, everyone was extolling the virtues of holding a K-Bank ATM card and having PA insurance with them because of the understanding between the bank and the hospitals should you have an 'off.


I think you were scammed, to put it bluntly. Twice as it works out for you.

You don't have to buy an insurance package to get a debit card.

No offence meant...

So even the banks scam falang and why not, everyone does but we can just leave if we dont like it right ... ?


I think you were scammed, to put it bluntly. Twice as it works out for you.

You don't have to buy an insurance package to get a debit card.

No offence meant...

So even the banks scam falang and why not, everyone does but we can just leave if we dont like it right ... ?

You replied to a 6 day old post, to write this? Were you drunk?

Please show me where in this post, or subsequent posts, or any previous posts for that matter - where I said people should leave if they don't like it.

  • 2 weeks later...


Was in my local Kasikorn (in Phuket) today to sort out something.

While there I decided to ask about getting rid of my Hello Kitty K-Max Debit card.

At the time I got this card in Bangkok about 3 years ago, they didn't have any plain ones so I got lumped with a special edition Kitty card.

550 baht a year fee.

This topic reminded me about that, so I asked the Kasikorn lady today if they had any plain K-Max Debit cards (even though my Hello Kitty card doesn't expire until 2017)

She did indicate the insurance packages briefly (they are on display on all the desks) but I said no, and she didn't try to push it.

150 baht later, new plain card, annual fee of only 200 baht, no insurance package.

RIP Kitty-chan, and a big happy high five to Kasikorn staff today


A year ago when I opened my account they only had the sme cards in at 800thb, never had to buy insurance, last week I went in to my branch in phuket also and they changed me back down to the basic card which they now had so I did not have to pay the high yearly fee again.

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